
Ernestopresto's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.



Page 49 of In Hell's Bright Shadow lists a pile of a dozen soul tomes in the list of treasure. The soul tomes described in the scrivinite's entry say that after the book is read and the knowledge absorbed, the book crumbles to dust. It would seem, though, that this treasure is meant to be reused. It also states that the treasure is worth 1600 go but it confers two +4 bonuses ( history or local) which would seem to make it worth 3200 based on the bonus squared times 100 formula. I'd like to offer a solution to those discrepancies and ask for feedback regarding that solution.

The Scrivinite's Sash is a silken sash of cloth worn on the head that gives the wearer a +4 competence bonus to knowledge History checks. Price:1600gp Aura:Faint Transmutation.

I had considered giving both history and local, but that would double the value of the treasure and throw the balance of the treasure pool.