
Eljah Roondar's page

16 posts. Alias of Nerak the Numb.


Male Gnome Sorcerer 2

So has this one gone the way of the ghost?

Male Gnome Sorcerer 2

Eljah follows as well.

Male Gnome Sorcerer 2

Eljah shrugs and gladly helps Shaan with the bodies. He then waits intently for the others to form a plan.

Male Gnome Sorcerer 2

Eljah waits to see if Nevil or any of the others have something for Gesario's condition then peeks back into the kitchen again and looks for something to eat halfheartedly. Realizing there's probably no justification for eating at the moment, he looks at the rest of the haphazard band in the room. "So does this mean we're adventurers now? I mean, if it does, well that's just...just...WOW! I never thought I'd get a chance to make a job change. Working in the potion shop was really unfulfilling , you know. Did you realize that old codger wanted me to sweep up every night before I left? Oh, by the way, what did you think of that spell I cast? Was the red too dark? Because I can lighten it a bit. Anyway, like I have time to mess with sweeping up good clean, dirt after toiling all day..." Eljah once again realizes he is rambling and stops himself. "So fellow adventurers," he says with a toothy grin, "Where do we head now?"

Male Gnome Sorcerer 2

Eljah opens the kitchen door, looking to see if anyone is waiting to spring out. He then moves over towards the captured man on the floor, looking him over curiously. After a moment, he begins a soft arcane incantation and points his pinky finger at the man's crotch. With a grin, he walks over towards Gesario, snickering to himself at the soiled area on the intruder's trousers. "How is he?" he says with concern in his voice.

Spell Cast:
Casting Prestidigitation to soil the captured man's trousers.

Male Gnome Sorcerer 2

Ok, if we an post out of order then Eljah's actions will be as follows:

Eljah lets out a gasp of surprise as the spiked chain wielding humans burst through the door. His small hands move quickly and smoothly in set patterns as he finishes his arcane incantation with a flourish. "Acve bonu-WA!" he says as he opens his palm towards the two men. A flourish of colorful and blinding lights leap out towards "3" and "4". Eljah then moves towards the kitchen door, waiting to see what happens next.

Casting Color Spray (DC 16) at the 2 that just burst in through the front, then moving towards the kitchen door.

Male Gnome Sorcerer 2

Whose turn is it?

Male Gnome Sorcerer 2
Initiative: 1d20+2=10+2= 12

Male Gnome Sorcerer 2

Eljah goes a bit wide eyed at how quickly most of the folks he's just met agree to march out against the threat. "Umm, yeah. What other information can you give us, Gesario? It's not that I'm not interested, because, believe me, I am. It's just that, well. (clears throat) "Hrmm. Do you know how we can find said followers of Zon-Bon-Bon and their nasty drugs? I mean, marching into a hideout seems like alot of fun, but can't we start a little smaller?" says Eljah with sincerity.

Male Gnome Sorcerer 2

Eljah thinks hard on whether or not he's heard of "Shadowveil", closing one eye and scrunching his face up.

Knowledge (Local): 1d20+1=6+1=7

"Nope, never heard of it. Sounds interesting, though. Any idea how it's made? Me myself, I've never made anything like that. I bet it's got something really weird in it though...maybe bat wings or annis fingernails or zombie dust...or...or...pix...". Eljah trails off, realizing he may be rambling a bit. "Anyway," he says, face turning a rosy pink, "Tell us more, please."

Male Gnome Sorcerer 2

Eljah yawns and stretches as he readily eyes the setting sun. Thumbing the letter from Gesario in his tiny hands, he twists his hips until he feels a small "pop" in his lower back. "Ahh, much better." he says to the evening air. He then removes his shirt, grouses his messy black hair and rereads the letter for at least the tenth time today. Leaning over to grab his backpack, he stands up from the small alcove he calls a "room" and tucks his dagger and javelin into his belt. Pretending not to be excited, he sets out for the old Pathfinder's place.

As he walks along the busy evening streets, he whistles an old Gnomish hymn and nods to a few grumpy folk as they pass by, clearly amused by both his appearance and his off key tune. Arriving at Gesario's, he walks in happily and announces to everyone: "'ello everyone! My name is Eljah Roondar and I am very pleased to make your acquaintance!" Looking around the room, he realizes this must be something serious indeed as everyone appears to be well armed. Acting as though he and Gesario are long lost friends, he walks over to Gesario and in a serious tone says "So, Gesario. What's this all about?"

The thought of missing work tomorrow is fresh on his mind as he waits in anticipation for the response, his palms sweaty with excitement.

Male Gnome Sorcerer 2

Central Standard Time here.

Male Gnome Sorcerer 2


Male Gnome Sorcerer 2

Quick backstory complete; I think I'm ready.

Male Gnome Sorcerer 2

Eljah is done with the exception of backstory; where can I find info on Magnimar and the region?

Male Gnome Sorcerer 2

Just tagging here; hope to have everything done by Friday afternoon.