
DankeSean's page

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32, 2011 Top 4. Goblin Squad Member. RPG Superstar 6 Season Marathon Voter, 7 Season Marathon Voter, 8 Season Marathon Voter, 9 Season Marathon Voter. Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber. Organized Play Member. 1,604 posts (4,851 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters. 21 aliases.

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*=temporarily buffed Human Bard 15/Ranger 1 — 104/119 hp — AC 38*/26*/26* (6 mirror images)—CMB +15, CMD 32*— Fort +14, Ref +*20, Will +12 — Spells 1/3 5th, 1/4 4th, 0/5 3rd, 4/6 2nd, 3/6 1st — Panache 3/3— Performance 12/40— Perception +19 — Init +4— Action Points 12/13—
Daily magic item use:
Bracers of falcon's aim 3/3, Lesser rod of quicken spell 3/3, rod of extend spell 2/3, Forzamele 2/3
Dungeon Kobold wrote:
All misses. Tanith and Clunk are up.

Also Carina.

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Male Human (Taldan) Fighter (Two-weapon Warrior) 2/ Rogue (carnivalist) 2— 26/36 hp— AC 22/13/19— CMB +7, CMD 20— Fort +5, Ref +8 Will +1 — Perception +10 (+11 for traps); Fox Perception +11 — Init +3—

Jenkin makes a decision. "No. If there's souls trapped in there, I'm not leaving them behind for who-knows-what happens next. Maybe we can figure out how to set them free at some point." He... very gingerly... picks up the chain.

Assuming he doesn't get possessed by demons next...

He stows the monstrous thing in his backpack. "Anyone want to carry the hammer? Even if nobody needs it as a weapon, adamantine is supposed to be even better at smashing doors than my axe."

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*=temporarily buffed Human Bard 15/Ranger 1 — 104/119 hp — AC 38*/26*/26* (6 mirror images)—CMB +15, CMD 32*— Fort +14, Ref +*20, Will +12 — Spells 1/3 5th, 1/4 4th, 0/5 3rd, 4/6 2nd, 3/6 1st — Panache 3/3— Performance 12/40— Perception +19 — Init +4— Action Points 12/13—
Daily magic item use:
Bracers of falcon's aim 3/3, Lesser rod of quicken spell 3/3, rod of extend spell 2/3, Forzamele 2/3

I assume the green circle is the cloud of nastiness?

"Damn, I can't see... AH IT'S IN MY MOUTH" Eben yelps as the cloud of noxious fog cuts off sight. He automatically nocks an arrow, then makes another displeased sound as he discovers how... thick the fog is. "Screw it, we're all out of this crap. And it's worth the burned vocal chords." A chant comes from his position, ancient words of mystical import.

"If you walk away, walk away, I walk away, walk away... I will follow!"

Concentration, continuous damage: 1d20 + 21 ⇒ (12) + 21 = 33

The fog cloud flares with suffused mauve light from within for a moment, followed by a number of matching light flashes popping into existence around the clearing. The entirety of Spiny's Six (plus Clunk) step out of those light flashes, hardly the worse for the dragon's opening salvo.

Casting bard's escape, taking all of us out of the fog cloud and putting us down elsewhere. My range covers most of the battlefield (up to 250 feet). Also going to try and separate us across the battlefield to avoid the temptation of dragon breath on the whole group...

OK, don't have permissions to move Astraden, Tanith, or Farrukh's tokens. I'd like to put Tanith next to Carina on the map, Astraden somewhere in the middle of the triangle of Eben, Carina, and Clunk, and Farrukh right underneath the flying tree/dragon combo. Actually, I'll move Cuetz as well, maybe set him next to Farrukh- I have to put him on the ground again, but this way he has less distance to fly to hulk smash tree.

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*=temporarily buffed Human Bard 15/Ranger 1 — 104/119 hp — AC 38*/26*/26* (6 mirror images)—CMB +15, CMD 32*— Fort +14, Ref +*20, Will +12 — Spells 1/3 5th, 1/4 4th, 0/5 3rd, 4/6 2nd, 3/6 1st — Panache 3/3— Performance 12/40— Perception +19 — Init +4— Action Points 12/13—
Daily magic item use:
Bracers of falcon's aim 3/3, Lesser rod of quicken spell 3/3, rod of extend spell 2/3, Forzamele 2/3

will+good hope: 1d20 + 12 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 12 + 2 = 30

Eben grits his teeth against the emotional swell, and says as facetiously as possible, [b]"I dunno, pick up the beat a little and you could dance to it...[/dice] He does a half-hearted little shuffle of his feet to assert the case.

Using the oh-so-rarely touched Countersong.

Perform+good hope: 1d20 + 25 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 25 + 2 = 39

Anyone who rolls poorly, feel free to use that instead. I have 33 rounds of Performance remaining for the day, so we should be able to make those last thousand feet easy.

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Male Human (Taldan) Fighter (Two-weapon Warrior) 2/ Rogue (carnivalist) 2— 26/36 hp— AC 22/13/19— CMB +7, CMD 20— Fort +5, Ref +8 Will +1 — Perception +10 (+11 for traps); Fox Perception +11 — Init +3—

"I resent your exclusiveness, Svetlana..." Jenkin says dryly as he once again slips both axes out from their harness.

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Male Human (Taldan) Fighter (Two-weapon Warrior) 2/ Rogue (carnivalist) 2— 26/36 hp— AC 22/13/19— CMB +7, CMD 20— Fort +5, Ref +8 Will +1 — Perception +10 (+11 for traps); Fox Perception +11 — Init +3—

Jenkin growls back, his guttural disgust at what the group is facing here making up for the monster's supernatural hate, and does his best to bury both axes in its skull.

battleaxe: 1d20 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 4 + 2 = 18

damage: 1d8 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 4 + 1 = 7

hand axe: 1d20 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 5 + 2 = 8

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Human (Taldan) Fighter (Two-weapon Warrior) 2/ Rogue (carnivalist) 2— 26/36 hp— AC 22/13/19— CMB +7, CMD 20— Fort +5, Ref +8 Will +1 — Perception +10 (+11 for traps); Fox Perception +11 — Init +3—

Jenkin looks at his arm and frowns. "My arm hair is gone! It... shaved me!" He pulls at his facial hair. "Feels shorter too. But other than that, I'm okay. I kind of feel... exfoliated." He bends down and scoops up the glowing axe. "Hey, this one's even bigger than Door-Knocker! It's called Glintaxe, you say? Guess that's appropriate." He juggles the axes in his hands, holding the battleaxe in his main and the handaxe in his offhand. "Feels pretty balanced."

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Human (Taldan) Fighter (Two-weapon Warrior) 2/ Rogue (carnivalist) 2— 26/36 hp— AC 22/13/19— CMB +7, CMD 20— Fort +5, Ref +8 Will +1 — Perception +10 (+11 for traps); Fox Perception +11 — Init +3—

Jenkin up front, yeah.

Bringing Jeva along would be negligent babysitting 101.

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Male Human (Taldan) Fighter (Two-weapon Warrior) 2/ Rogue (carnivalist) 2— 26/36 hp— AC 22/13/19— CMB +7, CMD 20— Fort +5, Ref +8 Will +1 — Perception +10 (+11 for traps); Fox Perception +11 — Init +3—

Before leaving town, Jenkin scribbles a quick note down on a scrap of paper: going to check old orphanage. best to keep parents away, I think. He hands the note off to Rose, reasoning that the honest, stick-in-the-mud kind of kid is exactly the type he can trust with mail delivery. "In about an hour, track down the Sheriff and give this to him. Try to not let anyone he's with see you do it, especially if that assh... er, asshociate of his, Kreed, is with him."

Keepin' it clean for the kiddos.

At the orphanage, he tries to avoid staring at the rather grim remnants of the fire. They're unsettling now, though he imagines if he'd actually made it out here to take the dare when he was a kid he'd have thought they were cool. "Hey... there's something under the rubble, here. Looks like..." He shifts a little debris to reveal the faint outline of a hatch, hard to see because it's the same color as the soot-stained floor surrounding it. "Huh. Trap door? Maybe that was how they down to the cellar? Looks like it's locked shut... but melted. No keyhole to pick." He reaches down and tries to lift the trapdoor by hand.
Strength check: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23

If that doesn't work...

"Okay, well, locks don't fit, beefy thews don't break it... but I still have my Door-Knocker..." he says, pulling out the gleaming magic handaxe. "Any objection to hacking it in?"

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Male Human (Taldan) Fighter (Two-weapon Warrior) 2/ Rogue (carnivalist) 2— 26/36 hp— AC 22/13/19— CMB +7, CMD 20— Fort +5, Ref +8 Will +1 — Perception +10 (+11 for traps); Fox Perception +11 — Init +3—

knowledge:local: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10

"Aw, that's just nasty talk, penny. I never heard anything but that Elara was practically a living saint. But yeah, the orphanage is totally haunted anyway. I mean, I never got to go spend the night there, Ma and Da caught me when I tried to sneak off for it, but Chimey Norris told me they saw goblin ghosts carrying around the scalps of the kids that used to be there!" He frowns, as though he's just now starting to question this after all these years. "Of course, he was making fun of me and calling me a scaredy cat for not going with them. On account of Ma and Da catching me. He always was doing that, the little jerk, picking on me. 'Til I got bigger and knocked him over the head a few times. And then he just kind of avoided me. So... um... yeah, he may have been lying about the goblin ghosts." He pulls the scrap of paper out of the bundle Ralla handed him. "Anyway, if we go check that out, the Sheriff wanted us to just let him know we're headed out of town. I think he wanted to hear from us quietly, y'know, in case the parents make a big fuss."

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Male Human (Taldan) Fighter (Two-weapon Warrior) 2/ Rogue (carnivalist) 2— 26/36 hp— AC 22/13/19— CMB +7, CMD 20— Fort +5, Ref +8 Will +1 — Perception +10 (+11 for traps); Fox Perception +11 — Init +3—

Over the past few weeks, Jenkin had adjusted to a... somewhat hedonistic late night lifestyle, with long nights out drinking and long mornings sleeping in. He told himself it was just him adjusting to the same sleeping habits of his new friend/pet. The little fennec had taken some convincing to come indoors, and Jenkin had gone so far as to chop out a fox-door into the actual door of his home, just to let the little fellow have ready access to the outdoors as needed, but after a few times spending the night inside he'd discovered an enjoyment for human beds. Even comfier than sleeping curled up next to the big furry bear-man that it had adopted.

So, being awakened well before noon, as was his wont these days, and having a grumpy sleepy fox to stumble over on his way out of bed, didn't put him in the best of moods as he pulled on some clothing. "Alright, hold your riding dogs..." he grumbled as he fasted the drawstring on his breeches and stumbled towards the door. "Yeah?" he grunted by way of response to Roaming Ralla when the door opened. Frankly, he'd assumed she was the sort that liked sleeping in when possible too. Seemed a given for her career. Not that he judged, hey, he knew how hard it was to get by when your parents passed.

All his grumpiness evaporated when she revealed what brought her out this early. Hell, Hollin and his pals were some of Jenkin's favorite audience members from the past week. Kids couldn't tell if you... exaggerated by a bit. And if he and Door-Knocker had sliced up an entire pack of wolves to save Falcon's Hollow, well, who was going to contradict hi? (Penny, of course, and, well, some of the other ladies were on the prim n' proper side, which had led to Jenkin making a point of holding his boasting to when he was by himself...) "Missing? Where d'you think they'd have gone?" he asked, automatically, although almost immediately a worst-case scenario began bubbling through his head. Starstruck kids, a dashing hero coming back rich from his adventures in the woods, two plus two equals... aw crap, you did this, didn't you, Jenkin? "We can find them..." he said, trying his best to reassure Ralla. "Svetlana's tiger can... probably sniff 'em out, they can't have gone too far..." Not as far as the tatzlwurm that we let get away. I hope...

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Male Human (Taldan) Fighter (Two-weapon Warrior) 2/ Rogue (carnivalist) 2— 26/36 hp— AC 22/13/19— CMB +7, CMD 20— Fort +5, Ref +8 Will +1 — Perception +10 (+11 for traps); Fox Perception +11 — Init +3—

Jenkin, knowing his limitations, steers clear of the elixir-brewing, quietly thinking that f he were to lend a hand, that would wind up being the bad batch that poisons people. Still, he can write well enough, so he takes part in the scribing of notes to stick to people's doors, and helps to deliver them around town.

In the days to come, while life around town isn't as interesting, what with people recovering from a life-threatening illness, he takes some pride in whatever part he may have played (even if it was mostly hitting things) in bringing about that recovery.

And at week's end, when Laurel hands out rewards (meaning Penny won't have to buy him a drink a day for a year...) he smiles as he takes his share. "Platinum won't be a problem, it just means I can set up a big tab down at the Sitting Duck... a free ale a week is nice, but really just a start on an evening..."

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Male Human (Taldan) Fighter (Two-weapon Warrior) 2/ Rogue (carnivalist) 2— 26/36 hp— AC 22/13/19— CMB +7, CMD 20— Fort +5, Ref +8 Will +1 — Perception +10 (+11 for traps); Fox Perception +11 — Init +3—

Jenkin cringes a little watching Penelope's slow, sturggling swaim across the river. "Okay, maybe this isn't as easy as we thought. Hey, bright side, she didn't get bit by a snake." Summer afternoons swimming in the Foam closer to the Hallow come back to him as he watches the water. "I might have an easier time..." he admits to Odelai. "But give me a minute, I'm not trying with this armor on." He spends a few minutes shedding his armor, boots, and more, stripping down about as far as he can without feeling awkward in the company of a bunch of women. He also sorts through his pack, stuff about half his armor parts in there now and leaving half on the bank. "Alright," he says, tying the rope around his waist (also using it as a belt to cinch up his breeches, so as to avoid a malfunction of the last bit of wardrobe that's protecting his decency). "I'll haul Odelai across and half my stuff across, then... maybe I can come back if you guys need the same help." He looks down at the fennec, grabs his shirt out of his clothing pile and ties it into a loose swaddle, then used the sleeves to lash it around his neck. "Alright, let's see if sleeping on me means you're willing to get even more snuggly..." he says, then leans down and holds the makeshift satchel open. After a moment of sniffing curiously, the fox climbs in, almost as though it knows what's going on here. "Alright, next stop, the other side..." he says, wading into the current and dragging Odelai along for the ride.

Without armor, Jenkin's Swim moifier is +8 (+7 with his current STR score), so taking 10 on his checks allows him to progress at a normal pace without getting in trouble.

Swim: 10 + 7 = 17
Swim: 10 + 7 = 17
Swim: 10 + 7 = 17
Swim Fatigue check: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23

He's definitely huffing a bit when he gets to the other side, but he nods as he unties the gnome and the fox from his torso. "Alright... give me a minute... and I'll head back..."

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Male Human (Taldan) Fighter (Two-weapon Warrior) 2/ Rogue (carnivalist) 2— 26/36 hp— AC 22/13/19— CMB +7, CMD 20— Fort +5, Ref +8 Will +1 — Perception +10 (+11 for traps); Fox Perception +11 — Init +3—

Jenkin, normally one to sleep in if left a choice in the matter, wakes with the sunrise. Sleeping on roots and stones and having no curtains to close will do that. He does take a minute before waking to enjoy the sensation of a warm, curled-up little fox balled up against him. Should we name this little guy? Actually, should we figure out if he's actually a little guy at all before naming him or her? Problems for another day. He closes his eyes, does a slow count to sixty, enjoying the last minute of rest before rolling out of his bedroll and doing a long stretch upon standing. "Will we make it back to town today, you think?" he asks of anyone else who is awake yet.

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*=temporarily buffed Human Bard 15/Ranger 1 — 104/119 hp — AC 38*/26*/26* (6 mirror images)—CMB +15, CMD 32*— Fort +14, Ref +*20, Will +12 — Spells 1/3 5th, 1/4 4th, 0/5 3rd, 4/6 2nd, 3/6 1st — Panache 3/3— Performance 12/40— Perception +19 — Init +4— Action Points 12/13—
Daily magic item use:
Bracers of falcon's aim 3/3, Lesser rod of quicken spell 3/3, rod of extend spell 2/3, Forzamele 2/3

Eben winces. "That was something we weren't supposed to let anyone know, Cuetz." He sighs. "Okay, so now you're in the loop, obviously there are very important reasons to keep that completely to yourself, Lashonna. For starters, if Tenser finds out, well, I really don't want to see what an archmage does when his trust has been violated."

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Human (Taldan) Fighter (Two-weapon Warrior) 2/ Rogue (carnivalist) 2— 26/36 hp— AC 22/13/19— CMB +7, CMD 20— Fort +5, Ref +8 Will +1 — Perception +10 (+11 for traps); Fox Perception +11 — Init +3—
Svetlana "Tigress" Ulyanova wrote:
And get paid! I mean, we do get paid, do we?

Ask Penelope that in character. I triple dog dare you.

I guess Jenkin has a month of free drinks to look forward to, at least...

Yeah, good to head back to town.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32, 2011 Top 4

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Kobold Catgirl wrote:
The least radical option would probably be Pathfinder Second Edition (which I've gotten pretty comfortable with), but I know from our Discord talks that it is not everyone's favorite system around here.

:::redundant raising of hand::: Yeah, that'sa me. I don't have a better idea for the moment, but I'll follow along and see how the conversation goes.

Anyway, as far as leveling and looting, I just discovered earlier today that Eben had already claimed a +2 rin of protection from Marka all the way back in the Spire and I never got around to updating my character sheet. So, obviously, we'll have to retcon every fight I've been involved in since then and recalculate based on what my AC actually should have been...

Oh, fine, I'll just update my sheet now and use the new results moving forwards, you bunch of handwavers.

Actually, I think I'll still claim Zyrxog's ring for being a better trophy of a defeated enemy and toss Marka's back in the pile. Unless anyone objects, I'll also take at least temporary possession of Malahazar's amulet of natural armor +1 and Cretan's belt of giant strength +2. Genuinely surprised I hadn't claimed/bought anything along those lines yet.

New level-up fun to come.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Human (Taldan) Fighter (Two-weapon Warrior) 2/ Rogue (carnivalist) 2— 26/36 hp— AC 22/13/19— CMB +7, CMD 20— Fort +5, Ref +8 Will +1 — Perception +10 (+11 for traps); Fox Perception +11 — Init +3—

"Oh, hey, more mushrooms!" Jenkin says happily, justifying, in his mind, this little bit of breaking and entering he's apparently an accessory to. He reaches up and plucks an additional three from behind the headboard of the bed. "Aside from that, should we be taking the stuff in here? If someone's holed up in the ruins, and this is their personal squat, then it's kind of like stealing from their home..."

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*=temporarily buffed Human Bard 15/Ranger 1 — 104/119 hp — AC 38*/26*/26* (6 mirror images)—CMB +15, CMD 32*— Fort +14, Ref +*20, Will +12 — Spells 1/3 5th, 1/4 4th, 0/5 3rd, 4/6 2nd, 3/6 1st — Panache 3/3— Performance 12/40— Perception +19 — Init +4— Action Points 12/13—
Daily magic item use:
Bracers of falcon's aim 3/3, Lesser rod of quicken spell 3/3, rod of extend spell 2/3, Forzamele 2/3

While the conversation between long-lost mother and daughter is proceeding every bit as awkwardly as might be imagined, Eben suddenly remembers that he had a little task for himself to take care of. He picks up the late minotaur's axe, grunting a little from the ungainly wait, and walks over to the charred remains of Zyrxog. He hefts the axe overhead, and then lets it fall onto the illithid's rubbery neck. It's not as dramatic as he might have hoped... it takes two or three swings of his underdeveloped arms to get all the way through the gristle and bone, but finally, he bends down and hoists up the severed head of their longstanding enemy. "Souvenir for Lowri." he says by way of explanation as he wraps it up in some cloth cut from Zyrxog's own robes.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
*=temporarily buffed Human Bard 15/Ranger 1 — 104/119 hp — AC 38*/26*/26* (6 mirror images)—CMB +15, CMD 32*— Fort +14, Ref +*20, Will +12 — Spells 1/3 5th, 1/4 4th, 0/5 3rd, 4/6 2nd, 3/6 1st — Panache 3/3— Performance 12/40— Perception +19 — Init +4— Action Points 12/13—
Daily magic item use:
Bracers of falcon's aim 3/3, Lesser rod of quicken spell 3/3, rod of extend spell 2/3, Forzamele 2/3

"Right, so... off to find the Doomshroud and silence its 'mournful song'. That creepy forest we flew over on our way down here might be a good place to start looking..."

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Male Human (Taldan) Fighter (Two-weapon Warrior) 2/ Rogue (carnivalist) 2— 26/36 hp— AC 22/13/19— CMB +7, CMD 20— Fort +5, Ref +8 Will +1 — Perception +10 (+11 for traps); Fox Perception +11 — Init +3—

Third Watch:
Jenkin hadn't actively been thinking about how boring trail rations were until Penelope started drooling over the possibility of broiled rabbit. "We could maybe hunt some game tomorrow, if Elowen or Odelai don't object." He glances over to his sleeping bag where the fennec is curled up, dozing. "Maybe we can teach our little buddy to round up small game for us too..." he adds, imagining the little fx trotting up with a mouthful of smoked bacon, ready for the frying pan....

1 person marked this as a favorite.
*=temporarily buffed Human Bard 15/Ranger 1 — 104/119 hp — AC 38*/26*/26* (6 mirror images)—CMB +15, CMD 32*— Fort +14, Ref +*20, Will +12 — Spells 1/3 5th, 1/4 4th, 0/5 3rd, 4/6 2nd, 3/6 1st — Panache 3/3— Performance 12/40— Perception +19 — Init +4— Action Points 12/13—
Daily magic item use:
Bracers of falcon's aim 3/3, Lesser rod of quicken spell 3/3, rod of extend spell 2/3, Forzamele 2/3

Eben follows Astraden down to the beach, his feet a little unsteady on the wet sand. "Yeah, I'm not good with that. Krekie betrayed her allies, did the heavy lifting on killing Zyrxog, and nearly died on our behalf. Krathanos was useful for maybe three seconds before standing there drooling, then tried to pretend he was essential all along by murdering four angels and dropping them on our heads when we'd already won. Not screwing over Krekie for that guy."

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Male Human (Taldan) Fighter (Two-weapon Warrior) 2/ Rogue (carnivalist) 2— 26/36 hp— AC 22/13/19— CMB +7, CMD 20— Fort +5, Ref +8 Will +1 — Perception +10 (+11 for traps); Fox Perception +11 — Init +3—

K: Local: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 = 14

"Ooooh, wait, that's the Larko family there's that playground song about? Larks, larks, larks/your nest is on fire/fly away from your funeral pyre... I never knew the witchy part of it, though."

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Male Human (Taldan) Fighter (Two-weapon Warrior) 2/ Rogue (carnivalist) 2— 26/36 hp— AC 22/13/19— CMB +7, CMD 20— Fort +5, Ref +8 Will +1 — Perception +10 (+11 for traps); Fox Perception +11 — Init +3—

"I... guess that's the right thing to do,..." Jenkin says, a little doubtfully but not wanting to come off as an ass either. Is that what adventurers normally do with treasure? Find the original owner? Well, I guess, maybe, if it has a name on it...

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Male Human (Taldan) Fighter (Two-weapon Warrior) 2/ Rogue (carnivalist) 2— 26/36 hp— AC 22/13/19— CMB +7, CMD 20— Fort +5, Ref +8 Will +1 — Perception +10 (+11 for traps); Fox Perception +11 — Init +3—

Jenkin goes very, very still as the little fox jumps on his shoulder. He's clearly trying not to move quickly and spook it off, but has a big smile on his face. He does gently break off a piece of jerky from his rations and slowly places it on his other shoulder for positive reinforcement. The fennic is thus rewarded with a treat, and Jenkin is rewarded with a small amount of fennec slobber on his shoulder. "Well, that's a good start..." he says, as it hops back down, though still sniffing around his feet and clearly keenly interested in him as a potential source of treats. He makes a point of dropping little bites here and there as the group leaves the hut and hikes along to the next destination.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Male Human (Taldan) Fighter (Two-weapon Warrior) 2/ Rogue (carnivalist) 2— 26/36 hp— AC 22/13/19— CMB +7, CMD 20— Fort +5, Ref +8 Will +1 — Perception +10 (+11 for traps); Fox Perception +11 — Init +3—

Engaged in combat at the time, and now engaged in extracting his axe from the metal side of the cauldron it's embedded in, Jenkin never even noticed how close he came to having an inadvertent facial piercing. "Nah, don't be, nothing to be sorry about..." he says, grunting as he rests one foot on the body of the kettle and heaves with both hands. "That probably took some of the edge off, but a little time with a whetstone and she'll be back to her old self..." With a agonized screech like nails on a chalkboard made out of iron, the axe pulls free of the metal. "There! I have removed the axe from the cauldron! I am the destined true king! Just kidding, this is Andoran, we don't do kings here." He clips the axe back on to his belt. "So..." he nudged the cauldron with his foot. "Is this thing actually dead? I mean, for a kettle."

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Male Human (Taldan) Fighter (Two-weapon Warrior) 2/ Rogue (carnivalist) 2— 26/36 hp— AC 22/13/19— CMB +7, CMD 20— Fort +5, Ref +8 Will +1 — Perception +10 (+11 for traps); Fox Perception +11 — Init +3—

So.... GM DAA... I had tentatve plans to multiclass into rogue already. If I were to take the Carnivalist archetype, could I adopt the fennec as my 'familiar'?

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Male Human (Taldan) Fighter (Two-weapon Warrior) 2/ Rogue (carnivalist) 2— 26/36 hp— AC 22/13/19— CMB +7, CMD 20— Fort +5, Ref +8 Will +1 — Perception +10 (+11 for traps); Fox Perception +11 — Init +3—

Jenkin bellows as his thigh gets chomped by the cauldron, kind of like stepping in a bear trap but without any teeth. "What, you think that hurts? I've been EATEN BY A DRAGON!" he says, boasting and exaggerating to something that... probably doesn't even have the capacity to care, actually. Well, maybe it cares about being beaten on. He gives another rain of 'drumbeats'.
right handaxe, flanking: 1d20 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 3 + 2 = 7
left handaxe, flanking: 1d20 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 3 + 2 = 25
Crit confirm+axe master trait: 1d20 + 3 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 3 + 2 + 2 = 17
damage+dirty fighter, x3 crit: 3d6 + 3 + 3 ⇒ (5, 5, 3) + 3 + 3 = 19

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Male Human (Taldan) Fighter (Two-weapon Warrior) 2/ Rogue (carnivalist) 2— 26/36 hp— AC 22/13/19— CMB +7, CMD 20— Fort +5, Ref +8 Will +1 — Perception +10 (+11 for traps); Fox Perception +11 — Init +3—

This is some very close quarter fighting. I moved Penelope on the map in accordance with her stated movement and also so I can benefit from that spot being opened. :-)

Jenkin takes a quick step to fill in the space vacated by Penelope, which offers a slight tactical advantage over the one he was occupying, specifically, that there's a gnome witch distracting the living cauldron with her... animated hair (and Jenkin does take a moment to ponder what exactly has happened in his life that sentences like this are becoming commonplace) directly opposite. Then he starts working with both his axes, clanging on the cauldron and looking not entirely unlike an overgrown and hirsute child 'playing drums' by banging on a kettle with wooden spoons in his mother's kitchen.

5-foot step to flank with Odelai, then full attack with both axes.
right handaxe, flanking: 1d20 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 3 + 2 = 23
damage+dirty fighter: 1d6 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 3 + 1 = 7
left handaxe, flanking: 1d20 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 3 + 2 = 9
Probably a miss, but:
damage+dirty fighter: 1d6 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 + 1 = 7

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Male Human (Taldan) Fighter (Two-weapon Warrior) 2/ Rogue (carnivalist) 2— 26/36 hp— AC 22/13/19— CMB +7, CMD 20— Fort +5, Ref +8 Will +1 — Perception +10 (+11 for traps); Fox Perception +11 — Init +3—

Back from vacation, looking forward to smashing up rowdy kitchen appliances with you all.

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Male Human (Taldan) Fighter (Two-weapon Warrior) 2/ Rogue (carnivalist) 2— 26/36 hp— AC 22/13/19— CMB +7, CMD 20— Fort +5, Ref +8 Will +1 — Perception +10 (+11 for traps); Fox Perception +11 — Init +3—

Of course I roll a 20 on initiative while I'm out of town. Posting from an extremely slow tablet, so can't even access the map right now. I'll assume I can get in a move and an attack? If not, cancel what follows and just swap in a double move to put me next to the cauldron. If someone can psition Jenkin on the map, it would be appreciated.

Jenkin leaves the minuitae of seatching the extremely creepy contents of a witch's hut to people like Odelai and Elowen who seem to find the things in there not insanely freaky, though it does make him wonder what the hell his new friends get up to in their spare time if bags of teeth, dried hearts, and shrunken heads are so so mundane. He decides it's better off to keep an eye out outside in case the witch comes back to collect more body parts, or, worse, whatever took the scary body part collecting witch comes back. Which, of course, leaves him completely unprepsred for an attack from something inside the hut. He glances back inside at the sound of something moving and Penny lauching an arrow, and his jaw drops. "We're fighting cookware, now?", he shouts incredulously, his amazement not stopping him from running inside to protect his companions from being... swallowed and cooked by the living cauldron, or whatever.
Move to the cauldron and make a single attack.handaxe: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20damage: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6

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Male Human (Taldan) Fighter (Two-weapon Warrior) 2/ Rogue (carnivalist) 2— 26/36 hp— AC 22/13/19— CMB +7, CMD 20— Fort +5, Ref +8 Will +1 — Perception +10 (+11 for traps); Fox Perception +11 — Init +3—

Jenkin is grateful when the last of his bite wound is eliminated, but also a little disappointed. "What, it's gone, just like that? I don't get a cool scar?" he says, yanking down his shirt collar to look at the newly-unblemished flesh. "Oh, well, plenty more chances for that, I guess..." he says with resignation.

At the (abandoned?) hut, he follows behind Penelope in the yard, hands on an axe handle but not yet drawn. Given that her footsteps are making snapping and rustling noises as she tries and fails to walk quietly, he doesn't even bother with the pretense of silence.

Jenkin moves 30 feet closer to the hut, which does put him past the start of the hanging fetishes, if that's relevant.

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*=temporarily buffed Human Bard 15/Ranger 1 — 104/119 hp — AC 38*/26*/26* (6 mirror images)—CMB +15, CMD 32*— Fort +14, Ref +*20, Will +12 — Spells 1/3 5th, 1/4 4th, 0/5 3rd, 4/6 2nd, 3/6 1st — Panache 3/3— Performance 12/40— Perception +19 — Init +4— Action Points 12/13—
Daily magic item use:
Bracers of falcon's aim 3/3, Lesser rod of quicken spell 3/3, rod of extend spell 2/3, Forzamele 2/3

"No, bad cat! BAD CAT!" Eben yells, chasing after the fleeing displacer. The chase goes on just a bit longer than it logiticallsy should; Eben's advantage in elevation and use of ranged weapon is mitigated by one thing:
"Stop displacing yourself, dammit!" he says, as his third shot in a row goes through an empty patch of air that's supposed to be a tentacled panther. When it dives into the ocean, he prepares to try and make more complicated guesses as to where it actually is based on the movement of the waves around it, but fortunately by this point the beast, focusing on staying afloat, drops Darl's body as it begins doggy paddling away. Eben grumbles as he air walks down into the water before the corpse sinks out of sight, heaving up a waterlogged ex-high priest of Vecna shortly after. "Yeah, and don't come back!" he shouts after the fleeing displacer, before air-trudging back to the beach, sopping wet and tottering under a corpse as he does so, "Hey, guys, got the body back, and Astraden, didn't even have to kill the beast... oh." He notices the active air of tension around the paused battle site. And then hears Krathanos's bellowing voice insult Kord. In front of Cuetzpalli and Tanith. Eben sighs, and as quietly as possible, clangs his bracers together, assuming the worst is about to come.

Activating my bracer's for aspect of the falcon. In case doing it surreptitiously is an issue, he tries to mask the motion and sound as incedental to him dropping Darl's body.
Sleight of hand[/i: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (10) + 17 = 27

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Male Human (Taldan) Fighter (Two-weapon Warrior) 2/ Rogue (carnivalist) 2— 26/36 hp— AC 22/13/19— CMB +7, CMD 20— Fort +5, Ref +8 Will +1 — Perception +10 (+11 for traps); Fox Perception +11 — Init +3—

"SNAKE! Big people-eating snake!" Jenkin yells down as the monster bites and takes hold of him.

Fortitude: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19

He gags a bit as his yelling means he gets a mouthful of whatever venom the thing is breathing in his face, but spits the bad air back out again without any further ill effect.

You don't really have a lo of time to think when a snake with hands and claws is biting deep into the muscle of your shoulder and you're thirty feet in the air. Jenkin quickly determines, though, that staying up here will result in him being added to the bodies in the tree; accordingly, all he wants is to get DOWN as quickly as possible.

CMB to break the grapple: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17
If that breaks free, this bit of possible utter stupidity happens:
Ripping his shoulder free from the beast's jaws, Jenkin makes a possibly suicidal but certainly not any worse than his currecnt circumstances choice: he pushes himself off from the tree limb and tries to make a controlled fall to the ground.
Unarmored acrobatics check: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12
His dive is less graceful than could be hoped; he plummets down nd lands on his feet at first, mitigating some of the fall, but his ankle rolls and he hits the ground with a loud *WUMPH*.
first 10 feet nonlethal damage: 1d6 ⇒ 2
20 feet falling damage: 2d6 ⇒ (3, 1) = 4
He groans as he goes unconscious, blood continuing to gush from his shoulder.
11 damage from the bite, 4 falling damage, 2 nonlethal=Jenkin is at -2 hp with 2 nonlethal damage on top of that.

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*=temporarily buffed Human Bard 15/Ranger 1 — 104/119 hp — AC 38*/26*/26* (6 mirror images)—CMB +15, CMD 32*— Fort +14, Ref +*20, Will +12 — Spells 1/3 5th, 1/4 4th, 0/5 3rd, 4/6 2nd, 3/6 1st — Panache 3/3— Performance 12/40— Perception +19 — Init +4— Action Points 12/13—
Daily magic item use:
Bracers of falcon's aim 3/3, Lesser rod of quicken spell 3/3, rod of extend spell 2/3, Forzamele 2/3

Eben's AC is currently 35, so with cover, Sabir misses him again.

Eben, seeing that Tanith has the main opponent on the field well in hand, pun intended, decides that he's kind of sick of getting slammed randomly by someone and then healed just enough for it to happen again three seconds later. And now he finally has an opportunity to do something about that.

"Ms. Sinfire, think very carefully about your choices," he says as he starts to weave magic around him and yoink an eyelash out of his face.

Cast on the defensive, DC 23: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (13) + 20 = 33

"You're losing. Even your daughter said so. Knowing Carina, she'd be really upset about us killing you and Rin. But you can still just stop fighting, and then your family line won't just... disappear."

He vanishes on the last word, though anyone paying attention can hear his voice shouting encouragement moving away from where it just was.

Extended Greater invisibility on Eben lasts 28 rounds. Since he is continuing to perform and inspire courage, I'm only going to bother with a Stealth check for the benefit of the deafened efreeti.

Stealth+invisibility, good hope: 1d20 + 6 + 20 + 2 - 1 ⇒ (4) + 6 + 20 + 2 - 1 = 31

Eben's AC is 35 while Dance of 23 Steps is active.

Haste lasts 9 rounds on everyone.

Good Hope lasts about 134 rounds on everyone.

Everyone is under the effects of Inspire Courage (+3)

Greater invisibility is on Farrukh for 22 rounds.

Eben is personally buffed by cat's grace, gravity bow, and shield, likewise lasting about 134 rounds.

Eben is under the effects of arcane concordance (Extend Spell) for 11 more rounds.

Eben and Cuetzpalli both have +3 greater magic weapon cast on them.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Human (Taldan) Fighter (Two-weapon Warrior) 2/ Rogue (carnivalist) 2— 26/36 hp— AC 22/13/19— CMB +7, CMD 20— Fort +5, Ref +8 Will +1 — Perception +10 (+11 for traps); Fox Perception +11 — Init +3—

Strength check: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23

Charisma check (no ranks in Handle Animal): 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (4) - 1 = 3


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Male Human (Taldan) Fighter (Two-weapon Warrior) 2/ Rogue (carnivalist) 2— 26/36 hp— AC 22/13/19— CMB +7, CMD 20— Fort +5, Ref +8 Will +1 — Perception +10 (+11 for traps); Fox Perception +11 — Init +3—

"Oh. Goblin. Okay, then," Jenkin says, having it now firmly established in his mind that the sniper was in the branches was not Someone Who Mattered. With that made clear, he approaches the trapped fox. "Poor little guy..." Assuming nothing impedes Jenkin between here and the fox, he'll set about trying to set it free.

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Male Human (Taldan) Fighter (Two-weapon Warrior) 2/ Rogue (carnivalist) 2— 26/36 hp— AC 22/13/19— CMB +7, CMD 20— Fort +5, Ref +8 Will +1 — Perception +10 (+11 for traps); Fox Perception +11 — Init +3—

Jenkin pauses in the act of removing his armor to get a better grip on the tree. "Alright, we'll go check that out. I'll be as quick as I can here." He finishes taking his scale armor off and then starts up the tree, carefully tying the cloth with the three fey wrapped inside it to his belt.

Taking 10 on my Climb check=17. Assuming the tree is the standard DC 15, repeat as needed to get to the top.

Once there, he ties the three fairies to a branch using some long grass and reeds gathered along the way, says a quick prayer to Pharasma, and shinnies back down. At the bottom, he makes hasty work of putting his armor back on, not wanting to hold up investigating whatever Elowen has heard. Of course, speeding through, he misses a few fittings and straps.

One minute to remove the armor, probably three or four rounds to climb, a few rounds up top to tie off the fey, three or four rounds to slide back down, and then donning his armor hastily taking another minute. AC penalty of -1 until he gets the chance to slow down and do it right.

"Y'know, it's weird, you called it 'sky burial', and I figured they'd just... evaporate or something when they were left exposed to the sky. But they just stayed there, tied to the branch. Did I do it wrong?" he asks as he tightens his hauberk.

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*=temporarily buffed Human Bard 15/Ranger 1 — 104/119 hp — AC 38*/26*/26* (6 mirror images)—CMB +15, CMD 32*— Fort +14, Ref +*20, Will +12 — Spells 1/3 5th, 1/4 4th, 0/5 3rd, 4/6 2nd, 3/6 1st — Panache 3/3— Performance 12/40— Perception +19 — Init +4— Action Points 12/13—
Daily magic item use:
Bracers of falcon's aim 3/3, Lesser rod of quicken spell 3/3, rod of extend spell 2/3, Forzamele 2/3

Eben blinks as a glass vial goes zipping by his head, somehow faster than he can loose an arrow. "Hey, are you trying to upstage... oh, never mind..." his voice completely changes tack once sees the wind whipping around the efreeti dying down, allowing his own shot to penetrate. "Er... good one, Carina!"

2 people marked this as a favorite.
*=temporarily buffed Human Bard 15/Ranger 1 — 104/119 hp — AC 38*/26*/26* (6 mirror images)—CMB +15, CMD 32*— Fort +14, Ref +*20, Will +12 — Spells 1/3 5th, 1/4 4th, 0/5 3rd, 4/6 2nd, 3/6 1st — Panache 3/3— Performance 12/40— Perception +19 — Init +4— Action Points 12/13—
Daily magic item use:
Bracers of falcon's aim 3/3, Lesser rod of quicken spell 3/3, rod of extend spell 2/3, Forzamele 2/3

OK, complicated series of actions involving numerous specialized abilities from multiple different classes that rarely get otherwise used upcoming, please audit as needed to make sure I haven't made any errors:

"I don't know what I can do, Clunk..." Eben says to the kolyarut. "After all, his Dukeness here just pronounced me a rodent. Who am I to resist the dictates of an all-powerful genie?" Since the genie is currently unable to hear, it might be surmised that Eben's mocking banter is being done more for the entertainment of those around him than for any other purpose.
My lingering performance ends on this initiative count, but no worries! Starting a new Inspire Courage performance, using a move action rather than a swift. I have other uses for the swift this round.
"Of course... rodents like things that are shiny..." he says, clicking the final button of his glass rod. Within a wink of an eye, the air above the cauchemar's back erupts into a glittery pink whirlwind.
Casting Quickened, Extended glitterdust, targeting the 10x10 space where the efreeti was last visible. I assume he'll make the DC 19 save, but this is about making him visible more than the side effect. Although it would be funny if he rolled a 1 and Eben made him blind as well as deaf. Anyway, he's covered in pink sparkles for the next 28 rounds.
Eben capers a few feet back, out of Cretan's current range."And..." he adds, holding the now-expended rod out horizontally in front of him and then opening his hand and letting it drop to the sands below, much like one might let fall a hypothetical anachronistic vocal amplification device after making a particularly cutting remark in front of an audience. "Another thing about rodents?" He turns his opened palm to accept the bow flying out of his quiver into his hand, Forzamele creating his own blue shimmer along the length of the bowstring as he enacts his own magic.
Summoning my bow as a free action using Forzamele's leaping ability, Forzamale also using his own standard action to cast weapon of awe.
"When we bite something... we don't let go!" With his free hand, he draws an arrow from his quiver and very carefully and precisely nocks it. The green-fletched, vaguely translucent, arrow isn't one of his usual choices; in fact, the last time one of its kind saw use Eben was mindlessly emptying his quiver at the Harbinger of worms. This particular shot, however, is completely intentional. As Eben draws back and fires, his lips can be seen mouthing the words of a spell.
Using a phase locking arrow. Spending a Panache Point to activate my Dead Aim deed to target the Duke's touch AC. And, just for kicks, using Arrowsong Strike to cast acid arrow and have it delivered by my arrowshot.
longbow+good hope+inspire courage+haste+point blank shot: 1d20 + 19 + 2 + 3 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 19 + 2 + 3 + 1 + 1 = 42
Vs. Touch AC
damage+good hope+inspire courage+point blank shot+acid arrow: 1d8 + 2 + 2 + 3 + 1 + 2d4 ⇒ (8) + 2 + 2 + 3 + 1 + (4, 1) = 21
If it hits:
The arrow impacts the Duke very slightly, barely enough of a shot to do significant damage. More concerning, though, are the phantom-like emerald green chains of light that spring out from where the arrow struck. Within a heartbeat, they wrap themselves in anaconda fashion around the efreeti, before snaking their way toward the four corners of his body, wrapping densely around his ankles and wrists. Almost like manacles.
The Duke is dimensional anchored for 1 round. Also, it's probably minor, but acid arrow means he needs to make a concentration check to use spell-like abilities while it's in effect.

Eben casts glitterdust (makes Malhazar visible, DC 19 save to not be blinded), 5-foot steps, continues Dance of the 23 Steps as a free action, summons his bow as a free action, then shoots the Duke with a combo of acid arrow and dimensional anchor.

"Everyone, forget what I said before and KILL THE GENIE NOW!"

Eben's AC is 35 while Dance of 23 Steps is active.

Haste lasts 10 rounds on everyone.

Good Hope lasts about 135 rounds on everyone.

Everyone is under the effects of Inspire Courage (+3)

Greater invisibility is on Farrukh for 23 rounds.

Eben is personally buffed by cat's grace, gravity bow, and shield, likewise lasting about 135 rounds.

Eben is under the effects of arcane concordance (Extend Spell) for 12 more rounds.

Eben and Cuetzpalli both have +3 greater magic weapon cast on them.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Male Human (Taldan) Fighter (Two-weapon Warrior) 2/ Rogue (carnivalist) 2— 26/36 hp— AC 22/13/19— CMB +7, CMD 20— Fort +5, Ref +8 Will +1 — Perception +10 (+11 for traps); Fox Perception +11 — Init +3—

Jenkin's somewhat embarrassed grim pops out of the top of his beard. "If you're from around town, and you've spent some time at the Jak'a'Napes, you might have noticed this big gouge in the floor next to the bar? Like, half a foot long, like someone tried to cut through the wood? Yeah, so last year I'd had a few too many Eagle Ales, and one of my buddies talked me into showing off some of my fancier axe move- like, when I'm in the cutyard, sometimes to spice it up I'll do some fancy twirling or flipping the axe while I'm chopping wood- and I thought it sounded like a great idea. So started juggling an axe. Worked for about thirty seconds, then missed, and it was a choice of letting it cut my fingers off or getting out of the way, so... I was sober enough to move. And it went down. And landed blade first. And really sunk in there. Like a good six inches, took some work to pry it back up, someone joked that if I got it out I should become king of the bar. Well, Jak himself didn't appreciate any of that and showed me the door, hasn't let me back in since. And that's how I actually became a regular at the Purple Duck. He takes a long swig from his waterskin, maybe a bit sad that it's actually water.

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*=temporarily buffed Human Bard 15/Ranger 1 — 104/119 hp — AC 38*/26*/26* (6 mirror images)—CMB +15, CMD 32*— Fort +14, Ref +*20, Will +12 — Spells 1/3 5th, 1/4 4th, 0/5 3rd, 4/6 2nd, 3/6 1st — Panache 3/3— Performance 12/40— Perception +19 — Init +4— Action Points 12/13—
Daily magic item use:
Bracers of falcon's aim 3/3, Lesser rod of quicken spell 3/3, rod of extend spell 2/3, Forzamele 2/3

"ALRIGHT KREKIE!" Eben shouts. The sight of their, til now, possibly greatest enemy being knocked down to his last few breaths is... tempting, to say the least. He had a plan formed, but this moment of weakness comes close to making him break it. In the end, he holds resolute. Somewhat. Maybe there's a little bet hedging happening. "Hey. Duke Malhazar. I wish..."

I'm not sure if I'm in anyone's threatened spaces at my current elevation, but if so, I'll cast defensively.
Casting on the defensive, DC 25: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (1) + 20 = 21
Oh, hell no to that.
Action point: 2d6 ⇒ (5, 2) = 7

"That you don't hear any more wishes from your allies!" And with that, he snaps his fingers three time in rapid succession, making a semicircle in the air with that hand. Three small scale sonic booms come out of his fingers, rushing towards the efreeti. And towards Zyrxog.

Casting Extended Deafening Song Bolt, one at Malhazar, two at Mr. Z. Using my last AP to save the slot.
Malhazar: Ranged touch+BAB+Dex+haste+inspire courage+good hope: 1d20 + 11 + 6 + 1 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 11 + 6 + 1 + 3 + 2 = 29
Damage: 3d10 ⇒ (3, 7, 9) = 19
Rounds deafened: 2d6 ⇒ (1, 3) = 4
Zyrxog:Ranged touch+BAB+Dex+haste+inspire courage+good hope: 1d20 + 11 + 6 + 1 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 11 + 6 + 1 + 3 + 2 = 37
Damage: 3d10 ⇒ (2, 5, 10) = 17
Rounds deafened: 2d6 ⇒ (1, 5) = 6
Zyrxog:Ranged touch+BAB+Dex+haste+inspire courage+good hope: 1d20 + 11 + 6 + 1 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 11 + 6 + 1 + 3 + 2 = 40
Damage: 3d10 ⇒ (6, 5, 7) = 18
Rounds deafened: 2d6 ⇒ (3, 5) = 8

Zyrxog, of course, is totally deaf at the moment and immune to verbal taunts. So, as the spell lets fly, Eben relays a message through Forzamele straight into the illithid's brain.

Lowri Chau wishes to thank you for your hospitality.

Standard action: casting on the defensive. Swift action, none, used an immediate already. Maintaining Dance of 23 Steps. Taking a 5 foot step northeast, maintaining my current elevation.

Eben's AC is 35 while Dance of 23 Steps is active.

Haste lasts 11 rounds on everyone.

Good Hope lasts about 136 rounds on everyone.

Everyone is under the effects of Inspire Courage (+3), and will continue to be for the next 1 rounds.

Greater invisibility is on Farrukh for 24 rounds.

Eben is personally buffed by 1 mirror images, cat's grace, gravity bow, and shield, likewise lasting about 136 rounds.

Eben is under the effects of arcane concordance (Extend Spell) for 13 more rounds.

Eben and Cuetzpalli both have +3 greater magic weapon cast on them.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32, 2011 Top 4

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Yeeeeeeeeeeeeesss! That slight chance of deafness screwing up Zyrxog paid off!

Spell choice from two levels back JUSTIFIED.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Male Human (Taldan) Fighter (Two-weapon Warrior) 2/ Rogue (carnivalist) 2— 26/36 hp— AC 22/13/19— CMB +7, CMD 20— Fort +5, Ref +8 Will +1 — Perception +10 (+11 for traps); Fox Perception +11 — Init +3—

The cabin he'd lived in with his parents was nothing much to look at, and even less to live in. It had been nicer when Ma and Da were around to keep up with it, but ever since... well, Jenkin could undoubtedly have taken on the duties of keeping the place tidied and in repair, if he'd been willing. But that would involve spending a lot more time in it, and whenever he walked in the door and saw Ma at the fireplace, boiling potatoes, and then blinked and she was gone...

It wasn't somewhere he wanted to be.

The hut was a bed with walls around it, nothing more, and if that meant he had to find excuses to spend his days and nights elsewhere, then elsewhere he would be. Other people could think what they wanted, they weren't the ones who had to make the choice between looking like one of the town drunks and spending the night looking at an empty rocking chair. Even now, coming to the house with a purpose, he studiously avoided looking at the chair, or the hearth, or the table, or anywhere else that his mind might go putting people in. Nope, straight to his foot locker to gather up his (til now, untested) scale armor. It fit well enough, maybe a little bit snugger than when he'd bought it, but a few days living on the rough should help with that. His provisions were... not extensive, but the ones that looked still edible filled up a knapsack well enough. Waterskin to wash down the rations. Rope? Couldn't hurt. Weapons? Hm, could never tell, sure, they were just going to pick some plants, but still, Darkmoon Vale was Darkmoon Vale. Maybe just a few things... bow and arrow, always useful. Quarterstaff to bop things with if they got closer. And... well, why not. He hefted up his pair of hatchets and gave himself a moment of pretending he was hacking through a log. Yeah, he still had the lumberjacking moves. Only question was, whether he'd have the nerve to go hacking anything that wasn't made of wood. Well, maybe he wouldn't have to find out. He hung one on each hip, then set out for the town hall.

He didn't bother to lock up behind him; what was anyone going to steal, bad memories? Or good memories, even; all the better to get rid of.

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Male Human (Taldan) Fighter (Two-weapon Warrior) 2/ Rogue (carnivalist) 2— 26/36 hp— AC 22/13/19— CMB +7, CMD 20— Fort +5, Ref +8 Will +1 — Perception +10 (+11 for traps); Fox Perception +11 — Init +3—

Jenkin looks at least modestly chagrined. "Well, of course I'd do it anyway, just asking..." he mumbles.

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20

He looks at Odelai, gives his best just funning around grin, and gulps.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Male Human (Taldan) Fighter (Two-weapon Warrior) 2/ Rogue (carnivalist) 2— 26/36 hp— AC 22/13/19— CMB +7, CMD 20— Fort +5, Ref +8 Will +1 — Perception +10 (+11 for traps); Fox Perception +11 — Init +3—

Jenkin is fully aware that this is an important community service, and the town needs help now before things get truly dire, and, with that in mind, only someone who was truly socially inept would bring up the notion of compensation. "So... does this pay anything?" he asks nonchalantly. Because if you ask nonchalantly, it doesn't look like you're being greedy, right?

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32, 2011 Top 4

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By my count, you've got four villains, plus Clunk and (possibly) Krekie to move. Seriously, feel free to split that into multiple posts over a couple days if it would make your life easier.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
*=temporarily buffed Human Bard 15/Ranger 1 — 104/119 hp — AC 38*/26*/26* (6 mirror images)—CMB +15, CMD 32*— Fort +14, Ref +*20, Will +12 — Spells 1/3 5th, 1/4 4th, 0/5 3rd, 4/6 2nd, 3/6 1st — Panache 3/3— Performance 12/40— Perception +19 — Init +4— Action Points 12/13—
Daily magic item use:
Bracers of falcon's aim 3/3, Lesser rod of quicken spell 3/3, rod of extend spell 2/3, Forzamele 2/3

"Hey..." Eben mutters through a mouthful of blood as he attempts to keep one of his lungs from falling out, "Thanks, fox guy, but Y'd'need t'do that, m' self-sufficient..."

2 people marked this as a favorite.
*=temporarily buffed Human Bard 15/Ranger 1 — 104/119 hp — AC 38*/26*/26* (6 mirror images)—CMB +15, CMD 32*— Fort +14, Ref +*20, Will +12 — Spells 1/3 5th, 1/4 4th, 0/5 3rd, 4/6 2nd, 3/6 1st — Panache 3/3— Performance 12/40— Perception +19 — Init +4— Action Points 12/13—
Daily magic item use:
Bracers of falcon's aim 3/3, Lesser rod of quicken spell 3/3, rod of extend spell 2/3, Forzamele 2/3

"Yeah, not gonna lie, this is embarrassing for me on a personal level as an illusionist..." Eben acknowledges as he clicks his rod and splits off 1d4 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6 extra Ebens. Quickened mirror image. He then speeds his way to open up a direct path between him and Zyrxog. "Aside from that though? Glad this worked out the way it did. There was some indecision on whether to take you or Darl out first, and you appearing without him makes it simple. Personally, I might have gone for him, but now... my voice gets to be the LAST THING YOU EVER HEAR." The air ripples with Eben's last few words, as they sounds take tangible form and rip through the air at the mind flayer.

Quickened casting of mirror image, move along the blue line, standard action to cast deafening song bolt at Zyrxog, using him for all three bolts. Not to be too pedantic, but just a reminder: deafened means 20% chance of spell failure on spells with verbal components.

Ranged touch+good hope+inspire courage: 1d20 + 15 + 2 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 15 + 2 + 3 = 35
sonic damage: 3d10 ⇒ (8, 4, 9) = 21
Ranged touch+good hope+inspire courage: 1d20 + 15 + 2 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 15 + 2 + 3 = 22
sonic damage: 3d10 ⇒ (7, 9, 7) = 23
Ranged touch+good hope+inspire courage: 1d20 + 15 + 2 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 15 + 2 + 3 = 34
sonic damage: 3d10 ⇒ (8, 2, 7) = 17
Any bolt that hits ignores spell resistance, gets no saving throw, and automatically deafens the target for: Bolt 1 1d6 ⇒ 1, Bolt 2 1d6 ⇒ 6, Bolt 3 1d6 ⇒ 6. rounds, obviously they don't stack so just the highest successful hit.

Eben is 5 feet off the ground using air walk.

Haste lasts 13 rounds on everyone.
Good Hope lasts about 138 rounds on everyone.
Everyone is under the effects of Inspire Courage, and will continue to be for 2 rounds after Eben stops performing for any reason.
Greater invisibility is on Farrukh for 26 rounds.
Eben is personally buffed by 6 mirror images, cat's grace, gravity bow, and shield, likewise lasting about 138 rounds.
Eben and Cuetzpalli both have +3 greater magic weapon cast on them.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
*=temporarily buffed Human Bard 15/Ranger 1 — 104/119 hp — AC 38*/26*/26* (6 mirror images)—CMB +15, CMD 32*— Fort +14, Ref +*20, Will +12 — Spells 1/3 5th, 1/4 4th, 0/5 3rd, 4/6 2nd, 3/6 1st — Panache 3/3— Performance 12/40— Perception +19 — Init +4— Action Points 12/13—
Daily magic item use:
Bracers of falcon's aim 3/3, Lesser rod of quicken spell 3/3, rod of extend spell 2/3, Forzamele 2/3

OK, in that vein, but not as extensive:
Good Hope is up on everyone, lasting about 14 minutes.
Everyone is under the effects of Inspire Courage, and will continue to be for 2 rounds after Eben stops peforming for any reason.
Haste is up on everyone, lasting 14 rounds.
Greater invisibility is on Farrukh for 28 rounds.

Eben is personally buffed by cat's grace, gravity bow, and shield, likewise lasting about 14 minutes.

Eben has about half a day of greater magic weapon on his bow.

Cuetzpalli might still have GMW cast on him; depends on whether or not this post happened less than 28 hours ago.