The Scribbler

Damien Folley's page

30 posts. Alias of Roidrage.


Male Tiefling Ranger(trapper):1/ Rogue:2

Initiative:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15
Perception:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22

Damien grits his teeth at the sight their guide captured by these vile creatures. He takes aim with his bow at one of the goblin captors and whispers "Inner light guide my arrow." and lets it loose.

Bow Shot:1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21
Damage:1d8 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
Sneak attack damage:1d6 ⇒ 1

Male Tiefling Ranger(trapper):1/ Rogue:2

Damien turns to Hern, "Yes watch over them, since bandits like to distract and ambush. I'll move unseen to Satara."

He disappears into the forest before hearing any arguements.

Stealh:1d20 + 12 ⇒ (14) + 12 = 26
Perception:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22+2 for traps.

Male Tiefling Ranger(trapper):1/ Rogue:2

I got potions of healing though just in case.

Male Tiefling Ranger(trapper):1/ Rogue:2

The light within me seeks the destruction of these vile hell beasts! I'm good with the speed as well.

Male Tiefling Ranger(trapper):1/ Rogue:2

Let's hunt us some demons!

Male Tiefling Ranger(trapper):1/ Rogue:2

Damien flows between range and finesse melee we should be okay. Hell I played a group of fighter types with my pally (hospitaler) as the healerand it worked out good. So let's go for it!

Male Tiefling Ranger(trapper):1/ Rogue:2

Damien's still around!

Male Tiefling Ranger(trapper):1/ Rogue:2

Damien draws his bow and walks low near the side of the wagon, "Understood, We'll be ready."

Male Tiefling Ranger(trapper):1/ Rogue:2

I will be going to Gen Con for the rest of the week, so bot me if you need too.

Male Tiefling Ranger(trapper):1/ Rogue:2

Standing by as well.

Male Tiefling Ranger(trapper):1/ Rogue:2

Late here as well hehe, and Welcome to the group!

Male Tiefling Ranger(trapper):1/ Rogue:2

The small tiefling hides in Graven's great shadow with his scarf covering most of his face and his hood hiding the his horns. While most of his armaments our hidden by his grey cloak, he does leave his longbow visible to make the on lookers believe he is a normal hunter. He looks towards Utor and his family trying to avoid eye contact and murmuring a small pray the Phrasma to watch over them.

Damien stays quiet letting Hern and Graven calm their clients.

Male Tiefling Ranger(trapper):1/ Rogue:2

The tiefling sips at his cheap ale, just waiting a moment to reply back to Graven. "It is good to hear you judge others by deeds and not appearances like some of order does. But that doesn't bother me anymore, I have been to through too much to pay mind to those who don't understand my service to Pharasma. I believe we go about the same methods of protecting souls of the innocent. Though I thank you for seeing beyond the skin I wear." He drinks some more of the ale, "Do any of you think we should watch over the homesteaders tonight, just in case the methods of the wicked could start within the city walls."

Male Tiefling Ranger(trapper):1/ Rogue:2

Yeah, I agree with you guys telling them would cause a unnecessary panic and he is already aware of trouble out there.

Male Tiefling Ranger(trapper):1/ Rogue:2

He slips the serving girl a gold for her information, "Thank you Miss more will come if you can bring us more info."

He looks to Hern, "Seems like a good Idea Sir Goff, I say one of you two do the talking for now. I don't bring the best out of people."

Male Tiefling Ranger(trapper):1/ Rogue:2

I vote to keep it going!

Male Tiefling Ranger(trapper):1/ Rogue:2

Damien tells his friends what he found out,(All know the info above.).

"That sounds like the ideal job to take, the family could be the potential prey for the goblin tribes we are seeking." He responds looking around to see if any of the patrons are taking an interest in them.

Preception:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12

Male Tiefling Ranger(trapper):1/ Rogue:2

Damien would of stalked around the streets trying to find some criminal or adventuring contacts that know about the baddies of the area, that's what I was looking for.

Damien listens in on what his comrades has to say he will excuse himself afterwards to stalk around the bar listening in on conversations pertaining along the lines of the supposed cult activities or something close to it.

Stealth:1d20 + 12 ⇒ (5) + 12 = 17
Perception:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12

Male Tiefling Ranger(trapper):1/ Rogue:2

I'm still in the hunt as well.

Male Tiefling Ranger(trapper):1/ Rogue:2

Everybody doing all right?

Male Tiefling Ranger(trapper):1/ Rogue:2

Damien walks the street trying not to draw attention to himself, with his hood up he peers into each of the bars as he passes seeing what kind of patrons they hold. He avoids eye contact with the two guards, and studies each of the taverns looking for the one with more adventurers or local scum.

Perception:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21
Stealth:1d20 + 12 ⇒ (7) + 12 = 19 Using to blend in with the crowd.

Male Tiefling Ranger(trapper):1/ Rogue:2

Hi, sorry for the delay been crazy at work these past few days. Posting right now.

Male Tiefling Ranger(trapper):1/ Rogue:2

Damien puts up his Hood to cover up his horns and red scarred face, "I will do as requested, tavern is a better scene for me." As he finishes he digs out 2 gold coins and hands the to Jessie, "Give this to the church on the behalf of the light inside me."

Male Tiefling Ranger(trapper):1/ Rogue:2

The tiefling looks at the wizard and responds, "Interesting, I never took part in any of those. Though I have done a few ones dealing with traps, those get intense and are a lot more daring."

As the half-orc reveals his third arm Damien looks at it in a interested look and flexes his tail a few times, "I find my extra limb quite useful and gives us an advantage over the normal ones. Though I feel for your pain, I was born into a cult myself. They didn't experiment on me but they tortured and beat me for being a child over a devil. Though sad, we take these dark moments and use them to fuel our hunts to stop others from suffering like us." He looks to the Houndmaster, "I believe my last comment answers your question."

Male Tiefling Ranger(trapper):1/ Rogue:2

Damien sets down his lock for a moment and looks up to the half-orc, as he does so his tail pulls his off his head exposing his wild dark hair and his curved horns. "You seem pretty normal to me."

He then looks to Graven, "I wish it could be that simple, but my experience you need to find their roots so they can't grow back. I fear the children are going to be used much like......they tried with me. I pray their light keeps them safe until we can find them......I pray." His expression saddens a little bit and he goes back to his lock.

Male Tiefling Ranger(trapper):1/ Rogue:2

Damien sits on the floor fiddling with a lock, his tail whipping around passing him various locks as he slowly works on it. Without looking at the other hunters he comments, "Soooo, how do you all wish to approach our hunt for them?"

The tiefling stands a little shorter then 6 feet, he is clad in blacks and grays. They clash with his red skin, as the group has seen from time to time. Damien seems to hide his facial features, while his tail moves about like a third hand to him. Damien is quiet and has talked only a few times this voyage but always has been polite when he does.

Male Tiefling Ranger(trapper):1/ Rogue:2

Checking in and thanks for choosing me!

Damien's stats are figured out, let me know if I forgot something!
HP rolls: 2d8 + 2 ⇒ (7, 8) + 2 = 17

@Niraj: The GM has picked most of the group, he's now just looking for a skill monkey to complete the group. Maybe mix ranger or rogue in with you paladin idea.

I would like to offer up Damien Folley, a tiefling Ranger(trapper):1/Rogue:2

I don't have his character sheet up yet but I do have his background on his profile. It's a little abstract but it fits well in explaining his background. I will have his stats in later, I just wanted to get his basic idea to you before you made a final decision.
He will be a blend of range and melee, with talent in disarming traps and stealth.

If you have any questions let me know, thanks for your consideration.