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As much as I hate to say it, I'm really not that impressed with this one. I was hoping to get a book detailing some really cool analogs to the various African pantheons and highlighting their mythologies, but that's not the case. While the other cultures presented, up to this point, have gotten some really cool back stories, and fun settings, the one setting that happens to be set in an area that would be predominately populated black, gets, to put it mildly, the short end of the stick.

The native black tribes are predominately portrayed as servants, slaves, or man eating savages, and that irritates me to no end. There are plenty of African cultures and myths that the writers could have used as the basis for this setting, but instead they chose to go with the native black tribes playing second fiddle to what are basically analogs to White European settlers, and I'm not happy about it. I'm not sure why the creative staff chose to go this route, but next time they might want to do a little research on African mythology, and not base everything on stories about Allan Quatermain.

I'm sorry if this comes off sounding a bit bitter, a just wish they'd done their homework on this one, as I think this would have been a great setting.