DJGaia72's page

9 posts. Alias of liannababeli.


I am glad to see so much data, but what I really want to is: is there any new data on the Eye of Abendego included in Rage of Elements? My current homebrew campaign set in Golarion has the party of PFS members hunting down answers to the Eye itself.

I have reasoning and lore setup for it, but I love following canon. Is there NOTHING on high level elemental locations in Golarion in this book?

Also, as for the Elemental Lords debate: I can't imagine them being true deities at all. They only have worshippers because people worship the elements. They are meant to be Guardians of the Planes... not gods themselves.

Demigod status, certainly, but deity status? Doubtful.

Just my two cents. If anyone knows anything, I'd appreciate it.

Raark Featherwing wrote:
Mark Moreland wrote:
Yoshua wrote:
But it looks like to dive into this I will likely have to re buy a lot of content I already have across multiple platforms?

If you've already got the PDF for a book that you want the Nexus version of, through Paizo Connect, you can get the price of the PDF taken off the Nexus price, so you're just paying for the Nexus upgrade.

Conversely, if you but something on Nexus that you don't already own on PDF and your accounts are linked via Paizo Connect, you'll get the PDF added to your downloads.

....but if you buy a physical book you get no discounts at all? :(

Yes, I'd like to know officially why we have to buy a separate copy for Nexus when we've already purchased the books, whether PDF or physical, from Paizo or our local game stores just to get the same content in Nexus.

I am looking into using Nexus officially for my campaigns, but at nearly 700 bucks, even with discounts, to drop onto JUST the Rulebooks and Lost Omens books, that seems way too much to make it worth it.

The app isn't even half finished and still in Beta.

Themetricsystem wrote:
Steve Geddes wrote:

One significant complication with Critical Role is the staff.

The main players could all walk away on principle, I expect. But doing so would have severe impact on the 50-100 people who work for them (those are the numbers Ive heard cited no idea of the accuracy).

The more I learn and the more that I think about it I am beginning to come around on my impression of the non-stance that the Critical Role business entity has put out because... well, you're right Steve, they're not a group of players, and GMs, they're not just voice actors, streamers, or influencers either, they are an IMMENSE international business entity with over 100 people who rely on a steady income from the money they generate. As big as their Twitch presence is, and it is immense (they are by far the largest channel and have a REAL sweetheart deal that nobody else on the platform could ever even dream to score) the money made from their Twitch subscribers and watch time ad-revenue split isn't even the biggest part of their income, that instead comes from sponsorships, merch, in-person appearance fees and the like.

As I understand it the contracts and official sponsorships that they established with D&D Beyond were subsumed by WotC and along with it the very standard anti-defamation clauses are bound to have transferred along with it which means that in all likelihood if the main faces of CR DID speak out in any meaningful way the entire business would be in jeopardy and given the kind of absolute snakes the multinational corporate lawyers held by HASBRO/WotC are in general there is an extremely high likelihood that doing so would result in FAR more than the loss of sponsorship and potentially end up having to sign CR over to WotC/HASBRO or otherwise permanently shutter the doors on the company. That would result in the loss of tens of millions of dollars, merch lines, their stream, their studio, and also most likely require the business and anyone who personally spoke out to pay hefty fines due to...

So I have quite a unique position on this entire situation. I am a fan of Critical Role and a third-party designer of custom homebrew content. I am also the Chief Operations and Creative Officer of an independent game development studio with a working tabletop department.

I have been spending the last few days gathering my thoughts on this entire scenario, but I will keep those for somewhere else as this thread is strictly about CR's role with the system it uses.

You hit the nail right on the head: they do have contractual obligations to WotC that they simply cannot walk away from.

They do have more than 100 employees working for them that produce additional content, merch, marketing, and provide these jobs largely on the premise of their contract with WotC.

It is much more likely that CR will choose to finish up their obligatory contracts and then slowly begin to move everything from WotC internally.

As for what systems they will use, it is much more likely that they will create their own RPG system, loosely based on PF2E and D&D5E. Mercer and Co have talked about this for years and while nothing is official, I know that everyone at CR cares more about their employees and community.

So until we hear officially from CR in any capacity... beyond a few twitter posts and such, we should just expect D&D5E for at least another year.

Quick EDIT: After some thoughts, in relation to other APs and similar streamed content: as far as I am aware, only CR is contractually obligated to WotC directly. Almost everyone else is system-agnostic or has no direct correlation to WotC other than just simply loving D&D5E. Content creators should be VERY careful right now until more is revealed by WotC and this is especially applicable to AP content creators.

Joana wrote:
DJGaia72 may be thinking of the world map that was released in the P2e CRB (p. 418). At one point, word was that it was going to be reprinted in the Lost Omens World Guide, but that ended up not happening. People's expectations based on that rumor ended up being a little high, thinking it was going to be a detailed map or a poster map or something, instead of a just a map of the continents.

Joana, this is exactly what I was referring to. When they originally announced PF2E and talked about setting stuff, they spoke during one of the lore-based livestreams that they had intended on providing a complete planetary map of the various continents, nations, and major physical/geographical landmarks.

I'm not surprised that they didn't do it either. It's such a huge project and they don't want to wrangle themselves into a corner by providing data that they aren't even sure of yet.

I'll just have to oggle at the CRB map for now and hope lol.

David knott 242 wrote:
DJGaia72 wrote:
Are they going to release an updated character sheet pack with the new stuff?
I think this is what you are looking for.

Yes! Thank you so much! Awww, I'm starting a whole new campaign for one of my games ending, but it'll start before these are available. Oh well. I'll just print out new ones when I can get them. ^^ <3

Are they going to release an updated character sheet pack with the new stuff?

Ezekieru wrote:
DJGaia72 wrote:
So I have a player very curious about the Oracle and she's trying to put together a chaos/wild magic style character and I don't think they've added it, but I just wanted a confirmation that 'chaos' or 'wild' magic might be possible with the APG content?
Not with those names, no. The 8 Mysteries we got is Ancestors, Battle, Bones, Cosmos, Flames, Life, Lore, and Tempest. If they wanted a "chaotic" playstyle, have them go for Ancestors. If they wanted something more otherworldly, Cosmos is a nice theme.

Ah! Ok, thank you very much. That should assist with getting something, but I might have to work some of my own designs in to make it work how she had planned. I appreciate it sweetie. ^^

So I have a player very curious about the Oracle and she's trying to put together a chaos/wild magic style character and I don't think they've added it, but I just wanted a confirmation that 'chaos' or 'wild' magic might be possible with the APG content?

I'm a bit confused. I thought they were gonna release an entire Golarion map with this new Lost Omens setting? Or is that still being planned?