I am currently running Ironfang Invasion, and the pc’s have decided to go off the rails a bit, and head straight to Tamran via makeshift rafts down the river. What would the realistic reception that the pc’s and refugees from Phaendar receive? How much help could they realistically get from officials in the town to help fight the invading hobgoblin army?
Is there an archetype that let’s you take a slurk as a mount?
I'm having to make a new character in PFS to get credit for when I run We Be Goblins this weekend, and I'm planning on trying to build a homage to Jarlaxle. I'm making him a half drow for the drow magic stuff, and I'm thinking that going mostly swashbuckler with some levels of occultist for crazy ability to use magic items. Apart from that, I'm not sure what to do. I know I really can't get or afford some of his iconic magic items like the portable hole, the feather that summons an axebeak, the eyepatch that sees through illusions, the wand of viscous globs, or the bracer that shoots an endless stream of daggers. I still want to get as close as I can though. I'd like to hear the communities's input.
I have a gm boon for a vanara pc, and I was wondering what to do with it class wise. I was thinking gunslinger because of the ability score synergy and because I've wanted to play one for a while. Of course gunslinger seems to favor human because of how feat intensive it is. A lot of it depends on if you can use the prehensile tail to load a gun or not. I need to look into it. What do you guys think?
What is the best build (capping at 12th level) to make a Pathfinder version of a jedi? I was thinking a combo of kensai magus and sohei monk. I'm sure there is a better way to do it with psychic classes from occult adventures but I am not terribly familiar with them.
I'm wanting to make a gunslinger that opens with guns and the moves to thrown weapons and melee after the first round. I'm thinking mysterious stranger with a level of swashbuckler. The main problem is being feat starved. What are your thoughts on this?
Is there a way to get haste and bladed dash added to a witches known spells. I know the agility patron can give you haste, but I'd prefer the strength patron.
Why is this archetype banned? I understand things like master summoner and sythesist, but why this? It's basically a vigilante/ninja and both of those are legal.
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What is the best hellknight you can be? I want to make a new PFS character that will take levels in one or even several of the three hellknight prc's. I just can't decide where to start.
So the new worldscape comics featuring pulp heroes with the iconic pathfinder characters has inspired me to try some theorycraft character building. The challenge is to build Red Sonja as an 8th level character in Pathfinder, 3.5, and 5th edition. 28 point buy for 3.5 and 32,000 gold and 20 point buy for Pathfinder. Standard point buy and a few magic items for 5E. The main thing is to have a viable ac with no armor (maybe haramaki in Pathfinder). I have my own ideas. I want to hear yours.
My current pfs character is a half-orc mantis zealot warpriest. I recently became aware of some cool things an unchained monk gets like flying kick style strike, and it made me consider switching to unchained monk for at least 5 levels. Is there a way to make this work and not have it suck?
What are the best ways to get one shot kills, barring save or die spells, or your typical high str greatsword wielder at low levels. I know there are dastardly finish and merciless butcher along with the death attack ninja and slayer talents, but what else am I missing? Is there a good way to do this before 9th level?
What are all the ways to get death attack that are PFS legal and available before level 12?
Is there a spell in Pathfinder that mimics the 3.5 spell whirling blade? It let you throw a melee weapon that attacked everyone in a line within range and returned back to the caster. It also let you use your casting stat for attack and damage.
I had and interesting idea for a dex based bloodrager going crossblooded fey/destined and urban bloodrager. Seems a bit feat intensive, but possible viable if I can get the damage up. Is this a viable build?
Are there any shenanigans to make the many form mystery of the dark tapestry oracle really good before the end of pfs play?
What is the name of the item or spell that allows you to shrink an animal companion and carry it around?
If you were to cover all the bases (skills, arcane, divine, martial) with two pc's, what classes would they be?
What classes besides kensai magus and duelist get canny defense? Is there and item or feat that grants int to AC?
It seems you can stack abyssal bloodrager and brute vigilante to be a huge incredible hulk. Am I right?
Can you sneak attack with a warlock vigilante's mystic bolts?
I am toying with a warpriest build that worships Achaekek and dual wields sawtooth sabres. Looking at the mantis zealot archetype, but I'm not sure sneak attack and a few other flavorful things are worth giving up sacred weapon and armor. What is the best way to make this build effective and versatile?
I kind of like the flavor of the warlock archetype of vigilante, and I'm wanting to give it a try on a new PFS character. It seems a bit lacking mechanically. It's basically a magus but with mystic bolts instead of spell combat and spellstrike. What do I do to make this work? What race works best for this? Let's see some builds.
Does anyone know if there is a cost listed for buying a slurk in any paizo supplement?
So, I'm making a a new pfs character for my girlfriend and she wants a barbarian that shapechanges or at least focuses on natural attacks. So, should it be beast totem barbarian, or draconic or abyssal bloodrager? Perhaps a druid archetype that rages?
What's the best way to get massive amounts of sneak attack dice? I''m guessing rogue or ninja with snakebite brawler/vivasectionst alchemist and maybe master spy.
I am making a replacement for a pc that died going through emerald spire and was considering a ninja that uses a kusari gama for tripping and maybe eventually using dirty tricks. I would also love dex to damage ASAP. With 5 levels, a 20 point buy, 10,500 gp to work with and pretty much any race and pathfinder material to work with, how would you stat out this build?
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For all of you LOTR fans out there. How would you build the Witch King with Pathfinder mechanics?
So, I have a friend that loves to optimize melee PFS characters and insists that his new "build" is sub par because it "only" has a 28 AC at 5th level. The reasoning behind this thinking being that every "generic" fighter at that level should have +1 full plate, +1 tower shield, shield focus, etc. for a 31 AC at that level. I am a bit perplexed at this line of thought since I am pretty sure nothing about the cr system seems to indicate that a melee character needs or is expected to have an AC anywhere near that at such a low level. I also think that having everything with a cr anywhere near your level only able to hit you on a natural 20 takes some of the fun out of the game. Isn't 20 plus character level supposed to be a good AC? Doesn't it often make more sense for melee characters to focus a bit more on dealing damage than having every single attack miss them? Am I crazy or out of line for thinking this way?
I would like to get into a regular Pathfinder, 5E, or 3.5 game in the Lexington, KY area. Contact me at stafford.cory@gmail.com
I am looking for players for a 5E Forgotten Realms campaign. Contact me at stafford.cory@gmail.com for more info.
How do I get chronicle sheets for running an AP for PFS credit?
I placed an order for the hardcopy of Battle of Bloodmarch Hill on 2/15/2015 and still have not received it. Please ship it again. The order number is 3468115
The local pfs games and my home Pathfinder game are getting really sporadic and I would like to get a weekly or every other week gaming fix.
Hit me up at silverblade52000@yahoo.com if you need a player.
If you were to be able to rebuild a pfs character with 32 fame and a little over 36,000 gold, level 8, what would you make? I am particularly interested in ninja, rogue, or slayer builds. Multiclassing and prc's are ok too. I want something that can lay down the hurt, and is fairly versatile.
I have a GenCon Dm boon that unlocks a race I'm not really interested in or allows a rebuild of a character. I am thinking of rebuilding my level 8 human ninja. He's a typical two-weapon fighting sneak attack machine, but I want a more diversified character that can handle most things pfs throws at him. What would you guys do with around 36,000 gold and 32 fame/30 prestige to work with? Multi-classing or a completely different race/class are on the table.
I am in desperate need of advice. I am relaunching a campaign that die from unreliable players and I really wanted to use material I already had that I was somewhat familiar with, but also be set in FR. I have had the CoCT AP for a while and I was wondering what you veteran DM's would change to make it fit in pre spellplague Forgotten Realms. The most important being what city to replace Korvosa with. You can email me at silverblade52000@yahoo with suggestions if you like.
I am hoping that the Paizo staff can weigh in on this. I have played through one AP and most of the way through another, and I am becoming frustrated with the insane difficulty of the combat encounters in these AP's. I do not want easy fights. I like challenging fights that you barely survive. It feels like an accomplishment. The problem is when every major encounter kills one or more party members (sometimes all but one) it starts to seem like hitting your head against a wall, plus your wbl dwindles as you are constantly paying to have characters revived. It no longer is fun anymore, and you end up with a completely different set of characters than you started with. This is with 5 to 6 players, and the AP's are designed for 4. Are these things even playtested? If they are, what do they consider a success? Anyone else experience this?
Have they put out the call for GenCon volunteers and I missed it? They said sometime in February and the month is almost over.
I am scheduled to play Bonekeep in a few weeks and I have a character that has enough exp to be 3rd level from GM credit. I know the mod is supposed to be deadly. I am not looking for any spoilers, but I would like advice on a level 3 build with about 3500gp and 12 fame/10prestige to work with. The others play it with me will most likely be a level 4 gnome life oracle, a level 5 gnome druid, and probably a 7th level pregen (merisiel or ezren). We may have a level 5 tiefling kensai magus (dervish dance build) as well. Given all this informaton, what build would you use to help you and the whole group survive?
I'm looking to get a new group together to play some D&D next. I am also fine with playing Pathfidner, 3.5 or even 4E depending on what the group decides on. You can contact me at silverblade52000@yahoo.com
Have they started taking requests for Gen Con volunteers yet?