
Cavenn the Black's page

123 posts. Alias of Nerak the Numb.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Hey all,

Have an opening on my Tuesday night Pathfinder Mummy's Mask game- details below!

Character creation

-Starting level 3

-20 or 15 point buy (only 1 stat below 8 before modifiers, no stat above 18 before modifiers)

-3000 starting gold

-Races allowed are:

Core, Catfolk, Gnoll, Ifrit, Kitsune, Oread ,Nagaji, Ratfolk, Slyph, Undine (20 point buy)

Aasimar, Fetching, Tengu, Tiefling (15 point buy)

-Books allowed: Core Rulebook, Advanced Player's Guide, Advanced Class Guide, Ultimate Combat, Ultimate Magic, Occult Adventures, Ultimate Equipment, Inner Sea Gods, Inner Sea Magic, People of the Sands, Ultimate Intrigue

-Must use Unchained versions of classes if available

-Only one archetype allowed per class

-Back ground skills in play

-2 traits- 1 must be from the Player's Guide, the other from list of approved sources

-1 Drawback

-Max HP at 1st level. Level ups are 1/2 HD+1

-No evil alignments

-Must have background story

Game stuff

-Game nights will be 2 out of 3 Tuesdays (Play 2 Tuesdays in a row, take 1 week off, repeat cycle) at 830 PM (CST) until 1130 PM (CST).

-We will be using Maptool for combat/visual aids and Discord for voice/campaign management.

-All character sheets must be up to date on Discord after each session.

-Minimum of 3 players and GM for session to make. If you are not there, your PC will be left somewhere doing something outside the group. If that is not reasonable, then someone else will play your PC

-As online plays at a slower pace, please have your character's action ready prior to it being your turn.

-GM has final say on all rules. I'm not going to debate something you don't agree with during the session.

-I believe in the rule of cool, before the rule of roll, so try and make your character interesting out of combat as well.

-If you are rude, offensive and/or act like a jerk to others, I reserve the right to remove you from the group.

-Download the free Mummy's Mask Player's Guide here: ayers-Guide

Other stuff

-I would prefer if you submit two characters for me to choose from, but I'm not going to make this a requirement. I will choose from what I feel are the 5 players with the most potential for the game and put the others on a waiting list if they would like.

-If you aren't familiar with Maptool, we can give a quick tutorial. It's pretty easy to use as a player and we will have some people in the group who have been using it since 2006.

-If you have any questions, feel free to post them on here.

-I will take submissions until December 4th and plan on starting the selected player on December 11th.


Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Hey all,

Starting a game soon- details below!

Character creation

-20 or 15 point buy (only 1 stat below 8 before modifiers, no stat above 18 before modifiers)
-150 starting gold
-Races allowed are:
Core, Catfolk, Gnoll, Ifrit, Kitsune, Oread ,Nagaji, Ratfolk, Slyph, Undine (20 point buy)
Aasimar, Fetching, Tengu, Tiefling (15 point buy)
-Books allowed: Core Rulebook, Advanced Player's Guide, Advanced Class Guide, Ultimate Combat, Ultimate Magic, Occult Adventures, Ultimate Equipment, Inner Sea Gods, Inner Sea Magic, Osirion, Legacy of Pharaohs, Ultimate Intrique
-Must use Unchained versions of classes if available
-Only one archetype allowed per class
-Back ground skills in play
-2 traits- 1 must be from the Player's Guide, the other from list of approved sources
-1 Drawback
-Max HP at 1st level. Level ups are 1/2 HD+1
-No evil alignments
-Must have background story

Game stuff

-Game nights will be 2 out of 3 Tuesdays (Play 2 Tuesdays in a row, take 1 week off, repeat cycle) at 830 PM (CST) until 1130 PM (CST).
-We will be using Maptool for combat/visual aids and Discord for voice/campaign management.
-All character sheets must be up to date on Discord after each session.
-Minimum of 3 players and GM for session to make. If you are not there, your PC will be left somewhere doing something outside the group. If that is not reasonable, then someone else will play your PC
-As online plays at a slower pace, please have your character's action ready prior to it being your turn.
-GM has final say on all rules. I'm not going to debate something you don't agree with during the session.
-I believe in the rule of cool, before the rule of roll, so try and make your character interesting out of combat as well.
-If you are rude, offensive and/or act like a jerk to others, I reserve the right to remove you from the group.
-Download the free Mummy's Mask Player's Guide here: ayers-Guide

Other stuff

-I would prefer if you submit two characters for me to choose from, but I'm not going to make this a requirement. I will choose from what I feel are the 5 players with the most potential for the game and put the others on a waiting list if they would like.
-If you aren't familiar with Maptool, we can give a quick tutorial. It's pretty easy to use as a player and we will have some people in the group who have been using it since 2006.
-If you have any questions, feel free to PM me or email me directly at
-I will take submissions until May 8th and plan on starting the game on May 15th with a "get to know you/technical issues" type session to insure we are ready to go.


Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber


We currently have an opening in our Wednesday night game. It runs from 830-1130 (CST). We are currently in Book 3 of Giantslayer. The gaming group has been together for 12 years. We use Maptools VTT and Ventrilo for voice. Let me know if you're interested and I'll give you more information.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber


Looking for 1-2 players for our weekly Pathfinder game. We run Wednesday nights from 830 PM to 1130 PM (US Central Standard time) using Maptool and Ventrilo (both free clients). We're a group of older gamers looking to replace a player that had to drop because of family stuff. We've been gaming in this format for the last seven years, so it's a steady game. We're currently running through Carrion Crown and the PCs are at 7th level. I'll be glad to answer any questions you have on the forum, messages on here or via email.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber


Looking for 1-2 players for our weekly Pathfinder game. We run Wednesday nights from 830 PM to 1130 PM (US Central Standard time) using Maptool and Ventrilo (both free clients). We're a group of older gamers looking to replace a player that had to drop because of family stuff. We've been gaming in this format for the last seven years, so it's a steady game. We're currently running through Carrion Crown and have just started the 3rd adventure. I'll be glad to answer any questions you have on the forum, messages on here or via email.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Hey folks,

My order shows as shipped June 29th but has still not arrived. We're at the 10 day mark and I'm a little worried.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Has there been any more thought given to tag-less maps and pictures for each Pathfinder module/issue? These were a great boon to those of us that use Maptool and the like. Other than that, anyone know of a way to capture images with text and turn them into textless images in Adobe 9 (as a workaround)?

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Anyone do anything cool with the battles that take place in Golismorga that they'd be willing to share?

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

A while back I was on the forums here and someone had mentioned a product that had all the "essential" 3.5 combat rules and stuff on one or two sheet. Can't seem to the find that thread. Any ideas?

Scarab Sages

Nerak the Numb wrote:
Hey folks- Was curious as to why my account was charged twice in March. My records show I was charged once on March 17th, then again on March 31st. Let me know when you get time.

The 17th was most likely for AP #19, and the 31st for AP # 20.

Did you check your orders under your account?

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

So how do you handle critical hits in your campaign? We had a critical hit last night from our uber strong barbarian/cleric that brought up some debate. When rolling the damage for the second time (assuming the crit is confirmed) do you add all your bonuses again (in other words add these bonuses in twice) or just add them once to the total? The PHB seems to contradict itself a bit on this issue. See pages 134,140, 306. Thougts?

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Anyone know where the Jade Ravens stat blocks are for when they are 3rd level? I know the version in Dungeon #140 without the gear. But isn't there another set (with gear)? I can't seem to find them.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Hey folks! Need to replace a player in my weekly Wednesday night online campaign. We play from 830 PM (CST) to 1130 PM (CST)and use Maptool ( to make that happen. We're playing in the core setting of Greyhawk and the PCs are 3rd level. You'll need to download a copy(free) of the Savage Tide Player's Guide here at and use it to create a back story and PC. No evil alignments please; it's not that type of campaign. Any core book is available for use in character creation as well as the splat stuff (as long as I own the book). We pretty much use RAW, though we do use the Turning Undead variant rule from Complete Divine and a variant of the Action Point System. You may use any race as well, as long as it is ECL +0. For starting stats, you may use the 28 point buy method or roll them using the automated die roller in MapTool while I'm present. Starting gold is 2,700. Right now, the group consists of 5 other players: A Hadozee (Stormwrack) Fighter/Scout, a Half Orc Cleric/Barbarian of Kord, a Human druid, a Human Sorceror/Rogue, and a Human Beguiler. If this sounds appealing to you, let me know and I'll gladly give you more information. I'm sure I'm forgetting something, so feel free to email ( me with any questions.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Hey folks! Need to replace a player in my weekly Wednesday night online campaign. We play from 830 PM (CST) to 1100 PM (CST)and use Maptool from to make that happen. We're playing in the core setting of Greyhawk and the PCs are 1st level. You'll need to download (or purchase a hard copy) of the Savage Tide Player's Guide here at and use it to create a back story and PC. No evil alignments please; it's not that type of campaign ;). Any core book is available for us in character creation as well as the splat stuff (as long as I own the book). We pretty much use RAW, though we do use the Turning Undead variant rule from Complete Divine. You may use any race as well, as long as it is ECL +0. For starting stats, you may use the 28 point buy method or roll them using the automated die roller in MapTool while I'm present. For starting gold, you may use the average for your class or roll it (I'll trust ya on that one). Right now, the group consists of 5 other players: A Hadozee (Stormwrack) Fighter, a Human Cleric of St. Cuthbert, a Human druid, a Human Sorceror, a Human Rogue and a Human Cleric of Fharlaghn (currently a NPC- this is who you would replace). If this sounds appealing to you, let me know and I'll gladly give you more information.The group is a bit divine caster heavy, but you can play whatever you want. I'm sure I'm forgetting something, so feel free to email ( me or post on here with any questions.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Been wanting to post this on here for quite some time, but find as with most things in life, I tend to procrastinate. Unfortunately, that also means that most of my motes are long gone and my intial post won't be quite as I had initially envisioned. Anyway, I'm running a group of six (currently 5) through the Savage Tide Adventure Path on Wednesday nights. We're playing online using MapTool from and using the core setting of "Greyhawk". (I say "Greyhawk" because to me, setting is not that important in this AP) We're about 4 months in now and I must say, I have a good group of fellows in which to DM. As with anything online, the pace is a little slower, but I still think we're having a good time. We're pretty much RAW so far, other than the turning variant from CD.

The group consists of:

Moors: A spiked chain wielding Hadozee fighter
Nyll: The charismatic and daring Human Rogue
Kavin: A helpful Human Sorceror
Cardozo: A Human Cleric of St. Cuthbert
Amrhil: A Human Druid (who has been beating stuff down lately along with his wolf companion, Barkley)
Jared: (Currently an NPC until I can fill this slot) A fleet of foot Cleric of Fharlanghn

I hope to see some posts on here from my players; including personal accounts of the happenings of the week and character backstories. I, being the most generous DM that I am, will also offer XP bonuses to such players that intrigue me with the aforementioned happenings. We will also discuss any rule discrepancy(yawn), character concepts, new PCs ( in the case of probable and unfortunate death(s)), etc. on this board. I'll try and get some session information stuff up on this link later this week.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Thumbed threw this and found it intriguing. Worth picking up or waste of money? Any opinions would be appreciated.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I saw a thread similar to this awhile back but couldn't find it on here. I ran the majority of the fight on the Nixie with Vark and his thugs last night and had to fudge at least 3 rolls to keep it from being a TPK. Now granted, I had hot dice and the players were ice cold, but wow. I run a group of 6 and ran the encounter pretty close to as written. They had a decent plan and made it to the ship without being spotted, until they tried climbing the rope and failed miserably, alerting the guards (!splash!). I'm writing it off as fluke, but did anyone else's group struggle with this encounter?

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

(EDIT: Doh! Wrong email address. Email is:

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Anyone converted the map of the Blue Nixie in Dungeon #139 to a "top down" type format? I'm going to be DMing STAP online and can't use a standard 3D type map.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I still have not received my Dungeon #142. Can you send me a replacement copy please?

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Maybe I'm jumping the gun here, but I still have not received Dungeon #142. I usually get the mag within about 10-14 days of it being shipped and still have not received it.