Maidrayne Vox

Blackguard of Puns's page

32 posts. Alias of Scintillae.


Drejk wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Limeylongears wrote:
Drejk wrote:

*people's Drejk's randomly irrational wants*

I saw a nice pocket knife some time ago and I am feeling unreasonable want to buy it (I have two pocket knives and I barely use any of them at all). At the same time I feel strong aversion to spending money on non-essentials - I only bought the second pocket knife when it occurred to me that it costs one-and-a-half take out meal that I occasionally buy so balancing that purchase is just a matter of keeping away from take out places for some time. This new shiny knife costs more like two take out meals, but I bought a polar fleece blouse last week (it was 1/3rd off and its warm soft and light), and a pair of cargo pants identical to the ones I bought in February this week (they were 1/5th off, yay for sales), together coming to a total of 120 złoty or a bit over twice the cost of the knife in question.

I was considering getting a waterproofish jacket for the same price as the pants, in the very same shop but when I went there today, the sale was already over.

Buy the knives, Drejk!

Not helping. You were supposed to praise my strong will for resisting temptation. Or something.

Is it an Opinel?

*googles Opinel*

Nope (most Opinel models seem to be more expensive, at least those Google shows me). That one is made by Neo Tools. The picture doesn't show it but there is a small fabric pocket to be attached to the belt to hold it on the other side of the blister.

That looks like a handy little thing.
Still not helping.

Just think of how knife it would be to own such cutting-edge technology. Especially if there's a sale - slash those prices! But I'll get right to the point - I'm sure you'll make your own decision, and you will play that to the hilt when you do.

8 people marked this as a favorite.
NobodysHome wrote:
"sexy octopus"

I suggest some combination of calamari and Mata Hari.

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Tacticslion wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:


The math lessons we'd already completed were not counted as being completed.

Now we get to do them agaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiin

... well. "We."

*kicks back in chair, with feet up, while Eldest slaves over a hot iPad all day*

(No, seriously, those things can get waaaarrrrrm.)

Is that a baked Apple?

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Well, that's just peachy.

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Well, it's a hobby that lens itself well to collecting things.

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Tacticslion wrote:
Scintillae wrote:
*new avatar*

Uh-oh. Scint has dawned [sic] an iron mask. I scared.


Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who is the ferrous one of all?

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NobodysHome wrote:
Drejk wrote:
Well, if we are doing nitpicking, then let me put my two cents grosh: The word city itself in English language generally means a large settlement, with modern threshold usually being considered at around 100.000 citizens or more (or any settlement with its own cathedral in UK). If it is less than 100k, it's more likely to be considered a town, though the USA's legal definition of what is and what is not a city might be different and might vary by state...

What's hilarious is that I was *just* complaining about this on our trip -- possibly even to LordSynos, but more likely some poor random Brit on a train: In the U.K., there are concrete definitions of cities, towns, villages and the like. All based on the size of their churches, but still, at least a consistent definition.

I liked finding the very first definition for California: "In California, the words 'city' and 'town' are used interchangeably," and basically all you need is a charter and you're a city.

You can even go here and see that we have FOUR "cities" with populations of under 10.

I think I'm gonna make my house a city! :-P

But there would be no population because NobodysHome!

7 people marked this as a favorite.
Tequila Sunrise wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:
I ate a green apple today. They aren't as sour as people claim.
John Napier 698 wrote:
It must have been either a Golden Delicious or a Granny Smith apple.

Aren't Grannies the sour apple? If there's one more sour, I would like to try it. :)

My bet is Mort ate a Golden Disgusting. Barely sweet. Not sour. And no redeeming traits.

So a Golden Delicious is Auful?

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We don't have a proper holiday dance, do we? Halloween has the Monster Mash. I propose we get one in honor of Santa - North Pole dancing.

Freehold DM wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
Woran wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:

To me, milk is milk. I'm not that particular. Will eat and drink almost everything.

I'm up early because I'm trying to catch gym class at 7.15 in the morning. I expect I'll get fat in US because their servings are humongous. My friend went to States and came back visibly rounder after her vacation.

So I'm trying to cut some pounds first.

*Slurps up the rum*

I think the saddest thing about that statement is not that it depends on the restaurant you choose, but it depends on how much you're willing to spend. In the wrong way!!!!

Around here, Claim Jumper serves (I kid you not) 3500-calorie meals for under $20. One of those meals would feed my family for 3-4 days, if it were even remotely edible.

Go up to $20-$25 per plate and you start getting places that actually serve you quality instead of quantity, and most of the meals would only serve two.

It isn't until you break around $30 per plate that you get meals that you can actually finish in a sitting without getting ludicrously overstuffed.

It's yet another reason we love Rivoli. We get a few "bites", an appetizer each, a dinner, a dessert, and a couple of drinks. And at the end of it all, we are sated, but not stuffed. Yeah, I bet it's still on the order of 2000 calories in total, but it's a MUCH tastier 2000 calories, and doesn't make you feel obscenely bloated.

But yeah, in the U.S., if you eat 3 restaurant meals a day, you will gain weight. It's just that simple. They're designed for you to have no more than 1 per day.

So. Much. Sugar.

In. Everything.
(or high fructose corn syrup)

I honestly couldnt eat some foods because they were so sweet. Honestly, who puts sugar in salad dressing? So, so gross. And I had to have lemonade mixed with extra water as it was too sweet.

Yeah, that's a whole side tirade. We massively subsidize our corn industry so manufacturers want to use

It's amaizing, really. Any of us can give you an earful if you don't mind fielding our complaints. Corn you believe it?

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Freehold DM wrote:
Scintillae wrote:
I'm in for an interesting week. "The Miller's Tale" usually leads to that.
I was kidding. I was just kidding. Now I am scared that you do appear when a pun is made.


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Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Just a Mort wrote:
Sterling Archie Andrews wrote:
<comment deleted>
This is so wrong.... Excuse me while I turn away to puke...
I'm sorry, Mort. Eons ago, back during the early days of FaWtL, someone found that picture and we FaWtLies teased our Unfrozen Pony Lawyer (aka Sebastian) with it. I love to shoehorn in callbacks (seemingly regardless of whether it's actually funny or not), but I didn't consider how poorly that "joke" may have aged. My apologies.

Just horsing around, eh?

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Just a Mort wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Personal references be damned, if you put "Can shave an angry bear with a skid loader" on your application, you'll get a call back.

Considering we'd be hiring you to develop technical training on enterprise-level software, an answer like that that got past the HR department would definitely merit a callback.

I'm sure there's quite a bit of skill crossover.

Puts level on top of the keyboard, begins whacking it with his mallet to level it. Starts measuring the monitor with a tape measure and marking it with a sharpie. Begins looking for a hose nozzle and power outlet.

So, uh, where do I set up the wet saw?

*is completely horrified*

Damn. Makes me want to set up a completely horrified alias like Vidmaster7.

May I suggest "Just a Mortified"?

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Freehold DM wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:

Some days (OK, MANY days), I soooooooo feel Scintillae's pain.

Impus Major's English Teacher: So, how many people are ready to turn in their final drafts today to get the bonus points for early submission?
(not a single hand goes up)
IMET: OK, so what could I do to encourage more of you to be done early?
Impus Major's Classmate: Make the early submission bonus worth more than the essay itself?
(later that same class)
IMET: OK, we've had a good discussion about what makes someone your friend. So, let's look at the other side. What makes someone your enemy?
Impus Major: When they keep you away from Flavor Town!
IMET: (Buries face in hands)
IMET: Impus Major, you are banned from ever mentioning Guy Fieri in class again.

All I want to know is: How much did Impus Major do before this, to get himself banned from mentioning a celebrity chef?

It's Guy Fieri, once is enough.
why does everyone hate him again?

They just hate him with a Fieri passion.

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Nobody, are you saying your knives need to be a cut above the rest?

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If you find the song "Come Sail Away" boring, does that make you a Styx-in-the-mud?

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They are burdened with glorious porpoise.

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Triangulating proper aim. It's mathically delicious!

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NobodysHome wrote:

Oh, and just to shine some good news on this otherwise-angry day, I get to keep the duck.

And the pocketknife.

But I'm more excited about the duck.

CAN IT, Captain Yesternaughty!

Were you expecting some fowl language?

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The bank fired me. Someone asked me to check their balance, so I pushed them over.

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I wasn't sure about creating an ocean full of honey as it sounded very difficult. However, everyone tells me that it's as easy as a bee sea.

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A bunch of aquatic mammals escaped from captivity. It was otter chaos.

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Looks like I lost an electron. I should keep a better ion them.

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I had a crazy dream last night. I was swimming in an ocean of orange soda. Turns out it was just a Fanta sea.

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Orthos wrote:
At Halloween thing. Tonberry mask getup is hot as Heck. Also so so so many punny costumes.

Go on...

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It sustains me.

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Freehold DM wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Tacticslion wrote:
Tequila Sunrise wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Orthos wrote:
I guess I should probably make an appearance, if only because I was gonna start doing writeups of our new Savage Tide game sooner or later...



Do go on.

Of course I still have to finish DA Origins. And D3. And then download and play PS: Torment.

But I've heard so many good things about FFT, I can't help myself.

Most of what you've heard is probably true, but many are not.
Such as?

Blarg. "Some" - I should have said "some" are not.

And added "probably," instead of being so specific. That's what I get for being distracted while typing!

Point is: there are a lot of rumors, and probably some exaggerations about the game that aren't true.

But it's awesome and deserves most all of the praise it can get.

(I'm actually quite pleased to see that there is a resurgence of popularity, recently, among the internet community.)

And yes: it's awesome enough to name myself after. XD

The only rumor I want confirmed about the game is that the blasphemous class "mathematician" is removed from the game and replaced with soemthing less awful.

Quite the radical change to subtract such a thing. I wager it will be quite divisive should this go through, but we musn't be irrational.

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We sometimes go off on these tangents that just don't add up. They can get a little derivative.

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Lamontius wrote:

it was my post

so you both owe me a coke


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Everybody loves puns.

The Pun Ranger wrote:
Pecan Sandie Duncan wrote:
You should totally do an alias blitz.

Diddlin diddlin diddlindindin diddlin diddlin diddlindindin diddlin diddlin diddlindindin diddlIIIN dediddlindindin

It refreshes the blitz alias guys cannot reach!



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What of it?

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