Diseased Rat

Bill Ward's page

11 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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Here is a bit of unsolicited advice, some of which has already been touched on.

First, if you are serious about writing fiction, you need to look beyond writing in just one world or for just one audience. For some idea of what kind of markets are out there have a look at this site: http://www.ralan.com/

Look at the bios for the pathfinder fiction authors and investigate the other stuff they've done prior to PF. Good writing and ideas are important, but there are a lot of other factors that go into making a writer, like how well they take edits and how they handle deadlines. A few good fanfic pieces won't communicate those factors to an editor the way a list of published credits will.

You should also engage with all sorts of people. Submit fiction, talk to editors, or maybe even see if you can volunteer for small markets as an editor yourself. Go to forums that are focused on writing, and not just for rpgs. Go to conventions, meet people that do what you want to do and suck their brains out with a straw (metaphorically).

Don't be afraid to cut your teeth on other projects, like the sort of things you find here: http://forum.rpg.net/forumdisplay.php?12-Game-Freelancing

And read widely, not just the kind of things you want to write. Think about what you are reading, analyze it, see how it works. Take notes, write reviews, whatever you have to do to start looking at it as a writer (as a *student*) and not as an audience member.

While you're doing all that you've also got your butt parked in a chair as often as possible, doing the actual craft of writing, one word at a time.