Sagi's page

No posts. Organized Play character for KunoichiSong.

Full Name

Sagikkun Nappunyun


Human (Dual Talent Dex and Wis)








Chaotic Neutral


Abadar, Master of the First Vault


Common, Draconic

Strength 11
Dexterity 19
Constitution 12
Intelligence 13
Wisdom 16
Charisma 7

About Sagi

A young girl who was abandoned in the forests of Xian Tia when she was born, due to having a body too frail to live in a ninja clan. She raised herself in the forest, using her flexibility and dexterity as her weapons rather than her strengths.

However, one day she came across a kind halfling merchant. This merchant, named Lyle Tealeaf, adopted her and began raising her, teaching her to live for the sake of others and the ways of his people. He even taught her some parts of his clan's way of the monk.

Yet, his kindness would eventually betray him. One day, the kind merchant found another poor orphan, and took him in. They lived happily for a few days, during which Sagi and Lyle treated the other orphan with nothing but love and kindness. The boy, however, only saw the two of them as suckers. In less than a week after the adoption, the child murdered Lyle Tealeaf and ran off with the valuables after having failed to kill Sagi as well. The boy had no need to do so, other than that the boy loved to kill. Angered by this, she cast away her Lawful nature and fell to the Chaos of the desire of vengence. She would return to her primal ways... But she would continue to only use her fists in combat. She would never use weapons, as to pay homage to her beloved protector.