
Beargram's page

61 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist.

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Steam PC release please!

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Worm Demon is there to remind you that the spice must flow.

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Mike Selinker wrote:

Gen Con Player: "My character just died. What happens now?"

Me: "It's organized play, son. If your character dies, you die too."


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Hawkmoon269 wrote:
I think they were rushed with all the other stuff for GenCon and getting these out before the Guild play starts tomorrow. I'm just happy to see them.

Yep, understandable. Now the wait for the physical cards is really on ...

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Sarah Bull wrote:

Just want to give a shoutout and big thank you to Hawkmoon for his simple turn overview. I printed it out, laminated it, and took it to Paizocon with me. It was helpful and popular. For all of you who wanted your own, heres a link to Hawkmoon's file: ve-game-workshe

I second this. I check Hawkmoon's BGG files regularly for updates. The drop in errata are especially well done IMO.

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... appears to be the next ACG AP.

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