Death's Head Tree

Ash Walker's page

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Male Human - Karandic Druid/4
Keildrithe Oldsun wrote:
"Damn," mutters Keildrithe, cringing as Laithe-wolf savages the attacker in the loft. "I should have put a sleep spell on the man... he might have been useful for questioning..." The bard climbs the ladder and joins Laithe-wolf in the loft, hoping that he might still have a chance to save their enemy's life.

Laithe-wolf pulls back in shock, his mouth filled with the coppery taste of the man's blood. He stands there for a moment, shocked by his own efficiency and brutality, taken aback by the power of his wolf form.

As Keildrithe scrambles up the ladder and attends to the fallen man, Laithe-wolf is shaken from him shock and has a quick look around the loft to make sure there is no more danger. Spot check 3 + 7 = 10

Assuming he finds none. Hearing the sounds of battle continuing outside, Laithe transforms once more into human form and begins climbing down the ladder. To Keildrithe he says "I'll go to see if Alton and Jarred need help out there. Call if you need anything". Reaching the ground, he moves to the back door, passing Yruch and preparing to move outside.