Sanvil Trett

Arrendis Lionheart's page

93 posts. Alias of kaineblade83.

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Atrocious wrote:
I just noticed in the latest Pathfinder that Ezren (the iconic wizard) has his deity listed as "atheism". That makes me wonder what it means to be an atheist in a world where the existence of the divine is so obviously real. Since atheism means to "reject theism" (theism: the belief in the existence one or more divinities or deities) it probably has a different meaning in Golarion. Ezren has an intelligence score of 17 and a wisdom score of 15, he is both smart and insightful enough to realize that the deities are real. So what does it mean to be an atheist in Golarion?

Here are a couple of ideas..

1. It's just wizardry with a bunch of smoke and mirrors. They pretend their spells come from gods to further their massive wealthy churches and keep their thumb on the common man!

2. Oh yeah, they get their spells, and these so called gods make themselves known, but they are little more some over pompous extra-planer with delusions of godhood. No way are these petty creatures my creator. Sure take the spells and gifts they offer, but to worship them, Ridiculous. I am all powerful to my dog, but that doesn't make me his god.