With the two new classes being announced, what are people hoping to see in them?
For the Thaumaterge, in almost expecting it to be skilled and martial focused, with some focus spells. Perhaps with a trinket focus thrown in like the alchemist with alchemical items, maybe getting multiple uses out of them. Giving them cantrips (and only cantrips, perhaps with feats to frant them the occasional spell) would be cool too.
As for psychics... i have no idea. I figured that was the purpose of the Occult Sorcerer. So instead, I say... make them prepared Occult casters. Cleric/druid style, so no spellbook, just access to the Occult list (though my real preference would be Arcanist style casting, but oh well). This is literally the last class I thought would ever hit PF2, so I'm not sure what they would do with it.
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Between the upcoming Secrets of Magic and Strength of Thousands, it's a good time to be a mage. What kind of spellcasters do people intend to play? I have a few up my sleeve I'm excited to share:
1) Trivinnius Rez, gnomish tinkerer who, in a lab accident, fused his soul with his construct friend (yet to be named) Gnome Summoner
2) Dretargo, dwarven Wyrmblessed sorcerer/ druid, intended to be my student at the Magaambya.
3) Tribbin Tremaine III, halfling wizard with spontaneous casting-trying to rebuild my old arcanist. He was a nutty fella.
4) Horatio Payngore Smith- Half-Orc magus. Hoping to remake a battle bard I used to have under the class.
I know in some editions and games pvp works well, and in some it doesnt. Has anyone had any experience using it in pf2?
So if I have a slow spell on me making me slowed 1, and I get swallowed whole, am I slowed 2? I cant seem to find anything that says it does, though I heard it ruled that way recently. Society-related, if it matters.
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Odd title, I know. Basically I'm asking about mechanics in one area of the genre that youd like to see applied in other parts.
For me, its stances. Martial stances are cool. Magical stances (or similar) would be cool too. Perhaps once that gives a +1 to hit at the cost of something else (maybe spell DC and vice versa)
Odd thought, I know. But interesting tip think about
I feel like ive looked everywhere, but for the life of me I don't know where the equation is for how much gold to give for completing... anything. APs, scenarios, quests, anything. Anyone have a link?
So I'm a little confused about the effect "treat your save as one better". When does this happen?
For example, the oracle focus spell Debilitating Dichotomy. 9d6 vs a basic will save for me and my opponent, but I treat my save as one better. So if i succeed it's a crit success. If I fail it's a success, and if I crit fail its just a failure.
But eventually, that oracle gets Resolve. So if I succeed I get the effects of a critical success. If I fail that will save and it counts as a success, do I take no damage due to Resolve? What if I roll a nat 1? That's a crit fail. The spell says I treat my save as 1 better, but rolling a 1 means I treat it as one worse. How does that work out?
Same for things with the Incapacitate rules. If I'm higher level and I roll a 1, do i just fail or do i critically fail?
There are some rogue feats that let you treat fails as successes and successes as critical successes for stealth. Does that mean their fails are crit successes?
I recently came to the conclusion that Oracles are hands down my favorite pf2 class. The curses are thematic, the different stages all do something interesting, and each mystery feels unique within the class. It scratches my resource management itch, gets the refocus boosts for free, and just feels powerful, though if found that things can go.from fine to dangerous very quickly (though indont mind it).
What about everyone else?
So how well does this work? I'm going to be introducing my pf1 group to pf2 soon. (Pandemic slowed us down) and I know I'm a big fan of the archetype rule. And I want to introduce it from go with my group so that's our normal way to play, partly because of the options it provides, partly because I hope that when I play with our main dm running that he'll use it too, but mostly because we're starting with Extinction Curse and them having acrobat and such fro. Go would be cool.
Is it too much to introduce right off the bat? And how much stronger do they make players?
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Probably the coolest name for a book, and exactly what I was hoping for! Cant wait for the link to the playtest itself. HUZZAH
So with the last PF1 game I'm in slowly coming to an end, I'll be running a campaign for my regular group. We're doing Age of Extinction, because who doesnt love circus performers vs dinosaurs? The only thing is, I'd like to give them a starter adventure to get them into the groove of play. A one shot or two, maybe a trilogy, so they know how the system works and whatnot.
Any suggestions? Fall of plague stone is a tad deadlier than I'd like, and some of the PFS scenarios I've done havent been very exciting or interesting (to me anyway. I'm more of a starfinder guy in terms of tone)
So yeah, any advice on a good one-shot to start with would be appreciated!
So i preordered the pawn set for Age of Extinction but dont want to wait for my next subscription to ship. Is there a way to ship it now?
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What are you hoping to see come out in this book to boost the classes? Currently hoping to see:
- Bloodrager as an instinct.
- more Druidic Orders
- Arcanist. Somehow. Some way. I love that style of spellcasting
With the APG put, I was wondering if there was a way to make a respectable Arcane Archer yet, or is it something that is better saved for the eventual Magus?
Do we know anything about when it comes out? A comment on blog post a few weeks ago said "next week" so I'm wondering if I missed something or if it's been delayed?
So I've been struggling to decide which of the uncommon ancestries to start with in PFS and figured I'd ask around, see what others are looking at, PFS or not. So, assuming that they all are added as buyable, were looking at:
Kobolds are always playable, so not counting them. Nor did I count Lineages, since.indont know if they're being added. But of those, what are the general opinions?
(Sorry if thinks too soon, but since the PDF came in it's all I can think about.
Ideas I'd had so far:
Lizardfolk Rogue
Orc Druid (Mauler?)
Catfolk Champion or Swashbuckler
Tengu/Ratfolk Witch
So in the blog post and the updated APG sanctioning, I couldn't help but notice... Evil Champions arent listed as uncommon or rare. They seem to be playable. I dont mean to ask the teacher why they didnt collect our homework, but is that intentional? I searched for alignment and couldn't find anything other that the part about alignment infractions and infamy, as well as wantonly evil acts and callously criminal ones as well. But I couldn't easily find anything about characters with evil alignments.
Did I just miss something? Are they trusting us to play evil characters responsibly? Or an oversight? Are they uncommon, but just not listed as such in the post? A fan of "lawful evil characters begrudgingly working with a group of heroes to turn into a big softie" wants to know.
Does the breath attack gain weapon specialization, or no? What about other attacks that augmentations give?
So I just got my 3-02 chronicle and notices there wasnt a boon or anything listed. Heard a rumor they were doing away with them, anyone know what's up?
So since were getting the APG this Gencon season and last year they announced it then, it makes me wonder if we'll get a similar reveal this year. To that end, what are people hoping for/expecting?
I've got my fingers crossed for a "fringe" book. Psychic casters, guns, classes with the Arcanist style of casting. Summoner/spiritualist hybrid. All the stuff that's weird and out there and maybe not for every campaign, but that we're presently "missing"
So since were getting the APG this Gencon season and last year they announced it then, it makes me wonder if we'll get a similar reveal this year. To that end, what are people hoping for/expecting?
I've got my fingers crossed for a "fringe" book. Psychic casters, guns, classes with the Arcanist style of casting. Summoner/spiritualist hybrid. All the stuff that's weird and out there and maybe not for every campaign, but that we're presently "missing"
So originally I thought they were 4 pts per scenario, yet recently at a convention I did online I earned 6 instead, and there's one game I did online that doesnt have any listed. Dhould that one game have given them, and how many does one receive for an Age of Ashes AP?
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Sonwkth 2 Bestiaries out, I'm just wondering-whats everyone's favorite monster? For me it's the hydra. They really took advantage of the way the rules work to make it interesting, and made the head severing actually make sense and be the only way to really kill it. Always has been my favor8dnd monster, and they really outdid themselves on it.
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Did this when the game came out, thought it would be fun to do again! What new characters are you excited to make?
1) Orc druid with the mauler archetype to get some THW support. Plant order. His name is Stump, and his leshy familiar is Twig. Hes just happy to be here.
2) Ratfolk Primal Witch. Gonna be as creepy as possible.
3) Catfolk Swashbuckler, as that sounds like a lot of fun.
4) Tiefling Flame Oracle who cant contain thandie of his demonic ancestry
I subscribed to the Pathfinder2 Rulebooks and ordered the Bestiary 2. It's in my digital downloads, but when I try to download as a single file, the ZIP wont open and has no size to it. The individual chapters are downloadable, but not the book. Any idea how to fix that?
So in a game of PFS I was in, my bird companion dazzled an enemy. That enemy then hit my bird, grabbed him, and attacked him. My GM ruled that neither the grab attempt nor the second attack suffered the dazzled penalty, as the attack that included an attempt at a grab didnt worry due to the fact that the first attack hit, and since he was grappled, it didnt apply to the second attack either. Is that right?
So with biohacker out known I thought it would be fun to make an android biohacker, with the gag being that he's essentially a medic robot. Microlab in the upgrade slot and everything. Feels pretty clear the way to go is Studious Biohacker. A few good theorems would be medication master, treat condition, and field dressing.
Though I ran into a snag. The medic archetype. It feels like something i would want, but I dont know if it's worth giving up that first theorum. Also, is it my imagination, or is the class kind of... bad at healing? Also stuck on a field of study. Open to ideas and suggestions
Poked around the forum andndidnt see much chatter on it, what do people think of the feature? Unlike it in concept, but feel the execution is a bit lackluster, giving up a big boost in damage for what feel like minor effects. What's everyone else think of it?
I know there presently aren't any, but the question I'm asking is: Should there be? Maybe one that trades Int for Wis for specifically a Shaman? Or something more vague, like the way the Rogue has their rackets? I know there are the presently vague patrons and the lessons to determine your casting list, but it still feels like there's something... missing.
So if it lets you trick attack as a standard action, does that mean you can still move the 30ft as per the regular trick attack, letting you move 60ft in a round and get the shot off?
How long after the book is out will it be before they update the Additional Resources page with the Character Operations Manual? Dying to play as a biohacker in society play
So in the Lost Omens Character guide, we get the Ancient Elves. They get to multiclass at level one! I've been looking at a Wizard MC into Alchemist, though im curious aa to what everyone else has, and if there's a better combination, especially for an ancient character who has learned a lot in theory, though has little practice
Specifically the ones from the Dawn of Flame. I'm just curious what everyone thinks of them, still trying to figure out which of them is best for each class, and was wondering what other people had made/theorycrafted so far. Also, Fire Affinity, anyone know if that has to be decided before the roll is made or after? I think before, as it doesnt specify a reroll, but just want to make sure.
Am I crazy, or can that spell decimate an entire army? 8d12, reflex for half, but any number of targets, so long as the next one hit is within 30ft of the last
Am I crazy, or can that spell decimate an entire army? 8d12, reflex for half, but any number of targets, so long as the next one hit is within 30ft of the last
Am I crazy, or can that spell decimate an entire army? 8d12, reflex for half, but any number of targets, so long as the next one hit is within 30ft of the last
So I'm probably missing something, but Bards are trained automatically in performance. The entertainer background gives trained in performance. Does that mean if I pick both, I'm only trained? Do I become an expert? Do I just pick a different one? But confused here.
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I know a spellbook and a formula book are very different things, with magic being separate from alchemy, but I'm wondering, can you use one book for both formula and spells?
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Are there rules for hopping safely off a 10ft wall?
Since I know I have a few, I'm curious-ehats tournfavorite.little thing you've either seen in previews, or from the book itself, or maybe a blog post, what's your favorite little bit of PF2 that you cant help but love?
For me, its things like the elven feat that let's you gain trained in a different skill each day for every lifetime youve lived and forgotten. Or how Goblins get extra fire damage. And the gnomes getting a free familiar.
Since I know I have a few, I'm curious-ehats tournfavorite.little thing you've either seen in previews, or from the book itself, or maybe a blog post, what's your favorite little bit of PF2 that you cant help but love?
For me, its things like the elven feat that let's you gain trained in a different skill each day for every lifetime youve lived and forgotten. Or how Goblins get extra fire damage. And the gnomes getting a free familiar.
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Just curious as to what everyone has rattling around in their head just waiting for the 1st
Number 1:
Name: Icarus "Icky" Cinderburn
ABC: Goblin Acolyte/Zealot Cleric of Sarenrae
Catchphrase: "All hail the great ball of fire in the sky!"
Weapon of Choice: FIRE SPELLS
So if memory serves,someone has said since the playtest ended that spells were going to get juiced up from the playtest since they hit them with the Nerf hammer just a little too hard. Since then, have we heard at all what they did to actually fix the issue?
On the 4th round, when they drop to fatigued, do they also drop their animal aspects? Would be odd for, say, a werewolf to turn back to a human every 18 seconds while attacking things, but I'm curious if there's anyhting official in there about it (alas, not home to check. Just wondering)
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