Other RPGs

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White Wolf's Exalted

Looking for Shadowrun Ideas

Xcrawl Fiction Contest!

Dark Conspiracy?

RuneQuest by Mongoose

Warhammer 20K RPG out in Feb 2008!

I have some questions on WOD: Vampire the Requiem and WOD: Werewolf: The Forsaken

Calling all D20 Modern fans!

Looking for a good Star Wars Saga Edition Adventure

Ever heard of the game Exile by White Wolf?

Monte Cook's World of Darkness!

Nephandum dynamic setting?

I always swore I'd never run L5R...

First Post!!

Reality Deviants Announces Dark Harvest Adventures

Anyone try Witchhunter or Solomon Kane RPGs?

OGL Help

A Simple Plan

New World of Darkness - Need Help

T1-4 1st edition AD&D conversion to GURPS

Does anyone know if the Green Ronin Freeport is the same as the DCC Freeport?

OK, let me get this straight...

Gamma World

Popular RPG Publishers

Are HPs Worth the Realism?


Harn: New Free Adventure Available for Download

Myth III - Wolf Age help please

Babylon 5: Faith Manages / A Call to Arms

Dark Themed Star Wars Saga edition game: Prisoners of the Shattered planet

Care Bears: the Official Role-Playing Game -- way cooler than the Definition of Penultimate!

White Wolf Offline...

Dawning Star (D20 Future) VIP Gencon Game for Charity - Ticket To Play!

MET LARP - Old setting to New rules - Ideas & Help Welcome

Today is Free RPG Day!

I have an itch for 2nd Edition.

My other character is a white guy. (Do you roleplay other races, ethniciities outside of your own? Why or why not?)

WoD Larp

Star Wars / D&D hybrid game

Just a Quick Question??

Ed Greenwood's Castlemourn Campaign

Looking for MAP - Modern Secret Lab

Who likes Jar Jar? Holla!


Non-d20 Homebrew?

Old-time Runequest player looking for some knowledge

Delta Green d20!

XCrawl: Thoughts and opinions?

Gauntlet...err driving gloves?...thrown down

D20 resident evil problems

Paizo--any chance of Paizo producing its own RPG?


What to Play Next...?

Crossing over Book of Erotic Fantasy into D&D

Looking for GURPS Fantasy players in (or near) Plano, TX

Looking for realistic d20 cannon rules

Why do you play members of the opposite sex?

Werewolf LARP Questions

D20 Modern WWII Aircraft

Demon: The Fallen

A question for Nic Logue re: MSH game

Qin the Warring States??

Favourite RPG supplements

Heroes Unlimited

The Maze of Zayene

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