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psst! wannaseamovie?

Mario Bros

Roy Sheider R.I.P.

Does Anyone Use 'Grittier' Fantasy as Inspiration?

Heath Ledger

There Will Be Blood

HP and the Order Of The Phoenix

Daniel Wilson's Robot books

Hunter's Run

Into the wild

Top 25 Horror Movies


Where can I find this type of thing?

X-RIFLE: XBOX for the outdoor player

Clover Field

"....No Evil Shall Escape The Green Lantern's Sight."

Dragon 355's Music list?

Art Out Loud 2007 at the Society of Illustrators NYC!

Rise of the Silver Surfer


Gamers:The Movie

Dragons of the Dwarven Depths

Did you see Starwreck alredy? Soon coming with a new movie!

Podcast Help

Indie Fantasy Comics Anthology Elfworld available for Pre-Order!

Disney 3-D

Grimcleaver's First MMO: Matrix Online

Does anyone remember the name of this?

Superman Returns soundtrack

Lian Heartn's "Otori" series

Books I read in August 2006

What is your least favorite storyline in comics?

Books I read in July 2006

Pierson, Blades of the Tiger, Trail of the Black Wyrm

Scott Nicholson

Ptolus — The Comic Book

Sharon Penman

Saw: The "Uncut" Version...

The Fountain!! The Fountain!!

Good Night And Good Luck!

Douglas Niles

Richard Knaak - Minotaurs

David Goyer in issue 606

Dio, Master of the Moon

Lauren Haney

Star Wars Comics

Pathfinder Kingmaker Video Game Builds

Owlcat's Next AP: Wrath of the Righteous!

Black Widow on Disney +

Kingmaker Video Game Question

Pathfinder: Kingmaker

PCGen adding the Mammoth Rider coding questions

DiCaprio the next Joker?

Young Justice News

Pricing for wood / lumber for crafting?

Iron Woman

Ailson Kindler Book Covers

James Bond Then and Now

Does Star Wars have Artificial Intelligence?

d20pfsrd.com looking for programmer / developer

leverage characters in pathfinder

Justice League Gods and Monsters

Boldly going...

Big Hero 6

fiction by yellowdingo: faith

Marvel Dice Masters

(fun) what monster would you eliminate if you could from PFS?

Nemesis: 100 Ideas for kickstarting a Female Superhero film

Who remembers the DragonStrike game with the VHS?

Days of Future Past leaked footage

Days of Future Past leaked footage

Lisa, Vic: Do you know about / have these Star Wars collectibles?

So I downloaded PCGen. Now what?

Looking to pass along a Pathfinder #1 Virgin Matteo Scalera Cover: Non-Mint

Linking up to my PBP

Pathfinder Comic

Want a Scifi Idea? Try the Boots Void

Pathfinder Online official forums?

Help needed on naming an animated series

Dialogue you won't hear from Conan the Barbarian

Dialogue You Won't Hear from Calvin Coolidge.

Is this for real?

The Avengers as Pathfinder characters

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