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Cyberpunk 2077 from CDprojekt red

James Cameron's Avatar


Star Trek: Picard (on CBS All Access)

Captain Yesterday's Fallout 4; Wayward Pines Edition

Should the MCU kill off characters?

Thor: The Dark World

Shows that should not have been cancelled after 1 season.

The Walking Dead

Spiderman: No Way Home

City of Heroes Shutting Down. WTH?!

Dexter Morgan and the flaws in the alignment system

Anything better than the iPad out there?



X-Men: First Class: A Grognard's misgivings

The most boring book you've ever read. Ever.

Shang-Chi and the Legend of the 10 Rings

Voltron (Netflix)

John Carter

Captain Yesterday's Guide to Breaking Fallout!

Prometheus 2: This Time It Makes Sense

Speculation on Bethesda's new game

Marvel is realizing straight white guys arent the only ones who can save the world...

Joss Whedon doesn't know what a trilogy is.

memorable words spoken by favourite film villain

Star Wars VII

Borderlands 2 Love? Hate? Meh? *Spoilers*

Doctor Who: The End of Time

Hawkeye on Disney Plus

And sometimes I even write stuff...

Fire Emblem Fates - LGBT - Censorship / Editing games for American Audiences

2016 Obama's America.

Conan The Barbarian

Anything other than comic book adaptations!

What...what are you doing to Von Doom????!!!!???

Happy 20th Birthday BABYLON 5

Mystara setting stolen for hack novels...

New Doctor Who

Peter Capaldi Leaving Doctor Who


Remakes? What games and what do you want changed?

Fantasy Series with a Strong Leading Heroine?

The new Joker in Suicide Squad

Stupidest TV Show Endings

Terra Nova

it's not supposed to work, but apparently it does ... the EM Drive

Man of Steel

Dragon Age

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

this is why we should be offended by existing female superhero outfits

Favorite video game?

The Legend of Korra Book 3: Change ***Spoilers***

New BATTLETECH video game announced

Black Lightning

Is this... is this possibly as awful as it seems? Because, DC... ew.

New Thundercats series

Wil Wheaton!

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

Fantasy movies that put you in a D&D mood

Favorite '80s Cartoon

Star Wars 7

Stranger Things

Wonder Woman gets Pants! Oh, and a new history, too

The Mummy

Fantastic 4

Marvel's Black Widow solo movie

X:Com Enemy Within Classic

The Legend of the Seeker

Overwatch - Blizzard's new venture

Favorite Villain anyone?

Final Fantasy XIII tomorrow


Video Games with a female protagonist don’t sell – Wait! What?

Star Wars The Force Awakens Teaser #2

The state of Giant in the Playground

Is a Pathfinder RPG computer game even possible?

Transformers: Dark of the Moon ... are you as excited / afraid as I am? [SPOILERS]

Shadowrun Returns

So what exactly could a D&D movie bring to the screen that hasn't already been done?

I'll draw your OC's :0

Favorite series of books

The Defenders

Bringing preconceptions and baggage to reading a book.

NPR's Top 100 of F / SF Books

David Tennant to quit as Doctor Who

DIVINITY: ORIGINAL SIN developers reportedly making BALDUR'S GATE 3

Great '80s Movies

Who are the greatest rogues in fantasy fiction?


Michael Bay's Ninja turtles

Favourite Doctor Who Companion

Advice for a Tablet Virgin?

Torchwood - Miracle Day

Moon Knight

WOTC announces new movie - BoVD

Wonder Woman 1984

Godzilla (2014)

If You Only Ever Read One Book by (Insert Name)

Obscure and / or Unpopular Animated Movies You Like

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