OPC Musings
I don’t usually make New Year’s resolutions. That’s not because I’m perfect—far from it!—but because inevitably I will forget about them in a couple of weeks without someone to hold me accountable. However, it occurred to me that this space is an excellent place to set out some goals for this year, which I hope you’ll all help me complete. So here are some of my New Year’s resolutions for Organized Play in 2022:
- Work with our tech department to roll out some exciting new improvements to the Achievement Points system
- Have a successful 2022 convention season
- Earn my third nova for Starfinder Society—and maybe my second glyph for Pathfinder Society?
What are some of your resolutions for this year? Let me know in the comments!
Digital Adventure Releases
Here are this month’s digital releases, available January 26, 2022:
Pathfinder Society Scenario #3-08: Foundation's Price*
Pathfinder Society Scenario #3-09: The Secluded Siege*Starfinder
Starfinder Society Scenario #4-13: Hard Reset*
Starfinder Bounty #1: The Cantina Job*part of a subscription
Convention Organizing Committees
As we begin to plan our 2022 conventions, we’re seeking individuals interested in joining the organizing committees for our major shows! If you’re interested in helping to plan PaizoCon, Gen Con, or PaizoCon Europe, head over to last week’s blog post and submit an application. Applications close tomorrow (Friday, January 7), so don’t delay! We hope to release information soon about our plans for these shows and how to volunteer as a GM.
Starfinder Fame Update
As of last Friday, Starfinder Fame has officially expired. Any lingering Fame you haven’t spent yet is space dust in the wind; be sure to record your final purchases in your records.
All boon conversion tasks should be completed at this time as well. The Starfinder Society FAQ has been updated with the information on converting certain boons to Fame; please refer players to that page if they have questions.
Starfinder Nova Update
Last month, we announced that we would be adding SFS #4-09: Through Sea and Storm to the Nova qualification list; however, a paragraph was inadvertently omitted from the blog post. Rather than sneak it in, I decided to save it for this post and announce that SFS #1-39: The Herald’s War will be retired from Nova qualification. As of March 1, 2022, any future runs of that scenario will not count as Specials for the purpose of Nova qualification. This grace period is intended to allow any GMs who had already been planning to run the scenario for credit to do so before we close the door. We don’t intend to retire any future scenarios from Nova qualification—this scenario was always a stopgap until we had enough scenarios in the requisite level ranges.
With the office quiet for the holidays, we were able to take advantage of our lighter workloads and really blast through the outstanding sanctioning tasks! The following rulebooks and adventures have been sanctioned for play since last month: Lost Omens Monsters of Myth, Absalom, City of Lost Omens, the Strength of Thousands Adventure Path, and rules options from the Agents of Edgewatch Adventure Path (via the Achievement Points system). For Starfinder, we harnessed the power of the precog, and can announce that we have Galactic Magic ready to go for its street date!
We’ve also got some sanctioning in the pipeline that’s not quite ready yet, but watch the @PaizoOrgPlay Twitter feed for sanctioning announcements, or check back here next month.
GM Recognition
Whether stars, novas, or glyphs, achieving a 5 ranking in any program involves a substantial amount of time. To achieve the 5th milestone, a GM must run 150 games, of which at least 50 must be unique scenarios and 10 special scenarios, as well as run between one and three games for venture-captains (program dependent). A conservative estimate of the time needed to reach the 5th milestone is 650 hours!
This month, we had one GM earn their 5th Glyph for Pathfinder Society (second edition)!
5th Glyph - Tim Ayers
Congratulations to our new 5-rank GM, and thank you for your dedication! If you believe you’ve achieved your 5th rank but haven’t been announced, email us at organizedplay@paizo.com.
Until next time - Explore! Report! Cooperate! And enjoy the new year!
Alex Speidel
Organized Play Coordinator
January 2022 Organized Play Monthly Update
Thursday, January 6, 2022