New Recruits, New Achievements!

Monday, November 2, 2015

Over the past 8 years, Pathfinder Society Organized Play has grown into a worldwide community. The phenomenal growth is testament to the hard work and support put in at all levels of the campaign. In fact, it's grown so large that I am adding two more categories of volunteers: Regional Venture-Coordinators (RVC) and Venture Agents (VA). These two new tiers serve to facilitate communication across the globe, and recognize the individuals who support Pathfinder Society with their efforts coordinating games.

Regional Venture-Coordinators, under the guidance of the Organized Play Coordinator, supervise a large section of the world, and will support Venture-Captains and Venture-Lieutenants in their duties. The other new rank, Venture-Agent, is responsible for organizing regularly scheduled activities at a specific venue, and will report to the Venture-Captains or Lieutenants of the area where the location is located.

If you are interested in volunteering for Pathfinder Society Organized Play, we are continually recruiting! Check this page to see more information on requirements and how to apply (this page has been updated today to outline all of the new duties of each volunteer category).

Without further ado, let me introduce the new Regional Venture-Coordinators!

Art Lobdell—RVC Northeast
Art started in the Pathfinder Society at Gen Con 2007. From there, he immediately began organizing conventions and spread PFS to the greater NY area - Connecticut, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and New York. After being appointed VC in October 2010, he concentrated on recruiting VCs from Maine to Washington, D.C., leaving him to focus on New York City and surrounding areas. Art received the 5th Campaign Coin, making him Pathfinder Society #705, at Origins. Says Art, "I ran Midnight Mauler as a special so many times I have run it from memory 3 times or more."
Dan Simons—RVC Mid-Atlantic
Dan started playing PFS at Gen Con 2009 and then in the local Pathfinder Society group in Washington, DC. He became the first Venture-Captain of the greater Washington, DC/Northern Virginia/Southern Maryland area in October 2011. When he moved near Baltimore, MD in 2012, he was appointed as the first Venture-Captain for that region. In less than a year, he moved back down to Alexandria, VA and became the VC of Washington, DC again, a post he has held for the past 2.5 years. Dan was awarded my Campaign Coin at PaizoCon 2015, and has attended numerous Gen Cons and PaizoCons, as well as PaizoCon UK in 2014.
Del Collins—RVC Southeast
Del joined the ranks of Venture-Captain in October 2011. His region stretched from South Carolina, through Eastern Georgia, Eastern Tennessee, Central/Western North Carolina. Over the years, Del trained many GMs and convention organizers. He supports Pathfinder Society at Gen Con with vans full of volunteers. He received his Campaign Coin and became Pathfinder # 722.
Bob Jonquet—RVC Great Lakes
Bob joined the Pathfinder Society during its initial stages when all we had was a Beta rule set and roughly half a dozen tables at GenCon. He was instrumental in the early growth of the Chicagoland area received a promotion to Venture-Captain in April of 2011. He has since relocated to Central Illinois, where he continues to promote local play, organize regional events, and mentor new Venture-Officers. Bob is one of the original five-star GMs, and has been invaluable in helping to organize some of our largest events including PaizoCon and GenCon. He was awarded a Campaign Service Coin in 2014.
Jason Roeder—RVC Midwest
Jason became a Venture-Captain in January of 2011, and received my fifth star in June 2011. He was the Pathfinder Society's second five star GM, narrowly beating Kyle Baird to it! He received a Campaign Service Coin on August 1st, 2015. In describing himself, Jason writes, "I am a guy that just really likes games. My favorite happens to be Pathfinder, so I play it a lot". You may have seen him at conventions—he's the overweight guy with a beard. If you walk up to him at any time, ever (even if you catch him at work) and ask him to play a scenario, he will drop whatever he is doing to join in. Jason enjoys movies, long walks on the beach, and terrifying players by running whatever monstrosity Richard Pett has authored recently.
Todd Morgan—RVC Northwest
Todd is familiar to PaizoCon attendees as the man in charge. He became a Venture-Captain in 2011. Moving from Iowa to Nebraska, he continued to support Pathfinder Society. His hard work and dedication to the Pathfinder Society was recognized at Gen Con 2014, where he received a Campaign Coin at Gen Con 2014. The past two years, he has been co-lead of Gen Con. Todd is full of tales and is happy to share them over a beer or two.
Eric Brittain—RVC Southwest
Eric became a Venture-Captain with the first set of 13 back in October 2010. At PaizoCon 2011, he was voted best GM at the Grand Melee. Eric also contributed to the Grand Melee by writing two of the encounters for this event. At PaizoCon 2013 Eric was awarded my campaign service award, becoming Pathfinder Society #707. Says Eric, "This is very appropriate because upside down it spells out LOL." Most recently, Eric's activities include being the Venture-Captain of San Diego, playing 6 home games and 1 play by post game all using the Pathfinder rule set.
Auke Teeninga—RVC AEE (Africa-Eastern Eurasia)
Auke played his first PFS games at GenCon UK 2008 and after two years of flying to foreign conventions to play the game, he decided to set up local play in the Netherlands in 2010. It could be coincidence, but a month after his request for support, the Venture Captain program was announced. He was appointed one of the first thirteen Venture Captains and has made it a habit to meet up with other Pathfinder players from all across the globe. So if you are ever in the Netherlands, send him an email and he'll try to set up a game for you!
Dave Harrison—RVC WEME (Western Eurasia-Middle East)
Dave is a Welshman, not an Englishman, who started GMing Pathfinder Society games when Organized Play was set up in 2008. He convinced enough people to help him create PaizoCon UK in 2009 and it has grown into an international convention. He was selected to be one of the original 13 Venture-Captains in October 2010. As a UK Venture Captain, he has brought Pathfinder Society gaming to various events and encouraged others to take up venture officer roles for England, Scotland and Ireland. Paizo, Inc. recognized Dave as a Volunteer of the Year 2013-14. He continues to GM Pathfinder as often as possible at conventions and also enjoys terrifying GMs by signing up at the last minute to play Pathfinder Society games.
Stephen White—RVC Asia-Pacific
Stephen is a proud gaymer involved with RPGs since the early 80s. I first GMed Pathfinder at Free RPG Day in June 2007, and started supporting Pathfinder Society in Season 0 as he traveled Melbourne's con circuit. He GMed at GenConOz the year Jason Bulmahn visited Brisbane to launch the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook and when GenConOz cancelled the following year at short notice, I co-organized the first PaizoConOz with Venture-Captain-Sydney Al Rigg. Stephen is one of the 13 original Venture-Captains appointed in October 2010, one of the earliest 5-Star GMs, and in March 2013 became the third recipient of the Campaign Service Coin. Stephen jokes, "Many local players joke that I had been demoted from VC Australia to VC Melbourne with the appointment of VCs in other States, but under their capable stewardship, you'd be unlucky to visit an Australian city and not find somewhere you could enjoy a game of PFS. In the meantime, I believe I've once again inherited the largest geographic PFS region with the inclusion of New Zealand, Singapore, India, East Asia and Hawaii. I'm looking forward to working with VCs in the Asia-Pacific Region, and will of course be campaigning tirelessly for more PFS excursions into Tian Xia, Vudra and... Sarusan!"

I would also like to recognize the GMs that have earned their 5th star since Gen Con 2015. To qualify as a 5-Star GM, you have to run 150 games, including 10 specials and 50 different scenarios, and run a game observed by a Venture-Officer. It takes many hours to achieve and shows dedication to Pathfinder Society Organized Play. Many congratulations to the following GMs!

Zak Glade
Jeff Stop
David Higaki
Mike Bohlman
Nicholas Fees-Baumeister
Allen Wilkins
Troy Schnack
Sean Hans
Michael Meunier
Steve Preston
Michael "MJ" Johnson

Markus Hyytinen
Kolby Sample
Robert Pepka
James Becker
Jonathan Nollan
David Brainard
Jason Schimmel
Jon-Enee Merriex
Dave Baker
Andrew Roberts

Walter Helgason
Gary Norton
James Anderson
Roy Rydbeck
Jason Rosauer
Jason Schaaf
Matthew Smith
Jason Liswood
Jack Brown
Bryan Martin

If your name is not on the list and should be, email me at

Until next time, may your dice roll high and remember to Explore, Report, Cooperate!

Tonya Woldridge
Organized Play Coordinator

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Congrats to all the 5-stars.

Not sure how I feel about the RVC thing yet, but it IS interesting...


Grand Lodge 5/5

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Fox McAllister wrote:
With all due respect, who's Todd Morgan?

A) Todd is Iowa's version of Mary Poppins.

B)Todd is Bob Jonquet in disguise (so he can now control two regions).

C) Todd is familiar to PaizoCon attendees as the man in charge. He became a Venture-Captain in 2011. Moving from Iowa to Nebraska, he continued to support Pathfinder Society. His hard work and dedication to the Pathfinder Society was recognized at Gen Con 2014, where he received a Campaign Coin at Gen Con 2014. The past two years, he has been co-lead of Gen Con. Todd is full of tales and is happy to share them over a beer or two.

D) Todd is the answer to life, the universe, and everything.

E) Todd is the one who gave Heath Ledger's 'Joker' the scars on his face.

At least one of these is true.

What's your guess. ;)

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/5 RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 8

Fox McAllister wrote:
With all due respect, who's Todd Morgan?

Todd's doing some introductions with the VOs that fall under his purview via Facebook. If you'd like an invite just add me and I'll throw you into the group!

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/5 **** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Massachusetts—North Shore

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Seth Gipson wrote:
Fox McAllister wrote:
With all due respect, who's Todd Morgan?
B)Todd is Bob Jonquet in disguise (so he can now control two regions).

I am going with this one because I have never seen the two of them together. ;)

4/5 5/55/5 *

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Congrats to one and all! Its a long hard road to get here and a long road ahead!

Shadow Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, Michigan—Mt. Pleasant

Lucas Servideo wrote:
Seth Gipson wrote:
Fox McAllister wrote:
With all due respect, who's Todd Morgan?
B)Todd is Bob Jonquet in disguise (so he can now control two regions).
I am going with this one because I have never seen the two of them together. ;)

Sorry Lucas... I HAVE seen the two of them together. Of course one might have been a clone... Hmmm....

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

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Lucas Servideo wrote:
Seth Gipson wrote:
Fox McAllister wrote:
With all due respect, who's Todd Morgan?
B)Todd is Bob Jonquet in disguise (so he can now control two regions).
I am going with this one because I have never seen the two of them together. ;)

I'm not saying I am The Batman, I'm just saying we've never been seen in the same place. :-P

Grand Lodge 2/5 **

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Just out of interest, do each of the areas have roughly the same number of registered players?

Sovereign Court 4/5 *

Congrats to the new 5 Stars! Thank you!!

Huzzah to the RVCs!!!

Adventure Card Game Designer

Congratulations to the new RVCs and the new 5-star GMs! I eagerly await whatever shenanigans may ensue.

Shadow Lodge 5/5

7 people marked this as a favorite.

With words such as " facilitate communication", "supervise", and "support" in context of "duties" are these folks now considered employees of Paizo?

Not keen on congratulating people on getting more work and creating further levels of bureaucracy in a "volunteer" corps.

I'll happily congratulate the 5-star GMs though!

In the "getInvolved" page for PFS it says in the VL blurb to "work with SOs", which I believe is short for "Store Owners"? It doesn't mention what it means in any other section of the document and should be clarified.

The Exchange 5/5 Regional Venture-Coordinator, Mediterranean

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Darrell Impey UK wrote:
Just out of interest, do each of the areas have roughly the same number of registered players?

I believe it is more on each area having roughly the same number of VCs at the moment.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

5 people marked this as a favorite.
MisterSlanky wrote:
With words such as " facilitate communication", "supervise", and "support" in context of "duties" are these folks now considered employees of Paizo?


MisterSlanky wrote:
Not keen on congratulating people on getting more work and creating further levels of bureaucracy in a "volunteer" corps

Its not about bureaucracy, its about (1) alleviating the huge influx of communication directed at the OPC and (2) creating a structure where the most experienced Venture-Officers can better mentor newer volunteers. With over 500 Venture-Officers, direct contact with the CC/OPC is becoming quite a challenge to maintain and the RVCs will help by vetting a lot of the communication traffic that has until now been falling on the OPC to address. We will have the opportunity to answer questions and help resolve issues that arise leaving Tonya more available to tackle community-wide initiatives. The regions put us in direct, regular contact with the Venture-leaders of the various areas creating a more defined support structure that can help with all manner of logistical and organizational needs.

The Exchange 3/5

Congratulations to most, with special recognition for Jack Brown who can explore and cooperate with the best of them and has a wonderful ability to know what to report... and what not to.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/5 RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 8

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Exactly what Bob said.

In business terms, we're reducing Tonya's direct reports from 500+ to 10. That's like being a general manager with 500+ employees that report directly to you. So adding RVCs is going to be huge in the long run for keeping our new OPC sane.

5/5 5/55/55/5

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Bob Jonquet wrote:

The regions put us in direct, regular contact with the Venture-leaders of the various areas creating a more defined support structure that can help with all manner of logistical and organizational needs.

My degree is in trees. Could i get a translation for that ? :)

Scarab Sages 5/5 5/5 **** Venture-Captain, Washington—Spokane

Let me start by passing on my congratulations to all the new 5 stars and those who selected to and accepted the position of RVC.

I echo both Bob Jonquet and Wlater Sheppard by saying that this move towards better organization and communication is a positive step for our community. Yes, there will be adjustments on all sides but the benefits do outweigh the change of organization.

Also, if you are part of the Northwest Region and are on Facebook, please feel free to add me as well and I will help get you added to the regional group (V-As, VLs, and VCs only please).

Yes, SO does stand for Store Owner


Grand Lodge 5/5 Regional Venture-Coordinator, Baltic

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MisterSlanky wrote:
Not keen on congratulating people on getting more work and creating further levels of bureaucracy in a "volunteer" corps.

It is a great responsibility, but as my uncle Bob always said: "With great reponsibility comes great ..." ehhhh...

Shadow Lodge 5/5

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Bob Jonquet wrote:
Its not about bureaucracy, its about (1) alleviating the huge influx of communication directed at the OPC and (2) creating a structure where the most experienced Venture-Officers can better mentor newer volunteers. With over 500 Venture-Officers, direct contact with the CC/OPC is becoming quite a challenge to maintain and the RVCs will help by vetting a lot of the communication traffic that has until now been falling on the OPC to address. We will have the opportunity to answer questions and help resolve issues that arise leaving Tonya more available to tackle community-wide initiatives. The regions put us in direct, regular contact with the Venture-leaders of the various areas creating a more defined support structure that can help with all manner of logistical and organizational needs.

Sounds like a job to me. In fact it sounds an awful lot like a job. This is especially true considering the already considerable "requirements" to be a Venture Officer. Additionally, the level of coordination you're just describing (each of your managing what I would guess is roughly a tenth of the VC community), is in no certain terms work, and a lot of it.

And it sounds like a not-so flat organization in your workplace either with an extra management layer, which means bureaucracy, whether you like it or not.

Good luck to you, I mean it, but there's a not-so-fine line between volunteerism and "working for free". The later I'm not so sure is terribly legal either.

Horizon Hunters 4/5 5/5 ***

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MisterSlanky wrote:
Bob Jonquet wrote:
Its not about bureaucracy, its about (1) alleviating the huge influx of communication directed at the OPC and (2) creating a structure where the most experienced Venture-Officers can better mentor newer volunteers. With over 500 Venture-Officers, direct contact with the CC/OPC is becoming quite a challenge to maintain and the RVCs will help by vetting a lot of the communication traffic that has until now been falling on the OPC to address. We will have the opportunity to answer questions and help resolve issues that arise leaving Tonya more available to tackle community-wide initiatives. The regions put us in direct, regular contact with the Venture-leaders of the various areas creating a more defined support structure that can help with all manner of logistical and organizational needs.

Sounds like a job to me. In fact it sounds an awful lot like a job.

Good luck to you, I mean it, but there's a not-so-fine line between volunteerism and "working for free". The later I'm not so sure is terribly legal either.

Except we don't work for free - we are all compensated.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

I'm not a Venture-Anything, but speaking for myself, I don't at all mind helping when I can, even if it's unofficially.

I'd imagine a lot of the folks that do similar things, with or without titles feel the same way.


Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

2 people marked this as a favorite.
MisterSlanky wrote:
Sounds like a job to me. In fact it sounds an awful lot like a job

I am fully aware of the expectations of the various positions and yet I still volunteered to take on the challenge. I do not consider this a job anymore than a scout troop leader or a little league coach wold consider their role as a job. Rather it is my favorite hobby and one that I want to be more involved in the success of than just being a player or GM. I have the good fortune of the time and support system to do it without having an undo impact on the other aspects of my personal life. Not everyone has the free time to devote. I would posit that most if not all the Venture-Officers feel the same or they would not volunteer. Anyone who feels the expectations of the various Venture positions is too burdensome can feel free to just be a player or a GM. No hard feelings. You are the reason I do what I do.

MisterSlanky wrote:
...which means bureaucracy, whether you like it or not.

Whether or not its a bureaucracy in technical, definitional sense does not matter nor mean its a bad thing, although the tone of your comments seem to indicate you think so. The society has grown well past the days when we had a few thousand players and could manage everything on a napkin. PFS is huge with many tens of thousands of participants. It takes some level of structured organization to manage all that. The blog describes the structure that Paizo feels is necessary to do so.

Dark Archive 5/5 5/5

Mark Stratton wrote:
MisterSlanky wrote:
Bob Jonquet wrote:
Its not about bureaucracy, its about (1) alleviating the huge influx of communication directed at the OPC and (2) creating a structure where the most experienced Venture-Officers can better mentor newer volunteers. With over 500 Venture-Officers, direct contact with the CC/OPC is becoming quite a challenge to maintain and the RVCs will help by vetting a lot of the communication traffic that has until now been falling on the OPC to address. We will have the opportunity to answer questions and help resolve issues that arise leaving Tonya more available to tackle community-wide initiatives. The regions put us in direct, regular contact with the Venture-leaders of the various areas creating a more defined support structure that can help with all manner of logistical and organizational needs.

Sounds like a job to me. In fact it sounds an awful lot like a job.

Good luck to you, I mean it, but there's a not-so-fine line between volunteerism and "working for free". The later I'm not so sure is terribly legal either.

Except we don't work for free - we are all compensated.

Careful, Mark...

Sovereign Court 4/5 * Organized Play Coordinator

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Darrell Impey UK wrote:
Just out of interest, do each of the areas have roughly the same number of registered players?

That is one of the things I am trying to determine! The divisions take into account VC & VL distribution, more than players, as that is a concrete number I have access to. Along with geography, culture, and where the experienced VCs were based.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

Tonya Woldridge wrote:
Darrell Impey UK wrote:
Just out of interest, do each of the areas have roughly the same number of registered players?
That is one of the things I am trying to determine! The divisions take into account VC & VL distribution, more than players, as that is a concrete number I have access to. Along with geography, culture, and where the most experienced VCs were based.

I'm just curious, how does Online Play, and especially Play by Post gaming fit into this?

On another note, being that this is something that very well could come up for me soon when I deploy next weekish, would it be more appropriate to contact the RVC of the new, but temporary region I would be in, or the old one I'm not currently under? Not a huge issue I expect to happen, just curious.

Horizon Hunters 4/5 5/5 ***

1 person marked this as a favorite.
jon dehning wrote:
Mark Stratton wrote:
MisterSlanky wrote:
Bob Jonquet wrote:
Its not about bureaucracy, its about (1) alleviating the huge influx of communication directed at the OPC and (2) creating a structure where the most experienced Venture-Officers can better mentor newer volunteers. With over 500 Venture-Officers, direct contact with the CC/OPC is becoming quite a challenge to maintain and the RVCs will help by vetting a lot of the communication traffic that has until now been falling on the OPC to address. We will have the opportunity to answer questions and help resolve issues that arise leaving Tonya more available to tackle community-wide initiatives. The regions put us in direct, regular contact with the Venture-leaders of the various areas creating a more defined support structure that can help with all manner of logistical and organizational needs.

Sounds like a job to me. In fact it sounds an awful lot like a job.

Good luck to you, I mean it, but there's a not-so-fine line between volunteerism and "working for free". The later I'm not so sure is terribly legal either.

Except we don't work for free - we are all compensated.
Careful, Mark...

We don't get a pay or salary. We aren't compensated in that way, no. But what we do get is publicly listed. I used the word compensated a- if there's a more appropriate word use that, but what we get are tools to help us do our volunteer work. It is substantially and materially related to our volunteer roles.

5/5 5/55/55/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

mmm layer cake.



Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5 ***

DM Beckett wrote:
On another note, being that this is something that very well could come up for me soon when I deploy next weekish, would it be more appropriate to contact the RVC of the new, but temporary region I would be in, or the old one I'm not currently under?

Actually, unless there is a serious problem, you won't have any reason to contact the RVC directly. Whatever Venture-Officer is overseeing the area/s you are playing would be your point of contact.

Sovereign Court 4/5 * Organized Play Coordinator

DM Beckett wrote:

I'm just curious, how does Online Play, and especially Play by Post gaming fit into this?

The online VC is managing their team with direct reports to me. They will keep me updated with the same info as the RVCs are providingfor the geographical regions.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

*scratches head in puzzlement*

So... Is California being classified as "Southwest"?

I'm totally aware of the social construction of "geography". It's one of my focus areas as a Social Science undergrad.

But living in Northern California and saying I'm in the Southwest Region makes me giggle.

Silver Crusade 4/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Nefreet wrote:

*scratches head in puzzlement*

So... Is California being classified as "Southwest"?

I'm totally aware of the social construction of "geography". It's one of my focus areas as a Social Science undergrad.

But living in Northern California and saying I'm in the Southwest Region makes me giggle.

I was thinking exactly that as well. Oh well, it's no big deal.

Congrats to all the peeps. :)

4/5 ****

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Nefreet wrote:

*scratches head in puzzlement*

So... Is California being classified as "Southwest"?

I'm totally aware of the social construction of "geography". It's one of my focus areas as a Social Science undergrad.

But living in Northern California and saying I'm in the Southwest Region makes me giggle.

Vaguely Relevant XKCD.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

Thanks fellow Southwesterners!

(okay sorry I'm done, Lol)

Shadow Lodge 4/5

Bob Jonquet wrote:
DM Beckett wrote:
On another note, being that this is something that very well could come up for me soon when I deploy next weekish, would it be more appropriate to contact the RVC of the new, but temporary region I would be in, or the old one I'm not currently under?
Actually, unless there is a serious problem, you won't have any reason to contact the RVC directly. Whatever Venture-Officer is overseeing the area/s you are playing would be your point of contact.

It was more of a what if, (meant to also apply to others if it came up). In my case, I'd just talk to Jesse directly, but I don't think there is a "local" VC.

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

Congrats everyone! Excited for the new structure ^_^

Grand Lodge 4/5

Congrats to all the "new" RVCs, and the new 5 Star GMs.

Venture Agent is very close to describing what I used to do until recently, when burnout happened.

Grand Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—Sacramento

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Venture agent is basically what I do now.


2 people marked this as a favorite.
Mark Stratton wrote:
We don't get a pay or salary. We aren't compensated in that way, no. But what we do get is publicly listed. I used the word compensated a- if there's a more appropriate word use that, but what we get are tools to help us do our volunteer work. It is substantially and materially related to our volunteer roles.

I would use the word "rewarded" instead of "compensated." It is nice, but more importantly than giving us perks, it helps us do our volunteer role. At least that's the way I have always viewed it.

Grand Lodge 5/5

FLite wrote:

Venture agent is basically what I do now.

Then I suggest contacting your VL/VC and seeing about making it official! ;)

Grand Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—Sacramento

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Seth Gipson wrote:
FLite wrote:

Venture agent is basically what I do now.

Then I suggest contacting your VL/VC and seeing about making it official! ;)

Yup. Working on that.

5/5 5/55/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Nefreet wrote:

Thanks fellow Southwesterners!

(okay sorry I'm done, Lol)

I've never been called that before, I'm not sure how to take it.

In all honesty I didn't think California was covered with these splits, I was thinking there were going to be more announcements made that covered the far west.

Lantern Lodge 5/5

California aside, the real eyebrow raiser is Omaha, NE as "Northwest." California's in the same time zone, at least.

That said, Todd Morgan is a boss- -he'll be fine.

4/5 ****

We are indeed in the Southwest.

The good news is Eric down in San Diego is fantastic, although I'd hope never to muck things up to the point that anybody locally would ever need to interact with him though.

I still remember the fantastic table he ran for me at KublaCon several years ago where I ended up getting to fly around on Alex Draconis's feebleminded nightmare as my paladin mount for the second half of the scenario...

Sovereign Court 4/5 * Organized Play Coordinator

Regarding the regions - divided via geography, language, culture, and where the more experienced volunteers are. As things grow, I hope to add more RVCs and make a few regions a bit smaller. But here is the layout at this time:

Northwest - Alaska, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, British Columbia, Alberta, and Saskatchewan.

Southwest - California, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, all of Mexico, all of Central America and all of South America.

Southeast - North Carolina, South Carolina, Louisana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and Florida.

Midwest - Texas, Kansas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, Iowa, Minnesota, and Manitoba.

Great Lakes - Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, and Ontario.

Northeast - Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, New Jersey, New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, Quebec & the Atlantic Regions of Canada.

Mid-Atlantic - Delaware, Maryland, West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Virginia.

Asia-Pacific - Hawaii, India, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, and Eastern Asia.

AAE (Africa-East Eurasia) - Iceland, Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Denmark, Scandinavia, Latvia, Russia, & South Africa

WEME (West Eurasia-Middle East) - Portugal, Spain, France, Belgium, Switzerland, Ireland, UK, Italy, Croatia, Ukraine, Israel, Turkey, & UAE

5/5 5/55/55/5

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Tonya Woldridge wrote:

Northeast - Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, New Jersey, New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, Quebec & the Atlantic Regions of Canada.

do we legally have to put our games in french now or something? :)

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Let's work on growing PFS globally so we can split up those regions a bit more, aye?

Grand Lodge 4/5

Seth Gipson wrote:
FLite wrote:

Venture agent is basically what I do now.

Then I suggest contacting your VL/VC and seeing about making it official! ;)

Heh. Wanna tell me if my area has either one at present?

Las Vegas, NV.

There is a VC for North Las Vegas, but the VC for Las Vegas said Las Vegas previously. No VLs in the Greater Las Vegas area, closest one is in the Reno area, so under that area's VC...

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