The Sultan gaming table

Sat, Aug 6, 2011 at 07:19 PM Pacific

It is glorious!

Sean K Reynolds

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Tags: Gen Con


If I ever win the lottery....

Scarab Sages

My gaming group debated building something similar on our own. Never did get around to it though.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

It is very very beautiful as seen here:

The sultan definitely takes gaming into an elite level.

Base price

Average price


Each is made to order with 6 available configurations plus features such as the acrylic cover for books and maps, hidden drawers, dice towers, etc.

Building something like this would be awesome. and could probably done a lot cheaper with yard sale hunting, simple crafting, and ingenuity to come up with something just as good if not better. anyone tried anything like this so far?

I picture something built using pieces of existing furniture, and small custom pieces with veneers for a beauty aesthetic. Metal cabinets and furniture could be used for an industrial style, metal and wood for steam punk (veneers could be made from gears and old costume jewelry), refinished used furniture for more classical and medieval styles.

Brian Darnell wrote:

It is very very beautiful as seen here:

.. and could probably done a lot cheaper with yard sale hunting, simple crafting, and ingenuity to come up with something just as good if not better.

That thing is made by true craftsman using heirloom quality construction techniques. It's a table your grand kids will be able to pass down to their grand kids. Unless you have some expert wood-workers to aid you 'just as good or better' would be hard to pull off. Not to say that you couldn't build something very nice for much less money.

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