NPC Guide Concept Preview

Monday, December 21, 2009

Pathfinder Chronicles: NPC Guide has a lot of stat blocks—about 100, at this point in development. Most of the book is the first chapter, one page per NPC and generally one NPC per country in the Pathfinder Chronicles Campaign Setting, each with a history and illustration. Here’s a little preview of some of these named PCs.

Illustrations by Christopher Ocampo

Krun Thuul of Belkzen, an orc military genius
Brinian of Brevoy, an arrogant young Aldori sword lord
Halig of Geb, a ghast priest of Zon-Kuthon who hungers for power
Bjorn Grimsong of the Land of the Linnorm Kings, a warrior prince with a borrowed name
Thaim of the Realm of the Mammoth Lords, a young hunter on a mission, mammoth in tow
Lord Achimair of the Sodden Lands, a sahuagin warlord with a bad temper

Sean K Reynolds
Developer, Pathfinder Chronicles

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Christopher Ocampo Ghouls Monsters Orcs Pathfinder Campaign Setting Portraits Sahuagin Undead
Liberty's Edge

Does anyone know if Christopher Ocampo is the same person as Chester Ocampo or if they're related somehow?

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