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The Windsong Testaments: The Three Fears of Pharasma

“Reality is born. Reality must die. So somewhere in between must dwell both you and I.”

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Tags: Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Web Fiction The Windsong Testaments

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Classing Things Up With Starfinder's Newest Book

We’re mere days from getting ahold of Starfinder’s new Character Operations Manual, a book that’s overflowing with new character options. Although I didn’t get to work on this book directly, I got the benefit of flipping through all of its fancy new feats and class features with the exuberance of a fan—a pleasure I experience far less often as a developer.

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Tags: Character Operations Manual Starfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game

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Pulling Back the Curtain on Organized Play Outstanding Tasks

Since sanctioning Fall of Plaguestone, the team received feedback from the community. Reading the commentary made us realize we hadn’t communicated the basis of our sanctioning process and that doing so would clarify some of the issues. So here goes!

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Tags: Organized Play Pathfinder Society Starfinder Society

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Core Rulebook Errata: Round 1

The Pathfinder Core Rulebook has been out in the wide world for a few months now! While you’ve had a chance to put the game through its paces, we’ve been hard at work combing through feedback and questions from staff, players, and fans of the game, looking for any spots that need clarification.

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Tags: Errata Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition

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Win prizes and find glory in the Crit Arena!

Hey everyone, it’s Payton Smith, your Social Media Producer back again with another exciting event for you all!

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Tags: Paizo Twitch

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Pathfinder: Knights of Everflame Season Two Premieres TODAY!

Season Two of Pathfinder: Knights of Everflame premieres today at 4 p.m. Pacific on Geek & Sundry on Twitch! The entire cast returns for continuing adventures in collaborative storytelling utilizing the Pathfinder Second Edition role-playing game. Catch the Pre-Show starting at 3 p.m. Pacific leading up to the premiere of Season Two. New episodes air every Tuesday on Twitch at 4 p.m. Pacific, and will also appear on Geek & Sundry YouTube channel each week following the Twitch broadcast. Get ready now by going to KnightsofEverflame.com to find character bios, art, helpful links, and more!

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Tags: Knights of Everflame Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition

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Character Operations Manual Preview: Race Options

Starfinder has over 100 playable species now, but one of the things we wanted to do in the Character Operations Manual was give a little love to the 13 species found in the Starfinder Core Rulebook (including legacy races). What does that mean? That means alternate ability score adjustments, alternate racial traits, and new feats, gear, and class options which—while perhaps pioneered by a given species—are actually available to everyone.

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Tags: Character Operations Manual Starfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game

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This Week on Twitch, Oct 28 - Nov 1

Hello, it’s your Social Media Producer Payton Smith here to give you another weekly update. The two things I want most to call to your attention are the Character Operations Manual Overview this Wednesday and our special CRIT ARENA event happening this Friday.

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Tags: Paizo Twitch

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Knights of Everflame: Season Two Premieres Next Tuesday, October 29!

Season Two of Knights of Everflame will premiere next Tuesday, October 29 from 4 to 7 p.m. Pacific on Geek & Sundry’s Twitch channel! The entire cast returns for continuing adventures in collaborative storytelling utilizing the Pathfinder Second Edition role-playing game. New episodes air every Tuesdays on Twitch at 4 p.m. Pacific, and will also appear on YouTube the week following their Twitch broadcast.

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Tags: Knights of Everflame Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition

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The Windsong Testaments: On Family Bonds

The bonds of family are strong and can blind even the gods to atrocity and awfulness. And no deity knows better the dangers of trusting one’s sibling than Shelyn, sister of Zon-Kuthon.

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Tags: Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Web Fiction The Windsong Testaments

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Adventures Near And Far

Hello! If you’re reading this, then hopefully you’re excited to hear about the new Pathfinder Society adventures we’re getting ready to release, because that’s pretty much all I’m going to be talking about.

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Tags: Organized Play Pathfinder Society

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October 2019 Starfinder Society Releases

October is a month of spooks and scares and this month’s Starfinder Society releases cover that theme, as well as provide a fun way for existing players to fit in some Starfinder Society in those smaller time slots. Let’s take a look.

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Tags: Organized Play Starfinder Society

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Fall of Plaguestone and Sanctioning

Greetings everyone! I have some good news, some neutral news, and a general conversation that I’m pretty sure is also neutral (or at least not actively evil), so I’m going to open up with the good news- Fall of Plaguestone is sanctioned! Assuming the technology gods have not conspired against me once more, you should find those sanctioning docs on the Fall of Plaguestone product page. But wait! I know you’re eager to start clicking so you can collect your Chronicle sheet, but there’s a bit more to this conversation.

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Tags: Organized Play Pathfinder Society

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The (Un)Usual Suspects!

Have you heard? The Lost Omens Character Guide is available now at your local gaming store and here on paizo.com! If you haven’t had a chance to check out what kind of awesome content shows up in the book, take some time to check out blog posts from the past weeks. All of those posts cover the cool content for ancestries and organizations, but there’s one more section of the book we wanted to show off. However, rather than just giving a typical preview, we wanted to show the book in action and have you, fine readers, follow along at home!

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Tags: Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition

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Trick or Treat! October New Releases

Whether haunted, fumbling, flooded, subterranean, consumed, flaming, or maniacal—we have concocted some goodies for you this month!

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Tags: Age of Ashes Attack of the Swarm Dawn of Flame Pathfinder Battles Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition Starfinder Roleplaying Game

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This Week on Twitch, Oct 21 - Oct 25

We are bringing you more interactive showcases and updates on what's coming up in the world of Paizo and from our partners who continue to share their incredible stories with all of you. Here is what’s happening this week at OfficialPaizo on Twitch!

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Tags: Paizo Twitch

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PACG Core Set Class Strategy #2: Lini the Druid

Though I’ve seen all four of the quick-start characters in action, Lini’s the one that I’ve been playing through the Core Set adventures, and so this strategizing has all been firsthand. I’ve discovered that she’s a more nuanced character than she was in the original Pathfinder Adventure Card Game sets: better balanced, and so requiring more thoughtful play. Which is all for the best: the classic Lini made everything a bit too easy.

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Tags: Pathfinder Adventure Card Game

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The Windsong Testaments: The Beauty of Horrors

One never needs look far from the loveliest flower to find the worms fatting on the buried dead below, providing for beauty’s banquet above. Such truths are known to the gods. There can be no light without darkness, no life without death, no good without evil. As one of the First among the gods, these truths are held as virtues to glorious Desna, Song of the Spheres. She knows and teaches that a thing of beauty to your eye may be a wretched affront to mine. Beauty and horror can exist simultaneously. Beauty and horror can be the same.

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Tags: Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Web Fiction The Windsong Testaments

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Puzzle, Pieces

Puzzle, Pieces Wednesday, October 16, 2019 Puzzles good and puzzles fun, ... Puzzles here for everyone! ... Hello, longshanks! ... We be the goblins of the Mindsharp tribe! We be a very smarty and friendly group. Months ago, goblin-friends Jason Keeley and Joe Pasini friends ask us to help make puzzles for annual Pie-zoh-kahn Puzzle Hunt! We be happy to lend our brains to help, though some Mindsharps still not sure about written word. They gave us instructions for each puzzle to make, and we...
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Tags: PaizoCon

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What’s My Motivation?

Have you discovered this seeming contradiction yet? Epic roleplaying requires specificity. Great collaborative storytelling needs players who know what drives them. The better they can know “Where am I from?” and “Where am I going?” the better they can create a motivated character. And it gives everyone else at the table something to play off of.

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Tags: Lost Omens Character Guide Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition

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Alien Archive 3: Weird and Wonderful by Design

This article appeared in the August Issue of Meeples Monthly. We are pleased to present it to you now.

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Tags: Alien Archive 3 Starfinder Roleplaying Game

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This Week on Twitch, Oct 14 - Oct 18

We are bringing you more interactive showcases and updates on what's coming up in the world of Paizo and from our partners who continue to share their incredible stories with all of you. Here is what’s happening this week at OfficialPaizo on Twitch!

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Tags: Paizo Twitch

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PACG Core Set Class Strategy #1: Sajan the Monk

From 2016 to 2018, I wrote a series of articles about the strategy of the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—strategies that remain largely viable with the release of the updated game system in Core Set and Curse of the Crimson Throne. I always wanted to write some class strategy guides to go with those general strategy articles, but I couldn’t figure out who to write about. The Rise of the Runelords characters? The Class Deck characters? Every variant of each character?

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Tags: Adventure Card Game Strategy Pathfinder Adventure Card Game

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Scrolls and Spells and Swords, Oh My!

We’ve been taking a look at the various organizations featured in the Lost Omens Character Guide over the past few weeks. (Hop over here if you’ve missed these!) While all of these are great in their own right, there’s one organization that was an immediate shoo-in when we started early discussions for this book: the Pathfinder Society! The Pathfinders are probably one of the most well-known and most widespread organizations in our Age of Lost Omens setting. Heck, they have the name of our game in the name of the organization! There was no way we could ignore them!

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Tags: Lost Omens Character Guide Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition

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Iconic Encounter: The Reality Next Door

“There's nothing we can do—all systems are jammed! Prepare for emergency landing!”

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Tags: Iconic Encounters Starfinder Web Fiction Witchwarpers Zemir

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Paizo People: Celebrating Staffing Additions and Promotions

We here at Paizo value collaboration, genuine interest in the advancement of gaming, and technical knowledge and skills, among many other qualities. Please join us in welcoming our new-hires and celebrating the advancement of some of the Paizo staff.

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Tags: Paizo Paizo Staff

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Musings from Organized Play Land

Life as an Organized Play developer is filled with surprises. There’s almost never a day when I sit down at my desk in the morning, put on my headphones, and just work on a scenario until it’s time to go home. There are always other questions, minor projects, and conversations that crop up. It’s challenging in a way that keeps things engaging and exciting. Over the course of my four and a half years here, I’ve gotten the chance to learn so many different skills. And it wasn’t all the ones I expected. Sure, I’ve become better at writing, editing, mapping, and pacing adventures. But I’ve also learned how to run auditions, how to speak to crowds without being nervous, and, at the risk of sounding like a corny after-school special, I learned to believe in myself. A big part of what makes the experience on the Organized Play team so positive and has helped me grow as a person is the people. My team is awesome. We joke around, give each other a light-hearted hard time, and share our triumphs and struggles. And when misfortune strikes, we have each other’s backs. I’m so fortunate to have the coworkers I do.

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Tags: Organized Play Pathfinder Society

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Building Monsters for Fun and Profit

The Gamemastery Guide for Pathfinder 2nd Edition is still several months away, but we knew there were a few parts of it we wanted to get in your hands sooner, and make more easily available. That’s why you can download the rules for making creatures and hazards right now! These are the Building Creatures and Building Hazards sections from chapter 2 of the Gamemastery Guide. The book isn’t quite final, so you might see a few changes to what’s in here in the published version.

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Tags: Gamemastery Guide Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition

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Meet The Iconics: Zemir

The only son of miners on a remote planetoid called Pikora 317, tucked within the widest orbital ring of the gas giant Preluria in Near Space, Zemir spent his earliest days exposed to the harsh reality of life in a corporate labor colony. Determined to provide for their son, Zemir’s parents eked out their existence in the Freugan Salvage Company’s starmetal mines. The Solodans never went hungry, though the only delicacies young Zemir enjoyed were occasional tastes of citrus-chocolate pastries, sweet-milk custards, and savory meringues—gifts from the Freugan executives’ own ample stashes of treats imported from Absalom Station.

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Tags: Iconics Meet the Iconics Remko Troost Starfinder Witchwarpers Zemir

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This Week on Twitch, Oct 7 - Oct 11

We are bringing you more interactive showcases and updates on what's coming up in the world of Paizo and from our partners who continue to share their incredible stories with all of you. Here is what’s happening this week at OfficialPaizo on Twitch!

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Tags: Paizo Twitch

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New Edition the Hard Way

This article by Jason Bulmahn, Director of Game Design, was published in the August edition of Meeple monthly. We are pleased to share it with you today.

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Tags: Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition

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The PACG Cutting Room Floor: The Market

When working on Adventure Time: Edge of Anarchy, I really wanted to talk about some of the things that didn’t make it into the Curse of the Crimson Throne box. Every set, we design more cards than end up making it out into the wild. Some cards just get lost to that voracious devourer of cards called Card Count, which only lets some preordained multiple of 110 survive. Some characters never made it into a Class Deck because we liked how the deck (including its selection of cards) looked with the other characters more. This series of blogs plans to shed some light on some of these lost elements. Enjoy at your own risk!

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Tags: Pathfinder Adventure Card Game

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He's A Magic Man, She's A Magic Man!

When considering the best organizations to showcase in the upcoming Lost Omens Character Guide, we asked ourselves who the most iconic figures in our setting were—or should be. Case in point: the Magaambya. Founded by the legendary Old Mage Jatembe, credited with bringing back magic as the Inner Sea region knows it after the destruction of Earthfall, the Magaambya is the oldest magic school in the Inner Sea and possibly on Golarion. The parallel in prestige to real world institutions like Oxford and Cambridge, the Magaambya surely stood as one of the premier organizations in the Age of Lost Omens campaign setting.

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Tags: Lost Omens Character Guide Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition

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This week on Twitch, Sept 30 - Oct 6

Recently we've been working internally to bring you more interactive showcases and updates on what's coming up in the world of Paizo. Along with our partners sharing their incredible stories with all of you. One of the initiatives I've wanted to take is to inform you of what is going on. So every week I'd like to present to you with a schedule for next week every Friday. So you know what's happening during that week for Paizo!

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Tags: Paizo Twitch

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Iconic Encounter: A Hail Of Bullets

“I thought you said the signal was coming from a ruin,” Velloro said into his comm unit, looking up at the huge, very intact fortification in front of him with a large, unruined door blocking the way forward. The captain’s response was garbled, no doubt thanks to the rocky, mountainous terrain between him and the Sunrise Maiden. “Ye… …is th… …thing there?”

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Tags: Iconic Encounters Starfinder Vanguards Velloro Web Fiction

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This week on Twitch, Sept 30 - Oct 6

Recently we've been working internally to bring you more interactive showcases and updates on what's coming up in the world of Paizo. Along with our partners sharing their incredible stories with all of you. One of the initiatives I've wanted to take is to inform you of what is going on. So every week I'd like to present to you with a schedule for next week every Friday. So you know what's happening during that week for Paizo!

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October Update— RIP, Stars, Spotlights and Conventions!

The past month blew by in a second, as we kept our focus on continuing to roll out pieces of Pathfinder Society (second edition), as well as work to bring a new developer onto the team and keep scenario production moving forward. We still have lots of changes/improvements planned, including getting sanctioning for all campaigns caught up, fixing the issues with Playtest/Achievement Points, convert the Pathfinder Society (second edition) guide to its final format, and more! We ask for a bit more patience, as we move to get all these items and more completed, as well as plan for the next year of each campaign. Before we know it, June will be here, and we will be looking to launch Starfinder Society Year 3!

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Tags: Organized Play Pathfinder Society

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Meet The Iconics: Velloro

Velloro was adopted into a large ysoki family on the dusty planet of Akiton as an infant, never knowing another home—and never having much interest in finding one. His family were devout worshipers of Iomedae, goddess of justice and honorable battle, virtues the young lashunta gladly embraced. He spent his youth playing and scavenging among Akiton’s numerous wrecked starships with his many siblings. Time and again, Velloro proved a fierce protector of his family, whether extracting them from collapsed wreckage, fighting off rival scavengers, or otherwise putting himself between them and the many other dangers of their dying world.

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Tags: Iconics Meet the Iconics Remko Troost Starfinder Vanguards Velloro

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Knights of Everflame Season Two Premieres October 29!

We are thrilled to announce that Season 2 Knights of Everflame will premier Tuesday, October 29 from 4 to 7 p.m. Pacific on Geek & Sundry’s Twitch channel (twitch.tv/geekandsundry) and OfficalPaizo (https://www.twitch.tv/officialpaizo)! Save the date as the entire cast returns for escalating adventures in collaborative storytelling utilizing the Pathfinder Second Edition roleplaying game. You can also catch up on past episodes via Geek & Sundry’s YouTube channel Geek & Sundry YouTube channel (youtube.com/geekandsundry).

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Tags: Knights of Everflame Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition