[ACO] PF2e - Q17 Escorting a Mirage (P2) (Inactive)

Game Master UncleFroggy

Symbols > Single Action (◆), Double Action (◆◆), Triple Action (◆◆◆), Free Action (◇), Reaction (↺)

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Envoy's Alliance

male tengu swashbuckler 1 | HP 17 | AC 18 |F +4 R +9 W +5 | Perc +5 | Stealth +7 | Focus Points 1/1 |Hero Points 0/3 | Icons: ◆◇↺ | speed 25 | Exploration Activity: Search | Conditions: None

Just realised that you can't strike after a finisher! (Sorry first run with a swashbuckler) So instead of the second attack Vamasu will stride to flank with Jeeves

Radiant Oath

◆◇↺ | Spell Templates | Provisions |

EEEK! Vamasu - Apologies. For some reason I stopped reading after the crit success to the reflex save. The attack did miss so you'll do half the confident finisher.

Benkost fires a blast of energy at the Red squad and burns some of them. Jeeves moves towards the same squad, then trips over the stairs and lands among them in a tangle of arms and legs. Unfortunately for the Squad, they mistake Jeeves' movements for clumsiness and are completely shocked when several of them are knocked senseless by well-placed strikes. Enrax shrugs off the scratch and eliminates a good number of the remaining ruffians in the Blue Squad. A blob of acid from Whistle Wit finishes the job on the ruffians' cohesion and the squad disintegrates, scattering to the four winds.

Vamasu joins the fray and punctures some of the members of the Red squad with his rapier. They too, break and run for the hills.


With the defeat of the mercenaries, the rest of the trip to the docks is uneventful.

Pallomar expresses his extreme gratitude for saving him from the rabid fans and promises that they will be prominently mentioned in his article for Golarion’s Finest. Zarta is overseeing the loading of more important cargo, but takes a moment to thank you for protecting the cargo. She also impressed enough to grant you a book of Thuvian history (+2 to RK checks relating to Thuvian history).


Thanks for playing all!

Envoy's Alliance

LN Human (wintertouched) HP 32/32; hero 1/1; minor healing 1/1; BMP: AC 20 (22 with shield) ; Fort +7; Ref +9; Will +6; Perc +4; cold/1 Conditions:

Thanks for the game GM Tiger!

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