Ragamuffins, a Swords of the Serpentine One-Shot

Game Master Branding Opportunity

Players portray pre-teen street urchins in the cosmopolitan city of Eversink.

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Irving Skriven wrote:
Gotcha; I thought when it was used it was spent, so you only got one use of each Investigative Ability type per rank you have in it.

Nope, you can use the ability as many times as you like. But the "pool" of your Investigative Ability points is spent for special effects and is depleted with each spend.

Listening to Skiff and Gemma ruminate about the situation at hand, Vittoria shuffles behind them. As her holy robes drag through the dirt, she whispers,
"Hey, I say we get even right here and now. They deserve it. The spitwads probably stole your lantern, Gemma, and even if they didn't, they always mess with us anyways!"

Vittoria shifts uneasily and excitedly. She's always been a bit of a rebel, and after multiple long days at the church, she's looking to take out her frustrations on the bullies in that shack.

"How about we flush 'em out! We could open the latch to the pig pen, sneak off, and then spook the pigs! We go into their dumpy little hovel while they're dealing with the bacon, and we look around. What do you say!?"

Please let me know if my formatting is weird/confusing!

HEALTH: 8/ 8 | Armor: 0 | Threshold: 3 | Status: Healthy || MORALE: 7/7 | Grit:1 | Threshold: 3 | Status: Resilient || COMBAT | Sway 6/6 || Warfare 1/1 ||

Sounds as good as anything we thought up,” Gemma agreed.

Vittoria beams at Gemma's affirmation. She's happy she has good friends to do hijinks with. Looking down the gentle slope leading to the shack, she points towards the pig pen and proceeds towards one of the leaning stone buildings. Vittoria then pushes her back against one of the walls, attempting to blend into the shadows. She really doesn't want to alarm those pigs (at least not yet), especially the big one.

Vittoria's goal is to move up to the pig pen without causing a ruckus. She wants to unlock it or open it so that the pigs have the ability to run away. Before the pigs notice their chance at freedom, she would try and get out of sight. How would this be accomplished in game?

Vittoria waits for her friends before proceeding.

If anyone would like to act before Vittoria does, feel free to retcon my action.

Skiff takes up a lookout, ready to cause a distraction if it looks like Vittoria might get made.

HEALTH: 8/ 8 | Armor: 0 | Threshold: 3 | Status: Healthy || MORALE: 7/7 | Grit:1 | Threshold: 3 | Status: Resilient || COMBAT | Sway 6/6 || Warfare 1/1 ||

Gemma takes up a position close by just in case she needs to rush in.

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We'll need a Stealth roll from you, Vittoria, to see if you can sneak up without the pigs noticing you. Target number is 4.

Stealth TN 4: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7

Vittoria will spend two of her stealth points on the roll.

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Vittoria's plan goes off without a hitch as she opens the pen. The pigs don't immidiately understand what's going on, but soon one of the brighter ones realizes that she has been set free and cautiously nudges the gate open. Once one is free, the others begin to oink loudly and follow it out of the pen, streaming out into the muddy street.

Judging from the noise the pigs are making now free in the street, it's very likely that either Corso or Festa (or both!) with soon emerge, responding to the noise. Seeing what's going on, they will most likely chase the pigs, trying to recapture them all. Anything you want to do in preparation of this?

As the swine curiously nudges the gate, Vittoria freezes. She clasps her hand over her mouth and makes herself small by pushing her back into the cold stone behind her. Watching as the pigs begin to rush out into the street, she stifles a laugh and shuffles back to where she came.

Once in relative safety, Vittoria shoots her friends and affirmative glance. Excitement gleams in her eyes. She whispers, "This is SO awesome."

Vittoria is primarily going to prepare by moving further away from where the bullies will exit; she's waiting in anticipation to hop through their window or door as soon as they're out of sight

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