GM Tarondor's Skandersvik - Traveller (Inactive)

Game Master Tarondor

Player's Guide to Skandersvik

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'Lance Sergeant/Scout' Corellon "Cor" Anders - 6C97A6 | Second Officer/Astrogation | Gram (Spinward Marches 1223) | Profile Link

The terrorist shooting at him slumps to the floor and Cor turns to see the other shoot Crastor point blank, and he winces in an empathetic reaction. Still, it looks like his friend is still alive and so Cor charges with a yell, not wanting to shoot and possibly hit Crastor, so he tries to slam the butt of the carbine into the enemy's face to perhaps knock him out of the fight for good.

Melee Attack with Carbine (STR + Melee): 2d6 + 0 + 0 ⇒ (1, 5) + 0 + 0 = 6

Or not!

Just as Cor tries to bash the gunman with his carbine, the man rolls right and the butt of the gun slams into the marble floor. But a half second later, Zirelle hits the man with her stunner. He jolts straight for a second, moans and falls unconscious.


Agility- D10; Smarts- D6; Spirit- D6; Strength- D6; Vigor- D8; Athletics- D4; Common Knowledge- D4; Fighting- D8; Notice- D6; Persuasion- D4; Repair- D4; Shooting- D4; Spellcasting- D6; Stealth- D6; Thievery- D8
[dice=Warhammer]d8+d6[/dice][dice=Warhammer Damage+1AP]2d6[/dice][dice=Knife]d8+d6[/dice][dice=Knife Damage]2d6[/dice][dice=Bolt]2d6[/dice][Bolt Damage]3d6[/dice]
M Dwarf; Parry 6 (7 w/Shield); Toughness 8 (2); Pace 5; Bennies 5; Conviction 0; PP 13/15;

Crastor stands up holding the place where he was shot and the gun from the man who shot him. With a wince he says, "This is not going well..."

'Lance Sergeant/Scout' Corellon "Cor" Anders - 6C97A6 | Second Officer/Astrogation | Gram (Spinward Marches 1223) | Profile Link

Cor frowns as he glances around. "And it's probably only going to get worse. Zaeta! Let's keep this folks in the building until we assess the threat level outside. At least it's secure in here for the moment. Let's see if we can't find a large room with limited access points that we can defend. Frey, see if there's anyone else with a medical background and start working on the wounded. Crastor, take a look outside and let us know how it looks." He then gets on his comm and calls the ship for a status check, inquiring about whether Magnus has been raised on the comms as well. He also moves around the room, disarming the downed terrorists to make sure that they can't take up weapons again should they only be knocked unconscious.

Zaeta (pic) | 6|10|5|10|8|7 | Legal Officer | Homeworld: Torment (Entropic Worlds 0720) | (Additional link to Profile)

Zaeta thinks it is a bad call to not let the panicked people out, but it isn't her call, and there could be danger outside as well for all she knows. She obeys orders and starts tying up the shooters that are still alive with strips from their own clothing, taking any leftover weapons and anything else valuable as she goes. It isn't stealing... just the price of being a murderous idiot.

Okay, folks, you control the ballroom and most of this level of City Hall. You can hear gunfire in the building.

Cor, you manage to raise Skander on the comms, though the link is tenuous. "Skander here, sir. What is your situation?"

You can see that Lieutenant Imbaria (the imperial officer) is on the comms to his ship as well.

'Lance Sergeant/Scout' Corellon "Cor" Anders - 6C97A6 | Second Officer/Astrogation | Gram (Spinward Marches 1223) | Profile Link

Cor breathes a small sigh of relief that he is able to raise Skander. "The terrorists in the ballroom have been neutralized and we control most of this level of City Hall, but there are sounds of gunfire elsewhere in the building. We have wounded and civilians that we need to get to a safe place. Do you have information on the situation in the rest of the city, specifically around City Hall? And is there an update on Sundstrom? Do you have his last known location?" He listens intently to whatever news they have, and advises the ship to stay put and stay grounded for the time being - though they should ready themselves for immediate evacuation at a moment's notice should the order come down.

Answers from the ship might affect the next bit. I'm guessing Sundstrom is still out of touch and that he's somewhere in this building. If so, I'm thinking we go and see if we can help. What do the rest of you think?

Once he gets some answers, he asks to be kept updated on any new news and goes to speak with his crewmates. "We have a general order from the Imperial warship Mnasippus forbidding any liftoffs or landings, as well as enforcing a non-intervention from outside forces - so sending a ship or even a land vehicle from Skander might be seen as a hostile action towards the Imperium and we don't want to cause any diplomatic complications. However, we're here and I see no problems with taking our weapons to rescue Sundstrom - if he is being held hostage, that is." He pauses, to see if the others have any other thoughts or input.

GM, didn't we have some 'red shirts' accompany us here? Specifically, I posted earlier that "Cor figures that Security Chief Grete Haugen and Johannes Sogard should accompany them in the motorcade," are they around, either outside with the vehicles or in the building?

Zaeta (pic) | 6|10|5|10|8|7 | Legal Officer | Homeworld: Torment (Entropic Worlds 0720) | (Additional link to Profile)

Pretty sure Sundstrom went to a meeting in a totally different city, but up for a rescue if I am wrong, or if there are others to rescue.

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Agility- D10; Smarts- D6; Spirit- D6; Strength- D6; Vigor- D8; Athletics- D4; Common Knowledge- D4; Fighting- D8; Notice- D6; Persuasion- D4; Repair- D4; Shooting- D4; Spellcasting- D6; Stealth- D6; Thievery- D8
[dice=Warhammer]d8+d6[/dice][dice=Warhammer Damage+1AP]2d6[/dice][dice=Knife]d8+d6[/dice][dice=Knife Damage]2d6[/dice][dice=Bolt]2d6[/dice][Bolt Damage]3d6[/dice]
M Dwarf; Parry 6 (7 w/Shield); Toughness 8 (2); Pace 5; Bennies 5; Conviction 0; PP 13/15;

Crastor starts searching the terrorists for any ammo, weapons, communication devices or other useful items. "I wonder if they have a way to talk to the other groups running around. It would be good to listen in to their communications."

Your security entourage came with you but weren't in the ballroom when it all went down. It's been only a minute or two. And you -do- hear gunfire in the building.

"Sir," says the Skander watch officer. "We've received small arms fire but either they're terrible shots or they just want to warn us off leaving the ship. Nobody's been hit."

"Mister Sundstrom, the Captain and others are in their own situation, but at last report they were safe. We haven't heard from them since. And that imperial warship is still broadcasting its no-fly order."

"There is something curious, though, Mister Anders. They're broadcasting a real-time image of the capital as seen from orbit. In the clear. If don't really understand it."

"From what we can tell, the image shows that the world government’s
headquarters is not in the hands of the rebels. There is heavy fighting in the streets around it and the defenders look to be badly outnumbered. More rebel troops are approaching the capital in vehicles and a train presumably loaded with even more is en route."

"It looks like the government sent most of its units to quell riots in distant cities and is scrambling to get them back to the capital in time. But they're being forced to divert to stabilize other situations. Short version, we think the rebels are going to capture the government before the army can arrive."

Lady Estrella and Lieutenant Imbaria walk up. "I think I can explain that," says Lady Estrella. "Our captain sympathizes with the government. He's operating under a strict non-interference order, but if "doesn't notice" that he's broadcasting useful information, he can be held responsible for how people planetside use it."

"That's enough, Cadet," says Lieutenant Imbaria.

"No sir, I'm afraid it's not. These people are all going to die when the rebel army arrives. But I think the rebels will think twice about killing an imperial noblewoman. I'm staying here."

"No you're not. You're coming with me and we're going to ask the rebels to repatriate us to Mnasippus.

[b]"Sorry sir. Cadet Harben-Erataria may be in violation of orders, but member of the Imperial Senate Lady Estrella Harben-Erataria has other duties. I'm staying."

Imbaria fumes but waves his assent to what's already been decided.

Estrella turns to you four. "What about you? Want to see if we can delay the rebels long enough?"

'Lance Sergeant/Scout' Corellon "Cor" Anders - 6C97A6 | Second Officer/Astrogation | Gram (Spinward Marches 1223) | Profile Link

Cor checks the laser carbine to make certain it is in working order as the two Imperials argue with each other, but the second officer is listening intently. When Estrella turns to the group to ask their intentions, he smiles wolfishly. "That sounds like a very fine plan to me." He responds without hesitation.

Crastor Deems wrote:
Crastor starts searching the terrorists for any ammo, weapons, communication devices or other useful items.

Crastor finds that each rebel carried on them body armor, one weapon and one back-up magazine or power-pack. The leader (the man with the submachine gun) also has a comms device.

Zaeta (pic) | 6|10|5|10|8|7 | Legal Officer | Homeworld: Torment (Entropic Worlds 0720) | (Additional link to Profile)

When I mentioned that I was looting the bodies earlier I also mentioned valuables, so if there were those sorts of things as well, it would be good to know.

From the gathered loot, Zaeta straps on some body armor and gets a melee weapon and a back up power pack. Then she joins Cor to support Lady Estrella.

I'm in. Should we report on the enemy comms device that we've secured this area and try to trick them, or just go out shooting?

'Lance Sergeant/Scout' Corellon "Cor" Anders - 6C97A6 | Second Officer/Astrogation | Gram (Spinward Marches 1223) | Profile Link

Cor turns to Zaeta and thinks on her suggestion for a moment. "I'd suggest we stay quiet for now, it might just tip our hand if they see through the subterfuge. But let's keep their comms on hand, in case they send a message. We might need to take the risk at some point." Seeing Zaeta with the body armor and back up power pack, Cor decides that its a fine idea and does the same, procuring what he can from the fellow who had the laser carbine. He uses their own comms to alert their security entourage to tell them what happened and to have them rendezvous at the floor we've secured, if possible.

Turning back to Estrella, Cor speaks. "So. We hold the Town Hall until reinforcements arrive, yes?"

UPP 67677C -- Homeworld: Narsil (Spinward Marches 0927)

"or ... we also could take a look at the attack/response patterns of both the government & the rebels, look at how they have reacted to the information broadcast by the Imperial Captain thus far, and come up with a series of misinformation broadcasts that will sway the outcome of the rebel advancement."

Agility- D10; Smarts- D6; Spirit- D6; Strength- D6; Vigor- D8; Athletics- D4; Common Knowledge- D4; Fighting- D8; Notice- D6; Persuasion- D4; Repair- D4; Shooting- D4; Spellcasting- D6; Stealth- D6; Thievery- D8
[dice=Warhammer]d8+d6[/dice][dice=Warhammer Damage+1AP]2d6[/dice][dice=Knife]d8+d6[/dice][dice=Knife Damage]2d6[/dice][dice=Bolt]2d6[/dice][Bolt Damage]3d6[/dice]
M Dwarf; Parry 6 (7 w/Shield); Toughness 8 (2); Pace 5; Bennies 5; Conviction 0; PP 13/15;

Crastor straps on some armor and a gun. He will put on the comm but make sure it is muted."We have a lot of non-combatants here. Some are VIPs. If we get them out it would be good for them and us. If we hole up here, they are still in danger." Crastor says.

'Lance Sergeant/Scout' Corellon "Cor" Anders - 6C97A6 | Second Officer/Astrogation | Gram (Spinward Marches 1223) | Profile Link

Cor glances at Crastor and Frey. "I'm not certain how we'd even go about sending out misinformation broadcasts, but if you have concrete ideas let's hear them. And I agree we need to get the civilians out as soon as possible, but the streets outside are dangerous, we can't send them out into that. We've got a good perimeter established here. Let's see about defending this floor and our charges as long as we can, should the rebels try and breach our position."

He thinks about the situation for a few moments, then comes to a decision. "Zaeta and Frey, do what you can to calm the civilians and treat their injuries. Tell them we're going to hole up until army reinforcements arrive. Crastor, come with me and lets see what we can do about making this place defensible. Estrella, you are invited as well, if you'd like to join us. Any suggestions you have would be well received, I should think." The scout does what he can to determine choke points, easily defensible hallways and doorways - anything at all to give their relatively few armed combatants a chance to defend against an incursion.

So each rebel had a body armor, one weapon and one back-up magazine or power-pack. We've also got one enemy communications unit. Were there four rebels in all, so we each have our pick of gear? Cor has a laser carbine and back-up power pack I guess, which suits him fine. He wouldn't mind a body armor as well, if we have enough to spread around among the four of us. Crastor can carry the rebel comm and track anything they might be trying to communicate? Is there a skill for that?

UPP 67677C -- Homeworld: Narsil (Spinward Marches 0927)
Corellon "Cor" Anders wrote:

Cor glances at Crastor and Frey. "I'm not certain how we'd even go about sending out misinformation broadcasts, but if you have concrete ideas let's hear them. And I agree we need to get the civilians out as soon as possible, but the streets outside are dangerous, we can't send them out into that. We've got a good perimeter established here. Let's see about defending this floor and our charges as long as we can, should the rebels try and breach our position."

He thinks about the situation for a few moments, then comes to a decision. "Zaeta and Frey, do what you can to calm the civilians and treat their injuries. Tell them we're going to hole up until army reinforcements arrive. Crastor, come with me and lets see what we can do about making this place defensible. Estrella, you are invited as well, if you'd like to join us. Any suggestions you have would be well received, I should think." The scout does what he can to determine choke points, easily defensible hallways and doorways - anything at all to give their relatively few armed combatants a chance to defend against an incursion.

So each rebel had a body armor, one weapon and one back-up magazine or power-pack. We've also got one enemy communications unit. Were there four rebels in all, so we each have our pick of gear? Cor has a laser carbine and back-up power pack I guess, which suits him fine. He wouldn't mind a body armor as well, if we have enough to spread around among the four of us. Crastor can carry the rebel comm and track anything they might be trying to communicate? Is there a skill for that?

Frey obviously did okay with his laser pistol, but he would take a laser carbine if there is one

Zaeta (pic) | 6|10|5|10|8|7 | Legal Officer | Homeworld: Torment (Entropic Worlds 0720) | (Additional link to Profile)

Zaeta nods at her orders and starts talking to the different groups of civilians, getting the wounded to Frey and then talking to the other calmly, trying to get them talking about their lives a little bit and get them distracted from the current stressful situation.

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Zaeta, could you give me a skill roll, please? Diplomat or Persuade plus SOC.

Zaeta (pic) | 6|10|5|10|8|7 | Legal Officer | Homeworld: Torment (Entropic Worlds 0720) | (Additional link to Profile)

Persuade+Social Standing: 2d6 + 3 + 0 ⇒ (5, 1) + 3 + 0 = 9

Zaeta convinces the politicians and functionaries to remain calm and let Skander's crew (aka, the people with all the weapons) sort this situation out.

"Very well. We'll shelter in place, but... what will you do?"

Zaeta (pic) | 6|10|5|10|8|7 | Legal Officer | Homeworld: Torment (Entropic Worlds 0720) | (Additional link to Profile)

I'm staying with you for now, along with our ship doctor, to make sure everyone is okay. The rest of my team is going out to try to neutralize the threat. I'm sure they'll contact me if they need help. Our goal is to keep you safe.

Agility- D10; Smarts- D6; Spirit- D6; Strength- D6; Vigor- D8; Athletics- D4; Common Knowledge- D4; Fighting- D8; Notice- D6; Persuasion- D4; Repair- D4; Shooting- D4; Spellcasting- D6; Stealth- D6; Thievery- D8
[dice=Warhammer]d8+d6[/dice][dice=Warhammer Damage+1AP]2d6[/dice][dice=Knife]d8+d6[/dice][dice=Knife Damage]2d6[/dice][dice=Bolt]2d6[/dice][Bolt Damage]3d6[/dice]
M Dwarf; Parry 6 (7 w/Shield); Toughness 8 (2); Pace 5; Bennies 5; Conviction 0; PP 13/15;

Crastor will look around to see if there is a way to make the place more defensibile.

Int+Recon: 2d6 + 0 + 1 ⇒ (3, 4) + 0 + 1 = 8

Int+Tactics: 2d6 + 0 + 0 ⇒ (3, 5) + 0 + 0 = 8

Crastor, this is a town hall. You could certainly move desks and the like to slow down infantry, but there's no way you're making this into a real fortress. Determined troops would easily storm this building.

So as I understand it, you're going to split the party?

Agility- D10; Smarts- D6; Spirit- D6; Strength- D6; Vigor- D8; Athletics- D4; Common Knowledge- D4; Fighting- D8; Notice- D6; Persuasion- D4; Repair- D4; Shooting- D4; Spellcasting- D6; Stealth- D6; Thievery- D8
[dice=Warhammer]d8+d6[/dice][dice=Warhammer Damage+1AP]2d6[/dice][dice=Knife]d8+d6[/dice][dice=Knife Damage]2d6[/dice][dice=Bolt]2d6[/dice][Bolt Damage]3d6[/dice]
M Dwarf; Parry 6 (7 w/Shield); Toughness 8 (2); Pace 5; Bennies 5; Conviction 0; PP 13/15;

It seems like it. I think only Zaeta plans to stay behind.

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Zaeta (pic) | 6|10|5|10|8|7 | Legal Officer | Homeworld: Torment (Entropic Worlds 0720) | (Additional link to Profile)

Cor ordered me to stay with the civilians, along with Frey. He is in charge. I am following orders.

UPP 67677C -- Homeworld: Narsil (Spinward Marches 0927)
Zaeta wrote:
Cor ordered me to stay with the civilians, along with Frey. He is in charge. I am following orders.

This is correct.

Zaeta (pic) | 6|10|5|10|8|7 | Legal Officer | Homeworld: Torment (Entropic Worlds 0720) | (Additional link to Profile)

Zaeta asks the civilian group if any of them are familiar with the building and if so, then she asks them if there is another room that might be safer to hole up than this one.

Heleana Burke, Minister for Offworld Affairs is your hostess and she rises from behind one of the bars where she threw herself when the fighting started. Her gown is smudged and her careful coif is straggling down one side of her face, but she looks serious.

"Safer, yes. Safe, I doubt it. There are archives in the basement. That's at least somewhat protected from... from whatever might happen."

[i]Skander's[/b] Security Chief Grete Haugen makes an appearance. Her face is bruised, her sleeve is torn and there's blood on it. She's carrying an autopistol. She salutes and reports.

"We had a firefight with three of the buggers in the entrance hall. Crewman Sogard didn't make it. The building is secure, but it'll be a bear to defend. Too much glass. We should get you to the ship."

'Lance Sergeant/Scout' Corellon "Cor" Anders - 6C97A6 | Second Officer/Astrogation | Gram (Spinward Marches 1223) | Profile Link

Cor gives Grete a nod in greeting. "Acknowledged, thank you Security Chief. We won't be going to the ship quite yet though, not unless we can secure a means to get these civilians somewhere safe. I take it the insurgents are still out there on the street? If that's the case, we'll have to find a more defensible place here and hole up until the government soldiers can reach us. Go see Frey and have those wounds looked to. We'll need your assistance soon, I'm quite certain."

He approaches Zaeta and Heleana Burke, hearing some of what the Minister had told the Legal Officer. "Is there ventilation in the basement? Can the doors be secured? How many routes lead into the Archives and is it large enough to house everyone here?"

OK, thinking we can at least get everyone in a secure location like the Archives then, assuming there's ventilation and we won't be at risk of running out of air or anything if we seal ourselves in. Alternatively, we could have Security Chief Grete Haugen in charge of guarding the civilians down there if there is only one access point, freeing the rest of us up to do something else.

Minister Burke thinks a moment. "There is ventilation. Clerks work down there of course. The doors can be locked, but I don't suppose that's very secure. It is more likely to be hard to find us than it is to stop any determined attackers. It will be close quarters, but we can manage. Especially if we break into the kitchen and grab a few containers of water first."

'Lance Sergeant/Scout' Corellon "Cor" Anders - 6C97A6 | Second Officer/Astrogation | Gram (Spinward Marches 1223) | Profile Link

Cor nods. "Good. Supplies will be needed, but lets get the civilians settled down there first. An armed team can retrieve water, food and other supplies you'll need in case it takes time for the army to get here."

So what's the plan overall. We don't need to roleplay out getting the civilians to the basement.

Zaeta (pic) | 6|10|5|10|8|7 | Legal Officer | Homeworld: Torment (Entropic Worlds 0720) | (Additional link to Profile)

Sounds like the plan is to get through the crisis before retreating to the ship. ...We get civilians to the basement, get them water, leave the Security Chief there to guard them (and with a way to contact us if we need to come back to help), and then as a party we start clearing the building? That sound correct to everyone?

'Lance Sergeant/Scout' Corellon "Cor" Anders - 6C97A6 | Second Officer/Astrogation | Gram (Spinward Marches 1223) | Profile Link

Zaeta's synopsis works for me!

You do that. It takes you about forty minutes to establish that there are no more rebels in the building.

Lady Estrella approaches you. "You should go," she says. "You can't defend this building effectively once the rebel forces arrive. You could make it back to your ship, if you're lucky. At least you'll be safe there."

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'Lance Sergeant/Scout' Corellon "Cor" Anders - 6C97A6 | Second Officer/Astrogation | Gram (Spinward Marches 1223) | Profile Link

Cor smiles grimly at Lady Estrella. "We won't leave these folks to the rebels, they'll likely either wind up dead or used as hostages. Let me see what kind of reinforcements we can get without violating the orders of the Imperial Cruiser overhead. Do you think our ship sending ground cars would bring any retaliation?"

If she indicates that doing so would be a safe approach, Cor communicates with Skander and requests security personnel to be sent to City Hall via armored ground vehicles as soon as possible to help fortify against rebel incursion. He also asks for any updates to the situation of Magnus and his party and information on local army movements to determine when help might arrive. Lastly, Cor suggests that he, Crastor, Frey and Zaeta take up positions to watch each side of the building from a place of cover to watch for any sign of rebels moving in.

OK, so if I'm reading things correctly, the Imperial Cruiser isn't taking any overt action against the rebels to maintain their non-intervention policy, and have threatened to shoot down any ship that takes to the air. We are looking to get reinforcements to City Hall to help us fortify against any potential rebel invasion until the army gets here to help out. Would armored ground cars violate the Imperial Cruiser's orders? Is their ETA such that it'd even help?

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Lady Estrella nods in agreement. "I'm certain the captain is toeing the letter of his orders. He can't let you fly or seem to condone what you're doing. But ground cars don't violate a no-fly zone. Hell, he hasn't shot at the grav cars the rebels are using, so I think he's just forbidding atmospheric maneuvers."

Cor or anyone with Military Tactics, give me a roll with INT- or EDU-.

Zaeta (pic) | 6|10|5|10|8|7 | Legal Officer | Homeworld: Torment (Entropic Worlds 0720) | (Additional link to Profile)

Zaeta speaks up.

If we can get cars here, why not just shuttle the civilians to the ship? Easier to keep them safe there, even if we have to stay ground side. We might be able to get them in one trip if we use one of the cargo haulers, or if there is a troop shuttle. I don't remember the details of what types of ground cars we have... I mostly just use the cargo haulers.

UPP 67677C -- Homeworld: Narsil (Spinward Marches 0927)

"Let's get them here. We need supplies, badly."

Agility- D10; Smarts- D6; Spirit- D6; Strength- D6; Vigor- D8; Athletics- D4; Common Knowledge- D4; Fighting- D8; Notice- D6; Persuasion- D4; Repair- D4; Shooting- D4; Spellcasting- D6; Stealth- D6; Thievery- D8
[dice=Warhammer]d8+d6[/dice][dice=Warhammer Damage+1AP]2d6[/dice][dice=Knife]d8+d6[/dice][dice=Knife Damage]2d6[/dice][dice=Bolt]2d6[/dice][Bolt Damage]3d6[/dice]
M Dwarf; Parry 6 (7 w/Shield); Toughness 8 (2); Pace 5; Bennies 5; Conviction 0; PP 13/15;

Naval Tactics+EDU: 2d6 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (6, 3) + 1 + 1 = 11

I have Naval (Tactics). I am not sure if that counts so I rolled. If it doesn't count then subtract a bunch for untrained which leaves me with a sad 6.

'Lance Sergeant/Scout' Corellon "Cor" Anders - 6C97A6 | Second Officer/Astrogation | Gram (Spinward Marches 1223) | Profile Link
Traveller Referee Tarondor wrote:

Lady Estrella nods in agreement. "I'm certain the captain is toeing the letter of his orders. He can't let you fly or seem to condone what you're doing. But ground cars don't violate a no-fly zone. Hell, he hasn't shot at the grav cars the rebels are using, so I think he's just forbidding atmospheric maneuvers."

Cor or anyone with Military Tactics, give me a roll with INT- or EDU-.

Military Tactics (EDU): 2d6 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (4, 4) + 1 + 1 = 10

Cor considers Zaeta's suggestion. Are there grav trucks here that could accommodate the number of civilians we have? Even if there are, the rebels might have anti-vehicle weapons out there, and we'd be in bad shape out in the open. At the very least though, we can call in reinforcements.

Not sure what the roll is for, maybe he'd have some tactical insight into either of these ideas or something else entirely? Again, protecting the citizens is top priority in Cor's mind. I'll wait until I get feedback for the die roll before speaking ICly. Thanks!

There are fancy limousines and such vehicles nearby. You have four reasonably well-armored ground cars onboard Skander.

Examining the feeds and consulting with Crator, Cor sees that getting back to Skandercould be dangerous. There are bands of armed revolutionaries here and there, although most are tied up on the fighting for the governmental center or holding down important locations such as the main rail terminus. There are some looters on the streets but most people are hiding in their homes. There is, however, a cordon of revolutionary gunmen around the starport landing area. It will be necessary to sneak past or shoot a path through. How that is to be accomplished is very much up to you.

Your excellent grasp of tactics allows you to plan a route so you can avoid areas where there is obvious fighting going on and get around rebel roadblocks.

UPP 67677C -- Homeworld: Narsil (Spinward Marches 0927)

All thhe goodwill (and leverage) are with the Skander if we can evac everyone there. Presumeably Lady Estrella would accompany us. Very solid move politically, with both the locals and the Imperium. Frey would also have access to Sick Bay versus trying to make Field Medicine happen.

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Agility- D10; Smarts- D6; Spirit- D6; Strength- D6; Vigor- D8; Athletics- D4; Common Knowledge- D4; Fighting- D8; Notice- D6; Persuasion- D4; Repair- D4; Shooting- D4; Spellcasting- D6; Stealth- D6; Thievery- D8
[dice=Warhammer]d8+d6[/dice][dice=Warhammer Damage+1AP]2d6[/dice][dice=Knife]d8+d6[/dice][dice=Knife Damage]2d6[/dice][dice=Bolt]2d6[/dice][Bolt Damage]3d6[/dice]
M Dwarf; Parry 6 (7 w/Shield); Toughness 8 (2); Pace 5; Bennies 5; Conviction 0; PP 13/15;

"It seems like we will have to fight if we stay and if we leave. Leaving at least gets us to more allies if things go even more sideways then they have." Crastor says.

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'Lance Sergeant/Scout' Corellon "Cor" Anders - 6C97A6 | Second Officer/Astrogation | Gram (Spinward Marches 1223) | Profile Link

Cor takes into consideration all of the possibilities and nods to the others. "I know there are serious reservations to staying here and waiting for the army to arrive. Well, this seems to be our opportunity to get everyone out safely. I think we can avoid the most dangerous areas of the city until we get to the starport. When we get close enough, we'll call our own security team to get in those armored cars and get their attention just before we arrive. At that point, we'll sneak past during the distraction and get the civilians to the Skander, Frey will have better medical facilities to treat the wounded and we'll be in much better position to protect our charges until the local military resumes control. What do you think? Anything I'm overlooking here? Speak up if you see something, if not, let's make this happen."

What do you all think? Any other thoughts or suggestions? In a nutshell, we take these cars already on the premises and load them up to the gills with the civilians. We've got the four of us as well as Grete and Lady Estrella to drive, so hopefully we can get everyone into six cars/vans/whatever or fewer and drive out of here, avoiding the fighting/looting on the streets. As we get close to the starport, we have Skander security drive those heavy armored cars to meet us and get to the blockade first, firing on the rebels to pin them down and distract them so we can sneak through - maybe on foot, if need be. If we do have to abandon the civilian cars and go in on foot, we can transfer folks onto those armored cars after they disengage, depending on the situation there and get everyone back to the Skander.

Zaeta (pic) | 6|10|5|10|8|7 | Legal Officer | Homeworld: Torment (Entropic Worlds 0720) | (Additional link to Profile)

I think that you might be a little too optimistic about being able to sneak in, but if we call the ship and have them fighting on one side of the line and we take this side, hopefully that will be a good enough ambush to punch our way through. ... I mean, I hope you're right and we can get through without a fight, but I think we need to take all the weapons off the assailants here and be ready to use them all in the assault there.

UPP 67677C -- Homeworld: Narsil (Spinward Marches 0927)

"The Imperial edict also appears to only be a restriction on suborbital/orbital flight to escape the planet. We could also fly the ship to allow it to engage in aerial combat, like a speeder, and potentially eliminate the opposition with ship-based weapons."

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