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"Undead?! Worry not, the might of Abadar will protect us!"

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"Finger painting? Merchant marine? Eh, either way I don't have much else to do. I'm in!" Watson picks up his shepherd's crook. "I'm sure the nice lady will see us through."

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Slides have been updated with the view of the stable-yard.
Once you reach the stables, you are easily able to find the Graghols loading the caravan to leave, as they are almost identical, down to the way they are dressed - save for one having their hair in high ponytail. She will come over and introduce herself, "Hi, I'm Andri. Taking account of your weapons, I am going to assume you are the help that Jakivi sent? He tends to do a fair job with those he deems worth sending our way when we've felt the need to ask for help. Arek! Get over here."
As she calls for her brother, he sets down the box he was lifting into one of the wagons. "Hi, I'm Arek - and with you lot here we must be ready to leave, good! I was getting worried we wouldn't be able to make it to our first campsite by dark. I'll get the rest of the wagons loaded. Andri, will you check the horse's harnesses? Looking to the group of you, he then asks "Will you let the others know we are ready to leave" as he gestures to a small group conversing near the edge of the stable-yard.
Looking across the yard, you see a half-orc in academic robes, a dwarf in denim overalls, and a Varisian woman in a long flowing skirt, with a pattern that seems to go on forever.
As they finish loading the caravan, you can walk back to town to pick up any needed supplies, or converse with the others in the caravan.

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Watson wanders over to the other passengers and introduces himself, openly praising and admiring the high-tech material the dwarf is wearing and the hypnotic flowing pattern in the Varisian woman's attire.

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Ulvard, big smile on his face, joins Waton in meeting the new people.
"Hello. You are in the presence of Ulvard!" he rumbles. In a friendly rumble. As much as any rumble can be friendly.

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Jinlong cranes his head back to admire Andri and Arek's height.
"Well met! I'm Jinlong Dragonkin. Worry not, for we have Abadar's blessing on this trip. I may be small, but I am descended from dragons and will not fail you!"

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Gnavy follow the others, backpack with all his item hanging on his back with shield on top of it.
"Gnavy, good to be traveling with you, Arek and Andri said that we will be leaving soon."

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"Pardon me. I mean no offense...what are you carrying? Is it something that anyone would find particularly worth stealing?"
Arek looks back at Nic, and responds as he loads in another barrel. "No, this is almost all just supplies like food, water, and camping gear. Not sure what the passengers are bringing, I find it's better for me if I don't ask."
As everyone else walks over to where the passengers are grouped up, the half-orc and dwarf nod at you, and go to load their own gear into the wagons. The colorful Varisian stays perched on her trunk, watching the activity and then looks over at Zelen with a subtle smile. "Me? I'm Kisaya, seamstress of this little stop on the road. I needed a break, to see something new, and try to find some new materials for my shop, so a trip to the city seems to be in order. When you spend your days making clothing for everyone else, sometimes you just need to find some new colors and sparkle so that the adornments that you create can pop! Take a look at yourself - don't you think that a tunic in a dark green could help better bring out your gorgeous eyes?"
As she finishes, Arek calls for everyone to load into the wagons. Once everyone is on board, you feel a jerk as he and Andri guide the horses out onto the road. Once everyone is settled in to the rhythm of the journey, the two gentleman passengers will introduce themselves to you.
The half orc introduces himself first. "Brave guards, I am Xanthus Shurgun, and I appreciate your company on this last leg of my journey. As a professor of agricultural research and preservation at the University of Lepidstadt, I have been taking the long journey through the countryside on my way to Caliphas, so that I could make observations and collect notes on the practices that are employed by famers across our... fine country."
As he talks of observation, the dwarf across from him seems to bristle a little, then clears his throat to introduce himself to you. " Good day to you," he says in a thick country accent." As I am one of the farmers that Professor Shurgun is taking notes of, I need to travel to the city to make some agreements with the merchants that facilitate the sale of my produce. As many of them have had their supply chains interrupted by the issues traveling and transporting along the perilous roads, I am hoping that I will be able to build up my own network within the city."
The ride through the afternoon seems to go smoothly, with nothing of note happening as you travel the road into the forest. As the sun starts to set, the wagons are circled into a small clearing, and as Arek starts to unharness and water the horses, Andri gives directions for where the setup the caravan's tents (enough for every individual to have their own), starts to prepare dinner.
As everyone is working around the camp, the passengers are talking quietly, but enthusiastically with each other. However, this quiet is quickly being violated by an escalating argument between Eigil and Shurgun...
"All you academics are just the same! Sitting in your high towers, reading your books, and never LEARNING anything! You think you know what it takes to grow a tomato, yet you have never gotten a speak of dirt on your hands, much less picked up a shovel! You learn by doing not by just reading a book. In the time it takes you to read up on how to save a crop of beans, they will have withered and died from the over-exposure to the sun that you could have prevented had you known what you were doing from doing it before!" Eigil shouts at the half-orc as his face goes red in frustration.
"How can you presume such nonsense? In studying the information that we gather, we are able to understand the fluctuations in the products that come from the changes in the practices of our ancestors. You need to have the understanding of how a thing works before you can ever attempt to do it - our research provides that to those who do not have the time or energy to devote to learning it. In learning, we can teach; and in teaching, people learn to do. Once they know how to do, they can then do so. So, learning must come before the action!"
As they go back and forth, arguing the importance of knowledge through books versus knowledge learned in practice, their voices get louder and louder. Finally, Andri looks over to you. [b]"Can you do something to calm them down. The louder they get and longer they go on, the more likely we are to attract unwanted attention... And while I know you are capable of defending us, I would prefer if you didn't have too!"[/]
At this point, you need to decide how you want to approach handling the argument, and the task of calming them down. Think about how your character would best approach the two of them, and roll a skill associated with what you want to do - if you are unsure, just ask. Everyone should be doing something to actively calm them down, as you probably don't want to deal with some of the things that lurk inside the

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Ulvard looks around the camping area. His eyes land on a large log. Saundering over to it he picks it up with a caual ease.
athletics: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16
Then carrying it over to the arguing men he drops it right next to them. He sits down.
"Ulvard know the way to carry log. But knowing way to carry log no good without muscles to do carrying."
He points out, to beyond the wagon ring. "Ulvard also knows that sound carries at night. Walking dead have ears, though Ulvrard not know how they listen. Still they listen whether Ulvard knows how or not. "
He gives the two men a Hard Stare(tm). "Ulvard suggests that unless loud men want to help Ulvard lift more logs to stop swarm of walking dead eating us, talking me talk less."

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Jinlong wanders over to the arguing pair.
"Books are good. But you must be able to practice what you learned. Nature isn't as simple as what's in a book."
Nature: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13

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Intimidate: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22
Gnavy looks around at the forest, wondering if anyone is hearing them. Angry and irritated he walks towards Eigil and Shurgun "You are aware that we are passing through dangerous land! If you can't keep your trap shut, we can probably do it for you."

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Stealth check: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21
The halfling appears as from nowhere between the two excessively loud debaters and clears his throat to get their attention before speaking quietly. "Excuse me. This area is dangerous, and I respectfully suggest that you need to keep quiet in case something is sneaking up on us."

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Watson initially is on the farmer's side, but as the argument grows, he seems to be shaken to lucid sense and is 100% in agreement with Nic and Gnavy. "Shhh!! Do you know all the varied and sundry undead creatures that could happen upon us out here and tear us limb from limb like a lamb and feat upon those limbs like lambs to the slaughter but without any marinade? Let me catalogue all the different types that are around these parts!"
Religion: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11
I think I'll hero point that one.
Religion: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24
Better. 1/3 hp remaining

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"Please, this is not an either/or situation. Eigil - you are able to work on the ground and intervene directly, providing information back to Professor Shurgun and Xanthus who can research at the same time. That means that both of your skill sets can be put to best used to address this situation"
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14

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Jinlong gazes into the darkness, ensuring that nothing unpleasant is around.

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With his show of strength, Ulvard is able to get their attention, putting them into a position of listening to others. As they listen, they both seem to brush off Jinlong's logic as being just a little too broad to really apply to what either of them are saying, and start to argue again. before they get far, Gnavy and Nic are able to refocus them on the seriousness of the concerns. They then patiently listen to Zelen, though they think their arguments leave something to be decided. However, Watson's stories of the undead and what they can do are enough to get the pain to stop in their tracks, finally realizing the danger that their childish exchange has cause the group. Silently liking their mental wounds, and realizing that neither of them has won, they sulk over to opposite sides of the campfire to share in the dinner that Andri has prepare (a roast mutton stew, filled with potatoes and carrots).
The meal itself is a bit more somber than the journey has been so far, with the fear of retribution for the noise hanging over all present. In the quiet stillness, it is not surprising that the passengers retire to the individual tents almost as soon as the last bits are scooped from their plates. Arek watches the others as they go to bed down, and then looks over at you, "You all have a plan for tonight, I hope? Or are you planning to just sleep and see what happens?".
This would be a good point for you to determine what your night watch looks like, if you choose to keep watch. If you do do that, it would be a simple split of three shifts for the night. This part should be simple, so I plan to check back in before bed tomorrow to keep us moving.

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"Ulvards needs sleep to keep strength up![]/b]" suggests the big man hopefully.
"[b]But Ulvard also has excellent night vision. With restless dead near, perhaps Ulvard should stand watch and sleep in wagon next day?"

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"Many feet makes time wound...wait, that's not it..." Watson rubs his chin for a second.
"Ah. Work wounds all hee...no..." More grumbling.
"I've got it! Many hands make light work! So why don't those of us who can't see without light take first or last watch and let the others get some sleep, hmm? I'm old so I'll sleep now and you young'uns can wake me before dawn for last watch. ...will probably be up three times overnight to use the outdoor inhouse anyhow..." he shuffles off bed muttering something about missing the early bird special.
Watson will take 3rd watch. He'll also take 1st if anyone prods him, but he'll make sure to remind you that he's a senior citizen if you do so :P

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Nic would look askance at the other two, but he has been well-trained in discretion. "I can see in dim light, but not in full darkness. If you think it best, I will take the first watch."

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"I will join you ancient one." says Gnavy when dividing the shifts
"May eyes can see through the darkness."
"Also if you fall asleep there will be someone watching"

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"I will watch with you, Nic. I can see in the dark."

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Ulvard sighs. "No wonder no elves in north. Long winters make for strong eyes!" he says, flexing. Though what exactly flexing muscles has to do with good eyesight may elude everyone apart from him.

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First Watch
Perception, Nic: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16
Perception, Jinlong: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10
Second Watch
Perception, Ulvard: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13
Perception, Zelen: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20
Third Watch
Perception, Watson: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25
Perception, Gnavy: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14
First Watch
During first watch, Nic sees trees rustling on the far side of the camp, while Jinlong is certain that they hear twigs cracking in the woods around the camp. Whenever either of you look though, the sounds switch to the other side of the camp.
Second Watch
During the second watch, Zelen may not see much, but continues to hear the faint rustling of leaves coming from around the camp, with the occasional loud SNAP heard by both them and Ulvard. Ulvard keeps seeing shadows dance at the edges of the camp, just out of their field of vision enough to make him guess if it is real or just shadow.
Third Watch
Third watch seems to be more of the same shadows dancing on the edges for Gnavy. Watson doesn't see anything, but he does hear a faint whisper, as though someone is behind his shoulder. As he looks towards it, he hears twigs cracking in the opposite direction, but is never able to find the source.
As third watch ends, the rest of the caravan starts to rise, however the day has broken with a think fog, one that seems to cover everything around you. Arek and Andri pass out a quick breakfast of wrapped cheese sandwiches, and encourage everyone to load up so that they caravan can keep moving forward. Everyone seems to be a bit more cheery than the evening before, with Eigil and Xanthus even sharing some small talk over their cups of coffee.
Once on the road, everything seems to be okay, at least for the first few hours. Then, suddenly Kisaya calls out, "Stop! Don't you hear that? The child out in the forest... she crying for her mother, and we need.. we need to help her!"
Perception, Jinlong: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11
Perception, Gnavy: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14
Perception, Watson: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20
Perception, Ulvard: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13
Perception, Zelen: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8
Perception, Nic: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17
However, everyone but Watson is certain that they heard nothing in the woods. Since Watson is the only one that seems to believe her, she sits closely next to him, asking him to please protect her from the scary things in the fog.
As she is going on with him, you all feel the wagon suddenly jerk and Arek call out for you to come up front to help. "The bridge ahead seems to be washed out! We need to either find a way over this ravine, or around it, cause just going down the embankment and back up again seems to be a very bad idea..." He looks to you for ideas on how to help fix the bridge, with the other passengers eagerly asking you how they can help.
You need to work together to solve this. Everyone should be doing something, looking towards their wheelhouse for what they think would be their personal best contribution. Also, because you have endeared yourselves to the passengers, they're more than willing to help in any way you need, giving you each a +1 circumstance bonus to these checks.

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Watson will regale her with tales of all the things that can live in the fog that are absolutely not undead! Chokers, bandits, poisonous dragons, panthers, giant eels who've gorged on too many alchemical fruits cooked up by grippli botanists with too much time on their hands. You know, run of the mill stuff!
When it comes to the bridge, though, all Watson can do is help look for young trees that would be strong enough to bear weight if used for repairs, or maybe even for vines or places where the slope stability is better than others!
Nature: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19
(Or Survival if that fits better, but the roll will have the same modifier :)

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Gnavy jumps out of the cart and asks Watson
"Did you really hear that child in the forest?" he asks at the old man wondering if his senses can be trusted.
He unrawps his shield from his back and says "I will go up the river to see if we can cross it in some other place."
He makes sure that his spear is easily accessible
Survival, passanger bonus: 1d20 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 4 + 1 = 24

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Ulvard sighs. "Trip never easy. But Ulvard help get logs for new bridge!"
The mighty barbarian is more than happy to put axe to tree and do his own personal impression of being a log hauling team, as he carries them back to the wagons.
athletics: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8
At one stage he almost drops a log on his foot...
Burn my hero point I think.
athletics: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21
But instead he dodges sideways and catches it in impressive style. Just a pity that with the fog, there are few who can appreciate it.

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Given that, could Nic make his way down the slope using Acrobatics and tie a rope to the pieces so other people could haul them up, and would that be useful?

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Jinlong runs to help Watson find building materials to try to repair the bridge.
Nature: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20

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"First, we will need to get the pieces back up here." The halfling hands a coil of rope to Zelen, then scrambles down the muddy slope. "Toss down one end and I'll tie it off. Then get Ulvard to help you pull it up."
Acrobatics check (trained): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17

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Ulvard, depositing the log at the bridge site looks around.
"Ulvard is not scared of mists. But Ulvard does think things smell bad. It is best to not be alone if trouble strikes."
He sniffs the wind. "And I smell trouble."
Those downwind of him, however, likely just smell Ulvard.

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First Watch
Perception, Nic: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24
Perception, Jinlong: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11
Second Watch
Perception, Ulvard: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26
Perception, Zelen: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19
Third Watch
Perception, Watson: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18
Perception, Gnavy: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22
First Watch
For the second night, Nic is alert throughout the shift, hearing what sounds like scratching coming from the trees to the south, along with more rustling, this time to the east. Jinlong doesn't seem to hear anything though, inclucding the scratching that Nic does. is also on high alert, and hears the sounds of moaning on the winds from the east.
Second Watch
Second watch is a bit more exciting, as both Zelen and Ulvard hear more of the rustling and scratching to the east that Nic shared at the changing of the watch. Though they still cannot seem to see anything, the feeling of unease and knowing something is there weighs on their shoulders.
Third Watch
While Gnavy and Watson hear less of the noise to the east reported by the first two shifts, they seem to hear a heavy thunding coming from the south. As the sun rises, the fog sets in, obscruring their vision more than the dark seemed too. Due to this, though the sounds are getting louder, they cannot seem to find the source.
As third watch ends, the rest of the caravan starts to rise, however the day has broken with a think fog, one that seems to cover everything around you. Arek and Andri pass out a quick breakfast of wrapped cheese sandwiches, and encourage everyone to load up so that they caravan can keep moving forward. Everyone seems to be a bit more cheery than the evening before, with Eigil and Xanthus even sharing some small talk over their cups of coffee.
What are these noises?
Perception, Jinlong: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11
Perception, Gnavy: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13
Perception, Watson: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26
Perception, Ulvard: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21
Perception, Zelen: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6
Perception, Nic: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19
As the sun raises higher in the sky, the rest of the caravan awakes and starts to gather everything back into the wagons. As everyone is packing up, Watson takes a seat on a rock to stretch his aching back. As her does, he again hears the thudding from the south, this time clearly heading towards them in the obscuring fog. At the same time, Ulvard is all but certain that they hear the sounds of bones scratching together coming from the east, and closing in fast! As though in sync with each other, they come to the realization that someone or something is approaching the camp, giving them time to alert others to draw their weapons and make ready as the creatures close in!
Initiative, Jinlong: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19
Initiative, Gnavy: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8
Initiative, Watson: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19
Initiative, Ulvard: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9
Initiative, Zelen: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23
Initiative, Nic: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23
For this round, you can go in any order. You have the equivalent of one round worth of actions to prepare for the approach of whatever it is that Watson and Ulvard are hearing approach from the southeast. There are two paths that approach from that direction, but the fog is so thick that anything 20ft or further away has concealment.
You can move to anywhere within the camp (outlined in white) on the map, as well as draw weapons or ready actions as you wait for them to appear.
Map is updated.

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Jinlong draws his crossbow and loads it. Does it cost 1 action or 2 to light his wayfinder?

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Gnavy grabs his shield and spear and jumps on his feet.
"This is it." says young Orc with excitement. In his movements you can see battle training as well as the fact that his spear is shaking. Nerves before the fight get to this one.
"Anyone sees anything?" asks Gnavy raising his shield.
Draw shield, draw spear, raise the shield.

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Jinlong heads over to stand behind Ulvard, peering out from around the barbarian's tree-trunk legs.

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◆ Watson moves up a little bit.
He then reaches out with his magic while touching his shepherd's crook to Ulvard's weapon, speaking in a low and surprisingly lucid voice.
"Lady of Blessings and Bounty, lend the power of thy staff to mine ally so he might strike down those who would harm us."
◆◆ Magic Weapon on Ulvard's primary weapon of choice (appears to be Greatsword?)
It is now a +1 Striking weapon for 1 minute.

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Zombie: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7
South Skeletons: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16
East Skeletons: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10
Out of the fog, the undead appear!
South Skeletons
East Skeletons
Recall Knowledge check is Religion for both.
Remember, due to the fog, anything 20ft or further away has concealment. Also, squares with tress count as difficult terrain because of the thick foliage.
Nic, Zelen, Jinglong, and Watson you're up!

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"Delta - get in and smash those skeletons!"
Zelen will use 2 actions to give delta 3. He will then fire off a shot at the large Zombie to the south
Shortbow shot: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 221d6 ⇒ 2
deadly damage: 1d10 ⇒ 6