Might and magic, Lords of the Contested Lands

Game Master Chyrone

Set in the Might & Magic ancients universe.

A group of strangers will grow into the lords of Harmondale, and get involved with more than they would have imagined.
Will their land stand the test of the years to come?
Date: February 20th

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Male human Here is an image for Daniel Fighter 2 |HP: 21/28| AC: 22| T:13|FF: 19| Fort: +4 | Ref: +3 | Will: 0 (+2 vs charm, compulsion or emotion, +1 additional vs fear) | CMD:20(24 vs trip/grapple)) | Init: +2| Perc: -1

omg. I thought I had been botted. Apologies. Missed that it was my turn.

Male NG Dwarf Druid 3 | HP 16/24 AC15 T11 FF14 | BAB 2 CMB 4 CMD 15 | F4 R2 W5+2 (Hardy, see desc) | Init +5 Speed 20 | Dwarven Chain-flail (Cold Iron, Masterwork) 1d20+5, 1d10+2, Reach, crit x2 | (Str+2, Dex+1, Con+1, Wis+2, Int+1, Cha+1, Armor Check -1) Diplomacy +9; Perception +6; Profession: Merchant +5; Sense Motive +5 | Companion: Sage (bobcat), AC20 HP15, Init +6
Spell Slots: O: 4, L1: 3, L2: 2 | Concentration: 1d20+4 | L0: Create Water, Enhanced Diplomacy, Guidance, Resistance | L1: CLW, Entangle, Longstrider | L2: Bull's Strength, Ironskin | ++ Summon Nature's Ally II

I have no familiarity with the zen archer monk.

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They do their flurry with a bow instead of unarmed strikes. Same routine, different weapon.

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CG Female Elf Illusionist wizard 3|HP 20/20|AC 17/T 13/FF 14|Fort +3/Ref +3/Will +5 (+1 to dis. illus., +2 vs. ench.)|CMB +1/CMD14|Initiative +3|Perception+2 |
0th: detect magic, ghost sound, mage hand, message/1st: color spray, mage armor, silent image, silent image/2nd: glitterdust, minor image, minor image
|Darkvision 60 ft (light sens.)|Active effects: Mage armor

Sorry for my slowness this week! Was sick and muddling through the IRL stuff.

Male NG Dwarf Druid 3 | HP 16/24 AC15 T11 FF14 | BAB 2 CMB 4 CMD 15 | F4 R2 W5+2 (Hardy, see desc) | Init +5 Speed 20 | Dwarven Chain-flail (Cold Iron, Masterwork) 1d20+5, 1d10+2, Reach, crit x2 | (Str+2, Dex+1, Con+1, Wis+2, Int+1, Cha+1, Armor Check -1) Diplomacy +9; Perception +6; Profession: Merchant +5; Sense Motive +5 | Companion: Sage (bobcat), AC20 HP15, Init +6
Spell Slots: O: 4, L1: 3, L2: 2 | Concentration: 1d20+4 | L0: Create Water, Enhanced Diplomacy, Guidance, Resistance | L1: CLW, Entangle, Longstrider | L2: Bull's Strength, Ironskin | ++ Summon Nature's Ally II

Can't post to gameplay. I hit Submit Post and it continues to present the dialog box and not post.

Male NG Dwarf Druid 3 | HP 16/24 AC15 T11 FF14 | BAB 2 CMB 4 CMD 15 | F4 R2 W5+2 (Hardy, see desc) | Init +5 Speed 20 | Dwarven Chain-flail (Cold Iron, Masterwork) 1d20+5, 1d10+2, Reach, crit x2 | (Str+2, Dex+1, Con+1, Wis+2, Int+1, Cha+1, Armor Check -1) Diplomacy +9; Perception +6; Profession: Merchant +5; Sense Motive +5 | Companion: Sage (bobcat), AC20 HP15, Init +6
Spell Slots: O: 4, L1: 3, L2: 2 | Concentration: 1d20+4 | L0: Create Water, Enhanced Diplomacy, Guidance, Resistance | L1: CLW, Entangle, Longstrider | L2: Bull's Strength, Ironskin | ++ Summon Nature's Ally II

Apparently no such problem in discussion. Can someone else bot Brunhild?

Male NG Dwarf Druid 3 | HP 16/24 AC15 T11 FF14 | BAB 2 CMB 4 CMD 15 | F4 R2 W5+2 (Hardy, see desc) | Init +5 Speed 20 | Dwarven Chain-flail (Cold Iron, Masterwork) 1d20+5, 1d10+2, Reach, crit x2 | (Str+2, Dex+1, Con+1, Wis+2, Int+1, Cha+1, Armor Check -1) Diplomacy +9; Perception +6; Profession: Merchant +5; Sense Motive +5 | Companion: Sage (bobcat), AC20 HP15, Init +6
Spell Slots: O: 4, L1: 3, L2: 2 | Concentration: 1d20+4 | L0: Create Water, Enhanced Diplomacy, Guidance, Resistance | L1: CLW, Entangle, Longstrider | L2: Bull's Strength, Ironskin | ++ Summon Nature's Ally II

Or use this.

Brunhild shoots at the nearest opponent.

Flurry of Blows: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 151d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17
Damage: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 131d8 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11

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Loot | Maps | CG Female Elf Arrowsong Minstrel Bard 3 | HP 18/18 | AC 14 / T 12 / FF 12 | Fort +1 / Ref +5 / Will +4 | CMB 4 / CMD 16 | Initiative +2 | Bardic Performance 3/10 | Perception +9 / Disable Device +9 | Spells 1L 2/3 | Low-light vision | Active Effects: None

Sometimes that happens if you don't write something and only put in rolls, or if you wrote the exact same words before. To get around it, it usually works if you just write in a tiny bit of description or something so the duplicate-check bot is satisfied.

Male human Here is an image for Daniel Fighter 2 |HP: 21/28| AC: 22| T:13|FF: 19| Fort: +4 | Ref: +3 | Will: 0 (+2 vs charm, compulsion or emotion, +1 additional vs fear) | CMD:20(24 vs trip/grapple)) | Init: +2| Perc: -1

our dice certainly have not been the kindest so far haha. I believe my past 3 rolls have been 6 or under XD.

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Male human Here is an image for Daniel Fighter 2 |HP: 21/28| AC: 22| T:13|FF: 19| Fort: +4 | Ref: +3 | Will: 0 (+2 vs charm, compulsion or emotion, +1 additional vs fear) | CMD:20(24 vs trip/grapple)) | Init: +2| Perc: -1

Daniels to hit is 3 BaB, 3 Str, and +1 from masterwork, so the +6 includes power attack. Its just most of the combats we've been in he has been using his sap, not his longsword. Specifically drew the longsword this time around as a point.

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Astella wrote:
Ha ha. Indeed. I don't think that this adventure continues into the afterlife, but I am sure that it will be good. :)

That would actually be an interesting point to work off.

Working into getting a boon of revival.

Not the preference for the campaign, though. X)

Male human Here is an image for Daniel Fighter 2 |HP: 21/28| AC: 22| T:13|FF: 19| Fort: +4 | Ref: +3 | Will: 0 (+2 vs charm, compulsion or emotion, +1 additional vs fear) | CMD:20(24 vs trip/grapple)) | Init: +2| Perc: -1

as a lover of illusions-

a visual figment that cannot extend beyond four 10-ft. cubes + one 10-ft. cube/level (S)

minor image can make you appear to be a wizard casting huge wall of stone if you so desire. Now, if the creature would normally move through the blades, accepting the potential damage, theres an argument to be made they would still do so. As nothing actually makes the image real RAW. That said, most people wouldn't choose to run through/into a wall, but they *might* try to hitting it, which would easily give them a +4 to the save, if not negate it entirely.

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Hindsight it could be argued that, seeing that dwarf image fade away when Severa casts another spell, he might get suspicious of things she conjures up.

Though, yellow could try analyzing with knowledge, and knocking the image failing that, and get the same result in failing to move through.

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CG Female Elf Illusionist wizard 3|HP 20/20|AC 17/T 13/FF 14|Fort +3/Ref +3/Will +5 (+1 to dis. illus., +2 vs. ench.)|CMB +1/CMD14|Initiative +3|Perception+2 |
0th: detect magic, ghost sound, mage hand, message/1st: color spray, mage armor, silent image, silent image/2nd: glitterdust, minor image, minor image
|Darkvision 60 ft (light sens.)|Active effects: Mage armor

Yes I don't expect the illusion to lock this guy down forever, just hoping that he wouldn't immediately try to race through the blades and totally negate the use of the spell. If he spends a turn or two trying to interact with the blades, rolls a will save or two, then it's worth it to me.

Loot | Maps | CG Female Elf Arrowsong Minstrel Bard 3 | HP 18/18 | AC 14 / T 12 / FF 12 | Fort +1 / Ref +5 / Will +4 | CMB 4 / CMD 16 | Initiative +2 | Bardic Performance 3/10 | Perception +9 / Disable Device +9 | Spells 1L 2/3 | Low-light vision | Active Effects: None

Honestly, I don't remember why we were going to see the king. Was it part of getting dwarves out to fix the castle, or maybe getting permission to go check out the weird undead barrow things, or something else entirely... sorry, just don't remember. I am sure my character remembers, but the player is lost. For some reason I thought it had to do with Brunhild, but she has exited, so maybe not?

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Astella wrote:
Honestly, I don't remember why we were going to see the king. Was it part of getting dwarves out to fix the castle, or maybe getting permission to go check out the weird undead barrow things, or something else entirely... sorry, just don't remember. I am sure my character remembers, but the player is lost. For some reason I thought it had to do with Brunhild, but she has exited, so maybe not?

Indeed. Steward Tobias mentioned the dwarves of Stone City having the best engineers for the job. But jobs of this magnitude are done by the Royal Engineering Guild, and they work on orders of the throne.

The barrow exploration is a quest more in the expertise of their own church.

Male human Here is an image for Daniel Fighter 2 |HP: 21/28| AC: 22| T:13|FF: 19| Fort: +4 | Ref: +3 | Will: 0 (+2 vs charm, compulsion or emotion, +1 additional vs fear) | CMD:20(24 vs trip/grapple)) | Init: +2| Perc: -1

I believe, it was originally to announce ourselves as the new leaders harmondale. Maybe set up trade, and request some assistance from stonemason guilds.

ninja'd by 13 seconds. lol

Loot | Maps | CG Female Elf Arrowsong Minstrel Bard 3 | HP 18/18 | AC 14 / T 12 / FF 12 | Fort +1 / Ref +5 / Will +4 | CMB 4 / CMD 16 | Initiative +2 | Bardic Performance 3/10 | Perception +9 / Disable Device +9 | Spells 1L 2/3 | Low-light vision | Active Effects: None

Ah, yes, permission to get the royal engineering guild's help... and the Brunhild part was probably just that she was a local and would probably be able to do this better as an insider, since we are all outsiders.

And yes, other stuff besides just masons. Good point.

Got it... thanks for the reminders. :)

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Daniel Cedric wrote:
I believe, it was originally to announce ourselves as the new leaders harmondale. Maybe set up trade, and request some assistance from stonemason guilds.

As it stands currently, you can decide how to develop Welnin and the surrounding western lands.

Harmondale is still a roughed up region on the continent's map. The 2 other towns would have heard mention of a change in governing in Welnin by now, but mentioned earlier by Wendel Tweed, your court historian, was that their opinion on externally appointed rulers coming "to govern", has not been very warm so far. Them having been left to fend for themselves, after Harmondale was occupied yet again some years ago.

You could hear this from Wendel, the other two towns would not follow anything decided in Welnin, with the current situation. He had suggested helping them, to get them to open up to you.

To refresh the information:
Fairhaven (in the middle) is inhabited by folk from both Avlee and Erathia.
Fairbrook's residents (in the northeast) are mostly folk from Avlee. The latter in particular, would have a strong opinion on the concept of Erathia appointed strangers, supposed to govern all of Harmondale.

But given that said governing had been handed over to you, people not aligned Harmondale to either Avlee or Erathia, that would work in your favour.

Male human Here is an image for Daniel Fighter 2 |HP: 21/28| AC: 22| T:13|FF: 19| Fort: +4 | Ref: +3 | Will: 0 (+2 vs charm, compulsion or emotion, +1 additional vs fear) | CMD:20(24 vs trip/grapple)) | Init: +2| Perc: -1

I am feelings fairly under the weather atm. I'll try and get a post up in the morning before work if I can.

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Take care of yourself first and foremost.

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Strom Thistlebeard wrote:

Bowing to Lady Greenbriar but feeling not much wiser for her acquaintance, Strom is thusly surprised to be swept in with the group to an audience with the King! He keeps to himself during the descent into the castle proper observing for posterity, a future memoir, perhaps. It's not the sort of place he is accustomed to spending time in, and he much prefers the open airs of AvLee's forest glens.

Having his own agenda for speaking with the King, he waits patiently as the others go on about land ownership troubles and dilapidated castles and such, for which he has no stake nor interest. Strom serves AvLee, if he owes any land allegiance.

My expression, for this post sounds both ominous, agendas often being secrets and all, and i am looking forward to future events.

Male NG Dwarf Druid 3 | HP 16/24 AC15 T11 FF14 | BAB 2 CMB 4 CMD 15 | F4 R2 W5+2 (Hardy, see desc) | Init +5 Speed 20 | Dwarven Chain-flail (Cold Iron, Masterwork) 1d20+5, 1d10+2, Reach, crit x2 | (Str+2, Dex+1, Con+1, Wis+2, Int+1, Cha+1, Armor Check -1) Diplomacy +9; Perception +6; Profession: Merchant +5; Sense Motive +5 | Companion: Sage (bobcat), AC20 HP15, Init +6
Spell Slots: O: 4, L1: 3, L2: 2 | Concentration: 1d20+4 | L0: Create Water, Enhanced Diplomacy, Guidance, Resistance | L1: CLW, Entangle, Longstrider | L2: Bull's Strength, Ironskin | ++ Summon Nature's Ally II
GM Chyro wrote:
My expression, for this post sounds both ominous, agendas often being secrets and all, and i am looking forward to future events.

5) Particular goals in life? Strom is in Stone City in part to help heal the lasting wounds caused when his ancestors exiled themselves to AvLee. The memory of dwarves is eternal, and as a keeper of history it is his duty to help others understand the past. Ultimately, he seeks an audience with King Hothfarr to impress on him the spirit of unity, and perhaps serve as an emissary between their distantly related clans. Beyond that, he wants to help protect the traditional lands of druidic enclaves like Weatherchurch by preventing infringement, perhaps going so far as to establish and defend political borders to such lands.

Loot sheet No plunder, no pay Battle map--Misc info slides
Strom Thistlebeard wrote:
GM Chyro wrote:
My expression, for this post sounds both ominous, agendas often being secrets and all, and i am looking forward to future events.
I'm not sure what to make of this.

I'm not folding my hands laughing like an arch devil, if that was what you were worried about.

I did mention prior, that i'm staying close to the source material.

Strom wrote:
5) Particular goals in life? Strom is in Stone City in part to help heal the lasting wounds caused when his ancestors exiled themselves to AvLee. The memory of dwarves is eternal, and as a keeper of history it is his duty to help others understand the past. Ultimately, he seeks an audience with King Hothfarr to impress on him the spirit of unity, and perhaps serve as an emissary between their distantly related clans. Beyond that, he wants to help protect the traditional lands of druidic enclaves like Weatherchurch by preventing infringement, perhaps going so far as to establish and defend political borders to such lands.

Hmhm. ;)

Without a proper facial expression accompanying it, something can come across a little odd. The comment was harmless joking.

Male NG Dwarf Druid 3 | HP 16/24 AC15 T11 FF14 | BAB 2 CMB 4 CMD 15 | F4 R2 W5+2 (Hardy, see desc) | Init +5 Speed 20 | Dwarven Chain-flail (Cold Iron, Masterwork) 1d20+5, 1d10+2, Reach, crit x2 | (Str+2, Dex+1, Con+1, Wis+2, Int+1, Cha+1, Armor Check -1) Diplomacy +9; Perception +6; Profession: Merchant +5; Sense Motive +5 | Companion: Sage (bobcat), AC20 HP15, Init +6
Spell Slots: O: 4, L1: 3, L2: 2 | Concentration: 1d20+4 | L0: Create Water, Enhanced Diplomacy, Guidance, Resistance | L1: CLW, Entangle, Longstrider | L2: Bull's Strength, Ironskin | ++ Summon Nature's Ally II

I figured. I have faith you'll guide Strom into the fold in a way that Astella and Daniel deem sensible, but at this moment Strom believes his time working with them is at an end.

CG Female Elf Illusionist wizard 3|HP 20/20|AC 17/T 13/FF 14|Fort +3/Ref +3/Will +5 (+1 to dis. illus., +2 vs. ench.)|CMB +1/CMD14|Initiative +3|Perception+2 |
0th: detect magic, ghost sound, mage hand, message/1st: color spray, mage armor, silent image, silent image/2nd: glitterdust, minor image, minor image
|Darkvision 60 ft (light sens.)|Active effects: Mage armor

Sorry for my absence this week! The wife has been a bit sick but I'll try to check in much more regularly.

Loot sheet No plunder, no pay Battle map--Misc info slides
Severa Elanariel wrote:
Sorry for my absence this week! The wife has been a bit sick but I'll try to check in much more regularly.

It's those months again, after all.

Best of health.

Loot | Maps | CG Female Elf Arrowsong Minstrel Bard 3 | HP 18/18 | AC 14 / T 12 / FF 12 | Fort +1 / Ref +5 / Will +4 | CMB 4 / CMD 16 | Initiative +2 | Bardic Performance 3/10 | Perception +9 / Disable Device +9 | Spells 1L 2/3 | Low-light vision | Active Effects: None

As far as buying additional scrolls, it would be wise, but we likely can't afford it.

We need to sell a lot of stuff, but going by current cash only (which I just updated), we could distribute to the 5 of us (since Estelle bot would theoretically still get a share) and it would come out to about 1270 each. Which is enough to buy one potion if you choose to, but it also uses up everything we have worked for just for that, leaving very little left to actually build up our town or get people to patrol and make the area safer, etc.

I think in kingmaker there are additional rules for doing stuff like that, and they just assume you are able to build things up, but as far as I know in this game it all comes directly from our pockets.

Loot sheet No plunder, no pay Battle map--Misc info slides
Astella wrote:

As far as buying additional scrolls, it would be wise, but we likely can't afford it.

We need to sell a lot of stuff, but going by current cash only (which I just updated), we could distribute to the 5 of us (since Estelle bot would theoretically still get a share) and it would come out to about 1270 each. Which is enough to buy one potion if you choose to, but it also uses up everything we have worked for just for that, leaving very little left to actually build up our town or get people to patrol and make the area safer, etc.

I think in kingmaker there are additional rules for doing stuff like that, and they just assume you are able to build things up, but as far as I know in this game it all comes directly from our pockets.

Earlier in recruitment, i mentioned this campaign's version of management was light. Certain checks of the regular Kingmaker won't need to come into play. Such as turn phases, or the need for ruler roles checks.

The better circumstances you create for Welnin, and the other townships by extend, the better they can function, contribute and provide help to each other. The more Welnin improves, the bigger it can get, the better items it has available in stores and services. And yes, if funded and there is sufficient manpower, you can certainly have people watch the roads.

Deciding how to develop Welnin, is in your hands. Do you want to make it a mercantile settlement with a lot of shops? Sure. Should it become a military oriented place? Whatever you choose to invest in.
As it currently stands, Welnin gets by, but with the raids going on trade is hampered. Money, food, and construction materials, will start to get an income if the lands are safe. The amount would depend on both size of the settlements, and whatever opportunities could come your way.

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Male human Here is an image for Daniel Fighter 2 |HP: 21/28| AC: 22| T:13|FF: 19| Fort: +4 | Ref: +3 | Will: 0 (+2 vs charm, compulsion or emotion, +1 additional vs fear) | CMD:20(24 vs trip/grapple)) | Init: +2| Perc: -1

Daniel votes a military oriented place, funded by merchants. As it stands, the biggest issue atm is stability, and getting a better armed force to deal with brigands, roaming bands of *insert lesser threat here*, and general citizen conflicts the better we will be. After that, we can worry about setting up shops, merchant caravans, and raw resource gatherers.

I'll hopefully have a post in tomorrow. I work in the parcel delivery service, and as you can guess, this week is always ludicrously busy.

Loot sheet No plunder, no pay Battle map--Misc info slides
Astella wrote:
I would love to go back to the castle and try to stabilize the area, but this "side quest" in the dwarven kingdom keeps dragging on until it seems like the only thing we have, and we just got a quest that could suck up most of our money if anyone gets turned to stone. ... If he can't participate with us, can we send Estelle-bot back with him? We told him he had a place with us, so he could theoretically live in our castle, but it is currently not a great place to live.

If it felt like a drag, that is unfortunate. But getting into a court closed to the general public, needed connections.

Getting his engineers out is part of the main quest's objectives, to restore the castle.
But Daniel's concerns are rather on point. Medusa's are more of a risk those side alley mug attempt thieves were, at level 3.
Plus, stabilizing the region opens up safe roads for all travel. The king of Stone City has not set a deadline, so time is on your side there.

Loot | Maps | CG Female Elf Arrowsong Minstrel Bard 3 | HP 18/18 | AC 14 / T 12 / FF 12 | Fort +1 / Ref +5 / Will +4 | CMB 4 / CMD 16 | Initiative +2 | Bardic Performance 3/10 | Perception +9 / Disable Device +9 | Spells 1L 2/3 | Low-light vision | Active Effects: None

I definitely didn't mean to offend. It wasn't a condemnation of your story. :)

I think my character is still stuck on the whole winning a castle thing, and instead of getting something cool, she's now burdened with responsibility and guilt... and she still wants that payoff, but likely won't get it for years.

Probably just normal coming of age stuff, learning to take on the burden of adulthood... but even though she was forced to grow up and support herself when she lost her parents, she's never had to be responsible for other people before, and although she wants the best for the people of Welnin and the surrounding area, she definitely doesn't like feeling like she has to be responsible for their welfare. And, while she is very much less poor than she was before, and has been able to repair the bow her father gave her, in some ways she feels more burdened than she was when she was just trying to survive on her own... so the thing that makes it worth it, to her, is the dream of that castle, which is a wreck, so that is the main quest for her, and since it is her goal everything else feels like delayed gratification. Thus the feeling that she has of everything else being sort of tertiary and standing in the way of her dream.

Male human Here is an image for Daniel Fighter 2 |HP: 21/28| AC: 22| T:13|FF: 19| Fort: +4 | Ref: +3 | Will: 0 (+2 vs charm, compulsion or emotion, +1 additional vs fear) | CMD:20(24 vs trip/grapple)) | Init: +2| Perc: -1

have we or have we not sold the armor and weapons we got from the goblins? I don't recall tbh. Also, I think it would be better to sell the masterwork studded leather, and purchase chain shirts in their place which costs 12.5gp per armor. We keep the chain-mail, maybe for lewis, or the 2nd in command. A reach weapon each, I was thinking a Ransuer for disarming, but the trip version works too. The trip weapon is also 1g cheaper. I also say we keep two of the Masterwork Morning Stars, since Daniel can use 1, and we can give the other to Lewis. As well as a buckler each. Maybe a few crossbows.

so, to summarize

6 chain shirts -75gp (after selling masterwork studded leather, seems we have 8 suits of it.)
5 Ranseurs or Guisarmes- 50g (Another option would be to give them a lucerne hammer instead, which then lets them deal Bludgeoning damage, but gives no trip/disarm bonus. and its 5g more expensive per weapon.)
5 Bucklers- 25g

5 Light Crossbows and 100 bolts- 180g
or, 10 javelins each- 50g

This is, assuming, we don't want to try and expand the guard. It may be worthwhile to purchase a couple more sets of equipment if we are looking to expand them. Which, I think we should do.

Loot | Maps | CG Female Elf Arrowsong Minstrel Bard 3 | HP 18/18 | AC 14 / T 12 / FF 12 | Fort +1 / Ref +5 / Will +4 | CMB 4 / CMD 16 | Initiative +2 | Bardic Performance 3/10 | Perception +9 / Disable Device +9 | Spells 1L 2/3 | Low-light vision | Active Effects: None

Maybe keep the studded leather and get some archers?

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Male human Here is an image for Daniel Fighter 2 |HP: 21/28| AC: 22| T:13|FF: 19| Fort: +4 | Ref: +3 | Will: 0 (+2 vs charm, compulsion or emotion, +1 additional vs fear) | CMD:20(24 vs trip/grapple)) | Init: +2| Perc: -1

I'm not sure what you mean. We can keep the masterwork leathers, but it provides less protection to them, though not that much so.

also, I would like to have at least 350g split for us, as then I can finally get my masterwork fullplate repaired :D.

Male human Here is an image for Daniel Fighter 2 |HP: 21/28| AC: 22| T:13|FF: 19| Fort: +4 | Ref: +3 | Will: 0 (+2 vs charm, compulsion or emotion, +1 additional vs fear) | CMD:20(24 vs trip/grapple)) | Init: +2| Perc: -1

so if I understand correctly, it would be about 15gp to get a message where I want it to go?

Loot sheet No plunder, no pay Battle map--Misc info slides

13.2 would be more accurate.

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Male human Here is an image for Daniel Fighter 2 |HP: 21/28| AC: 22| T:13|FF: 19| Fort: +4 | Ref: +3 | Will: 0 (+2 vs charm, compulsion or emotion, +1 additional vs fear) | CMD:20(24 vs trip/grapple)) | Init: +2| Perc: -1

oh that's easily done. I'd even pay the extra to get one of the better riders.

Male human Here is an image for Daniel Fighter 2 |HP: 21/28| AC: 22| T:13|FF: 19| Fort: +4 | Ref: +3 | Will: 0 (+2 vs charm, compulsion or emotion, +1 additional vs fear) | CMD:20(24 vs trip/grapple)) | Init: +2| Perc: -1

Also, as a note I added a "sold" column to the loot sheet, once we "sell" an item, we should just put a 1 in the column to note it as being sold. That way its easier to keep track of what has been sold without having to delete an entire entry.

I am assuming that, at a minimum everything found within stone city has yet to be sold? and that we sold the gear from the goblins we found en route already?

Loot sheet No plunder, no pay Battle map--Misc info slides
Daniel wrote:
Daniel would have his message sent, then go about finding the remaining material needed for his armor to be repaired at its best quality. Then, he would purchase a cart, and a mule to pull it along with the equipment for the town guard.

A 2 wheel cart is 15gp.

A pack animal is 24gp.

All remaining materials for the armor's restoration can be found in the city.

Male human Here is an image for Daniel Fighter 2 |HP: 21/28| AC: 22| T:13|FF: 19| Fort: +4 | Ref: +3 | Will: 0 (+2 vs charm, compulsion or emotion, +1 additional vs fear) | CMD:20(24 vs trip/grapple)) | Init: +2| Perc: -1

also, I've combed back through the discussion thread, and I don't think it was ever mentioned that we sold the equipment we found from the goblin corpses on our way to stone city, which seems odd. Where would you like to draw the line on what we have to sell off before leaving? I'll go ahead and go about tracking that.

Loot | Maps | CG Female Elf Arrowsong Minstrel Bard 3 | HP 18/18 | AC 14 / T 12 / FF 12 | Fort +1 / Ref +5 / Will +4 | CMB 4 / CMD 16 | Initiative +2 | Bardic Performance 3/10 | Perception +9 / Disable Device +9 | Spells 1L 2/3 | Low-light vision | Active Effects: None

Honestly, I don't know. I think Estelle was doing it, and not sure it actually happened. I think we should just sell everything unless you know for sure that it is gone.

If you don't want to delete stuff entirely (I have been at least when moving the gold over to the gold pile), then maybe make a new tab of "sold" stuff?

And I was just thinking that dex based characters need lighter armor... but fine with whatever you want, really.

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Male human Here is an image for Daniel Fighter 2 |HP: 21/28| AC: 22| T:13|FF: 19| Fort: +4 | Ref: +3 | Will: 0 (+2 vs charm, compulsion or emotion, +1 additional vs fear) | CMD:20(24 vs trip/grapple)) | Init: +2| Perc: -1

chain shirts are light armor, and we'd still have the studded leather it was replacing. We can keep one masterwork studded leather for the dedicated scout if we want. And I'd say anything gotten on the way to stone city up till now could be sold, but that final call is up to Chyro.

Personally, I much prefer just making a note for things that are sold, we can go back at certain points to delete larger chunks if needed with this method as well. If we sell 3/4 of X items, we can simply note who has the remaining one and edit the amount after it is sold and gold is given out.

Loot sheet No plunder, no pay Battle map--Misc info slides

I only recall goblin corpses in the contested lands. I believe those were the ones that made up an odd scene, with goblins tattooed similarly to Lieutenant Alden's crew, and goblins with red Ram tattoos. You discovered that at least one goblin of the Ram tattooed side survived, finding torn bloodied clothing in the cabin.

And you can sell whatever loot you want gone, that's up to you.
I would agree with Daniel, marking off what you have sold is useful for tracking of inventory.

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Male human Here is an image for Daniel Fighter 2 |HP: 21/28| AC: 22| T:13|FF: 19| Fort: +4 | Ref: +3 | Will: 0 (+2 vs charm, compulsion or emotion, +1 additional vs fear) | CMD:20(24 vs trip/grapple)) | Init: +2| Perc: -1

okay, going back through the loot we actually have 6 chain shirts from the goblins we found.

sold items and their sell value. Daniel has taken a Masterwork Morning star and sap from the loot. Which is accounted for in this list.
2 thief's tools- 30g
6 handaxes -18g
1 chain shirt- 50g
2 shortbows- 30g
4 masterwork leather armors- 320g
4 shortswords- 20g
5 smokesticks- 25g
6 studded leather- 75g
expensive cutlery, vases, gems- 500g
3 masterwork saps- 453g
4 masterwork daggers- 602g
1 masterwork dwarven long-axe- 185g
4 masterwork morning stars- 616g
1 masterwork heavy shield- 85g
3 masterwork studded leather- 263g
5 daggers- 5g
pouch of rough gemstones- value not listed, GM, were we meant to be given a value for this at one point?

that give us 3277 to split 3 ways I think? I'm not sure if Severa and strom came into the game with level 3 Wealth.

5 crossbows+300 bolts5 bucklers and 5 lucerne hammers would be 300g, which would leave us, 2977g to split

that would leave us with-
5 chain shirts
8 saps
5 crossbows and 300 bolts
5 Lucerene Hammers
5 Bucklers
1 Masterwork chainmail
1 Masterwork Studded leather.
for our town watch.

Alternatively, Astella could take the masterwork studded leather if she wants.

we also have 8 CLW potions that are not claimed, I'd like people to claim those please, or for someone to make a new tab where we can list party loot shared between folks.

If the money is split 3 ways that would 992g each to Daniel, Astella, and Estelle.

Loot | Maps | CG Female Elf Arrowsong Minstrel Bard 3 | HP 18/18 | AC 14 / T 12 / FF 12 | Fort +1 / Ref +5 / Will +4 | CMB 4 / CMD 16 | Initiative +2 | Bardic Performance 3/10 | Perception +9 / Disable Device +9 | Spells 1L 2/3 | Low-light vision | Active Effects: None

You can sell it. I do want to upgrade my armor, but I'm waiting until I can get something a little more awesome like a mithral chain shirt.

And okay on the gear from before others joined... what about the cash on hand though? How are we splitting that?

Do Brunhild and Estelle get some? Do the new people get some?

Loot sheet No plunder, no pay Battle map--Misc info slides
Astella wrote:

You can sell it. I do want to upgrade my armor, but I'm waiting until I can get something a little more awesome like a mithral chain shirt.

And okay on the gear from before others joined... what about the cash on hand though? How are we splitting that?

Do Brunhild and Estelle get some? Do the new people get some?

The cash you had accumulated before the others joining, that would be devided among you 4, initially. Though i don't think Brunhild will make use of it, you could use it to finance that planned improvement of equipment for Welnin's watchmen.

I would imagine Estelle uses her share to improve herself.

Male human Here is an image for Daniel Fighter 2 |HP: 21/28| AC: 22| T:13|FF: 19| Fort: +4 | Ref: +3 | Will: 0 (+2 vs charm, compulsion or emotion, +1 additional vs fear) | CMD:20(24 vs trip/grapple)) | Init: +2| Perc: -1

Ok so, in that case, I believe that is
237g split 4 ways before the others joined,
429g split 5 ways for items after Severa and Strom joined.

for 670g for Daniel, Astella, and Estelle

and 429g for Severa and Strom.

Loot | Maps | CG Female Elf Arrowsong Minstrel Bard 3 | HP 18/18 | AC 14 / T 12 / FF 12 | Fort +1 / Ref +5 / Will +4 | CMB 4 / CMD 16 | Initiative +2 | Bardic Performance 3/10 | Perception +9 / Disable Device +9 | Spells 1L 2/3 | Low-light vision | Active Effects: None

I was talking about the cash...

5348 gold split 4 ways is 1337 each, with one part of that going towards improving the lives of our citizens, and another part given to Estelle-bot to do whatever Estelle-bot is going to do.

Another 1000 was in the most recent loot from the events at Lady Greenbriar's house, so everyone gets a part of that I believe, so 200 each (not including Brunhild because she had already left), with one share dumped on the NPC-bot again, and the rest for the PCs.

Totals should be

Daniel 1557
Estelle 1557
Welnin Fund 1337
Severa 200
Strom 200

(in addition to what Daniel distributed above)

I zeroed out the cash notation on the loot sheet, but added Welnin fund and Estelle-bot's cash as line items. We'll probably need a castle fund at some point as well, but we do have leads on how to get it rebuilt and I think Lady G said she would commission the castle guards or something?

... Also, just wondering, can I start keeping my gear in my own character sheet again? I know it was required previously to keep it all on the loot sheet, but I don't see anyone else actually doing that, and there aren't tabs for the new characters, so I would prefer to keep it on my sheet instead of the spreadsheet if that's okay.

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Loot sheet No plunder, no pay Battle map--Misc info slides
Astella wrote:
Also, just wondering, can I start keeping my gear in my own character sheet again? I know it was required previously to keep it all on the loot sheet, but I don't see anyone else actually doing that, and there aren't tabs for the new characters, so I would prefer to keep it on my sheet instead of the spreadsheet if that's okay.

By all means.

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