Curse of the Crimson Throne (Sanctioned - Keith Mode) [ACS] [BR eddiephlash] (Inactive)

Game Master eddiephlash

Turn Order:


Curse of the Crimson Throne - Sanctioned for Adventure Card Society Play....Keith Mode!

Story Intro:

When the empire of Cheliax expanded north into Varisia, the Chelaxians found a Shoanti tribe living around an immense pyramid on the shores of a deep bay—a perfect site for a city. Much bloodshed eventually left the Shoanti defeated, driven back to the harsh Cinderlands. Yet as the new city of Korvosa flourished, few bothered to ask why the Shoanti had dwelt here. For the past 300 years, the Shoanti have spoken only in whispers of the troubles the Chelaxians will face for their outrages.

Today, Korvosa’s reigning king, Eodred Arabasti II, is feared by all the right people. To date, however, he has produced no heir to the throne, the latest in a line of rulers affected by this facet of the so-called curse of the Crimson Throne. When he finally wed late in life, his bride was barely a third of his age. Queen Ileosa was a woman of breathtaking beauty matched only by her desire for the life of luxury the queenship afforded. But with the seneschal Neolandus Kalepopolis guarding Castle Korvosa’s interests, the citizenry believes it has little to worry about.

It is wrong, of course. Like any city, Korvosa has its share of undesirables. Cutpurses, thugs, thieves, burglars, assassins, and lowlifes of every sort can be found in waterfront slums, creeping in the sewers, or hiding in the tangled rooftops known as the Shingles. The Korvosan Guard does what it can to keep the city’s criminals from causing too much harm, but the crooks will always outnumber the lawgivers.

One such undesirable is Gaedren Lamm, a despicable wretch who missed his chance at being somebody big in Korvosa’s murky underworld. The decrepit thief abducts orphans and forces them to support his parasitic lifestyle with petty crime. Many Korvosans have had their lives complicated by this foul old man. Yet no matter what he does, he always avoids answering for his crimes. But Gaedren Lamm’s luck is about to change; he has run afoul of some hard-driven people.

Specifically, he has run afoul of you.

Each of you has been drawn here by some offense caused by Lamm. Perhaps a family member was caught in his orphanage and fed to his pet alligator. Perhaps a lover expired due to an overdose of his dream spider–derived drug called “shiver.” Perhaps his fishery goons sunk your trawler off the coast of Veldraine. Whatever it was, it motivates you like no other rage you’ve felt in your days.

Finally, you have a lead on his whereabouts. A Varisian fortune-teller named Zellara Esmeranda has summoned you to her home in Korvosa’s Midland district. She claims to know where Lamm is... and how to defeat him. She promises to read the harrow deck to set the fates on your side.

By King Eodred’s good name, you will make your bones here in Korvosa. Into the city you go, with the wind of vengeance at your back.


New Rules:

The Harrow:

The 54 cards of the Harrow Deck are represented as blessings in this set (Curse of the Crimson Throne). Each has the Harrow trait and a Suit trait that corresponds to a specific skill;
Hammers (Strength)
Keys (Dexterity)
Shields (Constitution)
Books (Intelligence)
Stars (Wisdom)
Crowns (Charisma)
Some suit traits have names that sound like other traits, but they are not those traits (e.g., Suit: Books is a different trait than the Book trait).

Each adventure in Curse has a different harrow suit; see During this Adventure for each. Perform a harrowing at the start of each scenario. Each character draws a random Harrow blessing of that adventure's harrow suit (I will draw these for you); this is that character's harrow for that scenario. After drawing your starting hand, add your harrow to it. At the end of the scenario, return the harrow to the vault; it does not count against your deck list or as a card to be added to the upgrade pool. When choosing deck upgrades, treat acquired Harrow blessings that match the adventure’s Harrow suit as being level #.

Each adventure has effects that happen when you play your harrow and when you attempt non-combat checks that match the adventure's harrow suit.

Per "Keith Mode" rules, we're also adding the corresponding Harrow Wildcard to each adventure.



Many scenarios include a loot reward in the form “Loot: [card type] [card name].” Note it on your Chronicle sheet. When setting up any scenario in that adventure path, any 1 character may replace a card of the listed type from their deck with the named card from the game box. That card gains the Loot trait. At the end of the scenario, return the Loot card to the game box and return the card it replaced to the character’s deck.

Available loot:

Zellara's Harrow Deck (Claimed by Erasmus):

Traits: Gambling Harrow Loot Magic Mental Tool
To Acquire: Wisdom Perception 10
Reload to examine the top 3 cards of any character's deck and return them in any order. Banish to examine the top 3 cards of any location and return them in any order. DURING RECOVERY Discard this card; you may succeed at a Perception 12 check to recharge it instead, adding 1d4 if the hour is Harrow.



Supporters are a new type of support card representing helpful citizens of Korvosa and its environs; unlike allies or cohorts, they will not adventure with you. The base is a special location used in many scenarios; it represents a safe place where characters can seek help from supporters.

You start the Adventure Path with no supporters. If you are required to uncheck a supporter, it no longer counts as rallied. When the party rallies or unchecks a supporter, each player does so on their own list. (When there is a choice, each character makes their own choice.)

When a scenario lists the Base, set it out with the other locations as usual. When you build the locations, shuffle all supporters rallied by at least one character into the Base; do not add story banes to it. The Base can never have cards other than supporters in it. Characters may start at the Base, and can move to and from it normally. The Base cannot be closed while it has cards in it, and it does not count as a location when counting locations, shuffling cards into locations, or determining if villains can escape to it. If all other locations are closed, or the Base has neither cards in it nor characters at it, the Base closes automatically. (A simplified version of these rules appears on the Base as a reminder, these are the complete rules.)

Per "Keith Mode" rules, we are allowing the starting character of each scenario to begin with a free exploration of the Base, prior to their normal start of turn. Additionally, the Base will remain open whether or not it has Supporters or characters there.

Each character may only play supporters they have rallied. You may play supporters from your hand only while you are at the Base. Once displayed next to your character, you may use their powers regardless of your location. If you move from the base, shuffle any supporters in you hand into the Base. At the end of each scenario, return all supporters to the Vault.

Each supporter has a feat similar to a character's power feat. If a reward gives the party a supporter feat, check a box on a rallied supporter to gain access to that power. If the feat specified a supporter, check it off on that supporter. When the party gains a supporter feat, each character does so on their own list. (When there is a choice, each character makes their own choice.) Each character may only use supporter feats they have gained.

Rallied supporters:

Cressida Kroft (Rallied by: All):

CotCT Supporter 0
Traits: Human Soldier
Display. While displayed:
  • You may bury to draw a new weapon or armor.
    [ ] You may bury to draw a new Attack spell or Healing spell.
    It breaks my heart to see Korvosa tear itself apart. Heroes of your caliber are exactly what we need now.

  • Amin Jalento (Rallied by: All. Feat: Ahmotep):

    Traits: Aristocrat Human
    Display. While displayed:
  • On any check to acquire, you may bury to add 1d6.
    [ ] You may bury to draw 2 new items, then banish 1 of them.

  • Vencarlo Orisini (Rallied by: All):

    Traits: Expert Human
    Display. While displayed:
  • On any combat check, after the roll, you may bury to add 1d6.
    [ ] On any combat check, you may bury to reroll.

  • Thousand Bones (Rallied by: All):

    Traits: Human Shaman
    Display. While displayed:
  • You may bury to heal a character 1d4+1 cards.
    [ ] You may bury and spend 1 hero point to let a dead character return from death; they heal 10 cards from their bury pile and reset.

  • Trinia Sabor (Rallied by: All):

    Traits: Bard Human Veteran
    Display. While displayed:
  • On any non-combat check, you may bury to add 1d4+#.
    [ ] You may bury to heal a character a card and/or remove a scourge from them.
  • ==============================

    Links to scenarios:

    Adventure 1: Edge of Anarchy
    CCT Scenario 1*: Haunted Fortunes
    Scenario Start
    Ended on 10/17/20. Reported with Gameday 9
    CCT Scenario 1A: A City Gone Mad
    Scenario Start
    Ended on 10/17/20. Reported with Gameday 9
    Scenario Start
    Ended on 4/21/21
    Scenario Start
    Ended On 7/6/21