GM Foxy's 2nd Legacy of Fire

Game Master Foxy Quickpaw

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Kitsune Game Master

"Wise decision." The dragon replies with his fear inducing voice. With a stroke of his wings, the dragon takes to the air and leaves you in a dust cloud.

Other than you, the dragon can rise further and further, and fly away from the palace as if there was nothing but the sky. And you are left in this prison with invisible bars.

Your eyes follow the dragon who flies in a straight line to one of the most impressive buildings in the city until you lose sight.

You don't sense a lie. But the fact that red dragons are CE doesn't fill you with confidence.

HP 143/143 AC 36 32 TAC 17 13 FF 33 29 | CMD 32 28 | F +16 R +13 W +17 (Stalward) Resist: fire 30 | HL: 14/14 B: 14/14 BSP: 10/10 Ju: 5/5 ST: 4/4 L1: 4/6 L2: 5/6 L3: 0/5 L4: 5/5 L5: 2/2 | Ini: +6 | Senses: +21 |
Acrob+10,Bluff+14,Climb+11,Diplo+21,Disguis+3,Fly+8/+13,Heal+8,Intimidate+2 7,K.arcana+5/+9,K.planes+17/+21,K.religion+9/+13,K.history+12,Linguis+11,Se nsM+21,Spelcraft+4,Stealth+6,Surviv+16/+22,Swim+12
Male Human Keleshite Inquisitor of Sarenrae 14 | GMW 12h, MV 12h

Ohrmizd looks as the dragon departs, holding his gaze on him as he is able to take flight out of the Palace "Well, all things considered, keeping the eye would found us here trapped as well. So, if there is any chance this buys us a ticked out, that's best than nothing."

He collapses pretty consumed to the ground, then looks at the fallen giant "That is was a brutal axe. Do you think there is anything else magical?"

Detect magic (and spellcraft): 1d20 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 4 + 2 = 21

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Kitsune Game Master

Priorities with adventurers - there is this dude who appeared out of nowhere and fought with you, but... treassure! :P

Ezer Hazebaim has on him a wand of magic missile (CL 9th, 43 charges), bracers of armor +4, a +1 cold iron greataxe, a periapt of wisdom +4, a ring of protection +3, a handy haversack, a silver holy symbol and his spellbook.

AC 13 (18), touch 13 (17), flat-footed 11 (14) hp 101/103 F +11 R +12 W +14

Heshan breaths a sigh of relief as the dragon departs from view. "Even better is that it seems that we have some valuable loot." After examining the items, he picked up the bracers of armor for himself. It was something about how easily the giant hit Ohrmizd that had him think about his own well being.

Current form: Human Male Human (Desert) Druid 14 HP 97/152 | AC 23 , T 13, FF 20 | F: +13, R: +8, W: +18 | CMD 21 | Perc. +23 | Init. +0 | Stealth +4
Heat Shimmer 10/10 | Wild Shape 7/7 |Rod x2 4/6

Hazreem eyes the dragon's departure until it is well out of sight before turning to his rescuers. "I owe you my life strangers. I am Hazreem Al'Shakar. My party and I also seeked to stop Jhavhul but...we failed. My friends - slaughtered, and I was imprisoned in the Eye."

I don't think Hazreem has any claim to the treasure.

HP 143/143 AC 36 32 TAC 17 13 FF 33 29 | CMD 32 28 | F +16 R +13 W +17 (Stalward) Resist: fire 30 | HL: 14/14 B: 14/14 BSP: 10/10 Ju: 5/5 ST: 4/4 L1: 4/6 L2: 5/6 L3: 0/5 L4: 5/5 L5: 2/2 | Ini: +6 | Senses: +21 |
Acrob+10,Bluff+14,Climb+11,Diplo+21,Disguis+3,Fly+8/+13,Heal+8,Intimidate+2 7,K.arcana+5/+9,K.planes+17/+21,K.religion+9/+13,K.history+12,Linguis+11,Se nsM+21,Spelcraft+4,Stealth+6,Surviv+16/+22,Swim+12
Male Human Keleshite Inquisitor of Sarenrae 14 | GMW 12h, MV 12h

Once the worthy treasure is secured, Ohrmizd raises his look towards the just appeared man that turned into an elemental "Sorry for your loss. Anyway, you are not going to survive long going around unarmed. Here, take the axe, it hits badly" the Kheleshite throws the axe to Hazreem.

"By the way, my name is Ohrmizd. We come from Katapesh. Though I fear we have little time for presentations before that dragon comes back to roast us alive, I wanted to thank you for your help in the combat. Your intervention was key on our survival here." Ohrmizd makes a small reverence lowering his head. As he does, you appreciate the holy symbol of Sarenrae hanging from his neck.

"Shall we move on?" he looks at the others "Omari, you said with some time you might be able to do something about the imprisoned djinn..."

M Human (M'wangi) Cleric 12 | HP: 116/116||AC 22, Touch 16, FF 18 | Init: +4 | F: +11, R: +9, W: +13, +2 vs Illusion| CMB: +11, CMD: 25| Speed 30ft| Perc: +23, SM: + 20 | Active conditions: none

Omari replies:"Not today I couldn't help that maddened Djin. Besides, we need to rest. Khedron needs the best of my healing skills to recover (2/100 hp). Further, if that dragon returns with the boons we requested for turning over the eye, we want it to be able to find us... Let us camp here overnight."

Omari begins doctoring poor Khedron... Turning Erastil's blessings into healing energy.

sacrificing Hallucinogenic smoke and a empty slot for Cure Critical X2

Healing: 8d8 + 24 ⇒ (8, 5, 4, 1, 6, 8, 4, 1) + 24 = 61

And then a communal resist energy for a cure serious

Healing: 3d8 + 12 ⇒ (2, 1, 8) + 12 = 23

Khedron HP 86/100. I have used more than half my spell slots at this point; it is probably time to rest.

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Male Human Wizard 11 - HP: 70|AC 12(16)/12/11|Init: +10 | F: +6, R: +5, W: +10| Perc: +17

Rayhan greets Hazreem. "I'm Rayhan Xobhadi. Researcher of many things related to magic and history. And a user of arcane magic myself."

"As you are wielding powerful healing magic, I assume you are using divine magic, but I don't see any signs of the popular, or rather any faith on you. Which piques my scholarly interest."

Rayhan also looks over the stuff and takes the wand. Good times when some magic missiles could turn a fight. Here you are lucky if it does something at all. But hopefully we're back soon where this will be a formidable weapon.

"If you don't mind?" he asks into the round.

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AC 13 (18), touch 13 (17), flat-footed 11 (14) hp 101/103 F +11 R +12 W +14

"And you can call me Heshan my friend," the sorcerer replied with a charming smile. "I wish we could have met under better circumstances, but we cannot always choose where to do so."

Heshan breaths a sigh of relief as the healing energies wash over him. "In any case, I agree about rest. We just need to keep an eye out in case the dragon would rather attack us while we sleep."

Current form: Human Male Human (Desert) Druid 14 HP 97/152 | AC 23 , T 13, FF 20 | F: +13, R: +8, W: +18 | CMD 21 | Perc. +23 | Init. +0 | Stealth +4
Heat Shimmer 10/10 | Wild Shape 7/7 |Rod x2 4/6

"While I have rested an eternity in that cursed mirror," Hazreem replies, shifting back to his normal form. "I do believe that a wise decision. This should be a safe place to rest, if i remember, but we should set watches to be sure. I will volunteer for the first watch."

M Human (M'wangi) Cleric 12 | HP: 116/116||AC 22, Touch 16, FF 18 | Init: +4 | F: +11, R: +9, W: +13, +2 vs Illusion| CMB: +11, CMD: 25| Speed 30ft| Perc: +23, SM: + 20 | Active conditions: none

Omari will channel to finish the healing of Khedron (and help anyone else hurt; Heshan appears to be down 14...)...

Channel Healing: 6d6 ⇒ (3, 6, 3, 4, 4, 3) = 23

"If Hazreem is taking first watch, I will take last. But one thought does occur. With this "Ezer Hazzebaim" dead, Ohrmizd, take your carpet and test if the curse on this place has been broken with his death... I do not put not telling us what is going on past that dragon."

Kitsune Game Master

Flying up:
You still can fly a short distance, but then a strong force is holding you back from going further.

HP 143/143 AC 36 32 TAC 17 13 FF 33 29 | CMD 32 28 | F +16 R +13 W +17 (Stalward) Resist: fire 30 | HL: 14/14 B: 14/14 BSP: 10/10 Ju: 5/5 ST: 4/4 L1: 4/6 L2: 5/6 L3: 0/5 L4: 5/5 L5: 2/2 | Ini: +6 | Senses: +21 |
Acrob+10,Bluff+14,Climb+11,Diplo+21,Disguis+3,Fly+8/+13,Heal+8,Intimidate+2 7,K.arcana+5/+9,K.planes+17/+21,K.religion+9/+13,K.history+12,Linguis+11,Se nsM+21,Spelcraft+4,Stealth+6,Surviv+16/+22,Swim+12
Male Human Keleshite Inquisitor of Sarenrae 14 | GMW 12h, MV 12h

"Are you an elemental from this plane Hazreem? Or you were born elsewhere?" Ohrmizd inquiries with curiosity.

Before going to rest, the Kheleshite will patrol a bit around the palace dome, which he profits to take a flight up to a considerable height. He comes back with his findings "No way, I am still shun back"

Tired as he is, he will take the second watch.
Perception: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (12) + 19 = 31

Current form: Human Male Human (Desert) Druid 14 HP 97/152 | AC 23 , T 13, FF 20 | F: +13, R: +8, W: +18 | CMD 21 | Perc. +23 | Init. +0 | Stealth +4
Heat Shimmer 10/10 | Wild Shape 7/7 |Rod x2 4/6

Hazreem smiles here, "No I am...or was from Kelmarane, much like yourself...but I do not know how long I was trapped in the Eye. It may have been days...or centuries, I know not."

AC 13 (18), touch 13 (17), flat-footed 11 (14) hp 101/103 F +11 R +12 W +14

"Well, it is currently 4709 in the Arodenian calender... oh. What is your opinion on Aroden?" he asked. "No reason but to gauge something."

Current form: Human Male Human (Desert) Druid 14 HP 97/152 | AC 23 , T 13, FF 20 | F: +13, R: +8, W: +18 | CMD 21 | Perc. +23 | Init. +0 | Stealth +4
Heat Shimmer 10/10 | Wild Shape 7/7 |Rod x2 4/6

Hazreem mutters softly, "4709? So just years then...I should be thankful..." When Heshan mentions Aroden, Hazreem stares at him briefly, "Aroden? I do not venerate him, if that is what you mean. Why do you ask about him?"

Male Human Wizard 11 - HP: 70|AC 12(16)/12/11|Init: +10 | F: +6, R: +5, W: +10| Perc: +17

"Well, if you haven't lived under a rock, or were locked away for a century, you should know that Aroden is considered dead - since 4606 AR, which started what is known as the Age of Lost Omens." Rayhan comments.

HP 143/143 AC 36 32 TAC 17 13 FF 33 29 | CMD 32 28 | F +16 R +13 W +17 (Stalward) Resist: fire 30 | HL: 14/14 B: 14/14 BSP: 10/10 Ju: 5/5 ST: 4/4 L1: 4/6 L2: 5/6 L3: 0/5 L4: 5/5 L5: 2/2 | Ini: +6 | Senses: +21 |
Acrob+10,Bluff+14,Climb+11,Diplo+21,Disguis+3,Fly+8/+13,Heal+8,Intimidate+2 7,K.arcana+5/+9,K.planes+17/+21,K.religion+9/+13,K.history+12,Linguis+11,Se nsM+21,Spelcraft+4,Stealth+6,Surviv+16/+22,Swim+12
Male Human Keleshite Inquisitor of Sarenrae 14 | GMW 12h, MV 12h

"Kelmarane?" Ohrmizd frowns thinking how to explain what happened to Hazreem "Well, then you have to know your town was razed by war and then taken by gnolls. We just kicked them off a few months ago and the Princess is rebuilding the place with Garavel's and Haleen's help."

"I wonder how are they doing. Ah, I worry they have just been attacked by now by Jhavhul's forces..." the Kheleshite comments a bit of desperate for the party's imprisonment "There is Rombard also, I worry for her"

M Human (M'wangi) Cleric 12 | HP: 116/116||AC 22, Touch 16, FF 18 | Init: +4 | F: +11, R: +9, W: +13, +2 vs Illusion| CMB: +11, CMD: 25| Speed 30ft| Perc: +23, SM: + 20 | Active conditions: none

Sorry, I've got a head cold and my brain feels like it's stuffed with cotton wool...

As the other converse, Omari mostly cuddles with Khedron, disturbed about how close his friend had been to the end...

Current form: Human Male Human (Desert) Druid 14 HP 97/152 | AC 23 , T 13, FF 20 | F: +13, R: +8, W: +18 | CMD 21 | Perc. +23 | Init. +0 | Stealth +4
Heat Shimmer 10/10 | Wild Shape 7/7 |Rod x2 4/6

Hazreem frowns as he disgests Ohrmizds words here. But that sounds like no time has passed? Very odd indeed.

"Yes that indeed I remember. I was also trapped here in this place and were seeking a way to lift the curse. Have you discovered a way?"

HP 143/143 AC 36 32 TAC 17 13 FF 33 29 | CMD 32 28 | F +16 R +13 W +17 (Stalward) Resist: fire 30 | HL: 14/14 B: 14/14 BSP: 10/10 Ju: 5/5 ST: 4/4 L1: 4/6 L2: 5/6 L3: 0/5 L4: 5/5 L5: 2/2 | Ini: +6 | Senses: +21 |
Acrob+10,Bluff+14,Climb+11,Diplo+21,Disguis+3,Fly+8/+13,Heal+8,Intimidate+2 7,K.arcana+5/+9,K.planes+17/+21,K.religion+9/+13,K.history+12,Linguis+11,Se nsM+21,Spelcraft+4,Stealth+6,Surviv+16/+22,Swim+12
Male Human Keleshite Inquisitor of Sarenrae 14 | GMW 12h, MV 12h

"We have no idea how to get out of the palace. But maybe if Omari manages to heal the imprisoned djinn he knows a way out." Ohrmizd explains, giving up his clue for a last hope.

Male Human Wizard 11 - HP: 70|AC 12(16)/12/11|Init: +10 | F: +6, R: +5, W: +10| Perc: +17

"Helping that djinn is probably a good idea, but nothing of that is going to happen before a good night's sleep. How about we take that fancy bedroom for that?" Rayhan suggests pointing to the inside of the tower.

HP 143/143 AC 36 32 TAC 17 13 FF 33 29 | CMD 32 28 | F +16 R +13 W +17 (Stalward) Resist: fire 30 | HL: 14/14 B: 14/14 BSP: 10/10 Ju: 5/5 ST: 4/4 L1: 4/6 L2: 5/6 L3: 0/5 L4: 5/5 L5: 2/2 | Ini: +6 | Senses: +21 |
Acrob+10,Bluff+14,Climb+11,Diplo+21,Disguis+3,Fly+8/+13,Heal+8,Intimidate+2 7,K.arcana+5/+9,K.planes+17/+21,K.religion+9/+13,K.history+12,Linguis+11,Se nsM+21,Spelcraft+4,Stealth+6,Surviv+16/+22,Swim+12
Male Human Keleshite Inquisitor of Sarenrae 14 | GMW 12h, MV 12h

"Ah, I buy you on that Rayhan. Best idea in the whole day" Ohrmizd is happy to go and take Jhavhul's bed for sleeping. The Kheleshite sets the pillows to comfortably adjust to his back "Just tug me when it comes my watch"

Ohrmizd will sleep for as long as possible, taking the second watch.
Perception: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (18) + 19 = 37

Kitsune Game Master

Whoever takes the first watch Perception DC15:
You notice that the atmosphere changes and the sounds from the city are slightly louder. All as if someone pulled a blanket away from it all.

Current form: Human Male Human (Desert) Druid 14 HP 97/152 | AC 23 , T 13, FF 20 | F: +13, R: +8, W: +18 | CMD 21 | Perc. +23 | Init. +0 | Stealth +4
Heat Shimmer 10/10 | Wild Shape 7/7 |Rod x2 4/6

Hazreem auto succeeds on that check.

Hazreem stands up and motions for his newfound allies to awaken. "It has been too long but has the atmosphere changed to you? The sounds of the city seem louder now."

AC 13 (18), touch 13 (17), flat-footed 11 (14) hp 101/103 F +11 R +12 W +14

Perception: 1d20 ⇒ 8

Heshan was able to get at least a bit of sleep... at least until he had been awaken by Hazreen. "Cities can move around now? I would say that would be ridiculous, but I have seen far too much in this plane to reject anything."

M Human (M'wangi) Cleric 12 | HP: 116/116||AC 22, Touch 16, FF 18 | Init: +4 | F: +11, R: +9, W: +13, +2 vs Illusion| CMB: +11, CMD: 25| Speed 30ft| Perc: +23, SM: + 20 | Active conditions: none

"If this isn't a fight, I'm going back to sleep. You can tell me about it when I wake up..."

Omari rolls back over in his bedroll...

Spellcasters need 8 hrs uninterrupted to regain spells...So unless it's an immediate issue, you don't interrupt rest periods.

HP 143/143 AC 36 32 TAC 17 13 FF 33 29 | CMD 32 28 | F +16 R +13 W +17 (Stalward) Resist: fire 30 | HL: 14/14 B: 14/14 BSP: 10/10 Ju: 5/5 ST: 4/4 L1: 4/6 L2: 5/6 L3: 0/5 L4: 5/5 L5: 2/2 | Ini: +6 | Senses: +21 |
Acrob+10,Bluff+14,Climb+11,Diplo+21,Disguis+3,Fly+8/+13,Heal+8,Intimidate+2 7,K.arcana+5/+9,K.planes+17/+21,K.religion+9/+13,K.history+12,Linguis+11,Se nsM+21,Spelcraft+4,Stealth+6,Surviv+16/+22,Swim+12
Male Human Keleshite Inquisitor of Sarenrae 14 | GMW 12h, MV 12h

Ohrmizd, always alert, stands up with his scimitar ready to fight. When the issue is presented, he sits and yawns "Oh, well, looks like a neighbors problem. Unless the fire reaches the palace, just let me sleep. It has been like... a month since we slept in a proper bed? And humm... cannot remember ever sleeping on a Prince quality bed..."

The Kheleshite smiles while laying down once more "Or maybe the bed of that dancer back in Katapesh counts... hum... it was so long ago... looks like another life..."

Soon enough the Sarenrite is sleeping once again.

AC 13 (18), touch 13 (17), flat-footed 11 (14) hp 101/103 F +11 R +12 W +14

Heshan shrugs, then goes back to sleep. Omari was right. They all needed all the rest they could get for the next day, and nothing short of a fight would justify interrupting that.

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Kitsune Game Master

With the end of Hazreem's watch the interruptions come to an end and it is a peaceful night in comfy pillows. Or for the one keeping watch a grandiose sight over the City of Brass in the light of eternal fire.

HP 143/143 AC 36 32 TAC 17 13 FF 33 29 | CMD 32 28 | F +16 R +13 W +17 (Stalward) Resist: fire 30 | HL: 14/14 B: 14/14 BSP: 10/10 Ju: 5/5 ST: 4/4 L1: 4/6 L2: 5/6 L3: 0/5 L4: 5/5 L5: 2/2 | Ini: +6 | Senses: +21 |
Acrob+10,Bluff+14,Climb+11,Diplo+21,Disguis+3,Fly+8/+13,Heal+8,Intimidate+2 7,K.arcana+5/+9,K.planes+17/+21,K.religion+9/+13,K.history+12,Linguis+11,Se nsM+21,Spelcraft+4,Stealth+6,Surviv+16/+22,Swim+12
Male Human Keleshite Inquisitor of Sarenrae 14 | GMW 12h, MV 12h

The next day, fully renewed, Ohrmizd wakes up with a jump "Well, I need to grab one of these prince quality beds for myself. That is for sure!"

The Kheleshite goes to the balcony filling his lungs with air in a long breath and contemplating the astonishing landscape "So what was this about hearing the city closer Hazreem. Did you find anything weird yesterday?"

Taking the carpet, Ohrmizd will attempt for a flight out of the Palace at the first opportunity.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Current form: Human Male Human (Desert) Druid 14 HP 97/152 | AC 23 , T 13, FF 20 | F: +13, R: +8, W: +18 | CMD 21 | Perc. +23 | Init. +0 | Stealth +4
Heat Shimmer 10/10 | Wild Shape 7/7 |Rod x2 4/6

Hazreem gazes out at the beautiful landscape, amazed little...indeed nothing had changed since he viewed it last. "It was a strange sensation Ohrmizd, one I felt it needed to tell you of. Indeed it may be the Palace's curse is indeed broken!"

M Human (M'wangi) Cleric 12 | HP: 116/116||AC 22, Touch 16, FF 18 | Init: +4 | F: +11, R: +9, W: +13, +2 vs Illusion| CMB: +11, CMD: 25| Speed 30ft| Perc: +23, SM: + 20 | Active conditions: none

During the dawn watch, Omari prepares his spells for the day

Spells Prepared:

L0 (4) : Guidance, Detect Magic, Stabilize, Light
L1 (4+1D+1W) Bless(domain), Divine Favor, Divine Favor, Murderous Command, Liberating Command, ***
L2 (4+1D+1W) Featherfall (domain), Burst of Radiance, Burst of Radiance, Lesser Restoration, Protection From Evil (Communal), ***
L3 (4+1D+1W) Fly (domain), Sand Whirlwind, Resist Energy (Communal), Dispel Magic, Invisibility Purge, ***
L4 (3+1D+1W) Summon Monster IV (domain), Freedom of Movement, Blessings of Fervor, Hallucinogenic Smoke, ***
L5 (3+1D) Beast Shape III (Domain), Hunter’s Blessing, Forbid Action (greater), ***
L6 (2+1D) Heroes Feast (Domain), Inspiring Recovery, Heal

He wakes his companions with a delicious breakfast and Erastil's blessings...
Heroes Feast, Temp HP: 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9 and Hunter's Blessing: Outsider(Fire) and Planes (Elemental Fire)

Over breakfast, he joins the conversation with Hazreem and Ohrmizd:
"Well, that would be very good news, and we can test it easily. Ohrmizd, take a quick flight. But then we need to make a decision - go to the city over there directly, or do we check back on Lady Shazathared to see if this has helped free her from her prison?"

Kitsune Game Master

Ohrmizd finds that he can fly freely, without that strange force pulling him back.

HP 143/143 AC 36 32 TAC 17 13 FF 33 29 | CMD 32 28 | F +16 R +13 W +17 (Stalward) Resist: fire 30 | HL: 14/14 B: 14/14 BSP: 10/10 Ju: 5/5 ST: 4/4 L1: 4/6 L2: 5/6 L3: 0/5 L4: 5/5 L5: 2/2 | Ini: +6 | Senses: +21 |
Acrob+10,Bluff+14,Climb+11,Diplo+21,Disguis+3,Fly+8/+13,Heal+8,Intimidate+2 7,K.arcana+5/+9,K.planes+17/+21,K.religion+9/+13,K.history+12,Linguis+11,Se nsM+21,Spelcraft+4,Stealth+6,Surviv+16/+22,Swim+12
Male Human Keleshite Inquisitor of Sarenrae 14 | GMW 12h, MV 12h

Ohrmizd descends back to the balcony with a circumspect expression "Indeed. It seems the curse has been broken. Or at least, I can fly considerably further away from the Palace."

For now, Ohrmizd will only cast his hours long spells, greater magic weapon in Zenzirad and magic vestment on his reliquary shield.

"I do concur with you Omari, let's begin our day by descending back to the catacombs to check if Lady Shazathared is now free" and assuming the group agrees to take this route, he will look to descend to the basement where they found the lady to check exactly this.

Male Human Wizard 11 - HP: 70|AC 12(16)/12/11|Init: +10 | F: +6, R: +5, W: +10| Perc: +17

"That is a very welcome turn of events." Rayhan comments as travelling freely has become possible again.

M Human (M'wangi) Cleric 12 | HP: 116/116||AC 22, Touch 16, FF 18 | Init: +4 | F: +11, R: +9, W: +13, +2 vs Illusion| CMB: +11, CMD: 25| Speed 30ft| Perc: +23, SM: + 20 | Active conditions: none

"Are we going to retrace our route back exactly - down through the garbage chute we came up and then through the maze of fire curtains - or do we want to look for another route? I figure there has to be an easier route from the main palace area we are in to the dungeon..."

There are 2 paths down on the map (slide 4). One in the lair of the Flickering Candle. Beside where the crazed djinn is, there is a stair down (indicated by a blue arrow). The other path down, we found before but bypassed, is indicated by a red dashed oval and arrow...

AC 13 (18), touch 13 (17), flat-footed 11 (14) hp 101/103 F +11 R +12 W +14

Heshan proceeds to cast Overland Flight, Mage Armor and Protection From Arrow on himself before meeting up with the party. "The way back does sound... tedious." Heshan agreed. "Plus our giant friend may not be able to go the route we did."

Current form: Human Male Human (Desert) Druid 14 HP 97/152 | AC 23 , T 13, FF 20 | F: +13, R: +8, W: +18 | CMD 21 | Perc. +23 | Init. +0 | Stealth +4
Heat Shimmer 10/10 | Wild Shape 7/7 |Rod x2 4/6

Hazreem frowns here, "Sadly I only have vague disjointed memories of this place. That Eye must have affected my memories. I say it would be safer to retrace our route back. Did you manage to befriend one of the giants who live here? Quite a feat I would say!"

HP 143/143 AC 36 32 TAC 17 13 FF 33 29 | CMD 32 28 | F +16 R +13 W +17 (Stalward) Resist: fire 30 | HL: 14/14 B: 14/14 BSP: 10/10 Ju: 5/5 ST: 4/4 L1: 4/6 L2: 5/6 L3: 0/5 L4: 5/5 L5: 2/2 | Ini: +6 | Senses: +21 |
Acrob+10,Bluff+14,Climb+11,Diplo+21,Disguis+3,Fly+8/+13,Heal+8,Intimidate+2 7,K.arcana+5/+9,K.planes+17/+21,K.religion+9/+13,K.history+12,Linguis+11,Se nsM+21,Spelcraft+4,Stealth+6,Surviv+16/+22,Swim+12
Male Human Keleshite Inquisitor of Sarenrae 14 | GMW 12h, MV 12h

"Only the stairs where we fought the worm lead to our friend's fountain. Hence, only the hole in the wall C10 is going to lead us there." Ohrmizd reviews the mental map of the palace "Let's play it safe. We do not want to find unwanted resistance now we are so close to escape this place."

The Kheleshite takes the wand of stone shape from the bag of holding "If you want a shortcut, I then suggest we bend the stone walls were we found the Flickering Candle stash (red X) to find our way. That way we can try to save the djinn, then go to the fountain very fast and without risk of losing ourselves in unknown corridors."

Following his suggestion, Ohrmizd will lead to the djinn prison first thing, as both his suggestion and Omari's one pass through there.

Male Human Wizard 11 - HP: 70|AC 12(16)/12/11|Init: +10 | F: +6, R: +5, W: +10| Perc: +17

"We could use dimension door to get there and back. But we are still too many to travel all this way." Rayhan comments.

HP 143/143 AC 36 32 TAC 17 13 FF 33 29 | CMD 32 28 | F +16 R +13 W +17 (Stalward) Resist: fire 30 | HL: 14/14 B: 14/14 BSP: 10/10 Ju: 5/5 ST: 4/4 L1: 4/6 L2: 5/6 L3: 0/5 L4: 5/5 L5: 2/2 | Ini: +6 | Senses: +21 |
Acrob+10,Bluff+14,Climb+11,Diplo+21,Disguis+3,Fly+8/+13,Heal+8,Intimidate+2 7,K.arcana+5/+9,K.planes+17/+21,K.religion+9/+13,K.history+12,Linguis+11,Se nsM+21,Spelcraft+4,Stealth+6,Surviv+16/+22,Swim+12
Male Human Keleshite Inquisitor of Sarenrae 14 | GMW 12h, MV 12h

"Let's just fly our way to avoid the ghost and the other nastiness as before. You can dimension door Khedron if there is issue with him flying" proposes Ohrmizd.

AC 13 (18), touch 13 (17), flat-footed 11 (14) hp 101/103 F +11 R +12 W +14

"Fair enough," Heshan replies with a shrug. "But does anyone else want to stay with those two while the rest up us fly there? Just in case."

M Human (M'wangi) Cleric 12 | HP: 116/116||AC 22, Touch 16, FF 18 | Init: +4 | F: +11, R: +9, W: +13, +2 vs Illusion| CMB: +11, CMD: 25| Speed 30ft| Perc: +23, SM: + 20 | Active conditions: none

Ok, I'm not sure what Heshan is talking about? Which two are staying here?

WRT Ohrmizd's plan, yeah, I can make Khedron flight capable with an air walk spell, and we could follow Ohrmizd's proposed path... Although does anyone else think it likely the ghost is gone, as the curse on this place is lifted?

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Male Human Wizard 11 - HP: 70|AC 12(16)/12/11|Init: +10 | F: +6, R: +5, W: +10| Perc: +17

"I sugest I'll take Khedron, Omari, and Heshan with me. Ohrmizd and Hazreem have ways to fly that waste no spells. Let's meet there."

Rayhan groups the named people and elks around him and casts the spell.

Kitsune Game Master

The group around Rayhan arrives immediately at the desired location. Still the tinkling sound of falling water and a cool spray of refreshing
mist are is filling this chamber. At its center stands a large fountain, its basin composed of fire-glazed porcelain inset with lapis lazuli and its central font constructed of marble of the purest white. A jet of cool water gushes into the air and falls back into the basin where it slowly drains away, causing the gas lamps to flicker in the moisture-laden air.

Shazathared is exited to see the group again, but also worried that some are missing.

A few minutes later the others arrive too.

"I'm glad to see you again, and under such favorable conditions. I feel that the curse have been lifted, and it is only the spells of this room that holds me here."

"I'm sure such capable heroes as you are have a way to overcome this last obstacle to my freedom too."

HP 143/143 AC 36 32 TAC 17 13 FF 33 29 | CMD 32 28 | F +16 R +13 W +17 (Stalward) Resist: fire 30 | HL: 14/14 B: 14/14 BSP: 10/10 Ju: 5/5 ST: 4/4 L1: 4/6 L2: 5/6 L3: 0/5 L4: 5/5 L5: 2/2 | Ini: +6 | Senses: +21 |
Acrob+10,Bluff+14,Climb+11,Diplo+21,Disguis+3,Fly+8/+13,Heal+8,Intimidate+2 7,K.arcana+5/+9,K.planes+17/+21,K.religion+9/+13,K.history+12,Linguis+11,Se nsM+21,Spelcraft+4,Stealth+6,Surviv+16/+22,Swim+12
Male Human Keleshite Inquisitor of Sarenrae 14 | GMW 12h, MV 12h

Ohrmizd presses on his flight through corridors and lava tunnels, happy to see the place empty. The Kheleshite arrives a bit late to present his respects to Shazathared.

"Once again, Garavel's space ops group delivers on promises done" Ohrmizd bows slightly, still flying on the carpet "Hope you did not find this last night too long of a wait"

When the magical experts point him where the binding magics are located, Ohrmizd can cast dispel magic on it.
CL: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (7) + 13 = 20

Male Human Wizard 11 - HP: 70|AC 12(16)/12/11|Init: +10 | F: +6, R: +5, W: +10| Perc: +17

As this is somewhat in the area of expertiese of Rayhan he gets all scholary and lectures on the situation. "That will need some serious magic to counter this binding, as it is not simply a spell cast, but the fountain is an artifact binding her here. What would probably work, would be wishing for her release. But I don't think anyone has that kind of magic at hand right now."

"Is there something you could ask Erastil for, that would help with this situation?" he inquires from Omari.

AC 13 (18), touch 13 (17), flat-footed 11 (14) hp 101/103 F +11 R +12 W +14

"Why yes we are," Heshan replied with a grin on his face. "Let us see if we can identify the remaining spells holding you in place." With that, he would see if he could identify some of the spells present.

Knowledge (arcana): 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (7) + 15 = 22

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