The Space Without...and Within

Game Master pinvendor

Character Creation:
*Standard 10-point Ability Score Buy

*1000 creds for equipment

*Which of the other PCs (at least one) you know. This does not have to be personally and can be secondhand. Perhaps your aunt recommended the other PC to help you with a job or they are well-known for their skill in an art you wish to commision or you grew up together on that space station over there. Collaboration is anticipated.

*PM me one secret which if discovered could complicate things for you. E.g. You have a crippling fear of a particular Tiny or Small xeno-creature (this could be a humorously harmless creature or one which would also terrify most people), you have a reputation (celebrated or infamous) which would draw annoying amounts of attention, you have a sibling or other relative who is well-known and to whom you are constantly compared once the relation is discovered, etc., etc.

*PM me one secret which is the driving force for why your character is not living a quiet life as a moisture farmer on a desert planet (just a cheeky example not a required backstory). E.g. You have committed murder (justified or otherwise) and are now on the run, you have been given or discovered dangerous information or secrets which makes you hunted, you have been given or discovered unique information or secrets which you desire to find/prove, you are not the person you claim to be and being known as that person has a complication or could be dangerous if uncovered, etc., etc.