GM Abraham |

This game will be offered as party of Gameday VIII, beginning August 26, 2019. Sign up here on line 58. Once you are signed up, please dot and delete in the gameplay thread.

GM Abraham |

Ambrus Valsin paces his office in the Grand Lodge in Absalom with impatient excitement. "Oh, it's a fine mission I have for you this time. Not like that last one, never mind that! This time it's all glory. Here - have a look at this - " He points to the desk, where a large and old tome sits. "This - " he is visibly excited - "this is the Book of the Titan. We've been searching for it for a long time and now, through a series of circumstances and missions too harrowing to recount, it is finally in our hands. But, wouldn't you know it, we can't seem to invoke its magic. It appears that the tome can only be unlocked by a specific and complex ritual with - and here's the catch, there's always a catch isn't there - with the help of a wizard with giant blood." He pauses and sighs, as if to let the enormity of that challenge sink in.
"Now, as you can imagine, there aren't so many giant wizards, and those that there are owe no particular allegiance to the Pathfinder Society. However..." Valsin pauses and rubs his hands together with anticipation. "However, we've learned that there's a cloud giant named Zoarth who lives in a castle high up in the Kodar mountains, on the border between Varisia and the lands of the Linnorm Kings. He's no friend of ours, but he's not an enemy neither, and rumor has it that he's possibly a bit more open minded than many of his kind. That's where you all come in! I need you to travel to his castle and get him to unlock the book for us. Should be pretty simple, right? Can't imagine that anything could go wrong... Any questions?"
Feel free to post character introductions as well as any dialogue/questions you may have.

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"Well, now, that sounds pretty interestin'." Anen drawls. A human male in simple, homespun clothing, tapping his fingers arhythmically on his seat.
He observes the other pathfinders, and nods companionably.
"Name's Anen. Any of you speak Giant?"
Returning his attention to the venture-captain, he continues. "We know anything about this Zoarth? Also, what can you tell us about the Book of the Titan?"

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A half-elf in the red and white armor of Iomedae looks slightly confused. "A giant you say? I hope he's no relation to the chap from those stairs. That would be unfortunate." He greets all the others, "Well met. I am Caduceus."

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A pale skinned Chelaxian with long ebon black hair bound behind his head, walks in with a wide smile and obvious bluster. He straightens his fine robes, cutting edge of local fashion and adresses the gathered agents.
"Hail Pathfinders!" He spies Ambrus, shotting the man a wicked smile. "Sorry I am late good captian, but I just had to show that dwarf at the bar I was a better drinker than he. Not fair really, as I find my beleoved Chellish Red just doesn't get the job done of late. In any event, as you may suspect, it is I, the Heccan Abraxi, so formally of House Abraxi. Famed Bloodscribe of Egorian, at your service." He bows respecrfully.
"What's this about giants? Egad not again. Not really the chatty types are they. No matter, I have means at my disposal to communicate. Fear not Captain, you know my abilities well and there is no doubt I will be able to convince this titan of the clouds to unlock this pesky tome of ours." Heccan waits a moment as he collects his thoughts before a few questions come to mind.
"Hm, it is never that simple is it? What is it Ambrus? What are you not telling us? There's a dragon or other equally vicious danger lurking on the mountain waiting to try and have a meal of us, right?"

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"What ho! Fellow Pathfinders, are you ready for another thrilling adventure? Let us meet this Zoarth and open this book!"
Hector is a svelte Ifrit with a rapier on his hip and grin on his face. You have probably heard stories of the slightly delusional Hector, who in his fight against slavery puts on a domino mask and becomes "The Flame of Liberty." You have also probably heard a rumor that his possessed by a spirit of a Pathfinder archivist whose soul was lost in the stacks and has settled in his mind. Even now, it seems like he is quietly talking to himself.

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Heccan quirks a brow at the blustery newcomer. Clearly, the Chelaxian had heard some rumors of the planetouched man, but is just seeing him for the first time. "Hail Hector, let freedom ring!" The ifrit is unsure of Heccan's sincereity to liberty.

GM Abraham |

Ambrus is characteristically brusque and to the point. "Afraid we don't know much about Zoarth - just that he resides in a castle at the top of a high peak in the Kodar Mountains, on the border between Varisia and the land of the Linnorm Kings. He's said to value his privacy - which may be why we don't know much about him - but supposedly - believe it or don't - he doesn't possess the same automatic hostility towards the smaller races as most of giantkind. Oh, and of course he's a wizard, as if being a giant weren't enough! Anyway, you lot aren't brand new agents anymore, so I reckon you're used to a bit of danger. Don't die. Or if you do, send me a note first, so I can know to send another team. The tome is that important to us." He pauses and looks longingly at the book. "We don't know exactly what sorts of knowledge it contains, but it's said to offer its readers the very strength of giants!"
"Afraid I can't tell you much more than that. Make your preparations, buy any gear you may need, and be at the docks at dawn. Your ship leaves at 7 bells sharp."

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A full-plate wearing, frying-pan-wielding merfolk, swaying slightly in the saddle as he wafts into the room on the back of a giant dragonfly, grunts noncommittally.
"Sorry about bein' late - the fry up o' that giant squid took longer than I had been expectin'! Me name is Martin. I'm reasonably good at talkin' with people, and can handle traps in a pinch, but me main skill is terminally introducing foes to a little cranial impact trauma..."
So saying, he rubs the frying pain fondly, which starts to giggle and coo.
He then grins.
"Also, I'll make ye the offer that I make every group I run with - if ye kill it, I'll fry it!"
Profile not completely updated (specifically, equipment, and animal companion), but there should be enough to give people an idea of what I bring to the table ;-)

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Joining the gathered crowd is a stocky tiefling. He is in fact so stocky that he looks from afar like a dwarf.
Tytus Umbraleyes is a stocky young man of clearly dwarven blood, about 4`8`` with maybe 240 pounds. His heritage is obvious, as he has blackest orbs for eyes, a long tail and maw to make a shark proud. He dresses usually in brown leather pants and coat with an embroyeded red and black vest. If on a mission he wears a mithral breastplate of best dwarven craftmanship dyed in gray and gold, embossened with the hammer of Torag on his shoulders.
His belt of woven steelwire has the dwarven rune of strength engraved on his mithral buckle. On his left hip is a strange looking gun and on his right a block of adamantine carved into a angry dwarven head on a long chain. Two crossed bandoleers holds a few potions a mutagen and extracts.
Tytus vanity are cigars, whenever possible he lights one and gently savors it.
Listening to the introduction to their quest, Tytus ponders for a moment, even consulting a book or two.
Know Geography: 1d20 + 1d6 + 15 ⇒ (4) + (1) + 15 = 20 to know about the Koadar mountains
Know Local: 1d20 + 1d6 + 15 ⇒ (14) + (3) + 15 = 32 to know about Cloud giants and Zoarth in particular
Know Arcane: 1d20 + 1d6 + 13 ⇒ (20) + (5) + 13 = 38 to know about the book of the titans

GM Abraham |

Welcome Martin and Tytus! I'll answer re the Knowledge checks later when I have time. Let me know when you are all ready to move forward - we'll be in initiative as soon as you are! This is one of *those* mods... :-)

GM Abraham |

The sea journey to Kalsgard, the main city of the lands of the Linnorm Kings, and the long overland journey from there south towards the Varisian frontier, and then upriver into the Kodar mountains passes uneventfully, leaving the pathfinders ample time to swap tales of bygone adventures and to practice their various arts. There is a road—more of a
path, really—that ascends Mount Kallaris in the northwestern spur of the Kodar Mountains, allowing travelers to reach Zoarth’s castle. The journey is long and arduous on foot. Tempting as it might be to simply fly up into the heights, the top of Mount Kallaris, however, is perpetually shrouded in clouds and thus using the path is the easiest and safest way to find the castle.
The road up the mountain—such as it is—has been entirely free of other travelers until now. Further ahead, four massive humanoids coifed in chain hauberks and carrying gigantic clubs studded with nails and barbs trudge up the road. Each is accompanied by a spike-collared wolf the size of a small horse. A fifth wolf, closer to the size of an elephant and draped in chain armor, walks amidst the group. A group of bulging, bald men—large, but smaller than the armored giants—brings up the rear, carrying something large and heavy between them. They’re wearing the same spiked collars as the wolves.
The wolves smell your approach and they all look towards you.
Map updated. Martin and Tytus, please add your tokens to the map.
What do you do?

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"Ah, hells."
Anen knows Heccan's got the gift of the gab, so he'll stay silent, but he's already scoping out good positions to teleport to if things get interesting.

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As Heccan spies the hulking masses in the distance he utters a curse in infernal and turns to the group.
"Alright, it seems our path is blocked, already! I knew this would not be a liesurely stroll through the countryside, but I was hoping I was wrong. Let me see if I can get us passage without violence. But, as we all know, these brutes are nothing if not violent, so be ready if, in the unlikely event mind you, that I cannot presuade these giants to stand aside."
Heccan's eyes glow deep red as he reached for his infernal power. His hands move in an automatic, unthining gesture as the arcane power runs through him. He grits his teeth in pain then shakes his head as his eyes return to their normal deep brown hue.
Heccan casts Tongues on himself.
Heccan gets within hailing distance of the giant party. He speaks to them in your native language. "Hail fellow travellers! Such fortune! Hear we thought these mountains were desserted. I can see your band's travel is not without purpose. I am happy to inform that the way ahead is safe, unobstructed and free of hazard. We wish you well on your journey, as I no doubt you wish us well on ours." Heccan smiles that patented wicked grin and watches the group of giants for signs of trouble.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 32 ⇒ (4) + 32 = 36
School divination; Level adept 3, alchemist 3, arcanist 3, bard 2, cleric 4, inquisitor 2, investigator 3, medium 2, mesmerist 2, oracle 4, psychic 3, shaman 4, skald 2, sorcerer 3, spiritualist 3, summoner 3, summoner (unchained) 3, warpriest 4, witch 3, wizard 3
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, M/DF (a clay model of a ziggurat)
Range touch
Target creature touched
Duration 10 min./level
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance no
This spell grants the creature touched the ability to speak and understand the language of any intelligent creature, whether it is a racial tongue or a regional dialect. The subject can speak only one language at a time, although it may be able to understand several languages. Tongues does not enable the subject to speak with creatures who don't speak. The subject can make itself understood as far as its voice carries. This spell does not predispose any creature addressed toward the subject in any way.
Tongues can be made permanent with a permanency spell.pell does not predispose any creature addressed toward the subject in any way.

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Well played, barrister.

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Martin nods his approval of Heccan's words, cheerily waving at them, before giving his silver frying pan a good rub, which causes it to giggle.
Whilst waiting for the giants' response, he also studies two of the big ones, and the biggest wolf, closely.
Specifically, Studied Target. I have the Slayer Talent 'Blood Reader', so as long as they do actually have blood, please let me know what their current hit point total(s) are :-)

GM Abraham |

Earlier, back in Absalom...
Before the group left Absalom, Tytus took the trouble to consult a few relevant texts in the Grand Lodge's library.
He didn't learn much about the Kodar mountains. The Shoanti call them the World's Roof, and indeed they comprise some of the highest mountains in all of Golarion.
Although Tytus was unable to learn anything about Zoarth specifically, he recalled that, in general, some cloud giants are evil, while others are good... Cloud giants favor mountains, often dwelling at altitudes inhospitable to lesser creatures. Legends speak of cloud giant cities that float high above the world on the very clouds themselves, and of cloud giants who tread the surfaces of these clouds as though they were solid ground. If such cities exist, few have seen them, and even most cloud giants dismiss them as idle fantasies... Cloud giants’ skin ranges in color from milky white to powder blue. Adult males are about 18 feet tall and weigh around 5,000 pounds... Cloud giants were never a fecund race, and the breeding of new generations of cloud giants weighs heavily on the minds of their ruling oligarchs... You get two questions from the list here (linked in the campaign header for future reference).
As for the Book of the Titan, Tytus believes that this thick tome contains exercise descriptions and diet suggestions, but entwined within the words is a powerful magical effect that can give its reader strength like unto the titans themselves.

GM Abraham |

Back to the path up the mountain and the fellow travelers you have met...
Heccan calls out to the group in the Giant tongue and they all turn to look at him and squint with rather unpleasant interest that one so small should know their words. Before he has a chance to say much, however, one turns to another: (in Giant) "How 'bout it? They's a nice little snack, eh? It's nearly time for tiffin anyhow..." The other licks his lips and seems tempted while eyeing Heccan but then he glances up at the sun and sighs before replying to his comrade: "Aye, a damn shame to leave fine morsels like this for the vultures to eat, but we's best get up there before there's nuthin' left t' loot! 'Sides, I reckon his kitchen'll have plenty o' good vittles fer us." Turning back to Heccan, the giant gutturally orders, "Out of way! We smash castle in cloud."
Note to Heccan: an impressive Diplomacy check (especially on a roll of a 4) but unfortunately you need a minute of conversation to attempt to change their attitude and they don't give you that long, any more than a human would spend a minute conversing with a mosquito.
Meanwhile, the entire group can easily see that all the wolves, and especially the huge one, are eyeing the pathfinders keenly, with saliva noticeably beginning to pool in their jowls.
The giant-like creatures have 85 hp, while the huge wolf has 60.

GM Abraham |

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Knowledge (local): 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (18) + 20 = 38
Knowledge (nature): 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (12) + 15 = 27
Knowledge (local): 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (4) + 20 = 24
For the hill giants I'd like resistances, will save, special abilities, and weaknesses.
For the dire wolves, I'd like resistances and will save.
For the ogres, I'd like resistances and will saves.
Anen will quietly convey what he knows about these creatures. If there's time, he'll draw his lesser reach metamagic rod.

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Heccan quirks a brow at the giants response. He grins and bows his head curtly. "Of course mighty one! Have fun storming the castle!"
Heccan quickly returns to the group, his diabolic mind turning. "We have avoided danger, but I fear it is short lived. Ah, but in the danger I see opportunity. I can only infer their inteded target is our own destination, the domain of the cloud giant. I suggest we follow these brutes, not too closely mind you, and set upon them while they distract themselves on the assault of the castle. Perhaps we gain the tactical advantage and, as an added bonus, curry a little favor with thie giant of the clouds. Thoughts?"

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"A clever stratagem, Heccan. Let us pull back and let them proceed. Then they will no doubt lead us straight to Zoarth - and he might look kindly on a little 'just in time' assistance with this lot and whomever else is there! Easy tit for tat, and he helps us open the book. We'll be headed back to Absalom by dinner. "

GM Abraham |

@everyone, re the question of drawing metamagic rods, drinking extracts and potions, etc., as a general rule I don't allow PCs (or NPCs!) to take actions outside of initiative if doing them would trigger initiative. That is, if drawing a rod or drinking a potion is going to cause the giants to attack (it would), then I treat that as you roll initiative *before* those triggering actions happen. Hope that makes sense and seems fair and I can explain my reasons further if anyone cares.
The giants, wolves, and ogres move on, not without some clear indications of regret on the part of the hungriest of them, and continue on their way.
@everyone, so if I understand your plan correctly, you are going to withdraw and then attempt to follow the giants to the castle? If so, please tell me a bit more about how you are going to do that.

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My thought is to stay far enough away so as not to atttact attention, then attack if and when the giants begin their assault on the castle. We could send a forward stealthy scout if we have one, otherwise I can cast improved invis and maintain contct via message spell.

GM Abraham |

Could one try to drink a potion/extract etc using sleight of hand or stealth unseen?
Yes, this would be a sleight of hand, with modifiers as appropriate to the situation.

GM Abraham |

My thought is to stay far enough away so as not to atttact attention, then attack if and when the giants begin their assault on the castle. We could send a forward stealthy scout if we have one, otherwise I can cast improved invis and maintain contct via message spell.
Do you mean Greater Invis? That's round/level. Regular Invis is 1 minute/level. You don't know how far away the castle may be at this point, just that you and the giants both seem to be heading that way.
What measures - if any - are you taking to "not attract attention"? Are you trying to ambush them (in which case you would need to get ahead of them somehow)? Or trying to attack them from the rear once they reach the castle? How much of a head start are you giving the giants? And what speed are you all moving at (i.e. what's the speed of the slowest among you - I think I see at least one with a speed of 20)? Is someone volunteering to be a scout (in which case, how far ahead of the rest of the group do you want to be)? For speed of gameplay, I'll go with the first two answers to these questions that are in agreement...

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I say follow at a distance with a scout. Thought is to attack from rear once they commit themselves to the attack on the castle. Stay back a fair distance so they would not notice us. I don't know, like a few football fields? Open to suggestions on this.

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We may just have to attack them. What if there is a larger force at the castle? That would put us at quite a disadvantage. I vote we attack them before they get to the castle.

GM Abraham |

Ok, so far I'm hearing 1 vote for following them to the castle and then attacking them from the rear once they are engaged there, and 1 vote for attacking them before they reach the castle. (Incidentally, they have already moved on, so this latter option would mean catching up with them to attack them). Once there are two votes for either of these options (or some other plan not yet mentioned), I'll move us forward.

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Tytus will move to the end of the group and kneel down to sly drink his extract, using a point of inspiration.
Sleight of hand: 1d20 + 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (5) + (6) + 2 = 13

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So many thoughts and comments: We've got other problems if there is a massive force at the castle. If that's the case, perhaps we sneak inside and offer our services. So I'm with Heccan. I guess the exact plan depends partially on the terrain and cover. Anyone have overland flight or the like that would allow a scout to keep up, especially if the scout could use tree cover? I like the idea of using message to relay info back. I'm assuming tracking a large group of such big creatures wouldn't be particularly hard, especially since we know the direction and size of the group.

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"I have overland flight prepared, but I ain't exactly enthused about following a bunch of giants on my lonesome. Not unwilling, if that's the consensus view, mind you.
"I'm with Caduceus. Take them out before we get there."

GM Abraham |

I'm hearing 2 votes for fight them sooner and 2 votes for fight them at the castle. Need a tie breaker. Also, need to know what speed you all are moving at - I think at least one of you has a movement speed of 20' - in which case the whole question may be moot anyway.

GM Abraham |

Tytus will move to the end of the group and kneel down to sly drink his extract, using a point of inspiration.
[Dice=Sleight of hand]1d20+1d6+2
@Tytus, the giants have already left. Are you still doing this?

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I was not utterly sure, that they are gone gone, but yes Tytus would like to drink a potion of heroism, to gain some aid in the next hour. Aided by alchemical allocation

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In the interest of moving this along I'll swap my vote to following them.
Edited, realized doing that doesn't deal with the speed issue for our 20 footers. I don't have any way of increasing their speed for any meaningful length of time, and since we haven't heard from them I'll assume they don't either. I guess we are going to just have to follow at the speed we have and see what happens.

GM Abraham |

Combat Round 1
Conditions: Forest squares are difficult terrain
Anen - dmg;
Black Frakas - dmg;
Hector - dmg;
Yellow Ogre - dmg;
Green Ogre - dmg;
Orange Ogre - dmg;
Red Ogre - dmg;
Caduceus - dmg;
Martin - dmg;
Heccan - dmg;
Blue Hill Giant - dmg;
Brown Hill Giant - dmg;
Green Hill Giant - dmg;
Grey Hill Giant - dmg;
Purple Dire Wolf - dmg;
Pink Dire Wolf - dmg;
Blue Dire Wolf - dmg;
Red Dire Wolf - dmg;
Tytus - dmg;
After some debate, the pathfinders follow after the group of giants moving towards Zoarth's castle. If the giants take any note of the group following them, they do not show it, though the wolves appear to stop and sniff the air from time to time. While there is some consideration of possibly waylaying the giants along the road, they soon discover that the giants are moving considerably faster than the pathfinders, even with the cart being pulled by the ogres. There are many obstacles along the way that the pathfinders must painstakingly find their way around, but which the giants easily step over or around. As a result, it is not long before the giants have faded from view entirely, and eventually the group cannot even hear their coarse giant songs.
Still, the path towards the castle is not hard to follow, and the pathfinders continue along for hours: 1d4 ⇒ 2 Tytus, your heroism extract has expired. before the path enters a wood. Just as the group is about to emerge into a clearing with a peculiar stone circle, they suddenly realize that they are surrounded by the very same giants they met earlier. It's an ambush! Fortunately, the giants are not particularly stealthy, even hidden in the trees and behind boulders, and therefore the pathfinders are able to react. (i.e. no surprise round)
Caduceus: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (10) + 0 = 10
Anen: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23 +4 w/Heightened Awareness
Tytus: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
Heccan: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8
Hector: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (4) + 12 = 16
Martin: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9
Hill Giants: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (8) - 1 = 7
Ogres: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (15) - 1 = 14
Dire Wolves: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
Frakas: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21
Anen may act!

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Anen casts haste, targeting the entire party.
Casting defensively, just in case, DC 21: 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (1) + 22 = 23
He then flies straight up 20'.
Fly check, DC 20: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (19) + 15 = 34

GM Abraham |

Combat Round 1
Conditions: Forest squares are difficult terrain; haste;
Anen - dmg;
Black Frakas - dmg; charging (-2 AC);
Hector - 19 dmg; prone;
Yellow Ogre - dmg;
Green Ogre - dmg;
Orange Ogre - dmg;
Red Ogre - dmg;
Caduceus - dmg; life link on all;
Martin - dmg;
Heccan - dmg;
Blue Hill Giant - dmg;
Brown Hill Giant - dmg;
Green Hill Giant - dmg;
Grey Hill Giant - dmg;
Purple Dire Wolf - dmg;
Pink Dire Wolf - dmg;
Blue Dire Wolf - dmg;
Red Dire Wolf - dmg;
Tytus - dmg;
Anen urges his comrades to speedy action and then flies above the fray.
The enormous wolf now hungrily charges forward and attempts to take a bite out of Hector!
bite, charge, vs flat-footed: 1d20 + 10 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 10 + 2 = 28
dmg: 2d6 + 12 ⇒ (2, 5) + 12 = 19
trip, charge, vs flat-footed: 1d20 + 13 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 13 + 2 = 30
The wolf tears a chunk of flesh from brave Hector and sends him tumbling to the ground.
Hector may act!
Reminder to everyone that you do not currently have weapons or other stuff in hand.

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Hector curses in frustration at the giants flipping the script, and even moreso that the brutish wolf got the better of him.
Drawing on his inner reserves, Hector kips-up to his feet, draws his rapier, and attacks the wolf.
Attack #1 w/Rapier +2 w/ haste: 1d20 + 18 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 18 + 1 = 20
#1 dmg w/ 5 precision if applies: 1d6 + 9 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 9 + 5 = 18
1 panache to kip-up as swift; draw while taking 5ft step = move action; attack as standard

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"Blast, the devils! How dare they ambush our ambush. Cretins." Heccan curses in Infernal for good measure then draws upon his dark power. He lets the power of the Pitt course through him, guardedly using it to cast a spell. The devilish sorcerer fades from view.
Defensive Cast Greater Invisibility v DV 23: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (19) + 19 = 38

GM Abraham |

Combat Round 1
Conditions: Forest squares are difficult terrain; haste (rnd 11);
Anen - dmg;
Black Frakas - dmg; charging (-2 AC);
Hector - 31 dmg;
Yellow Ogre - dmg;
Green Ogre - dmg;
Orange Ogre - dmg;
Red Ogre - dmg; grappled;
Caduceus - 10 dmg; life link on all;
Martin - dmg; grappled;
Anax Imperator - dmg;
Heccan - dmg; Greater Invis (rnd 11);
Blue Hill Giant - dmg;
Brown Hill Giant - dmg;
Green Hill Giant - dmg;
Grey Hill Giant - dmg;
Purple Dire Wolf - dmg;
Pink Dire Wolf - dmg;
Blue Dire Wolf - dmg;
Red Dire Wolf - dmg;
Tytus - 9 dmg;
Hector leaps to his feet and attempts to drive his rapier into the behemoth wolf that bit him, but his seemingly rattled, as his attack misses badly.
The Yellow Ogre now rumbles forward, pushing his way through the trees and swinging his greatclub at Hector...
greatclub: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20
... but he is clearly out of his league.
The Green Ogre tries to show his comrade how it's done...
greatclub: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27
CRIT CONFIRM? greatclub: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11
dmg: 2d8 + 7 ⇒ (8, 2) + 7 = 17
... and lands a lucky blow on the already wounded Hector.
At the other end of the line, the Orange Ogre dashes through the woods and brings his club down upon Tytus' head.
greatclub vs flat-footed: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21
dmg: 2d8 + 7 ⇒ (2, 5) + 7 = 14
Finally, the Red Ogre moves up through the rough terrain and attempts to pull the weird slug creature off of his dragonfly mount.
Grapple vs flatfooted: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (19) + 9 = 28 This will provoke an AoO from Martin if you have a way of making one while flat-footed
The Ogre tears Martin straight out of his saddle, pulling him close into a tremendous smelly bear hug! He does not appear to have bathed in many years.
I've added an token for your dragonfly companion on the map since they are now in separate squares.
Caduceus' life link now triggers (healing both Hector and Tytus for 5 each, and giving Caduceus 10 dmg).
Heccan quickly turns himself invisible.
Caduceus, Martin, and Anax may act!

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"F*!* off, ye daft gob-shitte."
Martin struggles to break free, after studying his foe (incidentally learning how many hit points it has).
CMB: 1d20 + 13 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 13 + 2 = 26.
If he breaks free, he will then try to remount his dragonfly as a swift action...
Ride: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (19) + 10 = 29.
...following which, his mount withdraws.

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The holy warrior draw his blade and calls upon Iomedae to bless his allies while smiting his enemies.
Casting Prayer (CL 9)
+1 Luck bonus to attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks, while each of your foes takes a –1 penalty on such rolls.[/oo]
[ooc]First of 9 rounds. 8 of 9 remain.
Looks like it will get nine of them. DARK BLUE and the others are out of range.