Saga of a New Land

Game Master vayelan

A Kingmaker campaign of politics, intrigue, and war.

Greenbelt and Barony Map
Stolen Lands Map
The Abandoned Fort

Labyrinth Exploration Map

Encounter Map: Isle of the Lizard King

Party Loot and NPCs
Quest Log
Kingdom Tracker Spreadsheet

Kingdom Building Rules
Kingdom Turn Sequence

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Male Human Cleric 7 (HP 51/51 ;AC16,T11,FF15; F+8,R+5,W+11; Init +1; Perc +4){Effects:none}
DM Vayelan wrote:

I had a lot of fun coming up with a list of the superstitious, bigoted rumors that frontier townsfolk might spread.

The montage of "on the street" interviews from the first Sam Raimi Spider-Man movie also came to mind while working on this.


It about sends Bydar into a fit, but it's great :)

Male Human (Ulfen) Ranger 7; Hp: 76/76; AC 18; F:8, R:7, W:4; Perc +12
HP 44/44; AC 19; F: 7, R:8, W:5 ; Perc +6

I read the discussion tab before reading those, and its all I could think of while I read them!

I've realized that the party's original plan was to visit the kobolds again before heading to the sycamore tree. Given how close the two locations are, it would be possible to detour at the kobolds' home then continue to the tree in one day.

Should we retcon that you dropped supplies off with Kip and his tribe first, then arrived at the old tree?

Male HP:72/72 AC:19 T:14 FF:14 F:+6 R:+5 W:+4 Perc:+11 Init:+5 Bastard Sword +12, 1d10+3 CMB:+10 CMD:+20 Human Cavalier 7 (Daring Champion)

That was the plan yes.. If people are up for it we can drop of the wagon here since the rain is so bad...we could travel faster without it then. It was needed mainly to get supplies to the Kobolds. What little is left we should be able to place on the horses. I would like to retcon...anyone else?

CG Male Halfling uRogue 1/Wizard 3/Arcane Trickster 1| HP: 36/36 | AC: 14 [22] T: 14 FF: 11 [22] CMD: 14 | F+3 R+8 W+7 +2 vs Fear | Init +3 | Perception +20, +1 vs traps Low-Light |
Tracked Resources:
Spells 1st 4/4, 2nd 3/3; Extend 3/3; Reservoir 3/4

Works for me!

Male Human (Ulfen) Ranger 7; Hp: 76/76; AC 18; F:8, R:7, W:4; Perc +12
HP 44/44; AC 19; F: 7, R:8, W:5 ; Perc +6

I'm good with that.

Male Human Cleric 7 (HP 51/51 ;AC16,T11,FF15; F+8,R+5,W+11; Init +1; Perc +4){Effects:none}

Fine and dandy

I'm glad we worked that out.

An hour or two after my previous gameplay post, I was lying in bed trying to go to sleep, when I suddenly realized, "Crap! The party wanted to visit the kobolds first!"

CG Male Halfling uRogue 1/Wizard 3/Arcane Trickster 1| HP: 36/36 | AC: 14 [22] T: 14 FF: 11 [22] CMD: 14 | F+3 R+8 W+7 +2 vs Fear | Init +3 | Perception +20, +1 vs traps Low-Light |
Tracked Resources:
Spells 1st 4/4, 2nd 3/3; Extend 3/3; Reservoir 3/4

XD I've had those moments too! I don't know about you, but then I get this horrific itch in my brain to rectify the situation and I either have to post about it or resign myself to the fact that I won't sleep.

Male Human Cleric 7 (HP 51/51 ;AC16,T11,FF15; F+8,R+5,W+11; Init +1; Perc +4){Effects:none}

Ack. Sorry, busy two days. I'll catch up

@Booker: to clarify, are you first going down the east or west tunnel?

Male HP:72/72 AC:19 T:14 FF:14 F:+6 R:+5 W:+4 Perc:+11 Init:+5 Bastard Sword +12, 1d10+3 CMB:+10 CMD:+20 Human Cavalier 7 (Daring Champion)

I will be going into surgery this Monday and will be home that evening. I am not sure when I will feel the urge to post, it could be a couple of days. Bot me as needed please.

Male Human (Ulfen) Ranger 7; Hp: 76/76; AC 18; F:8, R:7, W:4; Perc +12
HP 44/44; AC 19; F: 7, R:8, W:5 ; Perc +6

Best wishes m’lord!

CG Male Halfling uRogue 1/Wizard 3/Arcane Trickster 1| HP: 36/36 | AC: 14 [22] T: 14 FF: 11 [22] CMD: 14 | F+3 R+8 W+7 +2 vs Fear | Init +3 | Perception +20, +1 vs traps Low-Light |
Tracked Resources:
Spells 1st 4/4, 2nd 3/3; Extend 3/3; Reservoir 3/4

Good luck, hope all goes well!

Weird, sorry GM, I could have sworn I stated that Booker'd follow the red arrow first (which looks like the eastern tunnel to me), but looking back at my post, it isn't there at all!

Lord Christian D'Elagante wrote:
I will be going into surgery this Monday and will be home that evening. I am not sure when I will feel the urge to post, it could be a couple of days. Bot me as needed please.

We'll all be wishing you well. Take your time and recover properly.

We'll be here for you when you are feeling up to posting again.

Female Changeling Sorcerer (Sage) 7 | 37/37 HP | AC16 T13 FF14 | CMD15 | F +3 R +5 W +8 | SR 13 | Init +3 | Perc +9 | Arcana +17, Dungeoneering +15, Fly +6, History +13, Local +11, Planes +16, Religion +12, Sing +8, Spellcraft +17 | Spells: 3rd 5/5 2nd 7/7 1st 7/8 | Conditions: Mount

Take it easy, Christian! Hope things went well and we'll see you again soon.

Male HP:72/72 AC:19 T:14 FF:14 F:+6 R:+5 W:+4 Perc:+11 Init:+5 Bastard Sword +12, 1d10+3 CMB:+10 CMD:+20 Human Cavalier 7 (Daring Champion)

Thank you for the well wishes. All went well and now I just need to recover and heal.

CG Male Halfling uRogue 1/Wizard 3/Arcane Trickster 1| HP: 36/36 | AC: 14 [22] T: 14 FF: 11 [22] CMD: 14 | F+3 R+8 W+7 +2 vs Fear | Init +3 | Perception +20, +1 vs traps Low-Light |
Tracked Resources:
Spells 1st 4/4, 2nd 3/3; Extend 3/3; Reservoir 3/4

I've returned to work today! The first week back is always a doozy, apologies in advance if my posting is sub-par or I miss a day!

Male HP:72/72 AC:19 T:14 FF:14 F:+6 R:+5 W:+4 Perc:+11 Init:+5 Bastard Sword +12, 1d10+3 CMB:+10 CMD:+20 Human Cavalier 7 (Daring Champion)

no problems

I will have a post up later tonight.

Male Human Cleric 7 (HP 51/51 ;AC16,T11,FF15; F+8,R+5,W+11; Init +1; Perc +4){Effects:none}

Did anyone else want the Ring of protection?

CG Male Halfling uRogue 1/Wizard 3/Arcane Trickster 1| HP: 36/36 | AC: 14 [22] T: 14 FF: 11 [22] CMD: 14 | F+3 R+8 W+7 +2 vs Fear | Init +3 | Perception +20, +1 vs traps Low-Light |
Tracked Resources:
Spells 1st 4/4, 2nd 3/3; Extend 3/3; Reservoir 3/4

Booker'd like it, but, again, last priority here!

Male Human (Ulfen) Ranger 7; Hp: 76/76; AC 18; F:8, R:7, W:4; Perc +12
HP 44/44; AC 19; F: 7, R:8, W:5 ; Perc +6

I'd vote Bydar, since he's got a pretty low AC for being fully armored.

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Male Human Cleric 7 (HP 51/51 ;AC16,T11,FF15; F+8,R+5,W+11; Init +1; Perc +4){Effects:none}

Actually, and before I forget completely, the ring has lead to another possible hook if we want to give our good GM more homework... Now's not the time to ICly discuss it as DRAGONS are more important, but Bydar lucked out on the knowledge noble roll

To share the spoiler OOCly


You recognize the emblem on the signet ring, finding that it belongs to the Redshields, a merchant house that grew out of servants, soldiers, and artisans from the employ of House Rogarvia who did not become folded into House Surtova or the other noble houses.

You are familiar with this merchant house because of their patronage of the arts, but rather than an act of philanthropy, this is widely regarded as an attempt to earn influence and respect with the ultimate goal of becoming an officially recognized noble house in Brevoy.

Their political influence remains middling at best, but they maintain considerable financial assets and connections.

The ring might be worth more as a diplomatic offering to the Redshields to draw their business to the Stolen Lands. Which could have some headaches but some gains. Bydar might find their ambitions a bit sad, but they're understandable.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Bydar wrote:

Actually, and before I forget completely, the ring has lead to another possible hook if we want to give our good GM more homework... Now's not the time to ICly discuss it as DRAGONS are more important, but Bydar lucked out on the knowledge noble roll

To share the spoiler OOCly


You recognize the emblem on the signet ring, finding that it belongs to the Redshields, a merchant house that grew out of servants, soldiers, and artisans from the employ of House Rogarvia who did not become folded into House Surtova or the other noble houses.

You are familiar with this merchant house because of their patronage of the arts, but rather than an act of philanthropy, this is widely regarded as an attempt to earn influence and respect with the ultimate goal of becoming an officially recognized noble house in Brevoy.

Their political influence remains middling at best, but they maintain considerable financial assets and connections.

The ring might be worth more as a diplomatic offering to the Redshields to draw their business to the Stolen Lands. Which could have some headaches but some gains. Bydar might find their ambitions a bit sad, but they're understandable.

Ah, I'm glad to see that this potential plot hook did not go unnoticed!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Human Cleric 7 (HP 51/51 ;AC16,T11,FF15; F+8,R+5,W+11; Init +1; Perc +4){Effects:none}
DM Vayelan wrote:

Ah, I'm glad to see that this potential plot hook did not go unnoticed!


I figure this means Bydar will roll a natural 1 when it's time to notice the giant sneaking up behind him one day just to balance things out ;)

Male HP:72/72 AC:19 T:14 FF:14 F:+6 R:+5 W:+4 Perc:+11 Init:+5 Bastard Sword +12, 1d10+3 CMB:+10 CMD:+20 Human Cavalier 7 (Daring Champion)

I forget...Did Bydar let the others know about the signet ring?

Male Human Cleric 7 (HP 51/51 ;AC16,T11,FF15; F+8,R+5,W+11; Init +1; Perc +4){Effects:none}
Lord Christian D'Elagante wrote:
I forget...Did Bydar let the others know about the signet ring?

I don't think so before now, at least not it's identification, but the latest post in the RP thread should correct that just in case

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Human Cleric 7 (HP 51/51 ;AC16,T11,FF15; F+8,R+5,W+11; Init +1; Perc +4){Effects:none}

Booker does not do Easy Mode!


CG Male Halfling uRogue 1/Wizard 3/Arcane Trickster 1| HP: 36/36 | AC: 14 [22] T: 14 FF: 11 [22] CMD: 14 | F+3 R+8 W+7 +2 vs Fear | Init +3 | Perception +20, +1 vs traps Low-Light |
Tracked Resources:
Spells 1st 4/4, 2nd 3/3; Extend 3/3; Reservoir 3/4


Long day with Open House (parents meet the teachers, so we have to put on a bit of a dog and pony show) after school today, so no posts. Please bot as needed!

Female Changeling Sorcerer (Sage) 7 | 37/37 HP | AC16 T13 FF14 | CMD15 | F +3 R +5 W +8 | SR 13 | Init +3 | Perc +9 | Arcana +17, Dungeoneering +15, Fly +6, History +13, Local +11, Planes +16, Religion +12, Sing +8, Spellcraft +17 | Spells: 3rd 5/5 2nd 7/7 1st 7/8 | Conditions: Mount

As an FYI: a few hours ago, I very suddenly developed several symptoms of covid-19, so I'm getting tested in the morning. I will try to keep posting but, y'know, I don't feel super great right now. I am supposed to have results by the end of the weekend.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Human Cleric 7 (HP 51/51 ;AC16,T11,FF15; F+8,R+5,W+11; Init +1; Perc +4){Effects:none}

Hope it comes up negative, take care of yourself

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Human (Ulfen) Ranger 7; Hp: 76/76; AC 18; F:8, R:7, W:4; Perc +12
HP 44/44; AC 19; F: 7, R:8, W:5 ; Perc +6

Best of luck, hope you are okay

1 person marked this as a favorite.
CG Male Halfling uRogue 1/Wizard 3/Arcane Trickster 1| HP: 36/36 | AC: 14 [22] T: 14 FF: 11 [22] CMD: 14 | F+3 R+8 W+7 +2 vs Fear | Init +3 | Perception +20, +1 vs traps Low-Light |
Tracked Resources:
Spells 1st 4/4, 2nd 3/3; Extend 3/3; Reservoir 3/4

Thinking of you Syretia, best of luck!

Female Changeling Sorcerer (Sage) 7 | 37/37 HP | AC16 T13 FF14 | CMD15 | F +3 R +5 W +8 | SR 13 | Init +3 | Perc +9 | Arcana +17, Dungeoneering +15, Fly +6, History +13, Local +11, Planes +16, Religion +12, Sing +8, Spellcraft +17 | Spells: 3rd 5/5 2nd 7/7 1st 7/8 | Conditions: Mount

Thanks for the kind words, everyone. The test sucks, I do not recommend it, but I am feeling okay at the moment.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male HP:72/72 AC:19 T:14 FF:14 F:+6 R:+5 W:+4 Perc:+11 Init:+5 Bastard Sword +12, 1d10+3 CMB:+10 CMD:+20 Human Cavalier 7 (Daring Champion)

best of luck.

I took one back in August. I agree it did not feel nice getting the test done.

Female Changeling Sorcerer (Sage) 7 | 37/37 HP | AC16 T13 FF14 | CMD15 | F +3 R +5 W +8 | SR 13 | Init +3 | Perc +9 | Arcana +17, Dungeoneering +15, Fly +6, History +13, Local +11, Planes +16, Religion +12, Sing +8, Spellcraft +17 | Spells: 3rd 5/5 2nd 7/7 1st 7/8 | Conditions: Mount

Sorry, Bydar, I missed that you'd already brought it up!

Male Human Cleric 7 (HP 51/51 ;AC16,T11,FF15; F+8,R+5,W+11; Init +1; Perc +4){Effects:none}
Syretia wrote:
Sorry, Bydar, I missed that you'd already brought it up!

Not a problem, you have some RL important stuff to worry about!

Male Human Cleric 7 (HP 51/51 ;AC16,T11,FF15; F+8,R+5,W+11; Init +1; Perc +4){Effects:none}

I'll be going to a wedding this weekend so will likely be out of contact all saturday, and might be slow to post on Friday and Sunday

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Male Human Cleric 7 (HP 51/51 ;AC16,T11,FF15; F+8,R+5,W+11; Init +1; Perc +4){Effects:none}

Back. Hope I'm not taking too many liberties with that last IC post

Bydar wrote:
Back. Hope I'm not taking too many liberties with that last IC post

Nope, you're fine.

Male Human Cleric 7 (HP 51/51 ;AC16,T11,FF15; F+8,R+5,W+11; Init +1; Perc +4){Effects:none}
Whilst establishing cookfires and a triage, the rest of the party has time to take stock of the refugees. About twelve families have escaped from Mefcifax's rampage on their village: one gnomish, two dwarven, and the rest human.

Two Dwarven families? Presumably with a chance for single daughters close to Brightshield's age?

*Shelynite Shipping INTENSIFIES*

Male Human Cleric 7 (HP 51/51 ;AC16,T11,FF15; F+8,R+5,W+11; Init +1; Perc +4){Effects:none}

And knocked off a hundred gold from character sheet for the tools

Male HP:72/72 AC:19 T:14 FF:14 F:+6 R:+5 W:+4 Perc:+11 Init:+5 Bastard Sword +12, 1d10+3 CMB:+10 CMD:+20 Human Cavalier 7 (Daring Champion)

I am fine with that but we may find items of use at the ruins...we shall see...

Lord Christian D'Elagante wrote:
I did ask about bringing such items as horses, wagons and supplies with us but I am assuming that there were no such items to be had.

Aside from the party's animals, the only steed around Oleg's Trading Post is the Levetons' jittery horse Claptrap, which Svetlana rode south first to find you then pass your message along to Charis.

CG Male Halfling uRogue 1/Wizard 3/Arcane Trickster 1| HP: 36/36 | AC: 14 [22] T: 14 FF: 11 [22] CMD: 14 | F+3 R+8 W+7 +2 vs Fear | Init +3 | Perception +20, +1 vs traps Low-Light |
Tracked Resources:
Spells 1st 4/4, 2nd 3/3; Extend 3/3; Reservoir 3/4

Claptrap is fantastic :) Assuming this is a Borderlands reference.

Booker Marmilade wrote:
Claptrap is fantastic :) Assuming this is a Borderlands reference.

I can't take credit for this, since the first book in the AP actually gives Claptrap as the horse's name. However, when I first read it, I also immediately assumed it was a Borderlands reference.

Female Changeling Sorcerer (Sage) 7 | 37/37 HP | AC16 T13 FF14 | CMD15 | F +3 R +5 W +8 | SR 13 | Init +3 | Perc +9 | Arcana +17, Dungeoneering +15, Fly +6, History +13, Local +11, Planes +16, Religion +12, Sing +8, Spellcraft +17 | Spells: 3rd 5/5 2nd 7/7 1st 7/8 | Conditions: Mount

The first volume was released about 5 months or so after the original Borderlands, so it's definitely possible!

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Male Human (Ulfen) Ranger 7; Hp: 76/76; AC 18; F:8, R:7, W:4; Perc +12
HP 44/44; AC 19; F: 7, R:8, W:5 ; Perc +6

Should we make a 'to-do' list? There seem to be a lot of loose strings we need to wrap up eventually, and it might help us keep track of everything rather than just running from crisis to crisis?

Male HP:72/72 AC:19 T:14 FF:14 F:+6 R:+5 W:+4 Perc:+11 Init:+5 Bastard Sword +12, 1d10+3 CMB:+10 CMD:+20 Human Cavalier 7 (Daring Champion)

I think this is a good idea.

Brand Oluffson wrote:
Should we make a 'to-do' list? There seem to be a lot of loose strings we need to wrap up eventually, and it might help us keep track of everything rather than just running from crisis to crisis?

I also endorse this idea. Did one of you want to put it together, or should I?

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