GM VikingIrishman |
Everybody dot in.
Starfinder is awesome and I'm infatuated currently, so we're going to be using the stat generation and increase rules from there, modified for the system, of course.
Step 2: Add and subtract points for race.
Step 3: Spend 10 points customizing your scores. You apply these to your existing ability scores on a 1-for-1 basis—if you have a Dexterity score of 12 and you add a point from your pool, you now have a Dexterity score of 13. You can divide these points up however you want, but you can’t make any individual score higher than 18.
For example, let’s say you’re leveling up your character with the following scores:
STR 10, DEX 16, CON 10, INT 18, WIS 11, CHA 10
You might decide to increase your Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, and Wisdom. Because your Intelligence is 17 or higher, it would increase by 1 to a score of 19. The other three scores would increase by 2, giving you these final scores:
STR 10, DEX 18, CON 12, INT 19, WIS 13, CHA 10
The next time you can increase your ability scores, you could decide to increase those same abilities again, or you could pick a different subset.
Additionally, I use the Background Skills optional rules.
Max HP at first level, average (round up) thereafter
2 traits, 1 drawback (for a total of 3 traits, 1 drawback). The drawback is optional, but I'd prefer you to take one
I prefer the Unchained classes to their standard versions, but if you're dead-set on one of the standard ones we can figure something out
Any Paizo published race/class/archetype/etc is allowed
Third party stuff is subject to my approval
GM VikingIrishman |
This being Hell's Vengeance, Good alignments are disallowed and Neutral alignments probably aren't going to stay that way for long. Also, being someone who is willing to work together even if you don't like a person is gonna be important.
Once everyone dots in and has most of their character concept figured out, I'll set up a gameplay thread.
GM VikingIrishman |
huh Okay First question.....Would you be okay with ua8ng cyber a character studying it and using implants? Important question for reasons.
That's fine by me, but there isn't going to be an outlet for you to purchase anything, so you'll have to end up taking Technologist and Craft Cybernetics and making them yourself.
GM VikingIrishman |
In the realm of alternate stuff, I have my own conversion of feats and mechanics that are still untested, but seem...mostly sound. If all participants are in agreement, we can use them.
Additionally, I'd like to also use an alternative to death modified from THIS. Again, if all participants are in agreement, of course. I know that too many variants can muddy the waters.
Trinam |
Dotting, of course. I've given you my opinions on the mechanical tweaks already because I'm a nerd. 8U
EDIT: Also please note that even with craft cybernetics you still need access to a facility to build it at. These facilities are basically minor artifacts and all of them are in numeria.
The things I have learned from GM'ing iron gods, I s2g.
Matthew Grant 858 |
fair enough. Also my character is finished! I decided on teifling since it made the stats better than a human would have. Plus the feat lost was made up for by claws, meaning that I can kinda do both bombing and if need be drink a str Mutagen and get close range without provoking.
Also due to my loss of Skill points I have forgone dance....I mean he still does but he is never gonna be great at it...Rip. Also quick question, if I take the race bonus to Alchamist, do I loose the Extra Hitpoint a level?
Trinam |
Shield of Blades (Ex): The vigilante’s wild attacks allow him to block his foes’ counterattacks. He gains Power Attack as a bonus feat. If he already has the Power Attack feat, he can immediately swap it for another feat for which he qualified at the level he chose Power Attack. When he takes an attack or full attack action, if he uses Power Attack on every attack to make melee attacks that use his Strength bonus on attack rolls, he gains a shield bonus to his AC until his next turn equal to his penalty on attack rolls from Power Attack. This bonus applies only if he actually takes that penalty on at least one of the attack rolls.
This part just does nothing and I only get the totally cool shield bonus to AC for this vigilante skill, right?
eruzim |
i'm picking the Chelish Noble campaign trait for my character, are there any specific rules or guidelines the GM would like me to follow as far as which house to pick, titles and positions within the house, family connections etc? i'm thinking i'll just err on the side of some minor branch family, but it could set up some really fun NPC connections as well, so...
Trinam |
Here she is, Mrs. Crazy Girl.
Dream #1: +1 Mithral Unholy Scythe. Cleaves through any celestial like butter!
Female Human (Chelaxian) Vigilante 1 (Magical Child)
N/CE Medium Humanoid (Human-Chelaxian)
Init +2; Senses Perception +0
AC 14, touch 10, flat-footed 14 (+4 Armor)
HP 10 (1d8+2)
Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +2
Spd 30 ft.
Melee Scythe +4 (2d4+4/x4, P or S, melee, trip)
Ranged Longbow+0 (d8/x3, P, 100 ft)
Arcane Strike: Swift action. +1 damage/treated as magic
known: 4/2
0 (at will): Detect Magic, Acid Splash, Mage Hand, Mending
1 (2/day): Long Arm, Infernal Healing
Str 16 +3
Dex 11
Con 12 +1
Int 10
Wis 10
Cha 14 +2
BAB +0; CMB +3; CMD 13
1 Weapon Focus (Scythe)
B Arcane Strike
Erratic Malefactor - Your unpredictability and volatile temperament gives you an advantage over your foes. You gain a +2 trait bonus on initiative checks. In addition, you are willing to work with others, and have learned to use your allies’ strengths to reinforce your own skills and abilities. Once per day, as long as an ally is within 10 feet of you, you can reroll a single attack roll or skill check before success or failure is known. You must take the results of the second roll, even if it is worse.
Accelerated Drinker - You may drink a potion as a move action instead of a standard action as long as you start your turn with the potion in your hand.
Heirloom Weapon - (Scythe), +2 bonus on trip attempts
Xenophobic - You have a hard time understanding and trusting those with unfamiliar ways and appearances. You take a –2 penalty on Diplomacy and Sense Motive checks made against creatures of a different race or from a different culture.
Skills5 SP/lvl +2 background
Stealth +4 (1 ranks+3 trained)
Bluff +6 (1 ranks+2 cha+3 trained)
Intimidate +6 (1 ranks+2 cha+3 trained)
Disguise +6 (1 ranks+2 cha+3 trained)
Acrobatics +4 (1 ranks+3 trained)
Appraise +4 (1 ranks+3 trained)
Perform (acting) +6 (1 ranks+2 cha+3 trained)
+4 Intimidate in social form
+20 disguise for vigilante stuff
-2 ACP
Languages Common
Combat Gear 20 arrows
Other Gear scythe, traveler's outfit, longbow, Lamellar Armor (leather), backpack, belt pouch, blanket, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), waterskin, dagger, spell component pouch, Ioun Torch, 16 gp, Masterwork Harrow Deck
Bonus Feat
Bonus Feat
Dual Identity
Transformation Sequence (Standard Action)
Animal Guide (Mongoose, as 1st level wizard familiar, +2 fort)
Seamless Guise
Social Talents
1 Social Grace (Diplomacy)
Vigilante Talents
Trinam |
Two things:
One: Reactionary doesn't stack with Erratic Malefactor; both are a Trait bonus to initiative and typed bonuses don't stack.
Two: Is it three traits, a drawback, and a campaign trait or is it three traits total with a drawback, and one of the traits needs to be a campaign trait?
One moooore thing: Point blank shot is included under the free stuff rules given in the initial info, you could go straight to Precise Shot.
How's the bomb make it to +5 to hit at all times? I count 2 for dexterity, +0 bab, +1 trait, +1 throw anything for a net +4... Point Blank Shot would MAKE it 5 when targeting someone within 30 feet, but you had that listed differently under dagger, so it doesn't seem like it'd be that...?
GM VikingIrishman |
I legitimately love waking up and seeing eight new posts. ^_^
This part just does nothing and I only get the totally cool shield bonus to AC for this vigilante skill, right?
Go ahead and pick another feat, but wow is that strangely worded.
i'm picking the Chelish Noble campaign trait for my character, are there any specific rules or guidelines the GM would like me to follow as far as which house to pick, titles and positions within the house, family connections etc? i'm thinking i'll just err on the side of some minor branch family, but it could set up some really fun NPC connections as well, so...
She's also picking up Noble Scion, so she can officially be Kind Of A Big Deal(tm) if you want.
Honestly, pick whatever you feel works best for your character. I can find a way to make anything less than a Thrune work. Hells, I can find a way to make a Thrune work. Also, holy s&!%, Noble Scion got mega-updated in Heroes of the High Court. If you'd like, you can also use the old Cheliax-specific version of the feat found HERE.
Becky Norin/Hardgore Mary...
Looks good. Which of your pieces of gear is the sentimental one?
Two: Is it three traits, a drawback, and a campaign trait or is it three traits total with a drawback, and one of the traits needs to be a campaign trait?
Three traits total with a drawback, and one of the traits needs to be a campaign trait.
GM VikingIrishman |
RELEVANT THOUGHTS for anyone having difficulty with envisioning an evil character.
This is also a good opportunity to discuss what rating we want to keep the game at. I tend to default to R, but we could swing to PG-13 (or, I guess, NC-17) if that's where we want to go.
Torgueila Valaros |
I think 2 normal traits, one campaign traits, then a drawback. I'll take off reactionary if itndoesnt stack, works out since melaficar is better. Also yes the extra plus 1 was from PBS, forgot to specify. I'm very sick right now so I'm kind of out of it. Will fix it later. But cool can start with precise shot, that's neat.
SnipeHunt |
So according to the PFSRD, Summon Monster I has an alternative monster option... A Bloody Skeleton.
Would it be okay to use this, given the flavor of the campaign at hand?
And also assuming that Deathless does not apply to an extra-planar creature.
GM VikingIrishman |
i'm more confused than ever, lol. "Three traits total with a drawback, and one of the traits needs to be a campaign trait" that means it's actually "one normal trait, one campaign trait, one drawback"?
1 Trait
1 Campaign Trait1 Drawback
1 Trait because of the Drawback
So according to the PFSRD, Summon Monster I has an alternative monster option... A Bloody Skeleton.
Would it be okay to use this, given the flavor of the campaign at hand?
And also assuming that Deathless does not apply to an extra-planar creature.
Sure thing. Deathless would apply if the summoned creature didn't pop back to its own plane upon death and the duration were more than an hour.
SnipeHunt |
Also I should make an important note, while we're still character building.
I hope you guys are okay with cannibalism.
GM VikingIrishman |
Mizu, technically the starting town (Longacre) is too big (~1500 people), but go ahead and select Longacre anyway.
Kali, looks good, but you've reminded me of a thing. For those of you with familiars, pick whatever bonus you want and whatever familiar you want. Does it make sense for a toad to grant an initiative bonus? No, but I'd rather see interesting familiar diversity.
SnipeHunt |
Kali, looks good, but you've reminded me of a thing. For those of you with familiars, pick whatever bonus you want and whatever familiar you want. Does it make sense for a toad to grant an initiative bonus? No, but I'd rather see interesting familiar diversity.
Great! Changing now. And how did you know I wanted a toad! ;P
You need to make sure to write down somewhere what all of Kali's known spells are, as well, since her familiar holds them for her until she memorizes 'em.
I did find it a bit weird that the Witch page didn't have spells known listed. Guess I didn't read far enough in my half-asleep state. Thanks for the catch!