DM Nate |

A gentle breeze blows down the empty road. The fields are beginning to glow in the soft spreading light of the sun as it begins to break above the horizon. A peaceful, quiet scene, but one that is bound not to last... this is the rugged frontier and peace and quiet are in short supply here.

DM Nate |

The temperature is already climbing on this clear summer morning as you make your way through the streets Saishotown. It has been over a week since you met Sung Wo and agreed to meet him here today. Part of you wonders if you've been a fool to travel this far, out to the edge of nowhere, on his word. Saishotown is the last reasonable settlement before countless miles of rocky wastelands; surely there can't really be anything out there worth saving. The old man was probably sent by a rival to get rid of you for a while...
The questions and doubts quickly dissipate when you arrive in the town square. There in front of the post station, exactly where he said he would be, stands Sung Wo. He is accompanied by a trim man of average height, who wears the hood of his light brown cloak up despite the heat. As you draw closer you can see that this man is also wearing an extraordinary suit of mountain-pattern armor and has a jian sheathed at his side.

Zhong Daxia the Monkey |

Zhong waddles over to the square from one of several food carts in the near streets, bearing in his hands four sticks skewering steamed dumpling buns. Eyes unwavering, with a grand smile, he nods low to the old man and his accompaniment, scanning over the armored man subtly in a silent instant.
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 11
Forthcoming after his formal bow, he extends the offerings in his hands to the gentlemen before him.
"Strange morning food they have around here! I've never heard of serving baozi on sticks before entering this town. I couldn't find any pig dumplings on my stroll. I hope these egg ones serve your gullets well!"
He suavely transfers the dumplings to the fellows before him in a manner that raises absolutely no suspicion.
His genuine charity perhaps offsets his uncommon appearance.
Before you stands a shining man of moderate height; perhaps a little taller than average, but nothing out of the ordinary. His eyes are naught but lustrous, his hair is dark and wild. His face is slightly full- he belays an air of one who eats for fun and enjoys himself more often than abstains. This wouldn't be out of place if it weren't for his priestly garments he bore. His coat is a warm beige, his undergarments a deeper red-orange. The nagamaki at his waist seems an oddity as well, in the context of his sociable and light demeanor. A subtly absurd sight when taken in full view indeed.
Sense Motive here is just to assess the social situation before him- the relationship between Sung Wo and this man I don't know.

DM Nate |

You don't get a whole lot on an 11, but they don't seem to be enemies? You know Sung Wo was traveling to recruit other swordsmen, it could be he's one of them who arrived before you...

Gan Naran |

Gan is about 6 foot tall, he moves as if impacted by the large and heavy suit of armour he wears although he still seems quite casual.
He wears a dragonscale O-Yoroi of exceptional quality, with a Uchigatana hanging from his belt, a darkwood shield patterned with a dragon on it and a haversack on his back.
Naiz is a large black wolf, almost boringly black his coat is so dark, he is wearing an ornate suit of studded leather barding and would look quite fearsome if he was not trying to get to the Yakatori that Gan is skillfully just keeping out of his mouth.
Sauntering through the streets, Gan munches on his Yakitori (Meat on a stick) and holds another ahead of him as a lure for Naiz. Gan has Naiz wearing his beautiful studded leather barding so that he seems tame and thus less likely to scare the people. As he approaches the town square he stops and stares and Naiz catches the Yakatori in his mouth and pulls the meat of the stick.
"Most excellent to see you my friend and you have others with you, presumably they shall be accompanying us, let me introduce myself, I am Gan and this is my friend Naiz" Naiz takes this opportunity to lunge for and catch in his mouth the other Yakatori stick that Gan held and had just pointed at Naiz when introducing him.
After losing his snack to his big friend, Gan sheepishly says "Who knew wolves liked the local cuisine"

Sung Wo |

Sung is a short man, made shorter by a reliance on a cane. He moves with a slight limp, but seems to be in no discomfort. His hair is dark where it is not grey, and his clothes are non-discript.
"Welcome Zhong Daxia, your reputation precedes you." Sung says with a warm smile.
"You honor me with your presence and your gift." he says as he gladly accepts the dumplings.
"This is my friend, Kojima, a skilled swordsman and loyal companion." as he features toward the man beside him.
"I have arranged rooms for you at The Silver Panda, and will address the reason for my contact there, when the others join us, though I would not disrespect questions now with silence."

Kenoichi Harida |

Kenoichi stands a good six feet, although the four spikes protruding from the elaborate helmet of his battle-vetted o-yoroi armor stretch that to almost seven. His thick-corded muscles are apparent even under the bands of the armor. His face covered with grinning-demon mask, half of red and half yellow, it is difficult to read his intentions save through his body language. A blade, almost as long as the man is tall, adorns his waist, one hand resting on its hilt in order to keep it from dragging on the ground, or, perhaps in readiness. An exquisite longbow wraps itself around his backpack, which speaks of the length of his journey to get here.
Kenoichi approaches the growing group, removing his helmet to reveal warrior's face, somewhere approaching the middle of its lifespan, lined with expressive creases and the occasional scar. Not altogether unhandsome, it is rather merely plain in its features excluding the scars. Kenoichi offers Sung Wo a courteous bow.
"Master Wo,it is an honor to once again be in your presence." he says, his voice as plain as his voice, if a bit deep and perhaps slightly scarred or maybe just dry from the road. Straightening, he concludes "Especially if your reputation for delivering on your promises of worthwhile ventures remains intact."

Sung Wo |

Turning to face the new arrivals, Sung greets the tall warrior.
"Greetings Gan Naran. We are humbled by your presence." he says, returning the bow.
"I am pleased to see that you saw fit to include your friend in the invitation." he continues, tossing the wolf a chunk of dumpling.
"If my message excluded him, it was an oversight caused by haste, not intent."

Sung Wo |

"Master Kenoichi Harida!" the old man cries with such surprise that he very nearly startles himself.
"My old friend, in my heart I dared not hope the message would reach you in time, but I knew if it did, you would come. Is it possible that you have grown since we last met?" he jokes, sizing up the big man, "Or have I begun to shrink?"
He introduces the men present to one another, then invites them to rest at the inn, or wait with him for the others to arrive.

Kenoichi Harida |

"Grown? Old, maybe. Fat, perhaps. Still strong as an ox, and every bit as smart, to be sure." Kenoicchi laughs. He stands over the bent man, examining him. "No, I guess you haven't shrunk so much as bent under the weight of wisdom. Lucky for me, I am free of such heavy thoughts as must occupy your venerable skull."
Introduced to the other warriors, he bows respectfully. "Master Wo must have some grand scheme indeed to invite such notable figures as yourselves to these- ahem- proceedings, whatever they may be."

Gan Naran |

Gan looks over each of the warriors
"I am a druidic protector of the wilds, I use my Uchigatana and shield with Naiz assistance in combat and getting from place to place quickly. I also have some magic that can heal or assist us."
He pats his blade and then Naiz, he deftly dodges the mischievous lick the big wolf aims at him...

Vashiro Hitaki |

It takes the gathering warriors several moments to realize that one of the passing peddlers has stopped and approached their company. A gray traveling cloak is wrapped around his shoulders, with faded blue garb beneath. Yet to the keen observer, something is off. The pale blue is criss-crossed with countless stitching, creating small hexagons - the tell tale sign of kikko armor. The man's stature is slight and unassuming, standing under five and a half feet, and save for a larger dagger on his belt, he carries no weapon. Still, the walking stick in his hand moves precisely, with a second, matching staff strapped to the tinkerer's tool adorned pack. His long hair has long since gone gray, yet his face barely shows any age on it. Beyond that, the man radiates an intense awareness, as though a predatory feline stalking its prey.
As he steps fully into the circle, he pulls down the scarf that had been across his face. "Greetings Wise Sung Wo. I must offer my apologies, my master dispatched me yesterday to attend to several details on our way here and I have not seen him since last night. I presumed I would arrive after him. Shall I head back out to locate him, or wait here with you? He was likely distracted by a local flower, its spring blossom opening for the first time." A small smirk crosses his lips as he stares at Sung Wo.

Sung Wo |

"Welcome, Vashiro Hitaki. Please, remain with us. Your master's.....habits....are known to us. He is sure to find us when fate and fancy meet. Hiro is known to me, but I recall little about you. Please, if you will indulge an old man, tell us what it is you offer to this venture."
Sung's words seem colder than those who know him are accustomed to hearing, but Vashiro sees the game for what it is.
The true test of a servant is if I act like one when I am treated like one.
now we see if Vashiro sees himself as Hiro's servant, or a companion who sees himself as an equal.

Hiro Tawa |

Somewhere near the outer edges of Saishiotown a man slips out from the back door of a merchants home. His Long wavy black hair slightly blowing in the gentle breeze. He hurriedly tucks his white shirt into his deep-red leather pantaloons and tunic. An ornate uchigatana emblazoned with the crest of a blue lung dangling from his side he starts to make his way toward the center of town. Looking over his shoulder he catches eyes with the merchant's beautiful daughter Aiko...no Aino... Aina?..one last time before blowing her a kiss and rushing away to an important and (almost definitely) already underway meeting.
Finally arriving to the small congregation of gathered swords, Hiro bows slightly toward the old man who requested his presence. "Gentleman! apologies for my lateness. I had some important "duties" that needed my undivided attention." He flashes Vashiro a knowing smile before being somewhat taken by surprise by the presence of a large wolf. So... what did I miss?

Sung Wo |

Once all seven are present, Sung suggests they move to the more comfortable aaccommodation offered by the Silver Panda.
When they are seated,and refreshments supplied, he begins....
"Some time ago a village, shepherded by dear friends of mine, found itself accosted by brigands. Honorless men bent on oppressing and thieving. They have asked for my aid, such that it is, and I will give it. But these foes are far beyond what I might deal with alone. It is a place of modest means, but I have carefully chosen you six, not just for your remarkable martial skills, but for the strength of your hearts.
Some of you I have worked with before, but all of you I know. I see in your souls a hunger not fed by coin. Men of action, not standing. Men who fear no evil, serve no false lords, follow no hollow creed.
These are the men I would see at my side in my time of need.
You owe me nothing, and I can offer little more. But I must ask. Will you ride with me to deliver justice to evil men?"
While it is clear that a weight has been lifted from the old shaman, the speech seems to have drained him emotionally. He sits quietly, waiting.

Zhong Daxia the Monkey |

As the other warriors come out of the woodwork, Zhong greets them each in kind.
"My name is Zhong Daxia. It will be a pleasure serving alongside you."
As Sung Wo proceeds, Zhong's angelic demeanor seems to sheen just a shade more vibrant than before.
Perhaps it was just the sun rising, but his grin bloomed with his skin as the old man's words rung into his heart.
"But of course, esteemed one! This is the reason for they-that-be have formed me. Where are our horizons headed?"
From the folds of his jacket he conjures a little bean cake, and begins to casually nibble on it. To the perceiving eye one may deem it a tick which must be satisfied. However, the young gold one strikes you as a bit goofy.

Sung Wo |

"You have my deepest thanks, Zhong Daxia." Sung takes a sip of a bitter, cold tea, then addresses the question.
"We are headed to Dyerville, a small village 4-5 days traval by horse through an arid wasteland. The village was founded just a few years ago by my dear friend Aang and his wife Rikku. Meant to be a place of refuge for those seeking a simpler way of life." he continues after another sip.
"A few weeks ago, I recieved word of their plight. Dangerous bandits taking crops and livestock by force. I don't have much more detail than that. My plan is to seek horses for the remainder of the day, while you gather what supplies you think you might need, and depart early in the morning."

Kenoichi Harida |
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Kenoichi places the grinning demon mask over his face once more. His old friend would know what this meant, but for the sake of the strangers gathered, he speaks. His voice is deepened and echoing behind the demon's grin. "If these brigands would raise arms against your friends, Master Wo, I would have them taste my steel."

Kojima |

The quiet swordsman looks up from his pork noodles, his clever eyes peering out from under his hood at the other warriors. "I have all I need" he answers Sung Wo, "I'll come with you on whatever errands you need to run."

Gan Naran |

After a quick look through his haversack and food supplies
"I too shall accompany you.. Sung Wo.. maybe you can help me find some alchemists fire, I can never make heads or tails of city markets."

Gan Naran |

I missed the earlier post and replied to the going to market one.
Gan looks ar Naiz and something passes between them and Naiz nods as only a wolf can
"Yes we shall accompany you to see justice done, Sung Wo."

Hiro Tawa |

Hiro pulls a coin from his pocket and begins to flip it between his fingers absentmindedly as he starts to speak.
Let me get this straight. You invited us all the way out here to the edge of civilization...to help out a town of "modest means" as you put it..against an untold number of bandits...with little offer of any reward except maybe the gratitude of a young village maiden?
Count me in."

Vashiro Hitaki |

Prior to Hiro's arrival
As Sung Wo questions Vashiro, the subtle smirk remains on his face, "You don't know much about me? But indeed, why would you? For would it not be foolish for stories to be told about an agent of subterfuge? Given that I have trained to protect against and hunt for those who hunt others, my realm is one of secrecy, stealth, and careful manipulation. A tinkerer by birthright and a swordsman by training, I walk with the footstep of a wraith and the eyes of a hawk, under the guise of the unnoticed."
Seeing his wayward master approaching, Vashiro smiles and laughs. "Master Tawa, it would seem you did not get entirely lost after all. I was afraid perhaps that an Oni had caught you unawares during your quest for the perfect flower." His words are intriguing, both offering respect for his liege, yet also jesting with him as one would a friend or brother.
After Sungo Wo's offer
Vashiro listens to Sung Wo's words carefully. He shakes his head slowly, a stern look across his face as he recalls the fall of his lord's house. "There are far too many ills in these lands, two many who would prey on others. As Master Tawa has already pledged, we are there for the cause."

Sung Wo |

"This is indeed good news." Sung says as the last of the men accept his offer.
"As I said before, I have arranged rooms for all of us here. If any of you have belongings to gather, or business to conclude, please do so. My plan is to set out tomorrow morning." He stands and begins to gather up his pack, and as a bit of an afterthought adds, "I have never been to Dyerville, perhaps it would be wise for someone to learn what we can of it from here. If one of you has an affinity to such tasks. Shall we all meet back here for evening meal?"
Once packed up, he leaves to attend the task of acquiring horses, and perhaps a cart or small wagon.

DM Nate |

The Silver Panda is a reasonably nice establishment, certainly the nicest in Saishotown. Each of the low, lacquered wooden tables in the common room is surrounded by embroidered cushions for guests to sit on, and the refreshments Sung Wo ordered were fresh and well prepared. There are several other parties seated around other tables by the time the old man convenes this first gathering, but no other guests are notable enough to be recognized.
So, I need to know who all is going with Sung Wo to arrange transport and provisions, and what anyone not going with him intends to do with the rest of the day?

Gan Naran |

Gan will accompany Sung Wo as he is not very comfortable in towns and doesn't want to accidentally cause trouble, plus he has everything he needs that he knows of, maybe Sung might have some ideas he hadn't thought of.

Zhong Daxia the Monkey |

In a more suave manner, the golden boy stows away the rest of his cake in places unknown. The tone of the words proceeding out of his mouth betray some mystic double-speak, and while his prior mannerisms proved to mark his intent true, one would wonder if cakes are all that's up the shiny man's sleeves...
"I would love to wander through these streets with you, Teacher. There were more precarious smells I didn't have the luxury of pinpointing on my way over... I myself have always found the spirits to be working their luckiest wonders only where the tastiest tables are laid."

Vashiro Hitaki |

"The more we know about the town, it's inhabitants, and those bringing misery to it, the better we will be prepared to handle the challenges that lie before us. While not a master of words and their meanings, I can likely get some information from the folk here regarding this Dyerville. Master Tawa and I, we are used to the road and require little else before departing. As such, I will be off into the town."
With his concluding words he offers a curt nod before moving off among the townsfolk. He keeps his questions loose and calm as he works to learn more of their pre-determined destination.
diplomacy (gather information): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10

Hiro Tawa |

Vashiro is right (muttering)as usual. I'm sure the fine folks of Saishotown will be more than happy to help us before we leave for Dyertown or whatever it is. Especially, the fine drunk folks. I'll check out the inns and bars and see what I can find.
Hiro stands and begins to make his way toward the bar...
Ahem, Oh and anyone who might want a drink before they leave should probably come with me.
diplomacy: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (9) + 15 = 24

DM Nate |

Sung already has a lead on horses and a wagon. He leads most of his new companions to a ranch just outside of town, to the southwest. After only a small bit of haggling, arrangements are made and transportation secured. The fifteen minute walk back into town is uncomfortably hot as the midday sun beats down.
Returning to Saishotown brings the welcome shade of porch roofs and tree branches. Unfortunately you are not the ones using it. As you cross the first alley in town a heavy set man with a long, wispy moustache steps out into the street in front of you. He is wearing threadbare silks that clearly 'hide' some kind of armor beneath them, and he has a five-foot long gau held in his right hand and resting across his shoulders. "Sung Wo," he calls out, "what business do you have here in Saishotown?"
everyone can feel free to make perception and/or sense motive checks if theyd like. Except, of course, Hiro and Vashiro who are off gathering info.

Sung Wo |

Sung squints a little, trying to recognize the man and replies "As usual, I am about the business of making whatever corner of the world I am in a better place, friend. Currently, that involves finding some rest and drinks for my company. I'm sorry if memory has failed me, stranger, have we met?"
The question is posed both to let the others know he doesn't recognize the man, and to give him the opportunity to state his business.
perception: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (20) + 18 = 38
taking care to scan for allies the man may have watching from the background.
sense motive: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (11) + 19 = 30

Kenoichi Harida |

Kenoichi steps between the stranger and his old friend. An eye for ambushes, having survived more than one, darts where one might come from.
Perception 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (7) + 13 = 20
He sizes up the man's intentions, ready for anything, almost hoping for trouble.
Sense Motive 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15
"Where did one such as you arrive by Master Wo's name, stranger? And by who's right do you toss it about the street like and unwanted dog?"]

DM Nate |

"No, old man, you never met me," the stranger answer with clear disdain, "but the posse you put together killed my brother and I'm looking to settle the score..."
Perception: ...perhaps because he is not one man- there are 4 other men hidden in the alley. They are well hidden- it looks like they really took their time to find the best spots and even rearranged some of the items to better conceal themselves; even you would not have spotted them if fortune had not been on your side.

Sung Wo |

This one seems bent on destruction, but perhaps his cohorts aren't as foolhardy.
"It's true. Your brother paid the price for his deeds. His heart was black, and soul knew no remorse."
He goes on, pointing to the men hidden in the ally,
"But these men, do they know why they follow you? Do they know what your kin did? Would they draw swords for you if they knew the truth?"
He goes on, trying to cast doubt into the men in hiding.
"If those men saw what YOUR brother did, to those families, to those children, would they be willing to die for your petty vengeance?"
if I need a bbluff or diplomacy check, let me know or roll for me.

Zhong Daxia the Monkey |

As the swarthy men approach the old man, himself, and Harida, Zhong just whistles to himself, subtly positioning himself where he should be in case something does indeed arise.
He sizes up the men before him.
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (3) + 10 = 13
Perception: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (14) + 16 = 30
Studied Target on the leader and on the one whom his discernment decides is the most threatening. If none stick out among the rest, then just the one who is the most fore-front positioned.

DM Nate |

Zhong- you see the strangers eyes dart towards the alley when Sung mentions "these men"--a sure sign that the old man is on to something--but looking down the alley you do not see who he's talking about... though you do see signs that some boxes and things have been moved recently...

Zhong Daxia the Monkey |

Zhong sees the fiber of the stout one impeding him, and judges him in his mind as pride-filled slave to false honor. A pig with clothes and a sword. He trusts Sung Wo's story and integrity.
His decision made, the shining one decides to play with his meal before devouring it. Zhong ceases his cheerful whistle and sweetly addresses the boar warrior.
"My friend, please pardon us. Do you wish to see your brother again? As you can see, Wo and I are holy men, and may be able to give you an audience, if a miracle cannot be finagled from the immortals. Should we continue our bickering?"
Should mettle be drawn, he was ready against his unassuming stance. Should Sung Wo and himself find reason or favor with the swine, Zhong did not forget the promise of the Silver Panda.

Vashiro Hitaki |

Despite his efforts, Vashiro's tongue seems to be of little use in this town, as it's secrets remain hidden to him. Heading to the tavern to reconnect with Hiro, he walks in and smiles, seeing the large crowd of townsfolk and drunkards spilling their life stories to Hiro over several drinks. The lad always had a talent with words...
As he sits down at a nearby stool, he gets the strange feeling that something, somewhere, is not quite right...

DM Nate |

The portly swordsman scowls at the revelation that his backup has not gone unnoticed. "Your reputation for seeing through traps is well deserved, old man," he barks, "too bad you noticed too late to avoid it. These men are all kin and they're here for revenge, same as me!"
At his words four more warriors emerge from the shadows. These men are less stout and clad in mountain-pattern armor; two of them have have large daos, like their spokesman, and two of them are wielding pairs of butterfly swords...
Kenoichi: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
Zhong: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15
Gan: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
Sung: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21
Kojima: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (9) + 10 = 19
portly gent: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16
big dao guys: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7
butterfly dudes: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11
Sung and Kojima are up. Currently The party is grouped tightly together enough that it would be difficult for the enemy to flank, and everyone (on both sides) is within 30' of each other.

Kojima |
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Kojima draws his jian, which looks to be made of a sliver of starless night, and moves to position himself just in front of Sung Wo, blocking him from the portly swordsman. Once there he adopts a defensive stance.

Sung Wo |
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Round 1. Initiative 21
Sung activities lifelink on Kojima, Kenoichi aand Zhong. As the old man shifts his stance, his cane seems to jump to his hand.
"When this is over, one of us will give an accounting to his ancestors" he warns the man, "My soul is attoned, are you ready to tell your father that you led your family to its end?"