motteditor RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I'm thinking of running Fire over Blackcrag -- the quick adventure included in Mythic Adventures -- again, since I found it a lot of fun when I ran it previously.
I'm looking for five players, preferably ones who've not read or at least played the adventure before.
I'm looking for people who can post daily, 5-10 times a week. I'm a fairly experienced PBP GM at this point, having three ongoing Adventure Paths; that said, I've found the most difficult games -- one of which I ended up stopping pretty early on due to players not posting with much frequency -- were the single-shot adventures. I'm looking for people who are really willing to commit to one single adventure that, last time, took about six months. No problem if you miss the occasional day (I'm going to disappear for a couple weeks in November for my honeymoon, though if we're quick maybe we can finish by then), but if you start posting every three or four days without letting me know, I may replace you (that said, if you know you have to miss some time for vacation or work or whatever, just tell me in the discussion thread -- I completely understand and have no problem with that vs. unexplained absences).
There will be maps available for some combats, but some will rely on your imagination.
Feel free to ask any other questions about play style/expectations.
Character build rules:
Characters start at 7th level; they'll be in the town of Blackcrag Cove on the northeastern coast of Katapesh, either passing through or stopping by after a recent adventure and can choose to know each other or not as you wish. They do NOT begin as mythic. You will eventually get three mythic tiers, though, if you want to start thinking about how you'll handle those.
20-point buy, 23,500 gp to start, 2 traits (feel free to take them from whatever Paizo source you want), anything from the PRD is fine and check with me on other things -- I'll rule on a case by case basis. I'm also OK with anything from the Advanced Class Guide playtest, with the caveat that they'll be updated once the book is actually out. That said, I'm not likely to pick more than one, maybe two, characters with an animal companion/eidolon since I find combat gets too clunky.
Please let me know what mythic path you plan to take, as I want five different ones so we can explore more of the rules.
No need to go too crazy on back story, since this is a 15-page one-shot adventure, but give me enough to get some idea of your posting style, please. I'm fine if you don't fully stat out the character yet either -- I'll pick based on the characters.
Any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. Recruitment will close by Sunday, June 15, though I reserve the right to close it sooner if I see five applications I like.

Gobo Horde |

Here is a general interest dot :)
I do have a really neat idea (in my head at least) but it involves psionics and a goblin >.>
at its basic it is a goblin aegis wearing medium armor with the powerful build and augmented weapon. He is a small goblin swinging around a large earthbreaker that weighs more than he does (he still only has 5ft reach)
He would be a power attacking vital striker and a mythic champion with mythic vital strike/power attack.
He wouldnt be the most optimized but he would still get pretty decent static bonuses.
Second idea is a breaker barbarian focused on sundering who venerates Rovagug.
Will add more later, its 1 am and im tired :p

motteditor RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 |

Twilse -- this'll be one and done. That said, I've got other games (and I think I may run an Iron Gods PBP when it comes out, though I'm trying to decide if 4 APs is too much), so I'm always looking for good players (I recommended one person from my first Blackcrag game to fill a vacancy in another game I'm playing in, for example...).

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Jib, just FYI, I had a halfling acrobat in my first running of the game.
That's certainly not a critical mark against your character, but if there are two otherwise equal choices, that could be a deciding factor.
Ahhah. What are the odds? Lol
Nonetheless because I just got done writing it out, here it is. =D
Jrat Bumpkins
Male Halfling Rouge 7 (Acrobat)
CG Small humanoid (Halfling)
Init +6 ; Perception +8
AC 23 Touch15, Flat-footed 18 (+4 Dex, +7 Armor, +1 Natural, +1 Dodge)
Hp 40 (7d8)
Fort+3, Ref +14,[/b]Will+3
Speed 20 ft
Melee: +1 Menacing Halfling Sling Staff; +9, 1d4+3/X2
Ranged+1 Menacing Halfling Sling Staff; +11, 1d6+3/X3
Special Sneak Attack +4d6
Str 14, Dex 19, Con 11, Int 7, Wis 10,Cha 15
BAB+5; CMB+6; CMD20
Feats: Run, Ammo Drop, Skill Focus (Acrobatics), Lighting Reflexes, Dodge
Traits: Reactionary, Deft Dodger
Skills: Acrobatics +19(+23 to Jump; +23 (+28 Daredevil Boots) Move Through Enemy Threated Squares), Climb +13, Disable Device +11, Escape Artist +14, Perform: Juggle +9, Slight of Hand + 13, Stealth + 18, Swim + 12
LanguagesCommon, Halfling
Rouge Abilities:
Sneak Attack +4d6
Expert Acrobat
Second Chance (2/day)
Rouge Talents ( Combat Feat: Ammo Drop, Expert Leaper, Offensive Defense)
Unncanny Dodge
+1 Menacing Sling Staff (4000g)
+4 Studded Leather Armor (16000g)
Daredevil Boots (1400gp)
Belt of Tumbling (800 gp)
Halfling Sharp Stones -40- (4g)
Bullets -60-
Wand of Cure Light Wounds (750g)
Cold Iron Bullets - 10 -
Adamantine Bullets -5-
Silver Bullets -20 -
Halfling Juggle Sticks
Belt Pouches -4-
Completly underdatnd if something else you would perfer comes up. Just wanted to throw it out there, and thanks for the heads up. =)

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Drogusk is a Kellid or Orc/Half-Orc (GM Preference) that, in his vagrant wanderings, found himself in a cave in Numeria. Inside that cave, he woke something up. That "creature" bonded with Drogusk and has been with him since.
The "Creature" is a harness that augments the abilities of it's wearer. It's backed with an AI that can provide tactical information and other support as needed. It's spent the past several months rebuilding itself and some corrupted files.
Mechanically, Drogusk is a summoner and the harness is his Eidolon. The Eidolon rides the summoner and uses Aid Another on both him and his allies when possible.
If an Orc/Half-Orc, I'd be going with the Blood God Disciple archetype to represent the harness studying enemies and augmenting it's abilities as needed.
Edit to Add: I've got other characters rolling around in my skull, if you'd prefer one of those. If you wind up running Iron Gods, and I manage to get my foot in the door, this is likely who I'd like to play there.

Cosmic Dream Lord |

I would like to give a Hexcrafter Magus a try. This is a good level for one since I would actually have access to Hexes. I already have a character concept mapped out.
Hymnalaya is a Snowcaster elf from way up north in the Crown of the World. She was talented at both Snowcaster magic and sword artes, so she learned to wield them both at once. The Magus left her home decades ago on a pilgrimage to investigate activity concerning a possible second Earthfall (which turned out to be bogus) and gather data and materials to hopefully reinvigorate her people's culture from its many years of stasis. Hymn joined up with other groups as necessary since everything in Golarion seems to be out to kill her. Her ability to Hex stems from a run in with a hag witch coven she had years back, which ended with her escaping from their dinner (to the Hags, Snowcaster = Ice Cream Dinner) and stealing a small book containing their witch work.

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The concept I have in mind is a warmage-type. Not the front-line type like a magus, but one who stands back and helps out with some offensive spells. He will be wearing armor, with the needed feats and such. He is a smart blaster that can chip in with a few well timed arrows or sword in the side. Will have a variety of skills, but mostly arcane based.

Alistus |

My character is created to be a melee heavy brute. Utilizing his strong bond with his pet badger to obliterate his enemies. I'm actually thinking about switching him from his falchion to claws and bite, to further the connection between him and his young animal friend. With their advanced tactics and flanking abilties Davros and Doraga will destroy their enemies and take their heads as hunting trophies.

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Here's a snippet on Drogusk. Slightly edited from his Kingmaker introduction in another thread.
In an attempt to get all the information I need to create stuff from character backgrounds without having to continually push for information, I am asking that you create backgrounds the following way:
1.) Barbarian host to a foreign intelligence. The battle between savagery and technology wages within Drogusk.
2.) BrainPal: Drogusk is “host” to an intelligence that assists him in his endeavors. It has access to great knowledges and will, at times, share that knowledge (his Eidolon). It has a strong self-preservation protocol and tries very hard to imprint that on Drogusk
3.) A Long Journey: Drogusk has traveled far in his 19 years. He has a wanderer’s soul and has seen many great sights. His most memorable adventure was a town called Torch with a purple flame sitting on the crest of a hill. While there, he explored an oddly square cave and found his BrainPal.
4.) Enjoys solitude and can never find any. He’s never alone now. He’s pretty much always got this avatar in the back of his head speaking to him and informing him of things. Maybe eventually he’ll learn to tune it out? Maybe eventually it’ll drive him mad.
5.) More comfortable in melee. Yells at the BrainPal to “cast spells.” He uses his actions to impement different protocols in the system.
1.) I’m looking forward to awkward interactions with folks as he discusses the ghost that he speaks with and his odd assortment of equipment. I’d like for the equipment to develop as the plot does. I’d love to see his bank of knowledge come in useful. I can see him at some point living a hermit’s life in the woods in a cottage that’s got a lot more going on inside than people might think. Perhaps he’s/ his Companion is rebuilding something from Numeria?
2.) I don’t see him taking on a fatherly role (like several other characters of mine) with the party. I’d like to see him become more of a protective older brother… or maybe even an over-protective younger brother who’s a bit of a hot head. I could see the BrainPal yelling at him as he charges into battle.
1.) He wound up in that cave fleeing from combat. It’s not a big deal to most people, but a Kellid that fled from fear instead of practicality is a Kellid with a lot of shame.
2.) When he was in that cave, he awoke more than just the BrainPal. Something else stirred. It may have followed him. Who knows? (Hint: the GM knows)
1.) Kundarr: Drogusk’s Father. He was a shaman of the Kellids in the Realms of the Mammoth Lords. Drogusk never even had the chance to
2.) Ariana: Drogusk is somewhat smitten with Ariana. Unfortunatelyfor him, she’s happily married. He’s begun considering challenging her husband to signle combat for her hand.
3.) BrainPal: Some might not consider the BrainPal a person. Drogusk knows otherwise. He and the BrainPal have had enough arguments (and he’s lost enough of them) to know that she’s not just a thing.
1.) Passing “near” the Worldwound and seeing all of the chaos and destruction that it had wrought. Also seeing the Templars and the service they provide the people of former Sarkoris. It’s clear that protectors are important and he feels called to that role.
2.) When he found his BrainPal. Suddenly a flood of information was poured directly into his skull. It took him ages to sort out what was happening to him and how to adjust. He’d been given a tool to accomplish many things and now needed a place to use that gift.
3.) Finding civilization again. He’s been reveling in the change. Crazy people and their purple flame…

Tasha Mournglory |

Hello, Motteditor!
I'd like to throw in my hat for this game. :) I hope we can finish this game if you do choose me; I do like your style of gameplay.
I have most of the crunch and the background story ready, I just need to buy equipment and spells. Please let me know what you think!
If chosen, my character would go the Archmage route. (While keeping an eye on her kung fu-aspect. ;) )

motteditor RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 |

OK, let's see what we've got so far (looking at things that have been submitted so far, though please feel free to still submit if you've dotted):
Tazo/Ideyoshi: Human paladin; marshal path; good writeup (Tazo, your submission's good as is. The adventure's located in a small harbor town to the north of Katapesh if you want to try to come up with some link to it, but that's not necessary).
Aebliss/Tasha Mournglory: human wizard; archmage path; writeup is good
cosmic dream lord/Hymnalaya: Snowcaster elf Hexcrafter Magus; need path; writeup is good
twilsemail/Drogusk: human/half-orc "sci-fi summoner"; need path; writeup is good
Alistus: Half-orc hunter/barbarian; champion path; need details on the character's personality, history, etc.
Gobo horde: breaker barbarian focused on sundering who venerates Rovagug; no path listed; no details on personality/history
Jib916/Jrat Bumpkins: Halfling rogue; trickster path; need details on personality, history, etc.
grimdog: elven? war mage; archmage path; need details on personality, history, etc.
Kayne Rhal: human fighter; champion mythic; need details on personality, history, etc.
Hymnalaya and Drogusk are almost complete, just want to know what mythic path you'd be thinking of taking.
For the rest, I'd like to get some more idea of the type of character you're playing. Ideyoshi, Tasha, Hymnalaya and Drogusk are good ideas of what I want to know to be chosen.
For anyone else, you're still welcome to submit!

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twilsemail/Drogusk: human/half-orc "sci-fi summoner"; need path; writeup is good
Crud! I knew I forgot something.
The current plan is for Drogusk to fill a front line melee position. I'd probably place him as a Champion.
That said, depending on party dynamics and relationships I could also see him heading over to Marshal or Guardian.

Suthuri |

I would like to submit Melunni, a half-elf druid for consideration. She's been out of the Mwangi Expanse for only a year now, and she'll probably stumble her way into the adventure- after having flown to the general area. I don't have her stated up as of yet, but druids are a favorite class of mine, so I can crunch one out pretty quickly. I can post again with stats if there is interest in the character.
Traits: Elven Reflexes, Elven Serenity
Feats: Natural Spell, Sharp Senses, Skill Focus (Perception), Self-Sufficient, one other...?
Her build is going to be mostly drawn from the core, with only a few exceptions. With a class drawing from such tried and true material, it should be easy to add mythic to her, even though I lack experience with mythic.
Mythic Path: Whatever is most appropriate for a druid
*:If an animal companion would be too difficult to run, I will gladly change this to a domain. Her story can still work without a feathered mount- considering the possibility of wild-shape.
Her life in the expanse has endowed her with sharp senses, survival instincts, situational awareness, as well as a roc companion. Although devoted to her life as a druid, her curiosity about her mother's fate, and her human side, inspired her to fly over the Brazen Peaks to Katapesh. After a year of futile searching, she decided to return home, but not before stopping at a certain coastal town on the north eastern coast of Katapesh. This was a decision that would change her life.

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So I reworked my character option a bit, he's still a merc, but now he's built as an Eldritch Knight focusing on using Dimentional Agility chain of feats.
His Name: Nate Grind
Occupation: Merc
Having just finished up a mission to track down a rogue necromancer. Nate has been following the road looking to spend he portion of the pay.
Should have a full work up soon, but this is what I'v put together at the moment.

motteditor RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 |

Hey all,
Feral's in one of my other games, so I'm inclined to give him a shot in this one. (Especially because I'm also playing in one of his games and you know you never want to get your GM upset with you.)
You've got about 30 more hours to get a submission in/finalized -- and there's a slight chance for more than that. My fiancee and I are going into NYC tomorrow but I assume I'll have some time to make my picks when I get back; if not, though, I'm getting my eyes dilated (for the first time), and I have no idea how that'll affect me. I get the impression I won't be able to read, which will make picking characters hard, so selections may not be made until later Monday or even early Tuesday.

motteditor RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 |

OK, guys, I think I'm going to go with Skaar, Drogusk, Ideyoshi, Tasha Mournglory and Davro.
As always, thanks everyone for your interest. I hate having to disappoint people, since I know how much it sucks not getting picked, but unfortunately I can't play with everyone. Please post in the discussion thread with your final build and I'll give 'em a look.
I'll put a general first post in the game thread, so please feel free to role-play. As noted, I don't know what tomorrow will be like with this dreaded eye dilation, so I'll probably plan to start the meat of the adventure itself in a couple days.