Your work at the Gold Goblin will affect how it fares. Each week, the owner (or stand-in owner) of the casino will make a Profit Rank check, which will determine the profitability and standing of the casino for the week.
During the week, you can perform actions to help the Goblin gain Profit Points, which are earned off of completing a task and succeeding on its skill check. For example, you can choose to spread the word out about the Goblin (diplomacy check), create advertisements (craft), act as a greeter (diplomacy), try cajoling or tricking people into visiting (bluff), acting as a bouncer (intimidate), spend time threatening competitors (intimidate), performing (perform), working as a dealer or croupier (profession [gambler]), or keeping an eye out for cheaters (perception). If you have a different activity you wish to do, discuss it with me to determine appropriate skills. All of these tasks take 2 hours, and you are able to work for up to four hours a day doing tasks, leaving the rest of the time to adventure, craft magic items, shop, or relax.
You may also donate your personal fortune to help keep the Goblin afloat. Every 50 gp added will give a +1 to the owner’s check, up to a maximum of +5 for 250 gp.