Eyes of the Ten (Inactive)

Game Master drbuzzard

PFS retirement arc

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Indicate where you want to explore on this floor (exposed the map).

You might as well ignore all the '9' rooms as they pertain to now irrelevant faction missions.

Grand Lodge

Male Half Elf Cleric-16/ Ranger-1 (HP 157/157; AC:25, T:14, FF:22; Fort:+18(+20) Ref:+14 Will:+22; Init+5; Perception+28) {i} {0/11 channels used, 2/3 rod-q, 0/3 rod-x, 0/32 hops, 0/11 inspired word +2, pyrex 0/1 might 0/1 } {fly, death ward, prot evil circle, resist fire 30/50min }

Hugo will check the outer ring (2) and if nothing of interest, move to area north (3).

"Abadar will guide us. But we can start in this direction ."

Grand Lodge

Elf 63517-2 NPC Venture-Captain of the Lodge in Bellis, Verduran Forest

Samhain moves to area 3 as Hugo investigates the outer ring, doing a search of his own. Perception: 1d20 + 25 ⇒ (3) + 25 = 28 +1 for traps

As Hugo joins him, he turns towards area 7 to check its features.

You open the door to 2 and it appears to be dark inside beyond what is natural. Must be a permanent darkness effect in there or such.

Grand Lodge

Male Half Elf Cleric-16/ Ranger-1 (HP 157/157; AC:25, T:14, FF:22; Fort:+18(+20) Ref:+14 Will:+22; Init+5; Perception+28) {i} {0/11 channels used, 2/3 rod-q, 0/3 rod-x, 0/32 hops, 0/11 inspired word +2, pyrex 0/1 might 0/1 } {fly, death ward, prot evil circle, resist fire 30/50min }

B"darkness here. What it conceals, we shall see. "

Hugo summons a hound archon and tells it to walk the perimeter.

assuming it arrives, it has darkvision, scent and aura...detecting evil as it moves. (Added to map)

The archon responds "Looks like a cloakroom. There's a bunch of cloaks and masks hanging
on pegs. "

Grand Lodge

Male Half Elf Cleric-16/ Ranger-1 (HP 157/157; AC:25, T:14, FF:22; Fort:+18(+20) Ref:+14 Will:+22; Init+5; Perception+28) {i} {0/11 channels used, 2/3 rod-q, 0/3 rod-x, 0/32 hops, 0/11 inspired word +2, pyrex 0/1 might 0/1 } {fly, death ward, prot evil circle, resist fire 30/50min }

"Interesting. We may need to take some of those. Very good master Archon. Bring 5 of each and come back. We will follow Samhain. "

The archon fetches you 5 cloaks.

Room 3: In the center of this small circular chamber rises a pillar of pale white ether. Within the column twist the ghostly forms of thousands of silently screaming angels.

Room 7: This is a large room whose nauseatingly gaudy decor includes thick, violet carpeting and glass tables set upon white marble bases carved to resemble pyramids. The room is walled with crushed gold-leaf panels set in ebon-lacquered walnut frames and lit by six tremendous iron and crystal chandeliers.

Grand Lodge

Male Half Elf Cleric-16/ Ranger-1 (HP 157/157; AC:25, T:14, FF:22; Fort:+18(+20) Ref:+14 Will:+22; Init+5; Perception+28) {i} {0/11 channels used, 2/3 rod-q, 0/3 rod-x, 0/32 hops, 0/11 inspired word +2, pyrex 0/1 might 0/1 } {fly, death ward, prot evil circle, resist fire 30/50min }

Hugo and the Hound Sounds like the title for a Disney movie will move past the column of angels (unless they seem to be saying something - both can speak celestial). Hugo will move up behind Samhain.

"Samhain, anything you want to try in this dark room? I can send in the archon to see what he finds"

Grand Lodge

Elf 63517-2 NPC Venture-Captain of the Lodge in Bellis, Verduran Forest

Samhain checks the door leading to room 6 and peeks in the closet before turning to Hugo with a shake of his head. "I do not think we have more to do in this room. Let us move on."

Room 6 : This room is lined with iron stands displaying massive scrimshaw tusks from great woolly mastodons, each engraved with thousands of tiny pictographs. Canvases displayed about the room depict artistic renderings of the pictographs along with their conceptual meanings. These translations tell the histories of various tribes living in the Realm of the Mammoth Lords.

Grand Lodge

Male Half Elf Cleric-16/ Ranger-1 (HP 157/157; AC:25, T:14, FF:22; Fort:+18(+20) Ref:+14 Will:+22; Init+5; Perception+28) {i} {0/11 channels used, 2/3 rod-q, 0/3 rod-x, 0/32 hops, 0/11 inspired word +2, pyrex 0/1 might 0/1 } {fly, death ward, prot evil circle, resist fire 30/50min }

If Samhain finds nothing in (6) then Hugo will back up and have the hound archon open the door to (5).

"Let us see what else we have here.

I am assuming the alchemists and Savage are following along...

5: This room is entirely lightless. Within the center stands a massive, metal-framed cylinder filled with strange black liquid. A plaque upon its base reads “The Orvian.” The strange liquid within the cylinder seems to devour any light and gives off an eerie chill.

This is not a magical darkness effect like in the cloakroom, but rather that whatever is in the cylinder is soaking up any light you use to illuminate the room. You can see, unlike in the cloakroom.

DC 25 Perception:
There is a secret compartment beneath the plaque.

Grand Lodge

Male Half Elf Cleric-16/ Ranger-1 (HP 157/157; AC:25, T:14, FF:22; Fort:+18(+20) Ref:+14 Will:+22; Init+5; Perception+28) {i} {0/11 channels used, 2/3 rod-q, 0/3 rod-x, 0/32 hops, 0/11 inspired word +2, pyrex 0/1 might 0/1 } {fly, death ward, prot evil circle, resist fire 30/50min }

Hugo has low-light vision and the archon has both. If Hugo can see at all into the light-absorbing room with a light from his wayfinder, he will search it.

perception: 1d20 + 24 ⇒ (5) + 24 = 29

Grand Lodge

Elf 63517-2 NPC Venture-Captain of the Lodge in Bellis, Verduran Forest

Samhain enters with the rest into the room with the strange liquid. Noticing something, he kneels beneath the cylinder and checks beneath the plaque. "There is a panel here. Let us see here..."
Perception for trap: 1d20 + 25 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 25 + 1 = 29
Disable if needed: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (4) + 15 = 19
Aaaaand, open sesame!

The Exchange

AC28(38)/T18(22)/F23(33)/CMD32(38)||HP202[136]|F:+15(18);R:+17(21);W+11|Percept. +23(+31 trapspotter)|Init.+5(+9) Human Alchemist (Cryptbreaker) 16

Ezrek follows along, peering after his companions.

Silver Crusade

As does Ablin

Samhain detects a trap, but fumbles disarming it.

A gout of black fluid comes rushing out of the tank spraying all over Samhain, and freezing him to the marrow.

damage: 10d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 4, 5, 2, 5, 3, 4, 5, 5) = 39 DC 28 reflex for half. This only affects Samhain.

Grand Lodge

Elf 63517-2 NPC Venture-Captain of the Lodge in Bellis, Verduran Forest

Reflex: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (12) + 15 = 27 Really? *sigh*

Samhain tries to duck his head beneath the sudden spurt of liquid, but is unable to fully avoid it.

69/112 HP

"It seems to have sprung a leak," he says, wiping the stuff off of his skin. He observes what is in the compartment assuming there is no more ichor spraying at him before using a wand to heal himself.

CMW: 2d8 + 3 ⇒ (2, 8) + 3 = 13
CMW: 2d8 + 3 ⇒ (1, 4) + 3 = 8
CMW: 2d8 + 3 ⇒ (7, 6) + 3 = 16
CMW: 2d8 + 3 ⇒ (7, 4) + 3 = 14

full hp

The compartment that you revealed appears to have held some paper, likely with information on them. However the black liquid seems to have ruined them to the point of illegibility.

Truthfully, most of the rooms on this floor have to do with faction missions or background on the Decemvirate. You cannot really miss too much of importance here.

The Exchange

AC28(38)/T18(22)/F23(33)/CMD32(38)||HP202[136]|F:+15(18);R:+17(21);W+11|Percept. +23(+31 trapspotter)|Init.+5(+9) Human Alchemist (Cryptbreaker) 16

Ezrek smiles slightly at Samhain. "If you ever need any help with traps or locks, feel free to ask..."

Grand Lodge

Male Half Elf Cleric-16/ Ranger-1 (HP 157/157; AC:25, T:14, FF:22; Fort:+18(+20) Ref:+14 Will:+22; Init+5; Perception+28) {i} {0/11 channels used, 2/3 rod-q, 0/3 rod-x, 0/32 hops, 0/11 inspired word +2, pyrex 0/1 might 0/1 } {fly, death ward, prot evil circle, resist fire 30/50min }

Shoot, if i had not been driving i would have had Hugo call inspiring word +2 on Samhain for the trap.

"You ok samhain?."

Grand Lodge

Elf 63517-2 NPC Venture-Captain of the Lodge in Bellis, Verduran Forest

Muttering about the ruined papers, Samhain stands by Ezrek. "Indeed. I always forget you are skilled in such matters."

-Posted with Wayfinder


Grand Lodge

Male Half Elf Cleric-16/ Ranger-1 (HP 157/157; AC:25, T:14, FF:22; Fort:+18(+20) Ref:+14 Will:+22; Init+5; Perception+28) {i} {0/11 channels used, 2/3 rod-q, 0/3 rod-x, 0/32 hops, 0/11 inspired word +2, pyrex 0/1 might 0/1 } {fly, death ward, prot evil circle, resist fire 30/50min }

Hugo will send the hound through the doorway to the south.

11: This small gallery displays an impressive collection of Tian art. Upon shelves lining the room rest dozens of handblown glass baubles, each hiding a tiny etching of a bucolic scene within. Above the baubles, stylized brush and ink paintings hang upon the walls, depicting carp and dragons amid rolling waves and wind-whipped mountains. Wooden stands about the room display a menagerie of small ivory carvings, including a pair of foo dogs, several unusual dragons, a bear, a fisherman, a cluster of rats, and an osprey.

An arch to the north opens to a curved passage. To the east, a small antechamber houses a curved staircase rises up into darkness.

Grand Lodge

Male Half Elf Cleric-16/ Ranger-1 (HP 157/157; AC:25, T:14, FF:22; Fort:+18(+20) Ref:+14 Will:+22; Init+5; Perception+28) {i} {0/11 channels used, 2/3 rod-q, 0/3 rod-x, 0/32 hops, 0/11 inspired word +2, pyrex 0/1 might 0/1 } {fly, death ward, prot evil circle, resist fire 30/50min }

Hugo will detect magic in the room, especially on the carvings. He will look and listen for any movement in the room or up the staircase.

perc: 1d20 + 24 ⇒ (10) + 24 = 34

The Osprey carving is magical.

Grand Lodge

Male Half Elf Cleric-16/ Ranger-1 (HP 157/157; AC:25, T:14, FF:22; Fort:+18(+20) Ref:+14 Will:+22; Init+5; Perception+28) {i} {0/11 channels used, 2/3 rod-q, 0/3 rod-x, 0/32 hops, 0/11 inspired word +2, pyrex 0/1 might 0/1 } {fly, death ward, prot evil circle, resist fire 30/50min }

Hugo will pick up the magical osprey carving.

Seems peculiar. Coincidence? I think not. Can any of you make out what this does?

spellcraft: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25

I figure the hound archon returns to his own plane about now

You recognize the osprey to be the same as a figure of wondrous power- silver raven. It is basically a messenger.

Grand Lodge

Male Half Elf Cleric-16/ Ranger-1 (HP 157/157; AC:25, T:14, FF:22; Fort:+18(+20) Ref:+14 Will:+22; Init+5; Perception+28) {i} {0/11 channels used, 2/3 rod-q, 0/3 rod-x, 0/32 hops, 0/11 inspired word +2, pyrex 0/1 might 0/1 } {fly, death ward, prot evil circle, resist fire 30/50min }

Hugo will pick up the osprey figure and put in his pouch.

"Samhain, before we look upstairs, what is thru that door to the south?" (to 10)

If nothing much in 10, will wait for the party to catch up before casting inspiring word on himself and heading up the stairs

10: A towering stone totem pole serves as this hall’s centerpiece, its faces consisting of various jungle animals with anthropomorphic features. A bronze plaque set into its display base reads, “The Mwangi.” Framing the totem, and set upon a backdrop of colorfully patterned cloth, hang an arrangement of wooden masks and shrunken heads.

Grand Lodge

Male Half Elf Cleric-16/ Ranger-1 (HP 157/157; AC:25, T:14, FF:22; Fort:+18(+20) Ref:+14 Will:+22; Init+5; Perception+28) {i} {0/11 channels used, 2/3 rod-q, 0/3 rod-x, 0/32 hops, 0/11 inspired word +2, pyrex 0/1 might 0/1 } {fly, death ward, prot evil circle, resist fire 30/50min }

Hugo will continue to check for magic in the new room while awaiting the troops.

Grand Lodge

Elf 63517-2 NPC Venture-Captain of the Lodge in Bellis, Verduran Forest

"Mwangi art. Hanging cloth... I almost feel as if this is tied to the Tapestry." He checks the hanging cloth and anything else of interest before rejoining the group.

The shrunken heads radiate enchantment magic.

The Exchange

AC28(38)/T18(22)/F23(33)/CMD32(38)||HP202[136]|F:+15(18);R:+17(21);W+11|Percept. +23(+31 trapspotter)|Init.+5(+9) Human Alchemist (Cryptbreaker) 16

Ezrek peers around the rooms, following Hugo and Samhain. "This is a very curious place. Any idea what the shrunken head is?"

Which stairs do you take? The ones in 11 or 12?

There really is nothing else of consequence on the first floor, the shrunken heads are just novelties without any use.

Grand Lodge

Male Half Elf Cleric-16/ Ranger-1 (HP 157/157; AC:25, T:14, FF:22; Fort:+18(+20) Ref:+14 Will:+22; Init+5; Perception+28) {i} {0/11 channels used, 2/3 rod-q, 0/3 rod-x, 0/32 hops, 0/11 inspired word +2, pyrex 0/1 might 0/1 } {fly, death ward, prot evil circle, resist fire 30/50min }

Hugo suggests the eastern stairs up.

Grand Lodge

Elf 63517-2 NPC Venture-Captain of the Lodge in Bellis, Verduran Forest

Samhain nods his agreement. Turning, he sees that Civetta has grabbed one of the shrunken heads and is trying to peck at it. With a quick command in elven from Samhain, the owl plucks one and carries it toward the rest of the party to play with later.

In 13 you find:

Atop the stair, a short hall opens into a small, rectangular room. The walls within are scarred and gouged. Gears, scrap metal, and other remnants of mechanical contraptions lie recklessly strewn about. Many of the scattered metal parts possess slightly anthropomorphic features. A fair amount of blood is splattered about the walls, floors, and ceiling. On the far side of the room, a metal-reinforced door hangs loosely, bashed open and dangling from a single hinge.

Grand Lodge

Male Half Elf Cleric-16/ Ranger-1 (HP 157/157; AC:25, T:14, FF:22; Fort:+18(+20) Ref:+14 Will:+22; Init+5; Perception+28) {i} {0/11 channels used, 2/3 rod-q, 0/3 rod-x, 0/32 hops, 0/11 inspired word +2, pyrex 0/1 might 0/1 } {fly, death ward, prot evil circle, resist fire 30/50min }

Hugo will check the blood for tracks or how recent...calling inspiring word on himself...

"Abadar help us...what happened here?."

Heal or survival : 1d20 + 11 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 11 + 2 = 32 +2 on survival

It appears that a battle happened here. The residue (organic and not) would indicate a battle between clockworks and living beings. As there are tracks leading out, it appears that the living beings won.

Grand Lodge

Male Half Elf Cleric-16/ Ranger-1 (HP 157/157; AC:25, T:14, FF:22; Fort:+18(+20) Ref:+14 Will:+22; Init+5; Perception+28) {i} {0/11 channels used, 2/3 rod-q, 0/3 rod-x, 0/32 hops, 0/11 inspired word +2, pyrex 0/1 might 0/1 } {fly, death ward, prot evil circle, resist fire 30/50min }

Hugo shares the information with the others.

"Some beings won this battle and departed this way..."

Silver Crusade

Okay onward that way then.

Grand Lodge

Elf 63517-2 NPC Venture-Captain of the Lodge in Bellis, Verduran Forest

Samhain ensures his wayfinder is displayed prominently before moving on, following the tracks of the victors. "If they are friends of the Society, it may save some confusion and hostilities," he explains. "If they are friends of the deceiver, then we will put them down."

You enter into a strangely shaped hallway.

DC 28 perception:
You can tell from various gouges and such on the floor and walls that recently there was combat in this room.

The eastern doors are covered with metal plates engraved with strange glyphs. An engraving above the entrance reads “The Numerian.” The non-magical glyphs are artistic renditions of various Numerian symbols. Arranged for aesthetics only, they do not say anything.

Grand Lodge

Elf 63517-2 NPC Venture-Captain of the Lodge in Bellis, Verduran Forest

Looky-lu: 1d20 + 25 ⇒ (6) + 25 = 31

Running a finger along the wall, Samhain notes, "More signs of recent combat here."

Looks like two doors out here. Samhain will suggest the right door as his superstitious nature keeps him from trying the sinister route first. (100% fluff, no trait or anything)

You try the eastern set of doors, but they seem to be stuck or barred on the other side.

Grand Lodge

Male Half Elf Cleric-16/ Ranger-1 (HP 157/157; AC:25, T:14, FF:22; Fort:+18(+20) Ref:+14 Will:+22; Init+5; Perception+28) {i} {0/11 channels used, 2/3 rod-q, 0/3 rod-x, 0/32 hops, 0/11 inspired word +2, pyrex 0/1 might 0/1 } {fly, death ward, prot evil circle, resist fire 30/50min }

"Well, we could force them or go another way... Hugo says plainly when the door will not budge.

Is the stuck door in the little hallway and no the larger (17) room?

Yes, the door to 17 is the stuck one. You haven't tried the other doors.

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