DM Rah's Strange Aeons

Game Master Kobash

~Guide to Strange Aeons~
+Visual Guide+
=Combat Map=
$Loot List$
Bottle Caps: Butterfly 3, Cats 2, Fearless 3, Mariner 2

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Thanks for the honest head's up Blue. The last thing I want is for players to feel like they're playing out of commitment rather than enjoyment, and if you feel like you're headed for the former, then I think you've made the right choice.

Still, I'm sorry to see you go and The Twins will be missed.

Scarab Sages

active spells:
Shield of Faith, Magic Circle against evil. Find the Path. Protection from Fire
Cleric of Desna Level 12 AC 23 w/shield. 21 W/O. +21 Perception

I will miss you also. I really enjoyed having a total jerk in the party, and felt your roleplaying was
'best of breed". I hope you find your vigor with roleplaying again as you have creative ideas and skills.

Acrobatics: +11. Disable: +20. Perception: +14. Sleight+12/Stealth +16. F12/R17/W9. Seeker of Redemption 10
"The Twin" wrote:

In the end, I've decided to finish out any games that will be ending soon and end about half of the remaining games.

I really enjoy this game, but this is a several year long commitment and I think that leaving now would be better than fading out over the long term with poor post rates and subpar posts.

Like BB, I'm sorry to see you go. I liked having a jerk in the party but also, you gotta post to play the game. I appreciate your candor and honesty about things and making the tough choice early.

You know I love you, Torgs/Twin. You're a magnificent bastard when you're inspired and playing.

Acrobatics: +11. Disable: +20. Perception: +14. Sleight+12/Stealth +16. F12/R17/W9. Seeker of Redemption 10
"Brother Butterfly" wrote:
I gave Sun rod and Broach of Shielding to Cats on the Loot list. Better to be allocated than unassigned and useless. If anyone disagrees, we can maybe do that in character.

Meh. I've undone the changes as Cats would have politely refused the items. The sunrod due to weight (don't encumber me, brah...I need my movement) and the brooch because it's not for Cats.

I'm sure we'll get a sweet magical cat collar soon enough, that's mine.

Male Halfling | HP 74 | AC 21; TCH 16; FF 17 | Perc +14

Sorry to see you go and I hope that you find your passion in it again someday. I=The fun loses its glamor when it becomes a job.

Who will take on the Bold mantle?! /gameplay&page=7#306

Scarab Sages

active spells:
Shield of Faith, Magic Circle against evil. Find the Path. Protection from Fire
Cleric of Desna Level 12 AC 23 w/shield. 21 W/O. +21 Perception

GREAT Post GM RAH. That had to have taken FOREVER!

Plus, the Pulp Fiction video was a great way for me to start the day. I laugh and have played it twice.

Male Halfling | HP 74 | AC 21; TCH 16; FF 17 | Perc +14

Loot List is updated.

Thanks! I meant to do it myself. Really.

Male Halfling | HP 74 | AC 21; TCH 16; FF 17 | Perc +14

It's cool. I had to make up for those poor Spellcraft checks.

Heh. Some of the DCs are pretty high. You might want to consider learning an identify spell.

Scarab Sages

active spells:
Shield of Faith, Magic Circle against evil. Find the Path. Protection from Fire
Cleric of Desna Level 12 AC 23 w/shield. 21 W/O. +21 Perception

[ooc] GM Is that Wren, in the Purple border? I ask, because I looked up the Strange Aeon's Guide and it was a similar description. That is why I called him Wren in my previous post.

Nope. Not Wren.

Not sure where Pinkie and Twin are, but I plan to update in about 5 hours.

Scarab Sages

active spells:
Shield of Faith, Magic Circle against evil. Find the Path. Protection from Fire
Cleric of Desna Level 12 AC 23 w/shield. 21 W/O. +21 Perception

How bad are Cat's Wounds? I thought I healed him up to at least decent.
BB would have done another healing if Kast/Cats was in bad shape.

Scarab Sages

active spells:
Shield of Faith, Magic Circle against evil. Find the Path. Protection from Fire
Cleric of Desna Level 12 AC 23 w/shield. 21 W/O. +21 Perception

Hello GM, I didn't detail it well enough in my post last night, but Brother Butterfly wants to take the opulent chair that he found and loved in Dr. Losandro's room back to the Sanctuary and put it at the desk that he procured as his "work space" yesterday.

Ok, gotcha.

m human AC 18 Perception +17 , stealth +19, acrobatics 15 ,disable device +21,escapeartist +17, sleight of hand +17, sence motive +17

Cant read any posts at the moment but i can post

Scarab Sages

active spells:
Shield of Faith, Magic Circle against evil. Find the Path. Protection from Fire
Cleric of Desna Level 12 AC 23 w/shield. 21 W/O. +21 Perception

Wondering if we are going to try the "dress up " and imitate Apostles in Yellow. I think they gave us a few good buzz words, like keeper of the flame.
We can have Twins and myself as prisoners or new recruits so we can explore a bit more.

Acrobatics: +11. Disable: +20. Perception: +14. Sleight+12/Stealth +16. F12/R17/W9. Seeker of Redemption 10
"Brother Butterfly" wrote:

Wondering if we are going to try the "dress up " and imitate Apostles in Yellow. I think they gave us a few good buzz words, like keeper of the flame.

We can have Twins and myself as prisoners or new recruits so we can explore a bit more.

Cats is up for it, but maybe not this day. We're mostly magically spent and have prisoners to deal with. Let's get that last door open and those secrets revealed and have a nice slumber party discussion, eh? Possibly in game tomorrow?

Dressing up sound like fun, we might be able to get past stupid sentries. If not, we'll know right away. If so, then we might end up stand in front of Z surrounded by his entire crew when the jig is up. I think -get as far as possible with the yellow robes, then sword first questions later when we see Z.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Regardless, let's check that door first

-Posted with Wayfinder

Scarab Sages

active spells:
Shield of Faith, Magic Circle against evil. Find the Path. Protection from Fire
Cleric of Desna Level 12 AC 23 w/shield. 21 W/O. +21 Perception

I agree.
I also think we should check the Private Records door first.
As for the blood dripping door..... I looked at the map, and it looks like there's other doors (from the entryhalll) that we can check out first. Hopefully get around to the "other side" to see what's actually there.
Opening a door that drips blood..... not my idea of a smart move.

Scarab Sages

active spells:
Shield of Faith, Magic Circle against evil. Find the Path. Protection from Fire
Cleric of Desna Level 12 AC 23 w/shield. 21 W/O. +21 Perception

I put Brother Butterfly where he currently is. He’s in the records room amazed at the influx of cash and the fact that we found a magically weapon. He is a proponent of having others put on the yellow togas and painting flames on their foreheads. He can be either a prisoner or a new recruit.
Once dressed, I think we swing around and go through the other doors off the entryway.
Lastly, BB used the rod (one charge) on Mariner – not himself.
I reread my last post and it make it appear that I healed myself.

Acrobatics: +11. Disable: +20. Perception: +14. Sleight+12/Stealth +16. F12/R17/W9. Seeker of Redemption 10
"Brother Butterfly" wrote:

He’s in the records room amazed at the influx of cash and the fact that we found a magically weapon. He is a proponent of having others put on the yellow togas and painting flames on their foreheads. He can be either a prisoner or a new recruit.

Once dressed, I think we swing around and go through the other doors off the entryway.

If we have cash, might be that we buy them alch fires from ol' jerkface.

Also, Cats has suggested instead that we make copies of Zandalus' records, then we could use the real ones to trade/talk/bargain/whatever. It's clear that Z wants those records.

Scarab Sages

active spells:
Shield of Faith, Magic Circle against evil. Find the Path. Protection from Fire
Cleric of Desna Level 12 AC 23 w/shield. 21 W/O. +21 Perception

@ Cats. Excellent ideas. Lets check out a door or two and then go back and sleep for the night.
During our downtime, we all split up sections of Z's file to copy.
Then take the originals with us to negotiate.

@ GM - You are right, the Lesser Restoration charge is best used on BB.
Here's to recover some of his CON.
Lesser Restoration: 1d3 ⇒ 2

I will also try to help Mariner rehab his lost ability score with healing. I'll do that more in character after we explore.

Scarab Sages

active spells:
Shield of Faith, Magic Circle against evil. Find the Path. Protection from Fire
Cleric of Desna Level 12 AC 23 w/shield. 21 W/O. +21 Perception

gm BB remaining spells:

Hello GM, I went and counted the spells. I am out of all regular spells. I don't have a lot left.
I have used Luck 5/8
channel 6/7
Door sight 3/7

Scarab Sages

active spells:
Shield of Faith, Magic Circle against evil. Find the Path. Protection from Fire
Cleric of Desna Level 12 AC 23 w/shield. 21 W/O. +21 Perception

Cats, I see your icon. I think there's a floor to ceiling window. Unless you broke the glass, are we going outdoors? Or, are we checking the doors down in the southeast corner of the Entry hall. I moved my icon so you can see.

You lead the way, and I will adjust my icon.

Acrobatics: +11. Disable: +20. Perception: +14. Sleight+12/Stealth +16. F12/R17/W9. Seeker of Redemption 10

Uh, Cats can break the window. But also, if you want to go someplace, you go and I'll follow. I don't know what I'm doing. :)

Scarab Sages

active spells:
Shield of Faith, Magic Circle against evil. Find the Path. Protection from Fire
Cleric of Desna Level 12 AC 23 w/shield. 21 W/O. +21 Perception

Okay, let's go my way - as I don't yet think we can survive the fire rain.

Scarab Sages

active spells:
Shield of Faith, Magic Circle against evil. Find the Path. Protection from Fire
Cleric of Desna Level 12 AC 23 w/shield. 21 W/O. +21 Perception

We need to continue to not have any ability to detect magic or identify items.... because the GM is handing out magic like crazy... only because we don't know what any of these damn things do. Have you guys seem our Plunder items list. It's about 1/3 red.
As soon as we have Identify.


No more encounter items.
I guarentee it.

Male Halfling | HP 74 | AC 21; TCH 16; FF 17 | Perc +14

Haha I have a decent Spellcraft I have just rolled incredibly bad lately.

Though It is a new day so i can start looking at them all again once given the chance.

Scarab Sages

active spells:
Shield of Faith, Magic Circle against evil. Find the Path. Protection from Fire
Cleric of Desna Level 12 AC 23 w/shield. 21 W/O. +21 Perception

I am glad you appreciated my joke. You do have a good spellcraft. Your character has been solid for the group.

BTW, a +2 weapon?! Wow, that's impressive for first/second level. While it's a short sword, we actually have a potent weapon for a character to wield.

Male Halfling | HP 74 | AC 21; TCH 16; FF 17 | Perc +14

:). The low rolls shall continue! Desna bring us a bit more luck.

Yea that +2 is nice! Will definitely come in handy. Someone needs to snatch that instrument of death up.

Male Halfling | HP 74 | AC 21; TCH 16; FF 17 | Perc +14

I will be leaving for vacation in Mexico this weekend and will be gone through the beginning of May. It says I have Wifi there so I should be able to still post once a day at night.

Scarab Sages

active spells:
Shield of Faith, Magic Circle against evil. Find the Path. Protection from Fire
Cleric of Desna Level 12 AC 23 w/shield. 21 W/O. +21 Perception

Have great fun Fearless!
You are the third person to mention going to Mexico at the end of April? Is it Cabo? Are you in the insurance industry? All my contacts are health insurance people and co-incidentally going there.

Male Halfling | HP 74 | AC 21; TCH 16; FF 17 | Perc +14

Nope. Riviera de Maya. By far cheaper than going anywhere in the US. It is a full inclusive resort. Just taking my family.

Riviera de Maya?

I visited Cancun about 15 years ago and took day trips to Chichen Itza and Xcaret. It's a very cool region to see. Have fun!

Acrobatics: +11. Disable: +20. Perception: +14. Sleight+12/Stealth +16. F12/R17/W9. Seeker of Redemption 10
DM Rah wrote:

Riviera de Maya?

I visited Cancun about 15 years ago and took day trips to Chichen Itza and Xcaret. It's a very cool region to see. Have fun!

Yeah, was just in that area in February...twas glorious. Enjoy it all, Fearless.

Male Halfling | HP 74 | AC 21; TCH 16; FF 17 | Perc +14


Riviera De maya is roughly 30 minutes south of Cancun.

Acrobatics: +11. Disable: +20. Perception: +14. Sleight+12/Stealth +16. F12/R17/W9. Seeker of Redemption 10
"Brother Butterfly" wrote:
I edited my original post to give items to different people. Kast - you also have an amulet. It's light weight.

Politely refused. Assuming Pinkie is playing this game, he should get the other amulet as well. In theory, he should be in combat more than Cats.

m human AC 18 Perception +17 , stealth +19, acrobatics 15 ,disable device +21,escapeartist +17, sleight of hand +17, sence motive +17

sorry guys lifes been a bit crazy of late but i am still wanting to stay in the game

AFK all day too, getting in now.

m human AC 18 Perception +17 , stealth +19, acrobatics 15 ,disable device +21,escapeartist +17, sleight of hand +17, sence motive +17

Will post when we get on the ship later today

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
active spells:
Shield of Faith, Magic Circle against evil. Find the Path. Protection from Fire
Cleric of Desna Level 12 AC 23 w/shield. 21 W/O. +21 Perception

Sorry guys I was camping all weekend and no internet. Not even enough bars on my phone to use Wayfinder!
Anyway, I am back and just posted to keep the storyline momentum.

BTW, I love this group. VERY RICH and ornate dialogues. There's PC's that I don't even know their character class( I could guess if pressed), but I dang well know their psychological malady and their character traits. That is exceptional roleplaying.

Scarab Sages

active spells:
Shield of Faith, Magic Circle against evil. Find the Path. Protection from Fire
Cleric of Desna Level 12 AC 23 w/shield. 21 W/O. +21 Perception

I am hiking and camping. I might not have internet for 30 hours. GM please run me. Heals and luck spells.

-Posted with Wayfinder

A matriarch mutual and close to several of us, especially Pinkie, tragically passed away this weekend. GM should bot him for now.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Scarab Sages

active spells:
Shield of Faith, Magic Circle against evil. Find the Path. Protection from Fire
Cleric of Desna Level 12 AC 23 w/shield. 21 W/O. +21 Perception

My condolences. I read about it via Quest Club .

-Posted with Wayfinder

Scarab Sages

active spells:
Shield of Faith, Magic Circle against evil. Find the Path. Protection from Fire
Cleric of Desna Level 12 AC 23 w/shield. 21 W/O. +21 Perception

I think that getting the boiler going just requires some work and getting a fire started. I asked the GM if special skill is needed. My post on the Gameplay Tag, is assuming that we work as a team to get it up and running. Quick note: He is NOT going back down the furnace or walking over the dead bodies, so most of his work will be up top. Who (or whom) is going back to the basement?

I think this boiler part can be narratively expedited, if there is any actual benefit in taking a bath. Fun and flavorful but otherwise let's push back to the crawl. Mariner volunteers to go down. But now thinking about it couldn't we just burn some furniture?

-Posted with Wayfinder

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