DM Panic's Scourge of the Slavelords Prologue

Game Master wakedown

Prologue in the Free City of Greyhawk to a campaign that may lead into the Scourge of the Slavelords arc.

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Martgan and Doruk could have completed cleaning their armor and be at the bazaar with the others. Feel free to roleplay and transactions you would like.

Nothing secret is stashed inside the knife. The halfling watches with a twinkle in his eye as you search it quite thoroughly in his presence.

"Oh to be young again!" He plays with the balance of the shortsword, and seeming to find it pleasing, holds out his hand to conclude trade.

At one point I remember we used to play that a halfling shortsword could be used by a human as a dagger...


The old man watches Aralynn carefully as she holds the temple sword. He smiles as he sees she has just enough training with it to use it with some proficiency.

"I'd think he'd want someone to use it who felt the same ways that he did. I think you just might be that person."

He then beckons you to lean closer as if to share something with you.

Whispered to Aralynn:

"The sword is yours, but I wonder if instead of gold I could beg you a favor in return?"

Presuming Aralynn at least nods...

"My nephew has a son by the name of Iolen. The boy is rash and fool-hardy. He has just turned five and ten and thinks that he should join a group of mercenaries to learn the martial skills his father could never teach him. I fear he aims to find his father's murderers and seek out revenge. His father would not want this."

He looks you in the eyes with the pleas of an old man.

"As I see you and my nephew may have shared common beliefs, could you speak with Iolen and talk to him? He is a skilled sculptor and painter, but seeks to throw it all away for something he will never find, or something that will destroy him in his journey to find it."

Human Cleric of Pelor 4

I can' think of anything I want at this time so I'm going to hold on to my cash unless someone needs to borrow it.

"Well Doruk, we survived our first real mission. How do you think it went? For myself I found that my travel spells were quite useless, although the ability to create water came in quite handy."

Martigan looks through the stalls for anything that catches his eye. Although several fancy trinkets seem to hold his interest, he passes them by before the vendor can attempt his sales pitch.

Female Half-Elf Monk (Zen Archer) 1

Aralynn accepts the man's offer.

"I can reveal the path and it's beauty, but he must choose it freely. I can understand encouraging him to nurture his own skills, but why do you think the murderers cannot be found?"
Is there time for this now or is the son not nearby?

Female Half-Elf Monk (Zen Archer) 1
Martigan the Sun-Touched wrote:
I can' think of anything I want at this time so I'm going to hold on to my cash unless someone needs to borrow it.

If Aralynn can't secure a trade similar to Petrel, she would take a 50 gp loan so she can buy her masterwork bow.

Male Human (Oerdian) (Per +2 | Fort +5 Ref +2 Will +1 | AC 26 (f24/t12) | CMD 21)
Martigan the Sun-Touched wrote:
"Well Doruk, we survived our first real mission. How do you think it went? For myself I found that my travel spells were quite useless, although the ability to create water came in quite handy."

"I think it went poorly, at least for my part. Sure we have so far triumphed, but I missed too many times and attacked without the proper strength when I did hit. No, I am quite ashamed of my performance yesterday. Today will be better!"

Yes, today will be much better. Doruk grips his peace-bound Guisarme tightly.

Doruk also has some cash to spare if you anyone needs it.


"Yes, I understand completely," the old man replies, a pleased smile on his face while he awaits your attempt to speak to his nephew's son.

Iolen is nearby at a stall of his own where his pottery can be seen. It is finely crafted and well-painted.

You see a fifteen year old youth working there. Business is slow for him at moment.

On the masterwork composite longbow, you don't find a man willing to perform a straight-up trade for the masterwork rapier or longsword. There is a man willing to trade a masterwork composite longbow (at +2 strength) for a masterwork light or heavy crossbow (claiming he's not strong enough to use the longbow), but not for a sword of any kind.

You may however, purchase one from a bowyer.

Male Dwarf
Appr+6,Arc +12, Heal +8, Geog +10, Local+9, Nat +12, Perc +17, Driver 14,+6 SenseMot/Surv, Spellcraft +12

Mukluk trails along without much to say, but does offer to lend gold as needed.

Female Half-Elf Monk (Zen Archer) 1

Aralynn admires the pottery of the teenager. "You are quite skilled for one so young. You add to the beauty of the world as surely as the flowers in the field. Your father would be proud."

Assuming some kind of response that doesn't involve Aralynn being dismissed.

"Your uncle says that you would give up your talent to pursue your father's killers. He believes your father would not have wanted this. I did not have the honor of knowing your father, but we share common beliefs about the pursuit of peace and serenity as followers of Xan Yae. Your father has passed, but your work does honor to his hope for a better world."

"If you will not heed my words, then do not run blindly forward on this course. Visit the monastery as your father did. Train as hard as he did. Perfect your martial craft until it exceeds that of your natural talents with the clay. If you can do that, then perhaps the universe has a new calling for you. Only then will you have earned the right to reshape yourself as you do the clay."

1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14 - diplomacy

Male Human Rogue 4: Knife Master, Sanctified Rogue
Mukluk Muletender wrote:

Mukluk trails along without much to say, but does offer to lend gold as needed.

Petrel would like to borrow 20 gold.

Male Dwarf
Appr+6,Arc +12, Heal +8, Geog +10, Local+9, Nat +12, Perc +17, Driver 14,+6 SenseMot/Surv, Spellcraft +12

Mukluk opens his purse and counts out two coins and hands them to Petrel.

They have a platinumium sheen to them.

+2 circumstance bonus for good roleplay.

Iolen considers what Aralynn has to say.

"Perhaps... I see you, like my father, pursued self-mastery. But, I'm not sure if being a simple potter will make my father proud."

He looks up to you.

"I might give it a try. Perhaps you can help me though. If I am to travel to the monastery, I cannot bring all this pottery with me. Perhaps you would like to buy a vessel if my talent is as strong as you claim?"

There is a wide assortment of pots and urns. Prices range from 5 silver nobles to 50 gold orbs.

Male Dwarf
Appr+6,Arc +12, Heal +8, Geog +10, Local+9, Nat +12, Perc +17, Driver 14,+6 SenseMot/Surv, Spellcraft +12

"Aye. She's right, you know. You do have talent."

Mukluk appraises a few of the urns.

1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14 Appraise, looking for an urn that might appreciate in value over time

"I'm looking for an urn that will hold the ashes of a great many ghouls. Not all dead will stay that way and I mean to get a great ghoul ashes into an urn."

1d20 - 1 ⇒ (12) - 1 = 11 Diplomacy to aid

Mukluk will spend up to 3 gold on a sturdy urn.

Female Half-Elf Monk (Zen Archer) 1
DM Panic wrote:

"Perhaps... I see you, like my father, pursued self-mastery. But, I'm not sure if being a simple potter will make my father proud."

He looks up to you.

"I might give it a try. Perhaps you can help me though. If I am to travel to the monastery, I cannot bring all this pottery with me. Perhaps you would like to buy a vessel if my talent is as strong as you claim?"

"Being a 'simple' potter will not make him proud, but being a 'great' potter would. If your father had not been killed, you would not be headed for the monastery. You would be a potter as the universe has meant you to be. Warriors are plentiful, but artists are rare. When he died, your father did not wish you to die. Do no kill the artist."

"I have no use for pots as I have no home to place them in."Aralynn picks up a pot worth a gold piece and smashes it to the ground. Aralynn leaves a gold coin in place of the pot. "You will not need much more than this to reach the monastery and once there you will have no need of coin at all. If you think so little of yourself and your art, then smash it all. Perhaps it will at least relieve some your pain and anger."

Female Half-Elf Monk (Zen Archer) 1

1d20 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 5 + 2 = 20 diplomacy with assist. Not sure if you wanted a new one.

New roll was good.

Iolen waits expectantly as he collects Mukluk's coins for the urn. His face can almost be seen to read I hope the half-elf picks an expensive one...

When Aralynn suddenly destroys one of his pots, the young boy stands and clenches his fists despite seeing the gold coin left in its place. However, his courage quickly deteriorates when facing against the lithe half-elf and he sits back down again.

"You're right... I'm not a warrior like my father was. I just thought if I acted like one, he'd be proud."

The old man waddles up behind his nephew's son, places a hand on his shoulder and nods to Aralynn. His wife presents her with a new temple sword.

The charms to Rao, Xan Yae and Istus are still attached. You know it would be 'rude' to remove them if wished to, in front of these people.

Presuming that everyone finished their shopping, or at least made adjustments via the OOC thread for miscellaneous easily-found items.

As you five wander the market, the talk of the folk can be heard that the Great Library re-opened today after it was closed for the entire prior day to give the City Watch a chance to determine how a thief was able to penetrate a dozen arcane locks and make off with something within.

Most of the townsfolk whispers speculate on what was stolen. Was it a rare book? What was the book about? Incantations? Sorcery? Or did they free or steal a devil chained below? Perhaps it was rare ingredients, a beholder eye or dragon's blood...

Male Human (Oerdian) (Per +2 | Fort +5 Ref +2 Will +1 | AC 26 (f24/t12) | CMD 21)

"I suggest we head to the church first to see if this man was a priest at all. When we find he was not, maybe we should check the Library. They're likely to be tight lipped about what is missing, but maybe we'll get lucky."

Doruk doesn't like this lead. Too thin a strand and too easily broken.

Male Dwarf
Appr+6,Arc +12, Heal +8, Geog +10, Local+9, Nat +12, Perc +17, Driver 14,+6 SenseMot/Surv, Spellcraft +12

Mukluk nods in agreement with Doruk.

"Clearly, the theft at the library was the work of the 'priest' we seek. It's too much of a coincidence for it not to be connected. It's possible that if we can find out what was stolen, it will give us an additional lead for which to track down this 'priest'."

Mukluk ponders splitting the party to track them both down quicker.

"Petrel, you mentioned you might know some people who might know some people...who might know stuff. Did you want to ask them about either this robbery or the robber or the priest? Then meet us at the Library?"

Mukluk scratches his armpit without thinking about's just something going around.

"Let's head to the library and ask around. I'd like to know what was stolen."

If people agree, Mukluk will go to the Great Library.

As a wizard studying locally, I can imagine that MM has been there before, right?

On the Great Library:

1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12 Knowledge: History
1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18 Knowledge: Local

Yes, M.M. knows some folks who work at the library.

We'll say you guys head to the library for a quick detour on the way to the Temple of Boccob (since it's on the way)

Sitting on the edge of the city, just inside the wall, is an old building witht he aspect of an ancient fortress. Large stone columns support a heavy stone lintel over an entry flanked by weathered stone statues of scholars holding open books before them in praise.

A grand stone staircase rises up from the street to the level of the statues. Two men stand at the head of the stairs, their arms folded and gazes set.

Mukluk actually recognizes one of these two men - his name is Geraal Wistroan, a young scholar charged with various duties within the library by the Iquander, head librarian.

His expression doesn't change much when he sees the dwarf, he continues to attempt to wear a stern gaze. His eyes tell the truth of his thoughts, as they scan all the others following Mukluk to the base of the steps.

He tries to read your mind, and speaks.

"It's true the Library has re-opened, but only for urgent research matters and only on the upper level."

Male Dwarf
Appr+6,Arc +12, Heal +8, Geog +10, Local+9, Nat +12, Perc +17, Driver 14,+6 SenseMot/Surv, Spellcraft +12
DM Panic wrote:
"It's true the Library has re-opened, but only for urgent research matters and only on the upper level."

"Geraal! Good to see you. So--" Mukluk listens to what Geraal has to say.

"It's sad news, Geraal...that someone would steal from what should be made available to all, wouldn't you say? The point of a library is to gather and share knowledge."

Mukluk will await an answer, but formulate his next question while Geraal answers.

"Do you mind me asking, Geraal, but how did they bypass all the locks? And what was stolen? I am looking for some other stolen goods and if we find what was missing from here, we shall see about returning it."

Female Half-Elf Monk (Zen Archer) 1

Aralynn stands quietly by while the dwarf talks. She feels a bit awkward between her new bow and sword and fidgets about to find a new comfortable stance.

While convinced that the magic key was used, Aralynn looks about for other clues of how the theft occurred. 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (5) + 14 = 19

Human Cleric of Pelor 4

Martigan will stand behind Mukluk while he converses with his old college buddies.

We assume we know how it was stolen. What was stolen I wonder. And in such an obvious fashion. Clearly they had no fear of being caught by using such a singular method of robbery.

Geraal makes a vain attempt to resist talking with Mukluk about any details, but soon gives in to speak to a fellow scholar about a couple.

"I don't know if folks are all that sad - it seems a lot of the common folk almost enjoy seeing that someone could rob the wizards!"

He clears his throat to assure you all that he has no such enjoyment.

"How they bypassed our locks, it is unclear. Although their handiwork may serve them well. They stole a book from the archives that for at least a decade has remained impassable by even the most powerful wizards and skilled locksmiths."

Male Dwarf
Appr+6,Arc +12, Heal +8, Geog +10, Local+9, Nat +12, Perc +17, Driver 14,+6 SenseMot/Surv, Spellcraft +12

"Impassable? A book? That doesn't make much sense at all! Open the book and read it. If you can't read it, you cast a spell then you read it! It's a book!"

Mukluk snorts.

"Say, Geraal. What was the title of this book anyway?"

Geraal gives Mukluk a look of disdain, seeming to say you don't understand.

"The book had a clasp with a lock. You just couldn't open and read it."

He then responds to the matter of the book's contents.

"The head librarian didn't tell me that."

Make a Diplomacy roll if you want more out of Geraal.

Male Human Rogue 4: Knife Master, Sanctified Rogue
Mukluk Muletender wrote:

Mukluk ponders splitting the party to track them both down quicker.

"Petrel, you mentioned you might know some people who might know some people...who might know stuff. Did you want to ask them about either this robbery or the robber or the priest? Then meet us at the Library?"

"Sure Mukluk. Part one of robin someone is knowing where the good stuff is hidden.. maybes someone is already bragging about their big score."

Rather than stand around with the hired goons while Mukluk talks about books, Petrel will follow the dwarf's suggestions and do a little research of his own.

Since this was a big time score who would know about top turf jobs...
Knowledge Local +5 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12

Petrel is kind of stumped. He will stop by a pastry shop for a fruit turnover.

What about this cleric, if holy robes wanted to start a life of crime they mights have asked first around their temple of Baccob...

Knowledge Local +5 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20

Ah ha! I think I am on to something... but what is it?

Male Human Rogue 4: Knife Master, Sanctified Rogue

If Petrel cannot think of anyplace or person to check with for info, he will pass some time looking for the chance to gamble with Mukluk's two platinum, and of course cheat shamelessly.

What is the underground betting scene like in Greyhawk? Eel races? Owlbear baiting? Unlicensed bare knuckle boxing?

Male Dwarf
Appr+6,Arc +12, Heal +8, Geog +10, Local+9, Nat +12, Perc +17, Driver 14,+6 SenseMot/Surv, Spellcraft +12

None of you 'hardcases' want to help out with this diplomacy? @#%@!

"Ah Geraal, don't get me wrong. I just want to help. Something was recently stolen from me and so my friends and I are going to go get it back. Now, if these same very talented thieves took the book, maybe we can help get it back. I've always been a friend of the library and to knowledge. Help me help you." Mukluk offers a grin and a hand.

1d20 - 1 ⇒ (14) - 1 = 13 Diplomacy

Alright, we'll assume someone helps Mukluk for +2 so you hit the DC15 needed to loosen Geraal's tongue.

Geraal leans forward, and in a whisper shares a little more with Mukluk.

"Well, since you're looking too - I'll tell you what little we know. There was a young scholar working all night who did see a cleric of Boccob in a dead run fleeing the Great Library the morning of the crime. I'd suggest checking there."

All roads lead to the Temple of the Archmage...

@Petrel: Your searching leads you to the Temple of Boccob, coincidentally when Mukluk and the others arrive at the same venue...

Located deep within Greyhawk's Clerksburg district, a bustling quarter of universities, boarding houses and cathedrals, the Temple of Boccob is a stately structure of clean marble and simple decoration. Emblazoned above the main entry is a faintly glowing blue eue contained within a pentagram - the All-Seeing Eye of Boccob the Uncaring, god of magic.

Nobody is outside of note, so you all proceed within and explain you have questions. An unassuming acolyte sighs at your request and seats you in a waiting room for several months before you are tended to before a junior member of the clergy tends to you.

He introduces himself as Altamaic the Calm.

"What may I do for you all? You're lucky you've come today, we were swamped yesterday with the Watch investigating the crime at the Great Library!"

Human Cleric of Pelor 4

"That's an interested point Brother Altamaic. I am Martigan of the Church of Pelor, and I too would like to know more about this robbery."

Why would anybody worship a god that tells you he doesn't care right in his name? I'll never understand some people.

EDIT: Diplomacy +5 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25

Female Half-Elf Monk (Zen Archer) 1
DM Panic wrote:
"seats you in a waiting room for several months "

Wow! I hope they provide rings of sustenance.

Aralynn is about to open her mouth when Martigan steps up confidently and commandingly. My 'brother' is growing up. I'm so proud. Nice roll combined with your new diplomacy.

Male Human (Oerdian) (Per +2 | Fort +5 Ref +2 Will +1 | AC 26 (f24/t12) | CMD 21)

What is it about priests that makes everyone nervous? Is it their power over death and the afterlife?

Doruk grins weakly at the cleric and holds his tongue. He tries to look supportive at least.

Male Dwarf
Appr+6,Arc +12, Heal +8, Geog +10, Local+9, Nat +12, Perc +17, Driver 14,+6 SenseMot/Surv, Spellcraft +12

Mukluk grunts along, wondering where the party's tongues were when they were talking at the Library, but happy that they have remembered how to speak.

"Yeah." Mukluk extends his diplomatic efforts to Martigan's.

1d20 - 1 ⇒ (8) - 1 = 7 Diplomacy

Altamaic the Calm lives up to his name, and calmly responds to Martigan's inquiry.

"Is that the purpose of your visit? Inquiring about the robbery? The Watch came by yesterday suggesting that a following of The Archmage was seen fleeing the Great Library carrying a large book."

He clears his throat.

"They seemed to be hinting that a member of our clergy was the criminal! I can tell you, that while Boccob may be The Uncaring, he would not hear the prayers of someone who stole from the Great Library. The library is protected by The All-Seeing Eye. He sees all!"

Altamaic glances at Mukluk, as if to imply Boccob is aware of the dwarf's attempt to be an arcanist and is passing some form of judgement.

@MM: That's based on your hot Diplomacy of 7.

@Martigan: You can keep that Diplomacy of 25 for more direct inquiries if you like... simply asking about knowing more about the robbery isn't direct enough, or explaining your intentions enough...

Human Cleric of Pelor 4

"I would never imply a real cleric of Boccob was involved in the robbery Brother Altamaic. More to my point, a man was seen claiming to be a priest of your deity, and we thought to inquire here about him. Veltargo ring any temple bells?"

My employer is not really the people sort I guess.

"Veltargo? No, nobody that I know, and as I've been an acolyte for several years, I know all of our local clergy."

He shifts a bit uncomfortably at some thought.

"Why are you folk interested? Are you off-duty Watch on a follow-up? Or perhaps private investigators retained by the Library?"

Male Dwarf
Appr+6,Arc +12, Heal +8, Geog +10, Local+9, Nat +12, Perc +17, Driver 14,+6 SenseMot/Surv, Spellcraft +12

"That man, the one who dressed like your priest, stole something from me and kin. And I mean to have it back! I'll be finding that one and reminding him what comes of thieves. Any help you can provide would be appreciated. Did the watch have any leads?" Mukluk asks of Brother Altamaic.

"Dressed like my priest?"

Altamaic grows pale.

"When you say you and your kin - you mean you and the Library's scholars? A dwarf?"

He hesitates.

"And if not the library, how do you know he was dressed like a priest of Boccob? What else do you know about this presumed thief?"

You all sense Altamaic growing more interested.

Male Dwarf
Appr+6,Arc +12, Heal +8, Geog +10, Local+9, Nat +12, Perc +17, Driver 14,+6 SenseMot/Surv, Spellcraft +12

"Claming to be a priest of Boccob, he was. And that is what the library also told to us."

1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15 Knowledge: Religion on Boccob

Mukluk takes Altamaic's question as a bit of insult.

"What does that mean, exactly? My kin? He's robbed both from *my* family personally and from *my* friends at the Library. And if you think that magic cannot be present in a dwarf, Altamaic, I'll remind you that Boccob's influence is everywhere. He, above all, would want that the knowledge in that stolen book made available...but you don't need me to lecture you on your god."

Mukluk smiles.

"Do you?"

Human Cleric of Pelor 4

Martigan's eyes narrow at the priest as he begins to act in a strange manner.

"Tell me Brother Altamaic, what's your interest in this?"

I wonder if he is really a priest?

EDIT: Do'h!

You guys are already inside in a private room.

Altamaic nods at Mukluk.

"Yes, I'm sorry to imply a dwarf couldn't be a wizard... of course, you can. They are just so rare, even in Greyhawk."

The acolyte repeats his inquiry. "Did you see this cleric when he robbed your kin? How do you know it was the same man who was spotted at the Great Library?"

Male Human (Oerdian) (Per +2 | Fort +5 Ref +2 Will +1 | AC 26 (f24/t12) | CMD 21)

"We don't know if it was the same man, but two priests of Boccob committing robberies within days of each other seems odd doesn't it?"

"Might be nothing, but we have few leads and our robbery is but a minor one involving a lesser merchant. If your culprit is the same as ours I'm sure you'll nab him first, but we must follow every lead. You understand."

Male Dwarf
Appr+6,Arc +12, Heal +8, Geog +10, Local+9, Nat +12, Perc +17, Driver 14,+6 SenseMot/Surv, Spellcraft +12

"Lesser Merchant?!"

Mukluk gives Doruk a look but tries not to interrupt Altamaic's thoughts.

You mean our employer, Cleanboy.

Female Half-Elf Monk (Zen Archer) 1

"I understand this book was locked and never opened, but someone must have had an idea as to its contents. Did it have a title? What subject was the book about?"

Altamaic responds to Aralynn's question.

"I don't know anything about the book. I'm only aware of the crime at the library because the Watch came to question us when someone said they saw a cleric of Boccob running away with some book."

Altamaic remains persistent to his unanswered question.

"How do you know it was a cleric of Boccob who robbed this merchant friend of yours? Did you see him? What did he look like?"

Male Dwarf
Appr+6,Arc +12, Heal +8, Geog +10, Local+9, Nat +12, Perc +17, Driver 14,+6 SenseMot/Surv, Spellcraft +12

Mukluk will snort.

"We know because we tracked down the leads ourselves. We believe them to be true...that someone claiming to be a Priest of Boccob hired someone to steal from me and my kin. But if you have no information to help us, that is too bad. I hope that we can keep your Church's name out of this."

Mukluk rubs his stubble that does exist.

"Now, the name 'Veltargo' means nothing to you?"

Male Human Rogue 4: Knife Master, Sanctified Rogue

Petrel, not really paying attention, scans the room with a practiced eye.

Perception 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 3 = 16
Appraisal 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13

Female Half-Elf Monk (Zen Archer) 1

"How do you obtain your vestments? Are they made here at the temple? Is there one tailor that makes them all or several? How would the thief have come to possess the proper wear to fool the witnesses?"

"Alas, no the name means nothing to me. This is the name of the man you say was clothed as a priest of Boccob?"

Altamaic then turns towards Aralynn, finding the dwarf to be extraordinarily thick.

"They are... provided by the church, we have a seamstress who we work with should we need new vestments, but that is usually a rare occurrence as our magic keeps them in good form."

@Petrel: The room is a basic sitting room, the chairs and sofa you are sitting on them are nice, but not extravagant. Various books line the shelves on a myriad of topics, but look quite boring to your eye.

"Look, I might have something that could help you all... but..." Altamatic hesitates before asking his question a fourth (and likely final time), "... if you do not know anything about what this man looked like aside from the vestments he wore, then it is nothing."

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