Chaos in Sarlona (Inactive)

Game Master PathlessBeth

A map of the portions of the Starlight Tomb already explored can be found here.
Inside the Vault of the Starlight Tomb

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Dreaming Warforged wrote:
GMF, are you still working on an inquisitor?

That I am. Still playing with everything in-between my other games and work. Well, work is slow at the moment so yeah. I have my personal laptop with me so I will load up Hero Lab and play with it.

As for background, do you have anything on yours yet? I have not yet decided on where my character is from. Did you have any ideas on how we know each other?

I'll let you know when I have more on my character.


Xoriat is not a place that most of the inhabitants of Eberron like to think about. A little chaos is one thing - magic doesn't advance without some experimentation, after all. However, a realm where all sense and knowledge falls away is acutely uncomfortable to think about, so most people don't - other than hoping fervently that Xoriat won't come anywhere close during their lifetime.

Tatti is a young Summoner who's more familiar with this place than, well, probably most other magic-users on the planet. She's never really gone out of her way to explain why this is (and it's possible that even she doesn't know), but one thing is absolutely certain: When she calls for the minions of madness, they respond and serve.

Faced with a background like this, most people might conclude that Tatti is a problem - dangerously insane, at least, and likely to wreak many kinds of havoc if she ever gets more power. The people who say that are the ones that don't know her, as she's actually quite loyal to her friends and a remarkably sensible person. For the most part, she wants to explore new places and encounter new things with her companion, a small Eidolon that seems phenomenally good at sneaking around and gathering information for her. Sarlona seems like the perfect place to start, so she traveled to reach the land as soon as she heard it was a possibility.

And now? Evil may lurk in the depths of the land, but even the vilest of monsters may recoil when they realize the madness that opposes them...


Female Human Summoner (Master Summoner) 3
CN Medium humanoid (human)
Init +7; Senses Perception +2
AC 12, touch 11, flat-footed 11 (+1 armor, +1 Dex)
hp 27 (3d8+3)
Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +3; +1 trait bonus vs. divine spells
Speed 30 ft.
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 3rd; concentration +9)
. . 9/day—summoning mastery
Summoner (Master Summoner) Spells Known (CL 3rd; concentration +9):
. . 1st (4/day)—grease, lesser rejuvenate eidolon{super}APG{/super}, shield, summon monster i
. . 0 (at will)—acid splash, conjurer's toolbelt, detect magic, light, mage hand, read magic
Str 11, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 19
Base Atk +2; CMB +2; CMD 13
Feats Augment Summoning, Extra Evolution[UM], Improved Initiative, Superior Summoning[UM]
Traits fast-talker, focused mind, history of heresy, reactionary
Skills Acrobatics +2, Bluff +10, Diplomacy +5, Intimidate +5, Knowledge (planes) +5, Perception +2, Sense Motive +1, Spellcraft +6, Stealth +2, Survival +1, Use Magic Device +9
Languages Common, Custom Language
SQ eidolon link, lesser eidolon, life link, share spells with eidolon
Other Gear silken ceremonial armor, spell component pouch, 2,965 gp
Special Abilities
Augment Summoning Summoned creatures have +4 to Strength and Constitution.
Eidolon Link (Ex) Mental link allows communication over any distance, but share magic item slots.
Focused Mind +2 to Concentration checks
History of Heresy +1 save vs. divine spells
Lesser Eidolon A master summoner's class level is halved (minimum 1) for the purposes of determining his eidolon's abilities, Hit Dice, evolution pool, and so on. The eidolon otherwise functions as normal. This ability replaces the summoner's normal Eidolon.
Life Link (Su) Damage that dismisses Eidolon can be taken by you. It weakens if not in 100 ft.
Share Spells with Eidolon (Ex) Your spells ignore type restrictions for Eidolon and it can recieve your personal spells.
Summoning Mastery II (9/day) (Sp) You can summon monsters as a spell like ability, maintaining 1 even when Eidolon is summoned.
Superior Summoning When summoning more than one creature, summon an extra one.

Tatti's Summoning List:

Gorbel, Sagari, Vilstrak

Akata, Dossenus, Fleshdreg, Reefclaw, Slime Crawler (Larval), 1d3 from SMI

Choker, Lurking Ray (Executioner's Hood), T'Shann, Volt, 1d3 from SMII, 1d4+1 from lower than that

Belabra, Gambado, Grick, Nightgaunt, Rust Monster, Vampiric Mist, 1d3 from SMIII, 1d4+1 from lower than that

Cloaker, Elder Thing, Gibbering Mouther, Lunarma, Stone Roper, 1d3 from SMIV, 1d4+1 from lower than that

Arcanoplasm, Denizen of Leng, Destrachan, Drider, Hound of Tindalos, Lurking Ray (Lurker Above), Neh-Thalggu, Shantak, 1d3 from SMV, 1d4+1 from lower than that

Bedlam, Brume, Colour Out Of Space, Draconid, Spawn of Yog-Sothogh, Tentacled Horror, Yithian, 1d3 from SMVI, 1d4+1 from lower than that

Dark Young of Shub-Niggurath, Evil Eye, Moon-Beast, Royal Naga, 1d3 from SMVII, 1d4+1 from lower than that

Azruverda, Charybdis, Flying Polyp, Ghorazagh, Vemerak, 1d3 from SMVIII, 1d4+1 from lower than that

*All of Tatti's creatures are summoned with the Entropic template, the ability to understand and communicate in Daelkyr (when possible), and a Neutral moral alignment, as they are ultimately the servants of chaotic neutral beings.

Dark Archive

I think I'll go human (house Orien) mobile fighter. Definitely taking dimensional agility to use some d-door teleport style attacks.

Blade of Orien prestige? Nifty thing that.

grimblade wrote:
Interested in joining in, had the idea for a aberrant marked magus. Always liked the idea of the Knight Phantom wondering how you would convert it, or I found a conversion as a magus Archtype seems to fit thematically very nicely.

Hmm, a conversion as a prestige class would need a few extra features to keep pace with the buffs most classes got in pathfinder. I could write a conversion soon...

Alternatively, if you want to be able to play a knight phantom from the beginning of the game, the archetype you linked to looks fine.
Ssang wrote:
Deranged_Maniac_Ben wrote:

Character Creation:

Traits: Two bonus traits. No campaign traits.

Is that 2 bonus traits on top of the 2 you can normally start with, for a total of 4?

This is the gunslinger I wanted to put forth yesterday but could get to it. Also I shot you a PM under the 'spacefurry' name.

Nope, "the two traits you can normally start with" are the bonus traits. If you want more traits on top of that you'll need either to take some drawbacks or the additional traits feat.

Grand Moff Vixen wrote:
GM, how do you feel about the 1001 Spells book by Cubicle 7? I grow tired of such a limited selection to choose from and love the idea of more to have fun with.

That's actually on the pre-approved list (Cubicle 7 is connected to Rite Publishing, and 1001 spells is listed under both Cubicle and Rite in the store). So, yes, you can use it:)

Escheton wrote:
Blade of Orien prestige? Nifty thing that.

It does seem appropriate. For converting it to pathfinder, just change the skill prerequisite to Perception, and increase the hit-die to d10.

Oh, it's the normal traits? I'll tweak my build later, then, assuming it's vaguely near acceptable. XD

Deranged_Maniac_Ben wrote:
Grand Moff Vixen wrote:
GM, how do you feel about the 1001 Spells book by Cubicle 7? I grow tired of such a limited selection to choose from and love the idea of more to have fun with.
That's actually on the pre-approved list (Cubicle 7 is connected to Rite Publishing, and 1001 spells is listed under both Cubicle and Rite in the store). So, yes, you can use it:)

Excellent! I plan on getting it next Wednesday since that is my payday. Mmm, money! Tires for my car and a Paizo PDF (and accompanying Hero Lab package too!) to play with.

DMB have you seen the Tzizimine conversion? They did the work for you already where conversion is concerned.

Escheton wrote:
You might want to adjust your pistolero to this game, as for one, it starts at lvl 3.

I know, I'm just waiting on some feedback from the GM before going too much further.

Ok Grimblade here Gedeon is just about done and ready for review just got hp and equipment, need to know how you want them handled DMB?

Her father was Solomon Freewater, head human groundskeeper for one of the more permissive notables in the employ of House Lyrandar. As such, Ama was often taken on trips to help him, training her to take his position. Thanks to that, she had a fair exposure to many of the things that make the world work, and it was often that she saw things that caught her imagination and drew her along her current path. Aundair was bordered by Bay and Lake, making her privy to many a trip that saw either, and she became enamored of the blue expanse that was any body of water. There was something about the quality of salt in the air where the ocean winds blew, and her elation was great when the heavy rains of the season came, dancing in the deluges. There was a calling in there somewhere, she recognized, but rationalized it away since she had been taught to attempt to understand as much as she could before proceeding along the path she chose.

Her pursuits led her towards that which had most enamored her: Water. From the salt and wrack of the Bay to the uses and necessities that they depended on, she studied the water. When the spark of magic was something more understood than felt, she took to it with a will, and applied it to what she was already doing: Seeking the secrets of Water. That did not mean that she was a model student, however. It was only due to the nature of her arcane education that they did not begrudge her fondness of swimming. If she could not be found, one would just need to look to the nearest body of water or river to find her. As a child, her father often heard some quiet speculation about her heritage, many accusing in jest of a dalliance with an undine or an elemental somewhere in their bloodline.

Of course, her schooling removed her from the path her father had set for her, but set her to pursuing knowledge wherever the waters touched. Upon her graduation, she took aspects of her upbringing and worked with them, getting her first berth on a ship as a resource, and she has grown from there.. The captain and crew that work with her do have to put up with some of her eccentricities, though. Swimming alongside the ship is one of them, though she convinced them that it was part of her communion with the divine. Her connections pointed her towards a ship travelling towards a new port, and when she searched what information she could find about their destination, there was no way that she was not taking advantage of the opportunity.

Ama's goals are:
1. Understand as much as she can about water
2. Travel everywhere the water touches
3. Become renown for her knowledge and mastery of water.

Ama's fears are:
1. Deserts. Sand and sand-people are up there as well, though it's more the "dying of thirst" part of deserts.
2. Losing her talents that let her shape and revere water
3. Reflecting poorly on her name and (more importantly) House associations.

Ama's personality: Given the time that she has to spend every morning preparing and meditating in front of a bowl of water (when she can't swim), she has become a bit reliant on her morning routine. Outside of that, she is relaxed, and does not provoke situations if she can help it. Mental challenges are something that she enjoys, and conversations are enjoyable as long as there is a point. Just don't spill her tea.

Crunch is generated in PCGen. No point in posting it yet.

OK, here's the guy I've been putting together:

character data:
Hobgoblin Psion 1/Slayer 2 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Race Guide 0)
LN Medium humanoid (goblinoid)
Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +5
AC 19, touch 15, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +3 Dex, +2 dodge)
hp 28 (2d10+1d6+8)
Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +2
Speed 30 ft.
Melee masterwork longsword +5 (1d8+7/19-20)
Special Attacks favored target
Psion Powers Known (power points 3, ML 1st; concentration +3):
. . 1st—defensive precognition, entangling ectoplasm, telempathic projection (DC 13)
. . 0 (at will)—conceal thoughts, detect psionics, distract (DC 12), lesser fortify
Str 16, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 8
Base Atk +2; CMB +4; CMD 20
Feats Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Power Attack, Psion Weapon Proficiencies, Psionic Dodge
Traits psionic knack, reactionary
Skills Acrobatics +7, Autohypnosis +5, Bluff +4, Intimidate +3, Knowledge (geography) +6, Knowledge (local) +6, Knowledge (psionics) +6, Linguistics +3, Perception +5, Sense Motive +5, Spellcraft +6, Stealth +11, Survival +4, Swim +6; Racial Modifiers +4 Stealth
Languages Common, Draconic, Giant, Goblin, Custom Language
SQ combat styles (two-handed weapon), disciplines (psychoportation [nomad]), slayer talents (ranger combat style), talents, track +1
Other Gear masterwork lamellar (leather) armor, masterwork longsword, 2,475 gp
Special Abilities
Combat Reflexes (4 AoO/round) Can make extra attacks of opportunity/rd, and even when flat-footed.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Favored Target (+1, 1 at a time, Move) (Ex) Study foe as a Move action, gain +1 to att/dam & some skills vs. them.
Power Attack -1/+2 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Psionic Dodge You are proficient at dodging blows.
Psionic Knack You are naturally psionically gifted, even if you dabble in other studies. Pick a class with a manifester level when you gain this trait—your manifester level in that class gains a +2 trait bonus as long as this bonus doesn’t raise your manifester le
Psychoportation (Nomad) A psion who relies on psychoportation powers is known as a nomad. Nomads can wield powers that propel or displace objects in space or time.

Class Skills: Climb (Str), Fly (Dex), Survival (Wis), and Swim (Str).
Talents You may learn 3 "talents" (level 0 powers) as well as detect psionics.
Track +1 Add the listed bonus to survival checks made to track.

Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at
Pathfinder® and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC®, and are used under license.

DM, I sent some of the characterization to you via PM. :)

Tenro wrote:
DMB have you seen the Tzizimine conversion? They did the work for you already where conversion is concerned.

Yes, I have seen it. I like some, but not all of it (mainly I dislike that he switched everything to hero points).

Gedeon wrote:
Ok Grimblade here Gedeon is just about done and ready for review just got hp and equipment, need to know how you want them handled DMB?

For hp, you get max hp at 1st level, and half maximum at each additional level (so for a d8 hit-die, you would get 8+con modifier at 1st level, and 4+con modifier after that).

Me'mori wrote:

Why is she coming to Adar? Is it just part of here "travel everywhere" goal?

Grand Moff Vixen wrote:
Dreaming Warforged wrote:
GMF, are you still working on an inquisitor?

That I am. Still playing with everything in-between my other games and work. Well, work is slow at the moment so yeah. I have my personal laptop with me so I will load up Hero Lab and play with it.

As for background, do you have anything on yours yet? I have not yet decided on where my character is from. Did you have any ideas on how we know each other?

I'll let you know when I have more on my character.

GMV, not entirely sure yet, but so far, it looks like a changeling rogue / ranger, possibly focusing on debuffs. He might hail from many cities. What I have in mind, is that he spent a few years 'replacing' someone, but then realized that there was more to life and opted to look for adventure. The recent opening of Adar seemed like the best way and/or The Traveler gave him an omen.

Escape route would be nice, but so would Feint partner...

Dreaming Warforged wrote:
Grand Moff Vixen wrote:
Dreaming Warforged wrote:
GMF, are you still working on an inquisitor?

That I am. Still playing with everything in-between my other games and work. Well, work is slow at the moment so yeah. I have my personal laptop with me so I will load up Hero Lab and play with it.

As for background, do you have anything on yours yet? I have not yet decided on where my character is from. Did you have any ideas on how we know each other?

I'll let you know when I have more on my character.

GMV, not entirely sure yet, but so far, it looks like a changeling rogue / ranger, possibly focusing on debuffs. He might hail from many cities. What I have in mind, is that he spent a few years 'replacing' someone, but then realized that there was more to life and opted to look for adventure. The recent opening of Adar seemed like the best way and/or The Traveler gave him an omen.

Escape route would be nice, but so would Feint partner...

Hmm, feint partner has possibilities. Tell you what, you choose the feat and I'll take it. I can swap out my feat twice a day for times when we need something else. I can still go back to it before I gain another teamwork feat.

Sound fair?

Deranged_Maniac_Ben wrote:
Why is she coming to Adar? Is it just part of here "travel everywhere" goal?

Indeed. New shores bring new people, and since she is really unconcerned about being over water for long periods of time, the idea of getting paid, being over water, seeing someplace new that the water touches, as well as the opportunity to visit a nation with so much planar rift activity was too much to pass up. The Elemental Planes are where her studies are pointing now. If the rift activity is as frequent as she dare to hope, there might be the chance to see some of the effects without leaving this plane.

If I might throw around my 2cp about the teamwork feats...

Given the ease with which I expect Haazek to be able to achieve flanking, Outflank Will probably have enough value that I would pick it up, but I don't think he'll have room for it until 9 at least.

Grand Moff Vixen wrote:
Dreaming Warforged wrote:
Grand Moff Vixen wrote:
Dreaming Warforged wrote:
GMF, are you still working on an inquisitor?

That I am. Still playing with everything in-between my other games and work. Well, work is slow at the moment so yeah. I have my personal laptop with me so I will load up Hero Lab and play with it.

As for background, do you have anything on yours yet? I have not yet decided on where my character is from. Did you have any ideas on how we know each other?

I'll let you know when I have more on my character.

GMV, not entirely sure yet, but so far, it looks like a changeling rogue / ranger, possibly focusing on debuffs. He might hail from many cities. What I have in mind, is that he spent a few years 'replacing' someone, but then realized that there was more to life and opted to look for adventure. The recent opening of Adar seemed like the best way and/or The Traveler gave him an omen.

Escape route would be nice, but so would Feint partner...

Hmm, feint partner has possibilities. Tell you what, you choose the feat and I'll take it. I can swap out my feat twice a day for times when we need something else. I can still go back to it before I gain another teamwork feat.

Sound fair?

More than fair. As your TM feat is flexible, I'll also ponder my options, as there are a few that could be good for a rogue, like the aforementioned outflank.

DM, are you ok with this conversion for the changeling?

Dreaming Warforged wrote:
Grand Moff Vixen wrote:
Dreaming Warforged wrote:
Grand Moff Vixen wrote:
Dreaming Warforged wrote:
GMF, are you still working on an inquisitor?

That I am. Still playing with everything in-between my other games and work. Well, work is slow at the moment so yeah. I have my personal laptop with me so I will load up Hero Lab and play with it.

As for background, do you have anything on yours yet? I have not yet decided on where my character is from. Did you have any ideas on how we know each other?

I'll let you know when I have more on my character.

GMV, not entirely sure yet, but so far, it looks like a changeling rogue / ranger, possibly focusing on debuffs. He might hail from many cities. What I have in mind, is that he spent a few years 'replacing' someone, but then realized that there was more to life and opted to look for adventure. The recent opening of Adar seemed like the best way and/or The Traveler gave him an omen.

Escape route would be nice, but so would Feint partner...

Hmm, feint partner has possibilities. Tell you what, you choose the feat and I'll take it. I can swap out my feat twice a day for times when we need something else. I can still go back to it before I gain another teamwork feat.

Sound fair?

More than fair. As your TM feat is flexible, I'll also ponder my options, as there are a few that could be good for a rogue, like the aforementioned outflank.

Whichever feat you decide on, please let me know. I need to make sure I have the prereqs for it.

Also, I have 4 total 1st-level spells to choose. I have 1 remaining that I have not picked. You may select one that would benefit your character. The others I have picked to enhance my fighting.

For a domain, I am heavily leaning towards Travel, unless you have a suggestion that would fit better.

What sort of party/expedition will ours be? And would a gnome linguistics-columnist eager to experience the native tongues and how it differs from written records, fit into it?
I'm actually pondering making him a professor to boot.
At level 3, I managed to get him versed in 12 languages besides common.

And I must say I am really loving the Zilargo Gnome lore.

Grand Moff Vixen wrote:
Whichever feat you decide on, please let me know. I need to make sure I have the prereqs for it.

Will do. I'll try not to pick one with a prereq.

Grand Moff Vixen wrote:
Also, I have 4 total 1st-level spells to choose. I have 1 remaining that I have not picked. You may select one that would benefit your character. The others I have picked to enhance my fighting.

Nothing strikes me, but Bless, Command. And Disguise Self could be nice as we could work together on cons and scams.

Grand Moff Vixen wrote:
For a domain, I am heavily leaning towards Travel, unless you have a suggestion that would fit better.

So many nice domains... I can't help you on that. Will you worship a deity?

Escheton wrote:
And I must say I am really loving the Zilargo Gnome lore.

Let me tell you, I've never really "gotten" gnomes, as far as getting a feel for them as a distinct race. The one setting where I did was this one, where they scare the bejeezus out of me. Whole friggin' nation full of half-sized Elim Garaks, smiling while they size up where to put the knife.

You couldn't pay me enough to take a job in Zilargo.

Ghorrin Redblade

Dreaming Warforged wrote:

Grand Moff Vixen wrote:
For a domain, I am heavily leaning towards Travel, unless you have a suggestion that would fit better.
So many nice domains... I can't help you on that. Will you worship a deity?

I have not finalized having a deity yet. If I do it will be Dol Arrah. I have thought about just having a philosophy. So far it seems like that is the route I will take.

Hmm, Bless and Disguise Self seem solid. I think we would get quite a bit of mileage from being able to disguise ourselves effectively. I'll let you know.

Dreaming Warforged wrote:
DM, are you ok with this conversion for the changeling?

Changeling conversion is in the campaign tab.

Escheton wrote:

What sort of party/expedition will ours be? And would a gnome linguistics-columnist eager to experience the native tongues and how it differs from written records, fit into it?

I'm actually pondering making him a professor to boot.
At level 3, I managed to get him versed in 12 languages besides common.

And I must say I am really loving the Zilargo Gnome lore.

Since only a limited number of ships are being allowed into Adar, each one carries passengers coming for a variety of reasons. The group may not all know each other before the voyage...but will soon:)

There are a lot of languages unique to Sarlona, so there is definitely cause for a linguist to go there.

So... a quick list so far. If I've gotten anything wrong or left anyone out, feel free to correct me. :)

SamuraiRuy = Menmark, Warforged Protean Sorcerer
Algar Lysandris = ?, Human Archeologist Bard
Te'Shen = Helac, Elan Soulthief Vitalist
Xabulba = ?
Grand Moff Vixen = ? Inquisitor
Dreaming Warforged = ?, Possible Changeling Rogue/Ranger
Escheton = Castar "the shark" d'Sivis, Gnome Ninja 2/Bard 1
Veltharis = ?, Possible Human Serpentine Sorcerer
Rednal = Tatti, Human Master Summoner
Tenro = ?
spacefurry = Ssang, Kitsune Pistolero Gunslinger
grimblade = Gedeon Derver, Knight Phantom Magus
Me'mori = Ama, Human (?) Cleric 2/Monk 1
Cr500cricket = ?, Possible Human Mobile Fighter
Redblade8 = Haazek, Hobgoblin Psion 1/Slayer 2

Hey Te'Shen :) You know I am a HUUUUUGE Eberron fan. I will put together an arcane caster. I am thinking a Half Daelkyr Transmuter or maybe a witch! I just saw this recruitment thread!

Another thought I have is a Half Daelkyr bad touch cleric with the tentacle whip breed leech.

Well... it's 137ben/Deranged_Maniac_Ben's thread... I was just trying to be helpful.

But yeah. Eberron is Awesome. :D

Ahhh OK...just saw that.

137ben/Deranged_Maniac_Ben: Have you seen this: Eberron/Pathfinder Conversion?

Can I use that conversion if I do half Daelkyr?

Grand Moff Vixen wrote:
Dreaming Warforged wrote:

Grand Moff Vixen wrote:
For a domain, I am heavily leaning towards Travel, unless you have a suggestion that would fit better.
So many nice domains... I can't help you on that. Will you worship a deity?

I have not finalized having a deity yet. If I do it will be Dol Arrah. I have thought about just having a philosophy. So far it seems like that is the route I will take.

Hmm, Bless and Disguise Self seem solid. I think we would get quite a bit of mileage from being able to disguise ourselves effectively. I'll let you know.

Dol Arrah! It will make for nice conversations! May I suggest you look at Heroism? Level 8 power is great!

Deranged_Maniac_Ben wrote:
Dreaming Warforged wrote:
DM, are you ok with this conversion for the changeling?

Changeling conversion is in the campaign tab.

Thanks! Here is my application: Nik'o, changeling rogue. Let me know if you have thoughts or questions. Equipment is not finished yet, but the rest should be fine. I'm still debating that 14 Wis I put in there, and I might change it, at the same time, I would balance it out by changing a trait to get +1 Will.

Dreaming Warforged wrote:
Dol Arrah! It will make for nice conversations! May I suggest you look at Heroism? Level 8 power is great!

That it is! Looking at the build I have so far, I have not intended to have channeling as an ability. For an Inquisitor, how do I get it? I don't see any options that allow for it to be added.

Strait inquisitor doesn't get it, but plenty interesting dips exist.

@DMB: The PFSRD shows the daily wage of several hirelings, but stresses this to simply be a guideline/minimum. So how much would you say is the daily wage for a lvl 1 Talenta-Halfling Barbarian with skill focus: handle animal?

Escheton wrote:

Strait inquisitor doesn't get it, but plenty interesting dips exist.

@DMB: The PFSRD shows the daily wage of several hirelings, but stresses this to simply be a guideline/minimum. So how much would you say is the daily wage for a lvl 1 Talenta-Halfling Barbarian with skill focus: handle animal?

I see. Thing is, I prefer to not multiclass. Unless I have a special idea in mind I like to be single class all the way. Sometimes I do a prestige class if it fits what I am trying to do.

Ow yes, Pathfinder is lovely in that regard. Strait-class is a perfectly fine and balanced choice, with prestiges mostly just offering specializations or interesting abilities/fluff.

Not to mention that Inquisitor is already a very broadly invested class, with skill, spell-casting, deity-focus and fighting prowess. No real need to fan out.

Te'Shen wrote:
Me'mori = Ama Freewater, Half-Elf Wizard(Water School) 2/Cleric(Water/Arcane) 1

The information on the profile is from an older game. I like to reuse aliases, so I don't end up with a glut of characters. I also haven't formatted her sheet into the boards yet.

I am working on a Halfling Archaeologist Bard who worked as an agent of House Cannith. She will be build as a bard, but flavored as an artificer. I really like the flavor of the artificer in the campaign, but do not care for crafting guidelines/time etc. She will have UMD and craft armor. Can I take the Repair Light Damage as a spell if we have a Warforged in the party?

GM Mason

Here is the avatar for my submission. Her crunch is in the profile. I am working on the other stuff now.

First and foremost I am looking for commitment. Given the slow pace of pbps, this game could run for years into the future. This will not be a problem. I am active on the boards and post multiple times daily.

Secondly, I am looking for interesting characters. Well-written backstories, personalities, and motivations will improve your chance of being selected. Working on that now. I love Eberron, so I will have a background that flows well with the campaign setting and allows you opportunity to use it in future situations.

If you are the kind of player who likes having the plot spoon-fed, this is probably not the game for you. While I have written out a considerable amount of plot for this campaign in my notes, I wing things a lot and get my GMing energy from what the players do.I GM two Eberron Campaigns on these boards. I love creativity in RPing. Not following a strict AP is very inviting!

Character story stuff: Submissions should include a backstory, your character's goals/motivations, and a brief description of your character's personality. Optionally, include your characters greatest fears. Working on this now.

My current Eberron Games:
Queen of the Dead
Rise of the Vampire King

Gonna go with hobgoblin marksman, just havent had time to put it together.

if I dont make it in time for the deadline, then it wasn't meant to be. Looks like a lot of the othercharacters already have better concepts than what I had put together.

Redblade8 wrote:
Escheton wrote:
And I must say I am really loving the Zilargo Gnome lore.

Let me tell you, I've never really "gotten" gnomes, as far as getting a feel for them as a distinct race. The one setting where I did was this one, where they scare the bejeezus out of me. Whole friggin' nation full of half-sized Elim Garaks, smiling while they size up where to put the knife.

You couldn't pay me enough to take a job in Zilargo.

Ghorrin Redblade

Ya know, I had the EXACT same association. To the point that I considered naming him Garak d'Sivis. And I must say, he was one of, if not the, best or most colorful character of that series.

And likewise, never much cared for the tinker-gnomes or mischievous illusionist. Sly information-brokering puppet-masters? That I'm on board with.

I have decided on a name. Revion Telthanellyn, a Korvairian Half-Elf Inquisitor who travels while looking for poor souls to help in their time of need. This is because of his devotion to Dol Arrah. He grew up among the Valenar Elves, and as he aged they found his human side more than they were willing to bear. To them, he was quite the rebel, as he felt that people and goodness had a higher claim than laws often did. This was not to say that he hated rules, he just felt that to put a law higher than a person was wrong. Laws for the sake of laws meant nothing to him.

He travels for a few reasons, he was wanderlust from his human side, and the desire to right the wrongs he would encounter in the places he visits. He feels that he is better served as a wandering champion of the downtrodden in the name of Dol Arrah over staying in a place that has less use for someone of his mindset.

This is the general outline of what I have so far. I have not integerated the meeting of your character yet, Dreaming Warforged. Let me know how this works with what you have come up with.

Perhaps we would have met at a time when Nik'o might have been open to the notion of redemption. We would have worked together in freeing him from the clutches of a small time thief, learning to cooperate.

On the boat, i would spot you, though the reverse might depend on your rolls...

Argh! I am torn between power attack and intimidating prowess. They both would work wonderfully with the build I am coming up with and I can't decide which one I want. :|

GM Mason's Full Submission-Archaelogist Bard Flavored as an Artificer

First and foremost I am looking for commitment. Given the slow pace of pbps, this game could run for years into the future. This will not be a problem. I am active on the boards and post multiple times daily.

Secondly, I am looking for interesting characters. Well-written backstories, personalities, and motivations will improve your chance of being selected. Working on that now. I love Eberron, so I will have a background that flows well with the campaign setting and allows you opportunity to use it in future situations.

If you are the kind of player who likes having the plot spoon-fed, this is probably not the game for you. While I have written out a considerable amount of plot for this campaign in my notes, I wing things a lot and get my GMing energy from what the players do. I GM two Eberron Campaigns on these boards. I love creativity in RPing. Not following a strict AP is very inviting!

Character story stuff: Submissions should include a backstory, your character's goals/motivations, and a brief description of your character's personality. Optionally, include your characters greatest fears. Working on this now.

My current Eberron Games:
Queen of the Dead
Rise of the Vampire King


Halfling Bard (Archaeologist) 3
NG Small humanoid (halfling)
Init +4; Senses Perception +9

AC 19, touch 15, flat-footed 15 (+4 armor, +4 Dex, +1 size)
hp 24 (3d8+6)
Fort +3, Ref +8 (+1 bonus vs. traps), Will +4; +2 vs. fear
Defensive Abilities trap sense +1, uncanny dodge

Speed 30 ft.
Melee dagger +4 (1d3+1/19-20) and
sawtooth sabre +4 (1d6+1/19-20) and
scorpion whip +4 (1d3+1)
Ranged composite shortbow +7 (1d4+1/×3)
Special Attacks archaeologist's luck 6 rounds/day (+1)
Bard (Archaeologist) Spells Known (CL 3rd; concentration +5):
1st (4/day)—cure light wounds, grease, vanish (DC 13), Repair Light Damage
0 (at will)—dancing lights, detect magic, ghost sound (DC 12), mage hand, message, prestidigitation

Str 12, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 15
Base Atk +2; CMB +2; CMD 16
Feats Lingering Performance, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot
Traits vagabond child (urban), helpful halfling
Skills Climb +3, Craft (armor) +6, Diplomacy +7, Disable Device +12, Knowledge (Arcana/History/Dungeoneering/Religion/Engineering) +5, Knowledge (All Others +1), Perception +9, Profession (gambler) +4, Spellcraft +5, Stealth +11, Use Magic Device +8; Racial Modifiers +2 Perception
Languages Common, Halfling
SQ bardic knowledge +1, clever explorer +1
Combat Gear alchemist's fire (2), holy water (2), tanglefoot bag, weapon blanch (adamantine), weapon blanch (cold iron), weapon blanch (silver); Other Gear chain shirt, arrows (40), composite shortbow, dagger, sawtooth sabre, scorpion whip, handy haversack, masterwork artisan's tools, backpack, masterwork, belt pouch, blanket, winter, chalk, wooden holy symbol (Olladra), marked cards, signal whistle, thieves' tools, masterwork, waterskin, 231 gp
Special Abilities

Archaeologist's Luck +1 (6 rounds/day) (Ex) Gain Luck bonus to attack, damage, saves, and all skills.
Bardic Knowledge +1 (Ex) Add +1 to all knowledge skill checks.
Clever Explorer +1 (Ex) Half time to use disable device.
Fearless +2 racial bonus vs Fear saves.
Lingering Performance Bardic Performances last 2 rds after you stop concentrating.
Point-Blank Shot +1 to attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at up to 30 feet.
Precise Shot You don't get -4 to hit when shooting or throwing into melee.
Trap Sense +1 (Ex) +1 bonus on reflex saves and AC against traps.
Uncanny Dodge (Ex) Retain Dex bonus to AC when flat-footed.


The Halflings of the Talenta Planes were caught in a precarious situation during the Last War. Their lands were often the staging point for many major battles between the soldiers of Cyre and the undead armies of Karrnath. The nomadic Halflings did the best they could too avoid the War, but were often caught in the crossfire. It was this very scenario that set Talulah on her destiny.

Her tribe had been all but destroyed as the necromancers of Karrnath marched to Cyre. In the aftermath, she was the lone survivor. At the time, she was only a adolescent. Luckily, agents of House Cannith found her near death as they looked for survivors in the Talenta Plains. She was soon taken to Whitehearth to recover. Halflings of House Jorasco nursed her to health. Afterward, she was trained by some of House Cannith's most skilled artificers. Following a year of intense training, she was assigned to a Cyrian battalion as support for the warforged soldiers. She spent the next few years on the battlefield. Her skill with a bow and repairing warforged grew as she was battle tested.

Her battalion was camping in the Talenta Plains when the Mourning occurred and was unable to return to what was left of Cyre. Like many others, she found herself in New Cyre after the Treaty of Thornhold was signed. Needing a way to support herself, she soon reported to House Cannith. The House was doing its best to work through the loss of so many of its members. She was added as an agent and began working for the House. She now travels to Dvaarnava to research the rumors that the answer to what happened on the Day of Mourning may well lie hidden there.


Sweet feels like she owes a debt to House Cannith for saving her as a teen. She enjoyed her time with the Warforged and takes great pride in her ability to communicate with them and meet their health needs. During the last year in New Cyre, she was introduced to the faith of Olladra. Attempting to escape the horrible memories of war, she has take full advantage of the faith's love for gambling and spirits. She has become quite well known in New Cyre for her ability to win at bones. She has also been known to drink quite a few men under the table.

This is just a way of escape though. She has a major desire to make her life significant. The tragedy of the Day of Mourning has haunted her since the end of the Last War. Many of her friends disappeared that day. Though she presents herself as charismatic and happy-go-lucky, she is a perfectionist at heart and takes her profession seriously. She never could succeed as an artificer, so she took the skills she had and became the best "non-artificer/artificer" she could be.

Her primary motivation is to find the reason for the Mourning and recover as many House Cannith artifacts as possible. Rumors of exotic schemas abound and she wants to be the one to find them!


Sweet fears the horrors of the Mourning. Many of her friends died that day. She still has nightmares of the landscape of the Mournlands as her battalion traveled through the edge of the mist on their way to New Cyre. She wants to learn everything she can to protect herself and others from being effected by it again.

I can change the crunch (Skills/Spells/Gear etc) to meet the party's needs should I be accepted. Thank you for the opportunity to apply!

Grand Moff Vixen wrote:
Argh! I am torn between power attack and intimidating prowess. They both would work wonderfully with the build I am coming up with and I can't decide which one I want. :|

I'd say go with power attack. Let the fighty people do fighty things. Seems most rogue-ish submissions have gone the way of Dazzling Display, so intimidation is probably covered, whoever ends up selected.

Grand Moff Vixen wrote:
I see. Thing is, I prefer to not multiclass. Unless I have a special idea in mind I like to be single class all the way. Sometimes I do a prestige class if it fits what I am trying to do.

Hey GMV not sure what type of inquisitor you are going for but Eberron's got a great divine prestige class Sovereign Speaker not sure how DMB would convert or how some of it would work for a inquisitor. Also I think you would get a lot more mileage out of power attack.

Gedeon wrote:
Grand Moff Vixen wrote:
I see. Thing is, I prefer to not multiclass. Unless I have a special idea in mind I like to be single class all the way. Sometimes I do a prestige class if it fits what I am trying to do.
Hey GMV not sure what type of inquisitor you are going for but Eberron's got a great divine prestige class Sovereign Speaker not sure how DMB would convert or how some of it would work for a inquisitor. Also I think you would get a lot more mileage out of power attack.

I ended up settling for worshiping Dol arrah. With that in mind I would not be able to qualify for the prestige class. It'll work out.

Thanks for compiling the list, Te'Shen/Helac.

GM Mason wrote:

137ben/Deranged_Maniac_Ben: Have you seen this: Eberron/Pathfinder Conversion?

Can I use that conversion if I do half Daelkyr?

I have seen that site. Mechanically the half-Daelkyr conversion looks fine , although you will need a good explanation as to what your character is doing and why they can work well with the group.

Escheton wrote:

Strait inquisitor doesn't get it, but plenty interesting dips exist.

@DMB: The PFSRD shows the daily wage of several hirelings, but stresses this to simply be a guideline/minimum. So how much would you say is the daily wage for a lvl 1 Talenta-Halfling Barbarian with skill focus: handle animal?

For such a specialized request, 1 gp/day.

GM Mason wrote:
Can I take the Repair Light Damage as a spell if we have a Warforged in the party?

Repair Light damage is not a bard spell.

Talulah Sweetwater

Looks pretty solid.

Everyone: Tonight I plan to go through and make more thorough comments on all the complete and mostly complete submissions. I plan to leave recruitment open at least until Tuesday (a full week after I opened this thread). After that I will give people time to complete and polish their entries before picking a group.

OK switched Repair Light Damage with Liberating Command. I can just get a wand of it later if we have a warforged in the group and use UMD. I am trying to flavor her like an artificer.

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