Adventure Path Reign of Winter

Game Master Almonihah

Loot sheet

Current Characters


Male Human Expert 3
(1,458 posts)
Gnoll Ravager

All the Gods Below Games I've Played (Session Tracker)
(3,555 posts)
Grand Lodge Otha

(181 posts)
(342 posts)
Planar Alchemical Catalyst
Dark Archive 000dafi03

|Absalom Initiation Slides

played by asdffghjkl01 (2,756 posts)
Friendly Fighter

Male Human (Ulfen) Fighter 14, HP:129/133, AC: 31, FF: 29, Touch: 12, CMB +17 CMD 32, Fort +12, Ref +6, Will +7/12, DR3/-, Cold Resistance 2, Initiative +2, Warrior Spirit 3/4

played by Kevin O'Rourke 440 (1,060 posts)
Friendly Fighter
Scarab Sages Bulvi Tholsson

Male Human Fighter

played by Kevin O'Rourke 440 (3 posts)
Grand Lodge Chest Thumper

AC29 (34); touch15; flat-footed 24 hp 88/94Fort 10, Ref +12, Will +5 Frost Ape Male Frost Ape 14th level Companion N Large animal Init +4; Senses lowlight vision, scent; Perc: +1

played by EbonFist (417 posts)

Corrik Ronis

played by Corrik (9 posts)
Elf Archer
Grand Lodge Fauxdurel

played by htrotter (11 posts)
Elf Archer
Grand Lodge Findurêl

Male Elf Ranger 6th / Zen Archer 4th / Shadowdancer 2nd / Slayer 2nd | HP:139/139 | AC:25 T:25 FF:17 | CMB:15 CMD:34 | Saves F:+17 R:+23 W:+13 (+2 vs enchantments) | Init:+10 | Per: +21| Darkvision 60’ | Movement 40’ | Gravity Bow (x1) Blend (x1)

played by Otha (3,068 posts)

Male Shapeshifting Griffon RoW maps Technomancer 20 | LP Maps

played by Almonihah (2,905 posts)

Interesting Character

played by DarkLightHitomi (513 posts)

Male N Crocodile (Animal Companion) | HP 41/41 | AC 21 T 11 FF 20 | CMB +8, CMD 19 | F: +7, R: +5, W: +2 | Init: +1 | Perc: +1, SM: +1 | Speed 20ft || Active conditions:

played by asdffghjkl01 (22 posts)
Shocker Lizard
Izzy the Croc

Izzy | Male Crocodile | Bodyguard / 3rd | HP:30/30 | AC:17 T:13 FF:14 | CMB:4 CMD:17 | Saves F:+4 R:+6 W:+2 | Init:+3 | Per: +7

played by Otha (2 posts)
Ethem Baler

[Init +1, Per +24, Spd 20'] M Triaxian Druid (Season Keeper) 14th [HP 102/103, AC 19 |ff 17 |t 11, Fort +11, Ref +5, Will +14,] CMD 20

played by EbonFist (492 posts)
Maka Na'Shota

Female Aasimar Kineticist 11/ Monk 2/ Guard 1 | HP: 192/192 NL: 70/192 Burn: 5/11 Buffer: 2/2 | AC: 34(D:39) T: 28(D:33) FF: 34 CMD: 41(D:46)| F:22 R:22 Wi:18 | Resis - Acid:7, Cold:7, Elec:7, Fire: 2+(2*Burn) | Init: 8 Per: 27(LL Vis, DV 60ft)

played by Corrik (1,921 posts)
Grand Lodge Qaw


played by htrotter (82 posts)
The Exchange Quasit*

Female Human Unchained Rogue/14|HP:101/101|AC28,F22,T18|F+10,R+19,W+9|Init+7|SPD30|PER +17|ACRO +19|APP +10|BLUFF +19|CLIMB+9|DIPLO +20|DIS DEV +29|DISG +8|ESC ART +14|INTIM +11|KN(dung)+6|KN(Local)+9|LING+6|PERF +8|SENS MOT +9|SLEIGHT +9|STLTH +19|SWIM +5|UMD+13

played by htrotter (3,098 posts)
Horizon Hunters RoW_bot

played by Otha (20 posts)
Dark Archive Sakitu

NG Female Kitsune Sorcerer 14 (vulpine) | Speed 30 ft. | AC 19, T 14, FF 17 | hp 99/99 | Fort +11, Ref +12, Will +14 | Init +2 | Percep +4 | CMD 20/18 | Spells per day used: lvl1 0/9 lvl2 0/8 lvl3 0/8 lvl4 0/8 lvl5 0/7 lvl6 0/6 lvl7 0/4 | Conditions: none

played by MindXing (1,329 posts)
Selena Snoe Yelizaveta

played by DarkLightHitomi (1,129 posts)
Tezuzu Curseclaw

Male Tengu Monk 1 / Shaman 7 | HP: 47/52 NL: 0/52| AC: 23(D:27) Touch: 16(D:20) FF: 21 CMD: 25(D:29)| Fort: 5 Ref: 9 Will: 11 | Initiative: 2 Perception: 14(LL Vision) | CPE: 2/2 PS: 4/4 SF: 2/2

played by Waltz (635 posts)
Yang Shih

Male Male Fox (Familiar) | HP: 22/22 NL: 0/22 | AC: 19 Touch: 12 FF: 18 CMD: 16| Fort: 6 Ref: 6 Will: 7 | Initiative: 2 Perception: 18

played by Waltz (3 posts)

Current NPCs

GM Lareg

Maps: Travel * Hut and more

played by Lareg (3,347 posts)

Previous Characters

Sovereign Court GM Sapphire Fox

(2,807 posts)
Silver Crusade htrotter

(17 posts)
Kevin O'Rourke 440

Male Human Level 3 Investigator
(1,969 posts)

Alexia Turina

played by Redelia (101 posts)


played by Redelia (45 posts)

Scarab Sages Feyathala NightFire

Female Elf Occultist

played by GM Sapphire Fox (5 posts)
Elf Archer
Grand Lodge Flyndyngylyn

Male Elf Ranger 6 / Monk 6 / Shadowdancer 2 / Paladin 1 / Investigator 1 / Vampire Hunter 1 | LG | HP: 176/176| AC:31 T:31 FF:23 | CMB:21 CMD:43 (57) | Saves F:+23 R:+29 W:+24 (+2 vs enchant) | Init:+15 | Per: +30 | IP: 3/3 | Darkvision: 60’ | Speed: 50’

played by Otha (2,154 posts)
Exo-Guardians Funky Cold Selena

played by htrotter (65 posts)
Furkas Xoud
GM Kevin O'Rourke

played by Kevin O'Rourke 440 (3,971 posts)
Dark Archive GM William

played by OlSmokey (326 posts)
Kalbio of Breezy Creek

Male NG Psychic Searcher Oracle 5 | HP 38/38 | AC 20 T 15 FF 15 | CMB +3, CMD 16 | F: +4, R: +6, W: +4 | Init: -2 | Perc: +4, SM: +8 | Speed 30ft || Darkvision 60ft || Spells: Oracle 1st 2/8 Oracle 2nd 0/5 | Inspiration: 6/7 | Active conditions:

played by asdffghjkl01 (157 posts)
Queen Telandia
Grand Lodge Ibona Perharice

Female LN Half-Elf Investigator (Empiricist) 2 | HP 15/15 | AC 14 T 10 FF 14 | CMB +3, CMD 13 | F: +1, R: +3, W: +3 | Init: +0 | Perc: 15, SM: +9 | Speed 30ft | Inspiration +1d6 0/9 Active conditions: None.

played by Emmjay (216 posts)
Chain Mauler
Grand Lodge Ironleaf Greentoes

Druid 1 Human|HP:11/11|AC15,F14,T11|F+3,R+0,W+5|Init+6|SPD20|PER +6, KnNat +7, HanAni +5| COMPANION:Tiger |AV14,F11,T13|HP11/11|F:+4,R+6,W+2|

played by Emmjay (118 posts)
Sovereign Court Lina Tova

Ac 18 T 11 FF 17| HP 24/24| F+4 R+2 W+4| Init +7 Suli

played by GM Sapphire Fox (22 posts)
Wayfinders Madrigal Seraphine

Female Damya Lashuntas Envoy 2 (Icon). | HP 16/16 STAM 10/10 Res 5| EAC 11 KAC 12 ACvs CMD 20 F: -1, R: +3, W: +5 | Init: +0 | Perc: +11, SM: +7 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: None.

played by Emmjay (196 posts)
Amethyst Ioun Stone

My Announcements

played by DarkLightHitomi (1,710 posts)
Pale Stranger
Dark Archive Tyrael, harbinger of justice

hp19/31, ac17 touch11 FF16, perc +0, fort +8 ref+5 will+6, init +3

played by OlSmokey (50 posts)
Grand Lodge Yu Khan

Human Bard (court bard)2 | HP 15/15 | AC 14 T 10 FF 14 | CMB +1, CMD 11 | F: +0, R: +3, W: +5 | Init: +2 | Perc: +7, SM: +2 | Speed 30ft | Bardic Performance 0/18 rounds/day Active conditions: None.

played by Emmjay (175 posts)