Vermundr |
Male Ulfen Bloodrager 9 | 94/94 HP | AC 19 T 11 FF 19 (AC 26 currently) | Fort +10 Ref +4 Will +8 | Initiative +0 | Perception +15, Sense Motive +0
Zelda | 47/47 HP (0 nonlethal) | AC: 21
Rage 9/23 | Spells: 1st 2/3, 2nd 1/1
I assume I’d need to be in Lothi’s spot to fire up the ladder.
Vermundr delays.
Ahiko |
hp 11/31 AC 15, 11, 14 (11, 11, 10), saves F 2 ref 4 will 6, bab 2, cmb 2, cmd 13, init 1, perc 10 wand 10/50 samsaran witch(hedge witch)/4
appraise 4, craft: carpentry 8, fly 5, heal 7, intimidate 5, know arcana 12, know history 9, know nature 8, know planes 12, perception 10, sense motive 2, spellcraft 11, UMD 7
Ahiko continues to 'play dead' until more folk come up from down below.