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Amazing Stories
Submission Guidelines

These guidelines apply to all submissions to Amazing Stories, including fiction, nonfiction, artwork, and review materials.

Although we do consider unsolicited fiction manuscripts, writers should be aware that most of our editorial content is solicited. While we don’t want to discourage new writers from submitting, we want you to have realistic expectations and to send us only your very best work. Please submit only one story at a time. To be sure your query or ms receives our full consideration, we advise you to adhere closely to our submission guidelines; proofread your work carefully; and use standard letter-size paper and a readable font, such as 12-point Times or Courier.

Nonfiction: Features, Interviews, Reviews
We consider queries for 1,000–4,000-word original feature articles and shorter pieces for our departments. Please be aware that most of our feature articles are assigned to experienced published authors. New writers are more likely to break in with a shorter piece for one of our departments: “Things to Come” items are timely, high-impact, 100–500-word announcements about people, events, products, and other topics of interest to our readers or enticing 100–500-word previews about upcoming books, movies, comics, TV shows, and other media. “Reviews” are thought-provoking 300–700-word critical evaluations of recent books, comics, movies, and DVDs.

For feature and department articles, please query by mail or (preferably) email with clips of your published work. Do not send complete mss. Your query should include a brief description of your proposed article, an explanation of your qualifications to write it, and some indication of the sources and interview subjects you will use. If you wish to receive a response to a mail query, include an SASE; if you wish to have your clips returned, send an appropriate envelope with adequate postage. We do not consider simultaneous submissions or previously published material.

We review original manuscripts for amazing stories of up to 7,000 words. An “amazing story” uses compelling language to tell a riveting narrative about a fantastical subject or in a fantastical setting. Our stories include—but are not limited to—those traditionally called speculative fiction, science fiction, fantasy, supernatural horror, magical realism, utopian/distopian fiction, superhero, and futurism. Please mail us your finished ms with a cover letter and a list of published credits. If you wish to receive a response, include an SASE; if you wish to have your ms returned, send an appropriate envelope with adequate postage. We do not accept fiction submissions via email; emailed fiction will be ignored. We don’t consider simultaneous submissions, previously published material, or poetry.

Art Submissions
Send disposable copies of your portfolio to the magazine address or email links to your online portfolio to

Review Copies
Amazing Stories regularly reviews books, comics, and DVDs, but we might sometimes feature exceptionally story-focused electronic games and other products (toys, games, collectibles, art, and so on) of interest to our audience. Naturally, we cannot promise that all submitted items will receive reviews.

We try to notify writers of the status of their queries and mss within three months. We appreciate your patience. Please don’t phone or email us about your query or ms unless we have asked you to.

Copyrights & Compensation
We buy first worldwide English-language publishing rights. Our standard rate for fiction and nonfiction is 10¢/word. Contributors also receive two copies of the issue in which their work appears.

Contacting Amazing Stories
Send inquiries, clips, and electronic portfolios to or to the address below.

Send manuscripts and review materials to:
Amazing Stories Submissions
Paizo Publishing
3245 146th Pl SE Ste 110
Bellevue WA 98007