Actual Play Podcasts

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Hello Fellow Pathfinders!

So my group is about a month or so away from being finished with our first AP, (very exciting for us!) and while I'm still invested in the story as it comes to a close, I'm also looking to the future for our next story.

When we begin our next AP (maybe thinking of doing Curse of the Crimson Throne, not sure yet) we were playing with the idea of recording our sessions and doing an Actual Play Podcast. I personally love listening to them but it seems that most of them seem to piddle out after a few months or others that I just can't get invested in for whatever reason.

My question to the masses is "Do people still enjoy listening to Actual Play Podcasts of written adventures and AP's? And if so, what do you like about them? What do you dislike?" What draws you in and keeps you listening as weeks and months go by?

I'm just trying to get some basic ideas before taking it back to my group and seeing if this is something that we should pursue or not. I'd really rather not become another group of players that record their sessions for a month or so but then make the same mistakes and fade away into the ether.

Any advice or thoughts would be wonderful! Thanks everyone!

I listen to a lot of them but there are few that are done well. Some things that I think are important:

-sound quality. If you can’t do quality sound I won’t listen
-editing. These things really benefit from editing. Not much but there is stuff that happens st any table that a wider audience will not find entertaining.
-follow the rules as best you can and don’t fudge rolls. If you are playing Pathfinder, Play Pathfinder. Too many podcasts devolve into audio drama posing as an rpg.

I think it’s really hard to do a quality podcast. You need a GREAT GM, good role players who are funny without being too silly and you need a committed group who can hold to a set schedule. That is really important. For example the glass cannon has never missed a date in 2.5 years.

Anyway those are my thought. Good luck with it. I always need more to listen to.

Scarab Sages

pogie wrote:
For example the glass cannon has never missed a date in 2.5 years.

I was going to mention these guys, as well. If you haven't listened to them already, I highly recommend the Glass Cannon Podcast. It's a lot of fun, and I'm sure you could glean some strengths from it.

Look at Rusty Quill Gaming, too. I can’t recommend them enough it terms of editing and sound design.

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