I just discovered Wolverine claws are a thing in Pathfinder.

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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Real world information on Tekko-Kagi.

I can now make Wolverine in Pathfinder.

For the record, the weapons that Vega uses in Street Fighter are a form of Tekko-Kagi. So they aren’t all so short, if anyone was concerned about their size.

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Plus, if you have/are allowed by GM to use the Technology Guide, you can get an implanted weaponry cybernetic.

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Boot knife for x 23!

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To be Wolverine buy a pair of adamantine tekko-kagi and a Wand of Hide Weapon. I'm quite certain that spell was Wolverines-inspired.

Damn I have that book and missed that spell. Thanks Gisher.

Hmm permancy on that spell?

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Also, iron claws hurt like crap, man.

I also always pictured any power that lets you grow claws (e.g. Beast totem) as using wolverine-like claws over modifying nails.

Shadow Lodge

Like when he lost the metal?

WatersLethe wrote:
Also, iron claws hurt like crap, man.

Beware, he starts playing the song about big butts then beats you up.

For Wolverine:

Fast Healing
+5 Adamnite Tekko-Kagi
Hide Weapon (Tekko-Kagi) and Permanency
Stone Bones spell and Permanency
Scent, Keen Senses

There is more to "The Old Kanucklehead" than meets the eye. Ironically if you can get a spell/class ability to add Scent, half-elf might actually be a good race to build from. Reflavor giant elf ears into hair instead...

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber


Mark Hoover 330 wrote:

For Wolverine:

Fast Healing
+5 Adamnite Tekko-Kagi
Hide Weapon (Tekko-Kagi) and Permanency
Stone Bones spell and Permanency
Scent, Keen Senses

10th level Brutal Pugilist Barbarian?


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