Curse of the Crimson Throne: Security of the Bank of Abadar

Curse of the Crimson Throne


we are playing the CotCT-AP at the moment and my char is kinda saving up to buy a house.
In consequence, my char moved his savings to the bank of Abbadar.
BUT, i only got a bill of exchange and i have been told by the clerk, that everyone who can produce this bill can access my money.

My first thought: WTF?

No security whatsoever? No password, no magical identification gimmicks, nothing? I get robbed or my room gets robbed, and poof the money is gone?

Is there an article or something describing the inner workings /securitity measures taken by banks in Golarion?

I would at least suggest to integrate two layers of passwords and magical identification of some kind.

Any thoughts?

I meant identification, not security..sorry.

I am sure such extra security measures are available to those in the know, at a cost.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Most adventures don't go into this level of granular detail on a small aspect of the campaign setting. The Curse of the Crimson Throne AP certainly doesn't, and heck, even the Campaign Setting books don't. Adventures are designed to tell a compelling ACTION story, and they focus their word count on helping the GM tell that kind of a tale. Giving in-depth descriptions on how the Church of Abadar handles the security of their deposits does not lend itself to telling an action tale unless the adventure is a bank heist. Spoiler alert: CotCT does not contain a bank heist storyline.

When I run a game of Pathfinder (and YMMV), and run into issues like this, I assume that any organization that has had SEVERAL THOUSAND YEARS to work out the kinks in their system and which is backed by the power of a god would have pretty tight security. Your GM may run it differently, however.

Silver Crusade

Kelemvor187 wrote:

we are playing the CotCT-AP at the moment and my char is kinda saving up to buy a house.
In consequence, my char moved his savings to the bank of Abbadar.
BUT, i only got a bill of exchange and i have been told by the clerk, that everyone who can produce this bill can access my money.

It makes absolutely no sense, of course. In our real world things akin to cheques have a VERY long history and had more security than that.

IIRC (its been awhile) there is at least one place in CotCT where you kill some bad guys and find bank drafts that you can then trivially turn into cash. So, at least its the case that the total lack of security sometimes works in your favour :-).

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