Discord / Roll20 Homebrew Game Interest Check


As the title implies, I wish to check for interest for a voice game I plan to do on Saturdays 730pm for 8pm. GMT +2

Pathfinder system. Still working on the character generation details. But will start out as lvl4s

I'm willing to expand on the world a bit if people are interested

Races : 16RP and below. No race builder. Yah. I know. Sad :(
I will add Spellscales to the list. If interested I will post the build.

Classes: no occult. No gunslinger.. But bolt ace is fine. Also. Unchained. Except monk. Can choose if Unchained or not

As a side note:
If your class or race is in any way linked to dragons. Bloodline or surface, there will be a few things I will explain

Will be looking at 4 players. A friend of mine will join. She is the 5th spot.

Alignment : no evil. No CN.


*echoes from the sewers*

Ill join if you dont mind, have a character in mind, do you allow Dream scarred press' psionics and/or Path of war?

Well. Not PoW. Have no clue about it :P

But Psionics I have recently begun using myself. So for now it's a yes =^^=

Theres just a feat that lets you Dex to Damage.

Essential for my Dex build.
P.S. i'm GMT +3, Ukraine.

Ooh, sorry, i thought you're hosting a PbP game, i wont be able to participate in a voice game, still up for a PbP campaign throughth.

What's your build if I may ask?

No worries then =^^=

Will see what pops up


Go here, at Mythweavers.


Incrementally a striker and super utility guy. His geshtalt version is much more durable, but if not he'll need a flank buddy or a defender friend to pull agro away from him.

Is this still recruiting? I am interested, please pm me

I'd be potentially interested in playing.

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