Deleting Aliases

Website Feedback

How does one go about this? I can't seem to find anything that tells me how.

You can't if you've posted with them.

You can rename them if they have fewer than eleven posts.

Otherwise, once you make that first post it's established. :-)

Ok. Thanks, Cap.

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True. Think of an alias as the root of a directory. It would be an extremely difficult task to go through the entire Forum and remove every post from that alias before it could be removed. Not only that, but the posts that are replies to those posts. It's simply not worth the effort.

Lantern Lodge

It would be nice to be able to mark them as inactive so they didn't clog up your drop-down list though.

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You should see my alias drop menu.

Silver Crusade

If you install Paizo Forum Tools extension on either Firefox or Chrome, you can mark aliases as inactive, but they still show up on drop-down list.

All of my aliases are active.

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Oh the pain, the pain of it all!

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