Round 2 Recruitment for Monkeygod's Lords of Creation


Greetings. I am assiating Monkeygod in a second round of recruitment for his currently active Lords of Creation game. The original recruitment can be found here.
If you already applied in that thread please repost here for the sake of bookkeeping.

Rules found here

We are currently looking for a few gods to emerge from the original pantheon and continue the creation of the world. It would be good of prospective gods read the ongoing gameplay thread to get a general feel for the tone the game has taken so far.

Recruitment will end fairly quickly as we were already expecting a new crop of his at this point.

Atheos, god of skepticism wrote:

As a current player, just a breakdown of what we currently have, in case it gives anyone ideas:

-2 lawful gods
-2 chaotic gods
-3 neutral (regarding law/chaos) gods
-4 good gods
-2 neutral (regarding good/evil) gods
-1 evil god
Gods of:
-Fate, music, stars
-Rulership, justice, war
-Nature, predators
-Creativity, invention
-Elves (sort of), magic
No gods of:
-Death, afterlife, reincarnation, etc
-Any of the major elements (yet)
-Regular old chaos
-Light or darkness
-One pantheon, the "Gods of the Vault" of 6 gods who have taken a pledge to not destroy too much stuff
-One moon, "Kirtavo," home to constant storms of glowing magic and a race of glowing magic people
-No sun
-Two continents
-Two intelligent races (for anyone who wishes to play a new mortal just ascended to godhood): the "Irtara" (glowy, chaotic inventors who live on the moon; Tissari can provide more info), and the "Cull," giant hive-mind and strongly predatory; Zakaz can provide more info
-One demigod who could probably be promoted to full-godhood by an interested player (the TN "First Librarian," an Irtaran given power by Atheos to record and enforce the history and laws of the material plane)
-No outsiders of any type (yet)
-One outer plane (the "Great Axis," a LN plane arranged in rings of increasing/decreasing lawfulness, currently only populated by giant ant-dogs)
I think that's everything I can think of right now.


-a large percentage of the Itara have been transported to the Planet by Zakaz in an attempt to teach them invention by necessity. One such adventure by a Itara named Mirri, is being chronicled in detail by her goddess.

-Apedemak has won patronage of the Lions from Zakaz in combat. The devastation that their battle wrought was turned into a bioluminescent lake by the First Librarian.

-the Elves have been created upon their own mountain/island/mini-continent

Also, we have humans now. But they're very primitive at the moment, even compared to the other first races.

And human females can now be diviners!

I would heartily welcome some aid from any who are interested.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Going to catch up w the campaign and submit. Thanks for PM

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Therien The Eternal Eclipse; The Burning Blood; Lightbringer
Domains(Portfolios): Blood, Sun (Pain, Heat)
Theme: Conflict among the gods leads to the birth of evils.

Attack: 4d6
Defense: 3d6
HP: 30

When gods spill their blood and being onto a land, especially one formed of their own wills, there are bound to be unforeseen side-effects. The battle between Apedemak and Zakaz spilled much of their essence, essence which pooled formless into the Sea called Fire by the First Librarian. In a godly act of theft and creation against his own nature, Atheos spilled yet more blood, including his own, upon its shores in order to form man.

The Blood of Gods spilled over ambition, deceit, and self-harm settled to the bottom of the Sea of Fire and became Fire. Giving truth to the words naming the Sea, the Fire ignited the waters, turning them to plasma not unlike that of the deepest volcanos. The plasma at once knew itself. Rejecting the world and peoples as lesser creations – subject to the will of the gods, but not born of the blood of their passions- the Plasma leapt into the Night Sky, burning bigger, brighter, and hotter as it flew. Behind it, the Sea of Fire, a shadow of its former glory, roiled and splashed, a wake of ash, steam, and salted water.

The new godling moved to a position on the opposite side of the moon from the world, stoking its light and heat in the darkness, and bringing this light burning to the other side of the moon. This strange new light threw the moon’s side facing the world into shadow, so much stronger was the light emanating from it, appearing to those on the world’s surface as a halo around the seemingly blackened moon.

The campaign needs a Sun, and why not a Sun with a different set of physical laws from ours. A sun which is always eclipsed by the moon, a burning halo of light and heat. In a sense, the moon protects the world from the heat and anger of the Sun.

This would dramatically change life on the moon, so there’s that to consider. I expect that Therien’s Sun will continue to grow in size with his anger over the workings of the gods. Born of the blood of their strife, Therien will be a god of strife and blood. (I see blood sacrifices to the Sun in his future.)

Therien is spiteful over the nature of his birth, considers some of the gods as fools, but lacks the power to face them on his own, feeding his resentment and impotent anger, growing a need to direct these frustrations upon the creations of those gods.

Y’all need some more Evil.

I like it. :) Pending final approval by the Creator, you're in!

I love it! Welcome to Lords of Creation!

Cool! Welcome, Therein!

Is this still open? I saw the old recruitment thread was at least somewhat rolling, and I have an idea for a God that fills a niche you haven't filled yet; I'd be interested in building a god of death and the afterlife for this game, possibly also dealing with the element of water. If this is still open I'll go ahead and start looking through the rules and building a character.

It is still open, yes.


My god is semi interested in the elements, but more as a collective whole, than them individually.

Also, sounds like you're interested in a more TN god of death, akin to Pharasma, than an evil one?

That is correct, definitely a True Neutral god as opposed to an evil one. I'm definitely thinking I'll go with a god who has at least something with water, potentially oceans but I'm certainly set on that or anything.

Name: Azrael; "The Pale Reckoner", "Lord of the Shallows", "The Maelstrom King"
Played By: JDPhipps
Domains (Portfolios): Death, Water, Weather (Storms)
Alignment: Neutral
Attack: 4d6
Defense: 3d6
HP: 30
Description: A being cast into being from the darkest depths of the oceans, Azrael was born when the first of the mortals died; even without an afterlife, someone needed to shepherd the souls of the dead after they had passed. Azrael at once knew his purpose, catching the soul stuff between his fingers when it reached him. With nowhere to hold the souls of the dead, they writhed about him in a vast and billowing storm. As the godling grew to understand his purpose the souls about him congealed into an ever present mist, but when his temper is stoked the storms come again.

Let me know if any of that is too far reaching or anything, but that's what I'm thinking so far.

Interesting concept for a game.

My first thought was going to be a "Thunderbird" Air god who would be a god of storms. But it looks like you have a storm god already.

Maybe a god of Earth, Darkness, and Greed. Seems like you need more evil gods. The earth offers "gifts" like gems and metals to tempt the avarice of mortals and bring them into his servitude. Gradually races of mortals dedicated to him would migrate underground and the darklands are created.

Is that viable?

JD, FYI, beginning gods start with two domains with one portfolio attached to each.

A god of the sky is totally viable. The only storms currently are the Mindstorms on the moon and the occasional Mindstorm on the Planet.
That being said, a god of the earth is viable as well.

Ah, I gotcha.

I'll probably drop Weather for now and pick that up later, maybe as one of my first actions of the game. Otherwise, I'll grab Oceans as the portfolio for Water and Underworld as the portfolio for Death, if those work. I was originally going off of the subdomains for the domains as portfolios, but none of the listed ones for Death make any sense. I guess I could grab Psychopomp.

JD, as I have said in the discussion, feel free to have your domains and portfolios be pretty much anything you want. As long as they make semi-sense, you should be fine.

Ya, pay no attention to the Paizo domains. I have a couple that match, but I also have Evolution (natural selection).

Also, so you know, as soon as you enter you'll have to make a cosmic decree that souls exist because right now nothing has an immortal soul.

Okay. I think this'll be my finalized version, then.

Name: Azrael; "The Pale Reckoner", "Lord of the Shallows"
Played By: JDPhipps
Domains (Portfolios): Death (Underworld), Water (Oceans),
Theme: God of Death and Rebirth
Alignment: Neutral
Attack: 4d6
Defense: 3d6
HP: 30
Description: Formed in the deepest bowels of the ocean, Azrael awakened to this newly formed world when the first mortal died. Erupting from the depths, coughing and sputtering as his godling body coalesced into something that could remain on the Material Plane, he stood upon the vast oceans and caught the soul between his outstretched fingers. With nowhere to take them, he merely wrapped the soul about his body like a cloak of mist, ensuring safe keeping until such a time he could warp the fabric of reality to create a home for the wayward souls of man.

Azrael appears as a thin man wrapped in a long black cloak, with very pale skin and piercing blue eyes. He always appears to be cloaked in mist, and his presence lends any place he resides a bit of dampness. He isn't wet himself, but wherever he goes he leaves a faint trace of water; whether damp footprints, puddles, or what have you, there is always some sign of his passing. He is a quiet god who is slow to anger, his opinions always measured and a long time in coming.


This work for you guys?

Yup! Welcome to Lords of Creation!!

OK, for my god idea, does the god have to come from the current universe? Is it the whole of existence? Or is this universe just one of many and the gods can come from some other plane?

Not sure how I feel about "Thunderbird" vs. the dark Earth god. Still a little torn. Also, another one occurred to me, a god of time who is from the far future and sent himself back in time to start over.

The current universe is the only one, but many planes within this universe are possible.

Time gods are warned against in the rules because of the confusion they bring. Convoluted or criss-crossing time lines are the bane of PbP because you eventually need a flowchart just to keep track of it all. Even if you could handle it, chances are others would just come away confused.

It looks like I'm going to take over GM'ing a campaign that died. So I don't think I will have the time to devote the creativity needed for this kind of game. So I am bowing out. Enjoy the game, guys!


Is there a god of Fire yet...? I'm thinking of a deity of fire and the forge, father of the dwarves, so to speak, but I'm not sure who all is there already.

Nope. I have a good who will eventually gain an elements domain, but more like them working in harmony than individually.

Name: Lortimas, the Burning Dragon, Forgefather
Played By: PrismaticMonk
Domains (Portfolios): Fire (Lava), Dwarves (Ironcraft)
Theme: God of Fire and Dwarves
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Attack: 4d6
Defense: 3d6
HP: 30
Description: Formed from primordial lava, Lortimas erupted from the lava lakes as the first mountains formed. For a long time, he was slow and unprovoked in those burning depths. He rested and even slept in the magma roots of the earth. But his dreams were sometimes perturbed, and as he tossed in the fiery lakes of lava, volcanoes erupted forth from the earth.

As time passed, some of the lava cooled, forging veins of metal in the rock. The great dragon woke when the ground cooled enough, and Lortimas saw the metal that glowed when fire touched its surface. But he could not get to it himself. His great claws destroyed the metal, which melted back into the pools of lava he lay in.

Lortimas appears as a great fiery serpent sometimes with wings of hardening magma. He is less dragon-like in appearance even though he calls himself that, and more like a winged snake. Surprisingly, Lortimas is usually found sleeping in pools of lava, and is not quick to anger, but can be quite destructive when he is.

(I imagine that my first divine act would be to attempt to create the dwarves. Lortimas really wants the glowy metal!)

Approved, though, I am curious why LE in alignment?

Lortimas primary motivation is Greed and Self Preservation. He is an underground dweller who hates sunlight. LE felt right for some reason. (Extremely destructive under the right circumstances.)

That actually sounds NE to me, not that it matters, I just didn't see anything in the initial write up that said 'evil' to me.

Well now that a death good exists a god of undeath would fit right in. I should have a idea written up by tonight.

Name: Morlt the Risen. "The Deathborn". "The Consumptive Creator."
Played by: Ludvic Hearthrend
Domains: (Portfolios): Undead, Vice
Theme: God of the undead and the fulfillment of life vices.
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Attack: 4d6
Defense: 2d6
Health: 40
Description: Born from the regrets of those who died with unfulfilled desires. With the advent of mortal life needs began to arise in them as well. As death began to claim these mortals their desires and unfulfilled vices tore at them as their lives faded away. The want to live, to experience, to consume once more was snuffed out. But from death rose Morlt. Dragging himself from the dirt that took hold of the death, he was born from the base desires of the flesh.
Morlt is a tall skeleton with elongated arms and legs. His eye sockets are filled with black onyx that seems to trap the light that falls on it. Silver ingots made up the material of his teeth. Tangled in his empty rib cage are various chains of precious metals. Rings adore both his hands and toes. His his gem studded bones he wears lush silks of purple and black. Finally a crown adorns his head, small platinum chains connecting it to his collar bones.
(I'm thinking his first act would be to begin the propagation of the undead in the world.)

I love it! Approved!

Hey, if you're still looking for gods, a friend of mine is playing and he mentioned it to me. I have an idea that should be interesting.

Name: Arathoth, He Who Lurks in Night, The Creeping Shadow
Played By: kamenhero25
Domains (Portfolios): Darkness (Fear), Beasts (Monsters)
Theme: God of Darkness, Night Time, and Monsters
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Attack: 4d6
Defense: 3d6
Health: 30

As long as conscious thought exists, emotion and belief will persist. And for every positive emotion, there is a negative one. For every person who feels hope, another will despair. For everyone who feels safe, someone else fears for their life. And for every tale of a hero or a wise man, there is one of a monster that creeps in the shadows and preys on the weak. Arathoth is this monster. Born from the fears and superstitions of man given shape, his purpose is to bring those things to life.

Arathoth's physical form is mutable, but usually he appears as a dark-skinned man, completely bald with eyes that look completely white. He's disturbingly lanky and bends in ways that do not look right no matter how you look at it. His mouth is an empty void and the closer he is to shadows the more indistinct he becomes until he's nothing more than a writhing mass of darkness and strange monstrous limbs and body parts.

A couple of character notes: My idea is basically that this guy is one of the 'bad guy' god. He creates monsters and even monster species (there need to be some gnolls and orcs up in here) for the purpose of frightening people and pushing humans to fight them. He doesn't really want to wipe anything out or anything like that, but he wants humans to experience fear and fight against it because that's just what he is.

Awesome!! Approved!!

Just curious, who's your friend?

Excellent! I'll put together an alias quickly.

JDPhipps, the guy playing Azrael. I was talking with him over the weekend and he talked about creating reincarnation and forming a pantheon and it sounded awesome.

Also, brief question. Should we post in right away? Should we just post in our birth and first actions? Just want to make sure I know what I'm doing.

Yup! Feel free to post right away, including birth, and spending as much of your starting AP as you desire.

Looks like Zakaz is going to have some work to do with all this evil creeping until the world. After this Shess thing, that is. :)

Since you're approved, come over to discussion and ask there, just to keep recruitment clutter down.

So I am not applying for this game (and I mightve been too late anyways) but I found this old gem and figured I might share it with you :)

Well Im not applying, but if I was, it would be with this:

Claptrap was a simple maintenance droid on the planet Pandora. Yet this Claptrap was not without its faults, being prone to glitches he developed his own eccentric personality. Sadly, this personality was defiant of his betters and so he was shipped off to Pandora.
Once there he quickly developed a love for explosives and it became his personal mission to create the biggest explosion possible, and eventually to blow up the planet. He succeeded.
This one tiny droid had managed to accumulate so much explosive power within a single place that he managed to crack the planets crust, fracturing it irredeemably and exposing its core. Whats worse Claptrap was still unsatisfied (after all, the planet still existed) and he then succeeded in creating a permanent interplanetary portal from the heart of the core to... The heart of the nearest sun. How, no one quite knows, and any who did died on that planet. Truly Claptrap had managed to create the biggest explosion in all of history as he simultaneously vaporized the planet and drained a sun, and in this exchange of colossal energies, Claptrap was transformed, instead of being destroyed he ascended to godhood.

Claptrap would be the Paragon of robots, explosions and planetary disasters. He would be highly eccentric and whimsical, sometimes straight out irrational. He would receive a quiet, small prayer from every little robot that does its job, and a loud, unquiet scream from every robot that goes rogue. He would give blessings to every small disaster that hopes to become something more, often encouraging them to brighter, more vibrant blazes of glory. :)
His domain would be a plain of eternal combustion, similar to the plane of fire but infinitely more volatile where everything is in a state of constant destruction. Here the native creatures are beings of pure logic and code, unbound by physical circuitry. Here the axis of chaos vs law is extreme and with very little middle ground, yet most entities that exist here possess some degree of both, law in logic, chaos in combustion. Or the creatures that exist here are almost universally lawful, bound as they are in logic yet existing in an environment of pure chaos, with the god being the exact opposite, built out of the pure substance of law and order yet has personality of pure eccentricity (chaos).

What do you think?

Enjoy ^_^

That's a mighty creative concept there. :)

And yes, recruitment is still open, but we will be having more conversation about potential gods than we have had in the past. We've had some disagreements that have influenced how we are running things.

One thing I will be implementing is all new gods must be the child of one of the current deities, and they must discuss said relationship with their parent, and keep me informed as well.

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